Hey, sorry for the slight delay in the chapter. My family flew over and it has been a little distracting for my writing. Though, the main reason was that I simply had writer's block. Yes, even if I am using the canon story I can have trouble thinking of what to write. So onto the story I guess

A few days later, the class was listening to Aizawa going over things and telling them about upcoming news. Most of the class was hardly paying attention by how boring it was. Nothing interesting really happened since they came back from their internships, so it was pretty understandable.

"And lastly, remember that your final exams are coming up soon. You all better be reviewing the material for it. Not only will there be a written exam, but also a practical. Don't slack off or procrastinate, that's all I have to say" Aizawa said before taking his stuff and walked out of the room. The moment he was out of earshot, hell broke loose.

"WE DIDN'T STUDY ANYTHING!" Kaminari and Ashido yelled. The two of them had the lowest scores on the midterm, ranking at 19 and 20, "With the Sports Festival and Internship, I barely had time to look at the material!"

"I agree, our busy schedule did make it difficult to incorporate studying" Tokoyami groaned as he was ranked at 14.

"This exam really has me worried. Our midterm didn't seem that difficult, but I have no idea how hard this one will be" Sato said nervously to Koda, both of them just barely under the halfway mark at 11 and 12.

"Heh, I'm not worried about this test at all. I did rank in the top ten" Mineta said smugly, who surprisingly ranked at 9.

"How the hell did you rank 9 on the midterms?! Perverts like you are only likeable when they're dumb!" Kaminari screeched while accusingly pointing a finger at him.

"Trust me, everyone will like me"

"It doesn't matter if you're the smartest in the class, no one would like someone as perverted as you are" Mineta flinched as he recognized the voice and turned around. Midoriya was giving him a look of unamusement with the slightest hint of a glare. After the now dubbed 'Locker Room Incident', Mineta has become fearful of the green hair student who clearly shows that he wouldn't tolerate his pervertedness. At the same time, he had become a favorite of the girls as they often thanked him for teaching the little roach a lesson. He was just full of surprises that always catch everyone off guard. Speaking of which…

"Nevermind him, explain how the actual hell you ranked first in the class?!" Ashido exclaimed. Much to everyone's surprise, he had managed to ace the midterm and rank first along with Yaoyorozu.

"The material was super easy to study. Just download the textbooks to my system and I can skim through the entire thing within seconds at anytime. Besides, it wasn't like it was difficult in the first place" Midoriya explained like it was so obvious, "So if you want to go to the training camp, I suggest you get started ASAP". After the internships, Aizawa announced the class would be taking a trip over the summer. It was supposed to be a fun camping trip for all of them, or that's what they mostly interpreted. However, he did give a warning that whoever fails the exam will be taking summer school instead. Naturally, no one wanted to miss it.

"Hey, I could help you study if you need help" Yaoyorozu offered.

"Really?! You're the best Yao-Momo!"

"Hey Momo, can you tutor me as well? I'm having a hard time understanding some formulas" Jiro asked, managing to actually rank 7

"Can I also join in? I could really use the help" Sero pleaded, ranking on the lower end at 17. A few more of them also asked to join the study group as it just a bandwagon at this point. Even so, Yaoyorozu was literally sparkling with each new request.

"Of course! It would be my honor! When we're finished, you all will be exemplary students!" She declared.

"Yeah!" All of them cheered.

"There's so much I need to get ready! I must call mom to inform her to get the great hall ready! Then there's the type of tea to prepare!" She began mumbling animatedly.

"Wait, great hall?" Sero asked confused.

"Tea?" Ashido asked equally confused.

"What tea does everyone like? While I would recommend Harrison, you all can teel me what you prefer! This will be a very productive study group!"

So bubbly, Everyone thought with a smile on their faces.

Is that what I look like when I mumble?, Midoriya thought with a chuckle. From how other people described it, it looked creepy by how intense he would look.

"Hey Midoriya, want to join us? With your help we're sure to pass the exam!" Kaminari asked.

"I'd love to, but I'm afraid I might be too busy to attend"

"Busy? How can you be busy, you literally said you can study the material in a few seconds!"

"Simple, I like to spend lots of my free time working on projects. Some of the projects I'm working on can really help me out in the future" he responded.

"I swear to god Midoriya, what doesn't your quirk do?!" Jiro's exclaimed with an exasperated tone.

"I know for a fact that it can't attract the ladies!" Mineta randomly shouted with a smug expression. All of the girls looked at him with disgust while most of the guys simply facepalmed.

"Well anyhow, I'm going to the workshop now. You can ask me any questions you have if you find me not doing anything" With that, he walked right out of the room and made his way to the design studio. He's already been there a few times so he had the route memorized like it was the back of his hand. After a few twists and turns, he arrived at a huge metal door with a sign next to it. It was built that way so that it would be difficult to be blown off if an explosion happened. Though there was a huge difference in being difficult and being impossible. Right before he walked in front of it, he activated Speed Gear in preparation of what would happen next. On cue, an explosion happened and the door was blasted off its hinges. It was easy to avoid it thanks to his power, but he had to learn it the hard way.

"Why is it that the door is always blown off the moment I arrive?" He asked with unamusement.

"Ah, I see you're here right in schedule! I always try to finish up what I'm working on so I can watch you work!" A voice responded from the smoke. It was none other than Hatsume, the eccentric tech lover who was apart of his Calvary team.

"If that's the case, please stop doing that. You're going to get banned from the studio at this rate"

"He's right you know!" Another voice shouted. This time, it was an irritated Power Loader, "I can't begin to count the number of times you've caused an explosion here! You better take his advice or else I will ban you from here!"

"Fine, I'll try. Why can't you people understand the true art about being an inventor?" Hatsume asked, "Forget it, tell me what you'll be working on today?"

"I'm just going to focus on my recovery items and Projec Alpha" Midoriya replied while going to a workbench and pulling out a huge container. After quickly putting in a lengthy password and scanning his hand, he unlocked it and took out his work. He was pretty paranoid of Hatsume or anyone else messing around with his work so he made it that no one but him would be able to open it. Any attempt to do so would immediately alert him so he could rush over and stop them. Back to the task at hand, there was two separate projects that he was working on right now. The first were recovery items that would allow him to quickly replenish health and weapon energy. Energy drinks were not that efficient to use in the middle of battle. The basic form were small balls that he can pop into his mouth and chew. The first part was the hardest, making a consumable substance that would provide the effects. He tried using inspiration from the items that Megaman used, but he was a robot and consuming those things would most likely not be safe for humans. So far, he had made a few samples that could possibly have the restoring effect and were now testing them to see if they were safe to eat. The first two he tested were straight up lethal and would probably kill him the moment he eats them. The third seemed plausible, but there was a high concentration of a specific element which he just realized could have suspicious side effects. The fourth had the best results as it had safe levels of each element and wouldn't harm him. He discarded the other three and picked up the fourth one. He took a small spoon and sampled the taste of it.

"This is disgusting!" Midoriya quickly spat it out as grabbed a water bottle that was nearby and chugged it down. The sample had a putrid taste, so much so that he almost threw up on the spot.

"So, How did your taste testing work out" Hatsume asked with a grin on her face.

"My top priority is fixing up that taste, I do not want to throw up in the middle of a fight" he replied sourly. Now he understood what Uraraka feels after using her quirk too much. After going through that, he decided that he was going to work on this another time. He swapped it out for the other project. Project Alpha was probably the one that he was most eager to complete. His inspiration was also from Dr. Light's time, but he planned on remaking it to exactly how it was. The thing he was making was a robot that the Doctor created, a robot dog by the name of Rush. He was made to be a partner for Megaman and also a house pet. Midoriya learned about him from the memory files and instantly realized his usefulness. Right now, he was working on completing the hind legs. This was an important part as they not only had to work as legs, but also be able change into jet engines. One of Rush's abilities was being able to fly while someone would stand on his back. This ability was crucial for him as he would be able to fight in the air and travel long distances without expending energy. Back to the legs, an issue he was having was trying to figure out how to make them quickly transform between legs and jets. He already knew how to make them reform, he just wanted to make it as fast as possible. The cause of the problem was that he wasn't familiar on the building techniques that Dr. Light used so he just used his basic understanding of robotics and just work from there.

"Do you need some help Green bean?" Hatsume asked, mysteriously materializing right next to him.

"I am having some difficulty, the form shifting is taking too long for it to be used during combat" Midoriya simply muttered to himself, already gotten used to the antics of the pink hair girl.

"If you're having problems, why don't you let me see what I can do" She said while slowly reaching for the part. Before she could reach it, her hand was swatted away immediately.

"I don't care if I need help, there is no way that I'm allowing you to mess around with another project. You're just going to blow it up like the last one" he said with a glare.

"Come on, it was only one time!" She whined.

"Hatsume, that was the fourth time you've blown something of mine up. I didn't even say that you can use it, you just stole it from my desk and started tinkering with it!"

"Come on, please? I really want to see how it works!" She begged while using puppy eyes. Unfortunately, it seemed that he was just immune to it.

"No" Midoriya finished before turning back to continue working on the legs. Hatsume pouted and huffingly marched back to where she was working at.

A few hours later, it was time for lunch and all the students gathered in the cafeteria as normal to eat. At one of the tables, Midoriya was sitting with his group of friends while making small conversation. The group consisted of Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, and Todoroki who recently started to sit with them.

"So, I assume you all are properly studying and preparing for the upcoming final exam?" Iida asked, who had ranked third on the midterms.

"Yeah, I just hope I do good this time" Uraraka replied with a blank expression due to the fact that she had scored in the lower half of the class.

"Don't worry too much about it, it will only distract you" Tsu said.

"In my opinion, the only thing you should be worried about is the practical, we don't have any idea on what we'll be doing" Todoroki somehow clearly said while slurping his soba.

"Yeah, our lack of information makes it difficult to plan ahead and train based on it, but that could also be a lesson as heroes don't have the luxury of knowing what's going to happen" Midoriya said to himself. Based on what they have been doing since school started, it has to be either combat, rescue, or possibly both. Maybe he could try asking some of the teachers for any hints, though they'll most likely just say that he'll have to wait until the practical. As he was thinking, he felt a light blow to the back of his head with not much power to it. He snapped his head back to see that it was the blonde hair boy from the cavalry battle, Monoma if he remembered, looking at him with a condescending face.

"Oh sorry, your head was so big that it's impossible not to bump into" he said in a mock apology.

"Look, I don't care if you did it on accident or on purpose, you look like you have something to say to us so just go ahead" Midoriya said with an annoyed tone.

"I wouldn't get full of yourself just because you're from 1-A, all of you are just attention seeking brats. You guys just love being in the spotlight, with the USJ and now the Hero Killer"

"Hey! It's not like we wanted to be involved with either of them! My friends actually got injured because they were caught into them on accident!" Uraraka argued.

"As if, you don't mind getting hurt so long as you become popular. Where does that leave the rest of us? With your greedy pursuit for fame, you're going to drag all of us into your issues. Now that doesn't seem very hero like, now does it?"At this point, Midoriya was visibly holding himself back from going off on him. He didn't care that he elbowed him in the head, but he wasn't going to allow him to insult his friends like that. He was about to stand up and give him a piece of his mind when the orange hair girl from the Sports Festival walked up to them. She was extremely casual as she walked behind Monoma and struck him in the neck with a karate chop. He slumped over and nearly dropped to the ground before the girl grabbed his collar.

"Sorry you had to see that again, he just doesn't know when to stop" she said with an apologetic smile.

"Umm, It's quite alright, though he was quite aggravating. You're the class rep of Class 1-B, Itsuka Kendo if I remember" Iida asked.

"Yep, it's nice to actually meet you all. The only person I know from your class was Yaoyorozu from the internships"

"It's nice to know that you aren't antagonizing is like he does" Uraraka said with a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for that. Actually, I heard you all talking about what the practical is going to be about and I might be able to help. I'm friends with an upperclassman and they told me their exams was fighting robots like the entrance exam"

"Hold on, We're just fighting robots?" Midoriya asked in surprise.

"Wouldn't that technically be cheating, asking people who already took the exam?" Tsu asked.

"Well, they didn't tell us that we couldn't do it so I assume that is is allowed" Kendo replied with a shrug.

"As underhanded as it sounds, that could be what they wanted us to do. Gathering intel is a crucial aspect to being a hero" Iida remarked while rubbing his chin.

"If that's the case, then we should tell the rest of the class so they can prepare as well!" Uraraka exclaimed with a grin. While most of the table were on board with the idea, Midoriya was skeptical about it.

Are they really just going to make us fight robots? If they use the same ones from the entrance exam, then the people with the best scores are just going to be the people with quirks good for combat. It also won't test our strategizing skills as these robots are simple in their programming. The best way to test our skills is if we face human opponents, and we definitely aren't facing each other. That means the only option is…the teachers, Midoriya thought. It makes sense, they're the best people to test out improvement as they have watched them improve. They also know their strengths and weaknesses so they can make us work around them. Though there has to be an alternative way to pass besides defeating the teachers in combat, mainly because they have more experience. The biggest problem now was if he should tell his classmates. For all he knows, Kendo could be right and they'll just be fighting robots while his idea could be wrong. So until the exam, he'll keep his theories to himself.

For the next couple of days, it was entirely just preparation for the final exams. Everyone was studying for the written portion either individually or in groups like Yaoyorozu's. According to Kaminari, her estate was large with a huge manor where they all studied in the great hall. Others simply poured over the textbooks alone in their rooms. Additionally, they were also training for the practical as well. While most of them were practicing how to quickly destroy robots, Midoriya was analyzing the teacher's quirks and developing strategies to take them down. They ranged from fairly simple like Aizawa to almost down right impossible like All Might. Soon, the written part of the exam had arrived. Three days straight of bubbling in answers on multiple choice questions to writing responses for the essay portion. Once they were all finished, it was time for the highly anticipated Practical exam. All of them had gathered in front of one of the testing areas suited up in their costumes. Most of the teachers had gathered up as well and were standing right in front of them.

"Okay, you guys will now be taking the practical portion of your final exams. Do you all have an idea on what you'll be doing for it?" Aizawa asked with his usual drawl.

"Yeah, Robots! This exam is going to be so easy!" Kaminari said smugly whole most of the students had confident smiles.

"Actually" a voice said from out of nowhere, "You are all wrong!" Principal Nezu shouted cheerfully while popping out from inside of Aizawa's capture tape.

"Huh, what do you mean we're all wrong?" Uraraka asked in confusion.

"I assume you tried getting information by asking your upperclassmen what they did. However, We decided to change up the exam for various reasons. So, instead you all will be- facing off against the teachers?" The principal's explanation was cut off by Midoriya's comment. All the students looked at him in shock at the prospect of facing the teachers while the teachers themselves were mostly surprised, "You are correct, Mr. Midoriya. Might I ask how you came to that conclusion?"

"Well, I figured that fighting robots wouldn't really test our improvement. So besides fighting each other, the teachers were the best option. It also explains why most of them are here right now" Midoriya explained.

"Wait! You're telling me you knew this whole time and you didn't bother to tell us?!" Mineta yelled in anger.

"I didn't know if I was right or not"

"But still, you could've said something" Kaminari to sighed dejectedly. Most of the students felt the same way while others looked indifferent. The only one that stood out was Bakugou who actually had a huge grin on his face.

"Well congratulations on figuring it out. Your exam will have you all face off against the teachers in groups of two. You and your partner must work together to either restrain your opponent with special handcuffs or cross the exit, both giving you a passing grade. If you fail to complete either requirements before thirty minutes or are defeated, you will fail this portion" Nexu explained while showing them the handcuffs.

"Each of you guys should take some time to discuss a strategy with your partner. Each fight will be monitored by the other teams so you can take note of their strategyand how to improve yours. For the pairings, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu are with me" Aizawa said while pointing at the two.

"Kirishima and Sato shall be fighting against me" Cementoss said while bowing.

"I'm taking on Tokoyami and Asui" Ectoplasm growled.

"Iida and Ojiro are with me" Power Loader said with a bored tone.

"Hagakure and Shoji will be facing me" Snipe said.

"Miss Uraraka and Mister Aoyama will be my opponents for this exam" Thirteen said.

"Yeah! Jiro and Koda, you two listeners will be fighting me!" Present Mic shouted.

"Sero and Mineta, I'm going to have fun with you boys" Midnight said while licking her lips.

"I will be the opponent of Mister Kaminari and Miss Ashido" Nezu said with a friendly smile, "And for Mister Midoriya and Bakugou…"

Wait, what?!, Both of them thought in shock as they looked at each other. Before they could voice their thoughts, a huge figure slammed right into the ground and nearly knocked all the students off their feets.

"I AM HERE… TO DEFEAT YOU, HEROES" All Might said in a menacing tone.

"All Might?!" Both of them shouted in shock.

Of all the people I could've gotten, I just had to face the strongest person here with the worst possible teammate, Midoriya mentally groaned. His relationship with Bakugou now was...shaky at best. While it was better than it was before, it still wasn't good to easily talk with him. Either way, he just doesn't like working with other people in general. The teachers must have paired them up for that exact reason, especially against an impossibly strong opponent.

"Hold on, isn't this a little unfair? The teachers have way more experience and endurance than all of us and you expect us to get past them to pass?!" Kaminari asked incredulously.

"Nonsense Young Kaminari, we knew you would have those concerns and introduced a handicap" All Might reassured him while pulling out bracelets, suddenly dropping the intense pressure he was giving off before, "All of the teachers will be wearing these special Ultra weighted bracelets. These little things add half our body weight and quickly drain our stamina" He demonstrated by snapping in one of the bracelets and his arm dropped a little before he lifted it back up with more force.

"Hold on, were those bracelets designed by a girl named Mei Hatsume?" Midoriya asked when he recognized the design pattern.

"Yep, she won a contest for best design. You might have seen them once or twice in the studio" Power Loader said while snapping the bracelets onto his arms and legs. The rest of the teachers did the same and they looked a little strained for a few seconds before they had adjusted to the additional weight.

"Now with these, you guys have two options open for how to pass. If you think you can beat your teacher, then fight. If not, running away is the best way to go" Aizawa said.

"Okay, the first team will be starting while the others will go to a monitoring room. Be sure to think of a strategy while watching the other teams squirm helplessly around. Good luck!" Nezu said happily as he and the other teachers minus Cementoss walked off to different areas of the campus. The other nine teams were directed towards a monitoring room where Recovery Girl was waiting for them.

"Ah, hello kiddos. You made it just in time for the first match. You all can choose whether you want to watch it or make a plan, the choice is yours" she said. After a few seconds, most of the class left the room with only about four people left. Midoriya had planned to stay at the room, but he figured he should at least try working out some plan with Bakugou. He was able to catch up to him before he disappeared to who knows where.

"Hey Kacchan!" He called. Bakugou seemed to just ignore him as he kept walking without even turning his head.

"Kacchan, can we at least make a plan on how to pass?!" Midoriya tried again, annoyance crawling in his voice. Again, no acknowledgement whatsoever. He then decided he was going to have to be more direct with his approach as he began to walk right up to him.

"Will you stop ignoring me and try to listen to what-" Midoriya began to say as he placed his hand on his shoulder to get his attention. He wasn't able to finish before Bakugou suddenly whipped his arm back. The large grenade gauntlet whacked right into his face and nearly broke his nose. While he wasn't knocked down, he was sent staggering a few steps back while clutching his nose.

"Damnit Deku, why can't you just shut the fuck up and leave me alone!" Bakugou shouted angrily into his face. Midoriya was still a little shell shocked from the strike and it took him a few seconds to process what he said.

"..,We're fighting against All Might, the strongest hero alive and you expect me not to try and make a plan?" He asked in disbelief.

"Exactly, I don't need your fucking help and I never will! I can beat him myself!"

"Kacchan, are you even listening to yourself?! All Might can wipe the floor with us instantly, even with the weights! The only way we can get past him is if we work together, that's the point of the entire practical!" Midoriya argued, getting close to shouting.

"Then you must be a fucking idiot if you think I'm working with you! There is only one way for a total victory, and that's by beating All Might myself! You would only just hold me back" Bakugou sneered as he began to walk away again, "And if you try getting in my way, I'll blow you up so badly that suit of yours can't save you"

As he was getting farther away, Midoriya couldn't believe what he was hearing. The one time they had to work together and Bakugou decided to go off on his own. Had it been with any other teacher, he might have been less worried. But this was All Might that they we're facing and it would take the two of them to get past him. The thing that angered him the most was how Bakugou still thinks he's superior to everyone, like they are extras that are supposed to bask in his glory. It was time to give him a reality check before he made both of them fail. Marching over to him, he tapped him on the shoulder surprisingly gently.

"I already told you, I don't need your fucking he-" Bakugou was saying while turning around, being stopped by Midoriya grabbing his neck and slamming him against the wall, "What the fuck?!"

"I've had had it with you Kacchan! You always think that everyone around you are useless distractions that are in your way! You can never cooperate with anyone with that damn superiority complex! Can you just actually work with me for once in your life?!" Midoriya shouted with a ferocious glare. Bakugou was actually stunned by how Midoriya suddenly just snapped out of nowhere, he was way more intimidating than he was in the locker room.

"...W-What the hell do you think you're doing?! Do you want to get blown up?!" Bakugou threatened as he shoved his hand right in his face to use his quirk. To his surprise, Midoriya changed to his Explosion form and copied his actions.

"Exploding me isn't going to stop me. For everyone explosion you detonate in my face, I'll kindly give one back. So either we spend our time planning or blowing each other up, so make your choice" Midoriya countered with eerie calmness though it came out muffled. Bakugou didn't know if the person was even the same Deku he knew. Deku from junior high was a spineless quirkless coward that would always talk about becoming a hero, but never had the guts to stand up for himself. The Deku standing right in front of him was a brave and strong fighter who wasn't afraid to back down and would knock sense into people who were acting out of line. Above all, he had the power and the skill to back up every action entirely.

"...Fine, we'll do things your way then. But this damn plan of your better allow me to blow up All Might!" Bakugou said while holding back a feral grin. He wouldn't give him the satisfaction of open acknowledgment of his abilities. Midoriya released his grip on him and took a step back.

"Don't worry about, Kacchan. Whether we decide to capture him or run, there are going to be a lot of explosions" He replied with a grin that was a mix of relief and pure determination.

Last thing, there is a chance that the length between updates may get longer. I was thinking about if I should take a break from this story to make another. Whether it will be MHA or something else, you all are free to make suggestions. While I already have something in mind, there may be a better idea from you guys. See you all next time!