Okay I finally had a chance to sit down and relax for a moment and decided to type up a mini-chapter for all my loyal readers.

First off im sorry i haven't had the chance to do more I only get the inseration to write every so often, and I spread it out to all my currently posted stories and the many stories I haven't decided to post yet, so I am sorry to say that most of my story are postponed until further notice, but I will be posting my 'up for adoption' stories as often as possible so that anyone that wants to write one of my ideas can.

So mini-adventure for loyal reader coming right up!

Ashs Mini-Adventure

Ash blinked, looked around, closed his eyes counted to 5 then opened them again, it was still there, Ash tilted his head curiously.

"Mew?" Mew tilted his head and continued with his body until he was upside down.

Ash giggled "Hello kitty" Ash said patting his new friends head giving another giggle when he purred and butted his head against his hand.

Then Mew seperated from him and went to the large amount of toys and phyciced many over with cheers and playful backflips.

So Ash decided after getting a glance of his surroundings that he would go with the flow and play like a child was suppose too.

Playing ball with Mew was fun especially when they got there abilities invaulved, Ash was sure Riley didn't mean he should use Aura Sphere to hit the ball when it was close to the ground or use his aura to help with his speed to run round Mew knocking the ball in all directions.

After playing Mew curled up with Ash for a much needed nap.

After the nap Ash and Mew went exploring, and found himself watching a few eggs hatch Aerodactyl was pleased when Ash said her hatchlings were as healthy as possible.

Ash and Mew tasted the ancient fruit and almost got stomped on by two Tyrantrums battling it out over a pretty gem they came apon.

The two were then beaten black and blue by two over protective Gyarados, while Harry shook near the fruit tree clucking a growling and hissing sparking Shinx.

This did not please Mew one bit and he ended up blasting the two into the near by lake as punishment.

And gave the scared Ash the pretty gem which he found was an odd shapped Shappire, Emerald mix, it swirled in both colors, Pretty indeed!

Ash accepted it, along with the twos appologies.

Ash feared for the two ancient pok'emon if Queenie ever found out.

Ash played with the ancient pok'emon and Mew for days Exploring the 'tree' and even found the guardian Regis, teasing them was hard work, they seemed more then amused with the duos antics then anything else.

Ash was dismayed that neither he nor Mew could get them to play with them, Ash even tried to have a starring contest with Regirock.

Ash will never ever try to out stare a pok'emon that didn't have eyes again, though Mew was more than happy to give the game a try.

Mew and Ash were even on that game, they both could stare for large amounts of time, but Mew was more adapt to doing it as it air stunge Ashs eyes if the kept his eyes open for long.

After awhile Ash was found by an irrate Lucario, who Ash imediatly showed him to the heart of the tree with Mews permision.

This was where Lucario learned the truth of his masters passing.

Ash was then told to say goodbye to his new friends and was quickly taken back to his frantic, scarred, and worried teacher.

After Ash shared his little adventure with Riley and the true history and what really happened to Aaron to the queen, Ash turned to his teacher with a smirk.

"You do know that Queenie isn't going to like what happened right?" Ash said innocently.

Rileys eyes widden and he goes pale, he turns to his student to request safty only to see him being dragged out to play by a bouncing wild Riolu.

Queenie was indeed not happy with Riley, and perceeded to make good on her threat to thunder bolt him.

Well there you go my loyal readers some happenings in the tree and some fun with Mew, along with some trouble with some T-rex like pok'emon dispite the fact they don't origanate from Kanto.