The Vampire Diaries
Chapter I: Flight Night: An Agent of Fleeting Heart
So follow, the leader down
and swallow, your pride and drown
when there's no place left to go
maybe that's when you will know
-Unwritten Law
I watched them swarm to the gate like sheep; all ready to be plucked for us wolves. He must have known what I was thinking, because at that moment he spoke.
"Save your appetite till you're done." I turned in my seat, the leather feeling cool against my already icy skin. He held his cocked head in his hand as his arm rested on the armrest. "Be concise and be neat. We don't need a massacre, just enough for the Vatican to know what we mean." I smiled at him, proudly bearing my canine fangs.
"Here." He reached in his jacket pocket and handed me a disk. "This is the Master Code. Put this in the cd drive and it'll automatically pilot the plane straight into the Holy Empire while also transmitting a recorded message, explaining our demands. Those ignorant dogs would run crazy till they give in, but none the less: give in." Carefully I placed the fragile c.d. into my pocket just as he did.
"Remember my young Count." I stopped and felt his hand snake its way up the back of my neck and cup my chin. "Don't let things run out of your control." He stared at me with those same lustful eyes as he did before for a century. I waited for him to bent forward and bless me with his bloodstained lips.
His tongue seduced me to open my mouth for him; allowing him to dominate every being of my body within the heat of a simple good-bye kiss. I could already imagine the usual jealous crowds in the Order, rolling their eyes at us. My Master was known for his cold exterior and to spite them more, I was the only one who could melt through it. After all, I was his favorite. His young Count. His lover and child. And he, my god that I worship.
When we parted our gaping mouths, he gave me one last peck on the corner of my lip for good luck. I knew he was done the moment he released me.
"Well, if that's all." I opened the limousine door, drowning the inside of the car with constant buzzing of the crowd's conversations.
"Don't let us wait for your return too long." He said.
"As you wish, Master." I shut the door and made my way to the gateway leading to the Tristan. Without turning back I could still feel his eyes on me, hovering over like a mother hawk. But I wasn't nearly as concerned as he was. I was ready for this mission long before it was given to me and I wasn't going to let anything spoil my plans.
"Ticket and passport, Sir!" The ticket master pulled his hand out, briefly checking my credentials before allowing me to pass with that disgusting smile on his face. That same smile which all humans wear when they don't give a damn what happens to you as long as you're leaving. I could only smile back at such a mask.
The Tristan was a master hotel of the skies. Decked out in gold molding, red velvet, and golden drapery. Can you say gaudy?
I kept my eyes open for any signs of threat, but it kind of sadden me to say that security was pointless. A human could get caught in a seconds notice, but a vampire. Well, that's what this story is all about. I sauntered my way through the main lobby, making sure to notice all the cameras and passageways on the aircraft while also inspecting what was to become of my dinner.
To my luck, all posh and high class assholes—they taste better. It had been a while since I've had the pleasure of riding in a ship as wonderful as this. It reminded me of a floating palace high above the sky. In the main lobby, the starry night painted the ceiling through the sunroof windows. A mirror image of the dotted darkness which I had seen a thousand times before in my lifetime.
"Excuse me, Sir." I took my eyes off the ceiling and found a petite beauty smiling. "May I help you direct to your room?" She asked innocently.
"I would want nothing more." I answered, handing her my ticket. Her eyes did linger on my white, claw like hands but made no notice of it. The downfall of her life was being polite. What a satire comedy this evening is beginning to be!
"You're on the 2nd floor, room 146." She announced. "I recommend taking the elevator now or it'll be full by the time everyone piles in."
"No need." I responded. "I'm young and walking is just fine with me." If it wasn't for my iron will self-control I would have burst out laughing. Young, please! It made me chuckle harder as the girl smiled, agreeing with me. Pathetic! I hope I eat her first.
I followed the staircase, vacant of passer-byers, all the way up to my floor. Couples, business men, young heirs and heiresses, were out in the hall doing the same thing: jingling their keys before entering their rooms as they checked out the new money.
Being born as a Count in God-knows-when, the complex lifestyle of the rich and comfortable was second nature to me. After living among them as much as I did, you become the expert when it comes predicting who's who and what they want.
Tired of the fleeting memories of my mortal life, I enclosed myself in the sanctuary of my own room. Spacious and chic. Nothing that I didn't expect from the Tristan. I looked at the clock, reading only 6:06 in the evening. The plane should be taking off now and won't be in mid air till at least 6:45.
"God, I'm starving!" I said as I collapsed on the bed. The crystal chandelier shone brightly above my head. "It's too bloody bright here!" With my might, I switched the lights off without moving an inch of my body. Having traveled so far to this one place, tired me out. I'm more desperate for food than I think.
"Who the!—'' A knock on the door accompanied the bell. "What now!" I growled before opening the door.
"Oh! My." Two young ladies, dressed to the nines, stood outside my doorway. There really is a God. "We're so sorry; I thought this was our room! Alexis, you told me it was this one!" The brunette turned toward the blonde. Gold diggers. I knew someone was following me past the first corridor. Probably could sniff me out miles away.
"Forgive my friend!" The dark haired goddess blushed daintily. "Oh, but what a nice setup you have here!" Don't go in here. "Alexis, isn't this a dream!" The brunette slyly maneuvered her way past me with her just as conniving friend following. Don't go in here.
"My my, mister. You sure are living the life." The two circled the room the room, measuring me up for the money they could milk out. They did it. I sighed, closing their door and their last chance of life.
"What can I say," I answered, joining them. "Comes with being a Count."
"A count!" Bingo, they both thought. "Who'd of thought there was royalty left on this side of the continent." The brunette boasted.
"There isn't."
SNAP! Her neck shattered like a straw under my grip. Her blonde friend turned around, only able to register that her friend had fallen dead, and was captured by my hold. She trembled under my touch as I muffled her screams. She clawed for survival but she could tell by my eyes that this was it.
"Shh." I hushed as I shoved her against the wall. "Want a hickey?" I gripped her neck, skin exposing to my eager mouth. Without a moment's hesitation, I feasted on her youth.
It was nearly 6:15 by the time I drained the girl completely and her friend too. Immersed in the heat of the girls' blood, I could feel my body grow limber from this intoxication. And that was only the first two.
With a quick look in the mirror, admiring my vampire beauty with a vampire's vanity, I left without dropping a few coins on the floor for the sake of irony.
"For your services, ladies." I chuckled.
Now to the main bridge.
Not even an hour into my mission and I was already counting the minuets of returning home. But not until the welfare of my three comrades were secured. All of this was for them. If it hadn't been for their loyal services to the Order, my master and the Head Council would have not even bothered wasting time on mourning for them.
I gotta admit, I was jealous of their importance to the Council. Even my own Master insisted to go himself and retrieve them. Couldn't help but wonder if he would do that for me.
The hallways were vacant now. Even a ghost like myself could make music through its silence. By now everyone was in their rooms or enjoying the lovely view from the restaurants. No one would expect a vampire lingering in the halls.
I checked for the blade within my sleeve. Still I can't believe they didn't check me for any weapons. I can imagine the shocked faces of the staff when I slice their throats.
I was in the main lobby now, figuring out how to weave through this beehive and get to the main bridge. Some miserable man was heard mumbling to himself. Peering over my shoulder I saw that he was leaning over the main lobby desk, deciding something about Ham and Cheese or Bacon and Swiss.
"Humans and their sandwiches." I scoffed. Without care, I carried on to the main bridge. With the help of maps framed on the walls I was able to pinpoint the room by following the nearest exists. As I got closer, I began to feel giddy. The ecstasy before the fight was building up, overwhelming my being. I wanted to rampage this entire plane and bath in their blood. That's how bad I wanted this. But my master's words echoed through my ears.
Be concise.
This task which was given to me was of the highest caliber. The council wouldn't have entrusted this mission to some lowly vampire but their very own Count de Meinz. I can already picture their approval and praises.
"Don't get a big head, Alfred." I said to myself. I knew the room was here when I began hearing the low murmers of laughter through the door. Coffee stuck my nostrils. "Be concise and be neat." I chanted.
The doors slide open for my arrival. For that split second, before the humans heard the doors open, I fled for the back of one of the pilots. Plunging my blade into the back and smile at the sound of the blood gushing from his lungs. Bittersweet symphony.
It was as if the air backed away from me, their fear pressing against me like a lover. At once it was quiet before the room flooded with the pounding of their hearts.
"A Vampire!" Damn straight. He gasped. He was next. Faster than their eyes could follow, I danced over to him with my blade high in the air. First I lopped off the head of his associate next to him before plummeting my sword into his spine. I held him close as he breathed a shaking breath.
"Hm? What did you just say? Lowly Human!" I spat, sliding his body off my weapon. Just than the girl gasped in fear. It aroused me. That fear which boiled my blood to an unbearable heat.
She couldn't do anything but back up into the wall. Trapped like a little mouse. Her little heart cried like a caged bird. Not to worry my dear, I'll pluck it out and eat it in front of your face.
My hand flew for her neck.
But my, what a pretty thing. It was that same angel who smiled at me when I boarded the plane. Something of her nature reminded me of a lost and nameless soul who must have held my heart for her own when I was alive. Unless I wouldn't feel this strong sense of nostalgia.
"I'll eat you later." Let her live a little while. Even though I was told countless of times to not save my victims since it was worse than killing them instantly, I couldn't help but not want to savor her. First let me disable the code and than I'll have her for my own.
I pulled the disk out of my jacket and delicately slide it in the thin gap of the CD drive. Once the device was in, the screen shook for a moment as all its data memory was erased and renewed. For a moment I doubted I did it the right way till the craft began to shake. Mission Accomplished.
"What's this then?" I laughed. "Is it alright for it to be this easy! Like a walk in the park." I can feel the council's graces already.
"That's right. We're going to take this big baby to Rome and drop it on the damn Vatican." As I laughed at myself, I couldn't help but not notice my frightened bird.
"That expression is really arousing." I charmed her in the moment of her death. Why not go down with a kiss? "Really. If you're to drink, it's gotta be a woman." Without resistance, she tilted her neck to me; begging me to release her in some small way. I opened my mouth to her skin, bearing my teeth and priming them to pierce her flesh until…
"Um…Miss Jessica."
You gotta be shitting me.
"I was thinking that it was not right to have you treat me for nothing, so,"
"Father?" She sighed. Father! A priest!
"The Vatican!" I gasped.
"Huh!" It's that same loser with the sandwich fetish! I should have killed him the moment I saw him. He stood there baffled in the face of my wrath as drew my blade and dashed for his death. Stumbling for his gun, the priest slipped on the blood and shot an explosion of holy power behind me. Through the mist of burning air, I could hear the two trot out the room, leaving me to burn and blister.
The pain was excruciating! Patches of searing pain dotted my face. The fumes burned my senses. What a prat I was thinking that they wouldn't have sent an agent to counter me! I'll kill him. Sending his head to wipe the windshields of this God forsaken plane.
I ran out of that room faster than a bat out of hell. The disk was in so there's no point in watching over the main bridge. It doesn't matter to me where those two had gone. The thrill of the hunt is much better. But I shouldn't rush things. Only 33 minutes before we reach the Vatican and I want to take my time in my fun. Just because I was warned to not be sloppy, no one said I can't have a feast. Below my feet were 3 floors filled with fresh blood, prime for my fangs. The moon shone for me tonight.
They all ran. All of them screamed to the point where I didn't care who knew that a vampire was on the plane—I was gonna kill them anyway. What that priest did really pissed me off! I couldn't believe that I missed a member of the Vatican! God, what a fucking mistake! I need to get things under control again.
And it hit me than. It's only one guy. Really, we're 12,000 feet up in the air with no where to go but down. That kiddy gun can't shun me off forever. I'll enjoy killing this dog of the church.
By my 39 victim, I was still hungry for more but the blood of that priest teased me. I couldn't ignore it anymore. I had to regain my pride. After he's dead than I can feast on the little rest of the passengers.
All I had to do was follow my instincts. I could hear that girl's prattling heart prance not far from me. Down in the sublevels of the craft I descended to the lowest base of the plane where the two hid. Through the doors I could smell that church stench of candles and water which the priest ranked in. It angered me all the more.
I opened the doors and there the two stood, piloting the plane! Fuck! They disarmed the code! I relish in their fear, especially the young girl's.
"Found you." They spun around in shock. "They were really delicious. The few I had on my way here." The priest ordered the girl to continue piloting but he doesn't know that soon his orders would be said in vain after I was thrown with him.
For the second time I pushed myself off the wall and raced for the priest. He got his gun and fired a shot but missed as I twisted his arm to my pleasure. I flung him through the wall where he crashed into the steel pipes. I forgot how weak these humans were.
"You don't look particularly tasty, so I'll kill you." I stated. As I walked through the large hole in the wall, he began struggling to find his feet. I than noticed he was kinda handsome for a priest. If this plane did have any survivors, wouldn't it be fun to find their priest, raped and dead. What a laugh for us immortals.
Dead end.
"Running is useless." I smiled. "DIE!" As I lunged for him he fell through a safety door and out of harm's way. God must be drunk tonight. I leaned through the rushing air and saw him climbing a ladder to the top of the airship.
"Lucky!" I scoffed. Like I'll let you escape. Without a moment's notice I bolted out of the control room, ignoring that pesky brat at the controls. I'll get to her later. First I need to kill that shit head before getting the plane underway.
With a killer's instinct I knew how to track my way up on the roof. Anything to get closer to my target. Climbing stairs and ladders I found myself on the roof long before he climbed up on the ship.
"Interfering with my work." I called out as he regained his ground. The distance between us was great but I could feel the heat of his body from where I stood. He stood with a grim face but it didn't push me off. I enjoyed his bravery. "They were really delicious. Their screams in the agony of death was the best. Look thanks to them, everything's back to normal."
I desperately wanted to scare him again. He was so much better when he was wimpy but now he stood straight and stern. Like a lord.
"You have gone too far." He finally said. Who the hell does he think he's talking to?
"I'll drink you too!" I yelled through the wind. With all the speed I could muster from the gallons of blood I had just drank to fuel, I flew along the wind with my blade poised for his heart. This was to show how weak the Vatican was against my Order.
"Ahhh—'' I brought the blade down but a sinister hand stopped it. What puzzled me was that it wasn't his! This face! Those eyes. What happened to the priest? Who the fuck is this? What is this? Some kind of trick! I flipped off the ground and away from that monster.
"You're…not human. Are you?" I asked. "But you're not one of us!" For some reason a small presence of panic filled a pit in my stomach. It grew as he began to speak.
"Have you ever thought about something like this? Human beings eat cows and birds, vampires suck the blood of those human beings. Then, there may be something that lives by sucking the blood of vampires out there somewhere."
"I am a Crusnik. A vampire that sucks the blood of vampires." I can't move! Why can't I move? Never! Why didn't anyone tell me that something like this even exists! Why didn't Master warn me! Did they know of Crusniks also? Or did they purely lead me to my death.
"You called it your work, right? But the release of you companions is not your only objective is it? Who is backing you?" I can't tell. Even if I wanted to I can't tell the true identity to my loyal family. If I dare utter a word of their title, than I am to kill myself. I can take him. This airy creature is nothing to my standards. I have murdered more than there are stars. Bathed in their blood and moan at their screams. I am the incarnation of death itself. This—this is nothing.
I stood up and prepared to charge at him again.
"Dammit!" I cried through the air before racing for him.
Foolish move, Count.
His weapon sliced my body in half with my legs casting over the side of the ship. Never did I feel such pain. My torso crashed to the floor. I couldn't look down at my own blood. I didn't have the nerve to see my reflection from the mirror of my pouring life. As I lifted myself up, his weapon crashed on the ground.
This was it. My long life of immortality was at its end. How I wanted it to last longer. Just enough so I can see Master, savor one last taste of blood within a kiss. But for some reason, I couldn't help but feel a little relieved.
"You exaggerate." He said. "You won't die from this will you?" Heh, clever fucker.
"I WAS JUST ASKED TO DO THIS!" I roared. "By Rosenkreuz…by them!" I did it. I sealed my life to its end. I'm about to snip the string of my existence without the help of the Graces.
A force beyond my strength pulled my hand in mid air.
"What the!"
In horror I watched myself thrust my own hand deep into my breast. I could feel my fingers wriggle inside of myself, searching through veins and artillery. I couldn't breathe any more!
"What am I doing?"
I clamped my eyes shut but didn't have the urge to close them forever. With open eyes I saw my own heart, pumping furiously in my grasp. So this is what fear is like. This is what immortality is. Shit! It's been so long that I had forgotten what it felt like. That force squeezed my life and in an instant my world and myself became a skipped page in history.
I really hoped you liked this chapter. There will be one every week with a different diary entry from each episode. The character will always be a minor character and or a vampire of some kind. I really wanted to start on the first episode after seeing the hot vampire kill himself. Heh. I know, I have weird taste in guys.
Still I hope you like how this story is going and please tell me any things that I've missed or got wrong in my story.