Author has written 20 stories for Bizenghast, Code Lyoko, Alice in Wonderland, Fatal Frame, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, Rozen Maiden, Trinity Blood, Fullmetal Alchemist, Chrono Crusade, Petite Cossette, and Vampires. Lady Moon-Chan Other names: Moony, moonneko, Freya01, loverofvampires, WeLoveAnimeFoxBoys Age: classified Appearance: classified Hobbies: reading and writing fanfiction, reading in general, drawing Favorite anime: FullMetal Alchemist Yu-Gi-Oh! Ouran High School Host Club Naruto anything Hayao Miyazaki has breathed on Zatch Bell Trinity Blood Favorite characters: FMA- Ed, Al, Sloth, Hohenheim, Winry, Rose, Noa, Heiderich, Envy, Greed, Martel, Izumi, Wrath YGO- Yami Yugi, Yugi, Kaiba, Mai, Tea, Shadi, Pegasus, Dartz, Raphael, Allister, Valon, Ryou Bakura, Yami Bakura, Marik, Ishizu Ouran- Ranka-san, Honey, Mori-senpai, Kyouya-senpai, Haruhi, Tamaki, Hikaru and Kaoru Naruto- Naruto, Sasuke, Haku, Kakashi, Kurenai, Hinata, Temari, Shikamaru, Chouji Miyazaki's movies- Chihiro, Haku, Pazu, Sheeta, Nausicaa, San, Ashitaka Trinity Blood- Esther, Ion, Seth, Father Nightroad, Asta Fave pairings: FMA- elricest, royai, edwin, alwin, altercest, alxedxal, tringhamcest, blondpile YGO- puzzleshipping, prideshipping, tendershipping, darkshipping, puppyshipping Ouran- HikaruxKaoru, HoneyxMori, HoneyxKyouya, HruhixTamaki Naruto- sasunaru, hakuabu, naruhina, hinaneji, shikaino Miyazaki- ChihiroxHaku, PazuxSheeta, SanxAshitaka, NausicaaxAsbel Trinity Blood- IonxEsther, AbelxAsta Likes: yaoi, fanfiction, anime, classic rock, country, jrock, coffee with cinnamon, cinnamon and brown sugar poptarts, my friends, rping Dislikes: preps, loud, annoying posers, vegetables, hiphop(a few excpetions) Quotes: (smirk)"Sure, Al. You wanted her topless all because of the array. Riiiight. I believe you." (blush)"Shut up. Just shut up." -Al and Ion, my story The Transmute "There's always a way, remember?" he asked desperately. A tear fell from Violet's eye. "Not this time." -Violet and Klaus Baudelaire, Gaslight, CheotheRagdollSlut "Midna likes Link! Midna likes Link!" -my friend Amber, about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess "We'll say goodbye lost Heaven How we longed for Heaven We're letting go of something we never had Time goes so fast, Heaven is lost..." -L'arc en Ciel, Heaven "Flying cheese monkeys!" -my friend Mariah 6/26/07- I'm soooo sorry! My laptop broke, and that's the only computer of mine that I have OpenOffice on, so, no updates till I get the laptop back, which should hopefully be any day now. 10/18/07: Comcast crapped out on me. I can't get to any websites now but , so I won't be able to update Blood or Wax Museum of the Living Dead until it gets fixed. In the meantime though, I'll finish typing them up so that when our service is back, I'll be able to update rapidly. Also by that time I should be able to upload at least part of Vengeance Seeker, my pet Fatal Frame story, which I've been pimping for a while now but haven't been able to get to because of all the other projects on my plate and my limited time now that school is back in session. -And, while I'm on here, I should note that Lament of the Lambs hasn't been updated because I've developed a bit of a writer's block. I'm trying my hardest to crack it, but for now, just please try to be content with Blood for your Trinity Blood fix from moi. 10/25/07: Okay, all fixed. God, it's good to be able to read fanfics and look up lyrics again! 12/26/07: Here's the deal, peeps: I will not have my laptop again until tomorrow, so no updates till then. And I'll just finish Countdown to Christmas a couple of days late. At least it's still in December, right? 1/11/08: Please disregard the last post ENTIRELY. The CtC bunny is completely refusing to cooperate with me, to the point of hanging a sign on it's enclosure that says not to open until Christmas of 08. So, as a result, I have NO ideas for the last few stories in the Countdown to Christmas collection. In addition to that, my Harry Potter muses were extremely dissastified with the ending to Deathly Hallows, so they've been bothering me. In short, Countdown to Christmas is now on hold. |
Community: | YuGiOh! Land |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Yu-Gi-Oh |