Me: Hope you like this chapter!
This is the one almost all of you been begging for!
I put a poll up about which story you want me to do next. I'll get started next month in the new year!
No One's POV
Hiccup curled up under the blankets, head resting against a pillow. Behind him, Toothless laid with an arm laying across Hiccup's chest. Unlike Hiccup, was sleeping, Toothless was awake and watching Hiccup sleep.
Smiling, Toothless turned Hiccup's head and kissed him. Hiccup opened his eyes and smiled. When Toothless pulled away, Hiccup gave him a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, hey, Toothless. I'm happy to see you too, buddy."
Toothless laughs, nuzzling Hiccup's neck.
"Morning, Hiccup. How did you sleep?"
Hiccup hummed.
"I slept well. Drempt well. And I got the best morning wake up call that I could have asked for," Hiccup says.
Toothless chuckles. The hand on Hiccup's chest going lower, not that Hiccup could see as Toothless kissed him again.
"I got something better to0."
Hiccup only had time to make a confused sound before Toothless stars palming his groin. Hiccup gasped, arching into the touch as Toothless laughs. Giving Toothless a glare at the sudden touch.
"Toothless, what are you planning?"
"You know what. We waited long enough."
"...Okay, Toothless."
Toothless smiled.
Toothless placed a hand behind Hiccup's head, Hiccup yelped as Toothless suddenly pulled him in for a kiss, Hiccup emitting a low groan at the force. Seconds later, Toothless is on top of Hiccup, hands at his waist as Hiccup out his hands in Toothless hair. Kissing soon became making out.
Hiccup moans as Toothless's tongue slip into his mouth. Hiccup blushes, rather embarrassed at the sound from a simple action. Toothless laughs, pulling away. Hiccup could feel himself getting hard, Toothless as well. Hiccup turns red even more when Toothless purrs.
Toothless pulls himself away from Hiccup, a smile on his face. Both their eyes are glassy from lust. Toothless chuckles and nuzzles Hiccup's face. Moving his head, Toothless kissed her ear before whispering, "Once we start, I won't be able to hold myself back."
Hiccup smiled.
"Then don't hold yourself back."
Toothless looked at Hiccup and smiled. He nuzzled Hiccup's neck, giving it a couple kisses. Toothless pins Hiccup to the bed, both of Hiccup's wrist in one hand. Toothless smirked down at Hiccup, who playfully glares up at Toothless, his wings spread out behind him and his tail curling around Toothless's waist.
Hiccup then gasped as Toothless grabbed his night shorts with his own tail and yanked them off. Then, still using his own tail, Toothless takes off his own pants, leaving them both naked.
Toothless only had a small blush on his face while Hiccup's face was full blown red.
Hiccup moans as Toothless leaned down and started kissing his neck. Hiccup blushes when he feels Toothless's member against his stomach. Toothless started to move down more, letting go of Hiccups wrists and rubs his hands against Hiccup's sides.
Toothless smiles and takes Hiccup's member into his mouth, starting to suck. Toothless hummed, making Hiccup blush and cover his beet red face.
"Okay, okay- no, Toothless! Aw, come on...don't tease me," Hiccup whined.
Toothless chuckled and continued sucking. He really loved teasing Hiccup. Toothless moved his hand to Hiccup's back and start rubbing in between the wings. Hiccup gasp, arching into the touch.
Pulling himself up, Toothless stops sucking to watch Hiccup make gasps each time he rubs between his wings. Curious now, Toothless reach over with his other hand and rubs Hiccup's tail. Hiccup lets out a shout, covering his mouth.
Toothless laughs.
"Sensitive between the wings and tail, uh," Toothless teases.
Hiccup blushes. Toothless reaches up and removes Hiccup's hand from his mouth and sticks his own fingers inside. Hiccup moans around the fingers in his mouth. After about a minute, Toothless removes them and traces Hiccup's thigh.
Toothless slips in four fingers, stretching Hiccup. Hiccup moans loud and long. Removing his fingers, Toothless looks down at Hiccup and kisses him.
Toothless presses in and Hiccup screams in bliss into Toothless's mouth. Toothless starts to thrust against Hiccup, moving in and out. Moving his mouth, Hiccup presses his face against Toothless's neck, his toes curling in pleasure and slight pain.
Hiccup feels the knot the second it enters him, causing him to groan. Toothless becomes harder in his thrust before he suddenly froze, groaning as he came.
Toothless and Hiccup sighed as they relaxed, holding each other. Finally, Hiccup opens his mouth and speaks.
"I knew it. I'm dead."
Toothless laughs.
"No, your not. I feel it too. I could get used to this."
Hiccup huffs.
"What, is it always going to be this way? Cause..."
Toothless kisses Hiccup to shut him up. Pulling away, Hiccup looks a bit dazed.
"Could get used to it as well. I'll stay with you for life, Toothless, I love you," Hiccup says.
Toothless smiles, pulling out, making both of them groan.
"I love you to Hiccup," Toothless smiles.
Toothless pulls Hiccup up and off the bed, cleaning them up with a rag. Hiccup walks over to their dresser and Toothless puts his pants back on. Toothless watches as Hiccup get dressed, putting his underwear then pants on.
"So, ready for the Blood Child ritual? Ready to be a parent," Toothless asks.
Hiccup freezes and sighs, putting his shirt on.
"Honestly? I'm a bit scared. I don't know how to be a father, but I know what I can do as a father. I want my child or children to have the life I never had. I know I'll mess up at times, but not every parent does it right. However, I know that it will be exciting and joyful, despite those bad days that are bound to happen. I'm ready as I'll ever be," Hiccup says.
Toothless smiles, taking Hiccup's hand and pulls his new mate over to the door.
"There will be days where we will panic, get angry, or want to pull out our hair, but we got this. Your not alone and I'm not either because our friends and family will help out. And you are right, every parent messes up, no one is perfect so we will be just fine."
Hiccup hugged Toothless.
"We're bonded Hiccup, we'll always be together. The bond is permanent and we'll never be apart," Toothless says.
Hiccup looks up and smiles, "I'm glad for that."
Five Years Later
No One's POV
Five Years have passed and a lot of things happened. The Night Furies have removed the Black Mist around their Island, no longer wanting to remind hidden,
Heather and Fishlegs got married, so did Camicazi and Snotlout, Thuggory and Astrid, Eret and Ruffnut, and Katrina and Tuffnut. Trying to plan those weddings took awhile because each couple wanted to go to first or go on a certain month that was already taken by the other.
Stormfly and Sharp Storm mated as well and have about three younglings.
Mom's and Dad's love never went away and they got remarried, redoing their vows again. The village of Berk loved going through that again because the first time was amazing.
Then of course, before all that, was the Blood Child ritual Toothless and Hiccup did. They now have a son with took after Hiccup's looks, but Toothless in personality. They named their son Moonlight. They also have a daughter who took after Toothless in looks, but Hiccup's personality. They named her Sunlight.
Hiccup laughed as he watched his twin son and daughter play fight with Toothless as he sat on the ground. my life. I have a loving mate and a wonderful son and daughter. Peace has brought changes in a lot of ways. Course there are always people out there trying to ruin that peace but we stand up tall, not wishing for the peace to end Hiccup thought.
Hiccup got up and walked over to the cliffside, watching the waves.
My life was trampled, busted, and covered in scars, but that all has changed now. My life is better than ever before. This is my home. It's our home.
Hiccup jumps when Toothless appears next to him, wrapping an arm around him. Moonlight and Sunlight stand in front of their parents, holding each other's hands. Toothless looks up and gestures with his head. Hiccup looks and sees a large group of ships coming appearing over the sea waves. With their sight, they could see that the ships had cages and people armed for an attack.
Those who attack is are relentless and crazy. But as the ones who stop them, we're even more so.
Hiccup shakes his head and lets out a roar. Hybrids begin flying off the Island and towards the ships.
We can be small and weak in numbers, but we can stand for something bigger than anything the world or anyone can pit against us. We are the voice of peace. And bit by bit, we will show the world and change it.
Hiccup, Toothless, Moonlight, and Sunlight watch as the Hybrids met with the ships, attacking with skill. The family of four looks at each other. Their wings spread out and they hunched down, preparing to jump.
We have something others who refuse to see have. Yeah, they have armies and armadas. But for us? We have OUR HEARTS OF DRAGONS.
Hiccup, Toothless, Moonlight, and Sunlight give out a banshee screech as they shoot up into the sky.
Me: I hope you liked the final chapter.
I'm almost sad about stopping it, but I got to or else I'll start to lose ideas and this story will start to suck.
Have a Merry Christmas and a New Year!