A/N: Finally! An update! Since it's Summer Break, I finally have time to update my stories! So here it is, the long-awaited chapter eight!

Also, cookies to the following people who guessed correctly:

Nusku- You were the first review for the chapter and the first one to guess correctly! Congrats! Snickerdoodles for you!

Aarien-sama- Congrats! Chocolate dipped cookies for you!

B.D. Gerretson- Haha, you'll get the answer to the missing person question soon enough. Also thanks for your correct guess! Cookies with white chocolate chips for you!

azurese4-Thanks for guessing correctly! Cookies with extra gooey chocolate chips!

Spirit of Yugioh- Awesome guess! Cookies with dark Belgian chocolate for you!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Wait, wait! Let me search for it on google! Nope... still nothing.

And Then the Silver Rain Came

Allen nearly ruptured with happiness and relief. He clutched the body in his arms a bit tighter than he should have but it was overlooked.

"Allen-kun, what do you see?" Lavi questioned, noting the boy's expression. His single emerald eye scanned the room but he saw nothing. "There's no one here, Allen!"

"Kanda!" Allen cried, ignoring the redheaded teen's words completely. The younger teen's heart pounded and he smiled warmly. His cheeks were flushed red and his silver eyes were bright.

"Kanda's here?" Lenalee questioned, squinting her eyes toward the direction Allen was looking at. Like Lavi, she saw nothing except the opposite wall illuminated by the flashlights she had carelessly dropped.

Allen did not hear any of them. He didn't want to, and he took a step forward toward the ghost. "Kanda, I'm so glad. I'm so glad you're okay."

And he was. His head was above the clouds and his love for the man before him overruled anything else.

"Give me the body." Kanda said rather tonelessly. Cold onyx eyes watched as the exorcist stopped in his tracks.

The young boy's heart skipped a beat and then sped up quickly.

"W-What?" Allen asked. His mind vaguely registered that something about Kanda was off but the knowledge that Kanda was safe in Allen's heart overshadowed it.

"Give me back my body." Kanda repeated just as emotionlessly. The raven-haired teen held out his hands invitingly to the silver-eyed boy.

Allen nodded quietly and moved forward again as if in a trance. He wanted to please the older male more than anything right now.

"Allen-chan, stop! What the hell are you doing?" Lavi shouted, grabbing Allen's shoulders. Kanda growled out in annoyance when Allen stopped. "I don't see your Kanda but from your expression, he just did something out of character."

"H-He told me to give him his body," Allen answered blankly, shrugging Lavi's hold of his shoulder. The pale boy paused though. Kanda's request was a bit off.

"Moyashi, I love you. Give me my body." Kanda replied evenly. The silver-haired boy's heart suddenly beat a little more faster and his breath hitched. His feet began to move again but this time, it was involuntary. Pearly eyes widened.

"Allen-kun, don't!" Lenalee gasped and grabbed Allen's arm. Allen stopped again, but his feet continued to move under him and he tripped… in front of Kanda.

"Moyashi," Kanda snarled. "Give me my body. Now!"

Dark eyes narrowed into slits and Mugen was drawn. Lenalee let out a scream; the cold blade was pointing right at Allen.

"Holy shit!" Lavi pointed to Kanda when he saw the sword materialize out of nowhere.

"A-Allen-kun!" the violet-eyed girl shrieked. She waved at Allen hysterically. "There's a sword floating in the air! What's happening?"

Both teens backed away a few steps. Lavi picked up one of the shovels and held it in front of him protectively.

"Allen-kun!" Lenalee urged the boy. "Get back! It's not safe!"

The cursed teen did not move. The girl's words echoed vaguely in his mind but his focus was on the raven-haired swordsman.

"This is Kanda's sword," Allen explained, sterling orbs widening as he stared at the sword pointing at him. "Kanda, what are you doing?"

Kanda glared venomously at the exorcist before charging forward at lightening speed. Allen jumped quickly to the left, holding Kanda's body closer to him as they skidded on the ground. He had barely avoided Mugen's blade by a few inches.

"K-Kanda," Allen whispered, betrayal lacing every word. "I-I don't understand. Why are you attacking us?"

The samurai gave no answer but charged forward again. Allen ran to his right but the extra weight in his arms slowed him and he felt a sharp sting as the blade danced across the skin of his back. The jacket ripped with a loud sound and the skin of Allen's back was sliced clean through.

Lenalee screamed bloody murder when blood stained the back of Allen's jacket and dripped to the floor. Allen huffed as he fell to the floor with a throb. He winced; he had landed on his wounded back to save Kanda's body from harm. The ground tore the cut wider and crimson colored the ground.

"Allen-kun!" she shouted, covering her mouth. Tears came down her face and she choked on them.

"Allen!" Lavi ran to the boy's side and pressed his hand down on the wound, staunching the flow of blood.

The cursed exorcist ignored him however. His rain-colored eyes quivered with unshed tears.

"Y-You're not Kanda," Allen trembled. He held the precious body in his arms tightly with uneasy hands as his back throbbed painfully.

"Oh, he is."

The sound of heels clacking ominously against the floor sounded throughout the quiet room. Cold sweat ran down Allen's neck and his breathing became erratic.

"You!" Allen glared, stormy grey orbs sparkling with fury. His teeth ground against each other and his body grew cold. "I thought Kanda exorcised you."

"Oh no," Mizuki chuckled darkly, "I'm not that easy to be exorcised, you see. It'll take a lot more than that."

"What the hell did you do to Kanda?" Allen demanded. He broke in cold sweat. If she was still in this plane of existence that meant...

"He's just my Yu now." she smirked, licking her lips excitedly. The silver-haired youth felt his heart tear to pieces as he watched Kanda walk over to her calmly and stand by her side.

"Who's she?" Lavi asked.

"She's another ghost. You can see her?" Allen asked, eyebrows rising in shock.

"Clear as day," Lavi confirmed.

"You want to see him?" Mizuki smiled though it was a sickly sweet one that sent chills down Lavi's and Lenalee's spine.

At once, Kanda's ghost became corporeal. Both Lavi and Lenalee gasped when the Japanese male's body came into view.

"Holy shit!" Lavi whistled in appreciation despite the situation they were in. "Again, moyashi-kun. You have excellent taste in men."

Despite himself, Allen also blushed bright pink. Kanda looked even better tangible and animated, except that it was prominent the samurai's eyes stared blankly at nothing.

"Yes," Allen nodded slowly. This was bad. How much power did this woman have? He handed the body to Lavi and Lenalee reluctantly. "I want you to run for it."

Violet and emerald eyes stared at him with a look of shock and disbelief.

"Foolish boy, give my husband his body back and I swear we will let you and your friends live to see another day," Mizaki snarled, energy crackling in her hands as she held them up leisurely. Her smile was one that was suited with a cat that was playing with the mice before deciding to kill them.

"Allen, we're not going to leave you!" Lavi protested. All of a sudden, Lenalee shrieked and pushed both boys to the ground. The wall that they previously stood behind was blasted to smithereens. Dust flew through the room and hid everything from sight.

Allen held Kanda's head close to his own as all three teens came out of the dust cloud coughing and sputtering.

"Holy shit!" Lavi shouted frantically, grabbing the shovel and holding it in front of him protectively like a club. "She means business! Allen-kun, what the hell is happening? She's shooting fire!"

"She's become so powerful that she is tangible," Allen murmured. He turned to his side and stared lovingly at Kanda's body before turning to Lenalee with resolve. "Take him up with you and stay in the house. We'll be fine."

Lenalee nodded quickly and followed his command. Her shoes pattered across the floor as she headed for the rotted piece of rope. She scrambled with the effort of carrying a fully-grown man up the ladder.

"What are you doing with my husband?" Mizuki shouted, aiming at Lenalee who screamed but Allen blocked her attacks with his invocated arm.

"Go!" Allen's arm glinted and Lenalee continued her way up. "Lavi-," Allen began but Lavi cut him off.

"No way, Allen!" Lavi shook his head and smirked at him confidently. He held up the shovel defensively and blocked her flames. "I'm staying with you." And then he joked, "Who else is going to tell the tale of Allen and the ghost busters?"

Allen smiled in spite of himself. "Thanks! L-Lavi, watch out!"

"Wha-?" the redhead asked right before blocking an attack from Kanda with Mugen. "Shit! That is one sharp sword!"

Kanda slashed with Mugen but his moves seemed more lethargic than usual and a lot sloppier. Lavi still had trouble dodging the attacks being inexperienced, and once or twice, he felt the blade scrape his skin and blood pour down from them.

Allen, on the other side of the room, was dodging attacks. His mind churned quickly with plans and tactics, or anything that would stop her. His body unconsciously moved on its own accord, trying to move closer so he could strike Mizuki with his Innocence but all he could do was dodge her flames which she sent with fervor.

His stormy grey eyes searched the room anxiously. He watched Lavi out of his peripheral vision. The redhead was tiring and fast. Blood was pouring from the older teen's wounds as new wounds were created every now and then. He needed to end this now before Lavi got hurt any further.

Suddenly, his eyes landed on the wardrobe with the seals inside. Maybe…

"The wardrobe!" Allen shouted suddenly, "Lavi, get her into the wardrobe!"

"What?!" Lavi shrieked, fending himself from the strikes that seemed to come endlessly at him. Kanda was getting slower though, as if his body was gradually losing its life. Mizuki was slowly using the energy that was keeping the samurai on his feet and he was losing the power to move. Seeing the perfect chance, he struck and with his shovel, he hit Kanda in the chest, knocking the swordsman down. "Sorry, dude. I know that Allen loves you and all but this is necessary." He raised his shovel and knocked the raven-haired man unconscious.

The ghost's being flickered in and out of existence until he disappeared.


Said teen grinned sheepishly.

"I'm done here, Allen!" the emerald-eyed boy saluted tiredly.

"You open it and I'll push her in!" Allen yelled, holding up his anti-akuma weapon. Lavi nodded and ran for the closet after he dropped the shovel.

"You will not steal him away from me!" Mizuki screeched, flames appearing in her hands. The redhead ducked and wove in and out of her attacks, displaying excellent agility. He winced when a burst of flame make contact against his left leg, searing the torn clothing and skin there. Lavi felt blood spring from the wound and he slowed down as he ran but he was determined to do as Allen had commanded.

Lavi dove behind the wardrobe as fire brushed his back and burned his shirt to pieces. Mizuki growled in frustration as she missed. No matter; killing the cursed boy was her first priority.

"You must move on," Allen whispered softly, appearing behind Mizuki in a flash. "Your soul must be saved."

His eyes stared pityingly at the woman's anger- and surprised-filled face. His silver claw grabbed her body and lifted it as if it weighed as much as a fly.

"NO!" She screamed, flailing from Allen 's hold. Allen felt cuts form from the sheer power of her struggling.

"Yo, Allen!" Lavi shouted, signaling from his place behind the open wardrobe.

Allen gave a heave of effort as he threw the apparition in the wardrobe and shoved his body against the door, closing them quickly.

The closet full of the sealing wards rattled violently with screams and shrieks of rage. The doors glowed red like coals and Allen felt sweat pour down his brow from being in contact with them. It was burning hot and his shoulders ached. The doors opened slightly and steam poured through, scorching his pale cheeks.

"L-Lavi!" Allen shouted frantically. He pushed with all his might but it was not enough; they were opening again.

"Right behind you!" Lavi answered. He pushed his weight along the closet, keeping the doors shut long enough for the rattling to stop and the screams to fade to nothing. Smoke billowed from the cracks of the old furniture and Allen stared at Lavi who stared back.

He nodded hesitantly. Allen carefully opened the door. There was no one inside, and all the seals that had covered every inch of the interior were curling with small green flames and turning to ashes.

"Is she gone?" Lavi asked. Allen nodded and looked around. Mugen laid on the floor, properly sheathed and without its owner. There was no sign of Kanda.

His blood froze and any sense of fatigue was forgotten.

"Where's Kanda?!" Allen screamed tearfully. He turned left and right, searching the empty basement but there was no one except Allen and Lavi. He thought it over. Mizuki's power was the only source that had kept Kanda in this plane of existence and they had just exorcised her meaning that, they might have exorcised Kanda too.

The mere thought brought any and all stress back.

The small child walked over to the forgotten sword and held it possessively in his arms. He fell to the floor, tired from the exertion of fighting Mizuki and losing his love. His thin chest heaved with fluttery breaths and sobs.

"Allen!" Lavi whispered. He embraced Allen tightly and held the boy's head to his chest with one hand. His other hand found its way around Mugen's hilt. "Let go of the sword. It's not good for you."

"No, no," Allen repeated over and over again, holding it firmly against his body. The silver-eyed boy shook his head fiercely and wailed loudly. His slender shoulders shook tiredly.

He ripped Mugen away from Allen's hold which probably wasn't the best ideas in the world at the moment because Allen writhed in Lavi's arms and fought to regain Mugen. "Calm down. Calm down!"

"Allen-kun! Lavi!" Lenalee called from the top of the cellar. "Are you alright? I called the ambulance!"

"We're fine, Lenalee-chan!" Lavi said. He sighed with relief. "Help me get Allen-chan out of here!"

The emerald-eyed teen pulled Allen to his feet and helped him up the ladder. Lenalee hugged Allen whose eyes were dry without any tears left to shed.

"Allen-kun," Lenalee said gently. "Come inside the house. The ambulance will be here soon." She turned to Lavi and motioned for him to help her carry Allen.

She helped the distraught and exhausted boy with steady hands and led him into the house. Lavi hefted Allen and limped across the expanse with her. He pushed open the door.

Allen's eyes widened when he saw the figure sitting in the chair unaided. He watched as the person stood up and walked languidly to him.

"K-Kanda?" Allen stared at the person in wonder. He relinquished Lenalee's hold on him and tentatively raised his hands to touch Kanda's cheek. It was warm and solid under his quavering fingertips. "Y-You're… you're not—! I mean… "

"Che, stupid moyashi," Kanda said. "Can't you form complete sentences or are you that much of an idiot?" The tone was soft though and loving, without any malice at all. The white-haired boy felt his heart burst with renewed strength and he found that tears began to seep out of his eyes again.

His slender arms embraced the raven-haired man and he sobbed.

"Kanda, Kanda," Allen cried, hugging the person who was flushed with lively color and very much alive. Kanda wound his arms carefully around the small, battered body.

"Moyashi," Kanda whispered, staring at the tearful boy with soft eyes. The sound of an ambulance truck was heard in the distance but only the face of Kanda stayed in his mind as he finally succumbed to tempting sleep.

A/N: So, we're getting there. That magical time we know as the end, which should come in the next chapter or the one after that depending how much I stretch and lengthen the fluff.

Please excuse the horrible grammar since I have no beta (my beta is a guy who is an anti-yaoi fan so there has been no one to correct my mistakes).

By the way, the title alludes to Allen's eyes. Get it? Get it? (crickets chirp) Okay, so maybe it was a little overplayed. Anyway, please review!