Title: Waking
Author: WolfPilot06
Pairing: Tsuzuki/Hisoka
Warnings: Sap,drabble/ficlet,shonen ai, stinky breath
Notes: Again, another old story that I found while scouring my hard drive. Written in response to a drabble request from Brigdh. To people waiting for Abandoned, you'll be happy to know I finally started the rewrite of Abandoned. It's slow going, but eh, it's going. I've sort of half-abandoned Yami no Matsuei for Naruto at this point, though I haven't written any fic for it.
Tsuzuki woke slowly to the rather unsettling sensation of having a heavy mass where his left arm usually was. Tugging at the arm sleepily, he found himself with a faceful of pale, soft hair, a grumbling mound of limbs and torso flopping onto his chest as he blinked. A smile spread slowly across his face as he finally realized what the grumpy mass of warmth currently muttering epithets at his collarbone was, ignoring the feeling of pins and needles as his deadened arm slowly regained circulation.
The smile grew silly as he wrapped his good arm around his partner's bare waist, spreading his fingers along the sleep-fevered skin of Hisoka's abdomen. The boy jerked slightly as he touched his sensitive sides, forcing himself into a coherent enough state to mumble "no ticklin'" at the older man before lapsing back into semi-somnolence again. Tsuzuki chuckled.
"Good morning to you, too, 'Soka." he murmured, tugging Hisoka up his chest. The boy protested sleepily at the jostling, digging an indignant elbow into Tsuzuki in a sadly ineffectual attempt to get his lover to leave him alone. The muttering stopped, though, as Tsuzuki covered his mouth with his own, taking advantage of Hisoka's parted lips to kiss him deeply. Pulling away, Tsuzuki grinned to see a peek of green from beneath inexplicably dark lashes, though the wrinkling of Hisoka's nose spoiled the sappy romance of the moment.
"Your breath smells," he stated. He started to roll away, only to have Tsuzuki roll with him, planting sloppy, stinky kisses all over his face and neck. Despite himself, Hisoka laughed, batting at his lover's hands and grinning as he shoved Tsuzuki out of bed. "Ewww, Tsuzuki, go brush your teeth."
"As the master orders." Tsuzuki quipped, and, with one last kiss, trotted away into the bathroom.
Yeah, that's the end. C&C appreciated, loved, cherished, kept in a little box to gestate. :D