Disclaimer: Yami no Matsuei belongs to the honorable Matsushita-sensei, not me.
'Italic' are the characters' thoughts
A/N: This was originally going to be a one-shot, but then it started to get really long. So I decided to break it up into chapters. I'm not sure if I like how Hisoka came out in this. Sorry if he seems kind of OOC. Please enjoy and remember to R&R!
Ohayou- Good morning
Mou- Well
Ano- Um
Daijobou- It's all right
Aa- Yeah
Iie- No
Demo- But
Baka- Idiot
Arigatou- Thank you
Ne- Hey
Hontouni- Really
(Hisoka's POV)
I sipped my tea and faintly smiled. Today was Tsuzuki's birthday and I really wanted to surprise him. Before going to work, I planned to go to Chijou to get doughnuts from Tsuzuki's favorite bakery and bring them to his house, so he could have them while we walked to work together. I also wanted to get a cake and a present, both of which I planned to give to him after work.
I got up from the table and placed my empty cup in the sink. I paused and looked out the window. The sky was grey and it was raining heavily. (1)
'It would have been nice if it hadn't rained today.' I thought, watching the rain splatter against the glass.
The doorbell suddenly rang. I jumped, startled by the noise and hurried to open the door.
"Tsuzuki," I said, surprised.
Tsuzuki stood on my doorstep, holding an umbrella in one hand.
"Ohayou, Hisoka!" Tsuzuki greeted me warmly.
"Ohayou." I said uncertainly. "W-what are you doing here?"
He smiled. "Mou, since you're always walking me to work, I wanted to walk you to work for a change."
"Oh. That's really nice of you, Tsuzuki." I gave a tentative smile. 'Why did you pick today to walk me to work? Why couldn't it have been tomorrow?'
"Ano. . . could you hold on a second?" I asked.
I quickly closed the door before resting my forehead against it. I hadn't planned on Tsuzuki showing up. I inwardly sighed. 'So much for getting him doughnuts.' Now what was I suppose to do? I had practically said yes to him walking me to work.
'Besides, he already walked over here to pick me up. I can't just say no. . . But I still have to get a cake and a present for him. And I can't do that if I'm walking to work with him.' I thought, slipping my jacket on. 'I'll just have to make up an excuse.'
I opened the door again. "Sorry I took so long." I apologized.
"Daijobou." Tsuzuki replied. "Are you ready to go?"
I nodded and closed the door behind me.
Tsuzuki opened his umbrella and made sure it covered us both, before we stepped out into the rain. He grasped my hand as we began walking.
It was silent as we walked to work, the rain hitting Tsuzuki's umbrella and the pavement below us. It was always like this when we walked to work. Silent. It was a sort of habit we had fallen into. Walking to work, holding each others hands, never saying a word. There was never a need to say anything. It was nice to just walk and enjoy each others' company.
There was a sudden gust of wind and I felt the cold seep through my jacket. I shivered. 'It's cold today.'
Tsuzuki paused. "Are you cold, Soka?"
"A little bit," I admitted.
Tsuzuki let go of my hand and slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He was surprisingly warm.
I blushed. "Aa."
As we continued to walk I noticed JuOhCho in the distance and silently cursed.
"Tsuzuki," I said, stopping abruptly.
Tsuzuki stopped. "What's wrong?"
"Ano. . . I have some errands to do before work so. . ." I trailed off.
"Okay." He smiled. "I'll come with you then."
"Iie," I said quickly. "That's okay. I can go by myself."
Tsuzuki frowned. "Are you sure?"
"I'll be fine," I assured him. "I'll catch up with you at work later."
"All right. You should take this with you though." He handed me his umbrella.
I took the umbrella from him, frowning. "Demo. . ."
Tsuzuki shook his head. "Don't worry about it. It's just a little rain."
I nodded. "I'll see you later then."
"Hurry back."
"I will." I smiled before teleporting.
Unfortunately, Chijou's weather wasn't any better than Meifu's. The sky was still grey and it was still raining. The rain had caused a dull haze to fall over Nagasaki, making it difficult to see.
'This wasn't a good idea.' I thought as I was roughly jostled by a man trying to make his way through the crowd. The street was filled with people, each person determined to reach his or her destination. With so many people around, I had a hard time trying to look at stores, let alone see where I was going. The massive onslaught of emotions and thoughts wasn't helping either. After ten minutes of struggling, I finally managed to make my way away from the crowd and into an emptier side street.
I leaned back against one of the buildings, not caring if my jacket got wet, and sighed. I was tired and felt the effects of a headache coming on.
'I have to get out of here,' I thought, slowly rubbing my temple. I really couldn't stand to be in Chijou a second longer. I felt bad about going back to Meifu empty handed though.
'I'll come back later, when there's less people. I'll get him something then.' I promised myself. After making sure no one was watching, I teleported back to Meifu.
I opened the door to the office Tsuzuki and I shared, to find Tsuzuki staring out the window, twirling his pen absentmindedly. A blank report laid on his desk. I closed the door behind me and sighed.
Tsuzuki looked up and smiled. "How did your errands go?"
I ignored him and sat down at my desk. My headache had gotten worse, causing me to become irritable. However, I had promised myself that today I wasn't going to get angry with Tsuzuki. Nor was I going to hurt his feelings, or yell at him, or lose my temper with him. No matter how annoying he was. Unfortunately, this was easier said than done. I lowered my head into my hands and stared at my desk.
I didn't reply and continued to stare at my desk, willing my headache to go away.
A chair scrapped and I heard footsteps pause near my desk. Tsuzuki lightly touched my shoulder.
"What's wrong?"
I could feel tendrils of worry and concern coming off Tsuzuki.
I sat up and shrugged his hand off. "Nothing's wrong."
"Hisoka. . ." His voice was laced with concern.
My head was pounding now.
"I. . . I just have a headache, that's all."
Tsuzuki frowned. "You're not getting sick are you?" He brushed aside my bangs and felt my forehead. After a moment, he pulled his hand away. "You don't have a fever."
"Tsuzuki, I'm not sick." I insisted.
Tsuzuki titled his head. "Maybe you're just hungry? You know, I get headaches when I don't eat anything."
I quickly bit my tongue to prevent myself from snapping at him. "I'm not hungry." I answered.
Tsuzuki was silent for a moment before smiling. "Wait here, okay? I'll be right back." He left the office, closing the door behind him.
I stared at the spot where Tsuzuki had been standing and shook my head. 'Baka. He shouldn't be leaving work like that. He's going to get himself in trouble again.'
I opened the top drawer of my desk and began rummaging through it. I vaguely remembered having a bottle of aspirin somewhere in the drawer. Pushing aside some files, I found the small bottle. I gave a small sigh of relief. I opened the bottle and peered inside. Empty.
I rolled my eyes and tossed the bottle into the waste basket. 'Figures.'
I rested my head against my desk, enjoying the coolness of the wood against my skin. I stayed like that for about ten minutes, listening to the rain hitting the window. I suddenly heard the sound of a door opening and closing.
"I'm back, Soka!"
I lifted my head off the desk and sat up.
"Here you go!" Tsuzuki said cheerfully. He placed a small paper bag and a steaming styrofoam cup in front of me.
I looked up at him. "What's this for?" I asked, confused.
"It's for you." Tsuzuki explained.
I opened the paper bag and pulled out a small bottle. Aspirin.
"How did you--"
"I remembered the last time you had a headache, you finished the bottle of aspirin you had. So I got you another one." He replied.
I opened the bottle and swallowed one of the white tablets. I then placed the bottle on my desk and took a sip from the steaming cup. I smiled. It was green tea, my favorite. (2)
"I was in Nagasaki and I passed by that cafe we always go to. I know how much you like their tea."
I lowered my cup. "You didn't have to do this, you know." I said quietly.
"I know." Tsuzuki smiled. "I wanted to though. I just want you to feel better."
At that moment, all feelings of irritation seemed to disappear. I felt touched by what Tsuzuki had done. Going through all of that trouble simply because he had wanted me to feel better. It was moments like these that I realized how lucky I was to have fallen in love with someone as kind and loving as Tsuzuki. These small gestures of affection, whether it was getting me a cup of tea or lending me his coat, truly meant a lot to me.
I smiled again. "Arigatou. I really appreciate it."
"You know I don't mind."
"Tsuzuki," I said suddenly. "You're wet."
Tsuzuki's hair was slightly damp, his shirt was dotted where the rain had hit him. Tsuzuki blinked and looked at himself, as though he had just realized his damp clothes.
"Not really." He replied. "It's raining harder here than it is in Chijou."
Tsuzuki sat down at his desk and leaned back in his chair. "Ne, Soka, didn't you go to Chijou this morning?"
"Doing errands right?"
I nodded. I really hoped Tsuzuki wasn't starting to suspect something.
"How did they go?"
"The errands?" I asked. Tsuzuki nodded.
"Fine." I answered. 'If you count walking as an errand.'
"What were you doing?"
'Baka, stop asking me so many questions!'
"Ano. . ." I hesitated, trying to change the subject. "I noticed you haven't been doing your reports lately."
I wanted to slap myself.'Good one, Kurosaki. Way to be subtle. He's really not going to suspect anything now.'
Tsuzuki looked at his desk, which was nearly covered in piles of unfinished reports. He gave a nervous laugh. "I guess I haven't really gotten around to them."
"You should try to finish them today." I advised him.
Tsuzuki's shoulders slumped and he sighed dejectedly. "I know."
"But I could do half of your reports." I offered. "Since I'm finished with all of mine." I got up and placed a few piles on my desk.
His expression immediately brightened. "Hontouni?"
I nodded.
Tsuzuki suddenly hugged me. "Sankyuu, Hisoka!"
I smiled and allowed Tsuzuki to hug me, enjoying the feeling of his arms around me.
Tsuzuki pulled away. "Let's try our best, okay?"
(1)- Does anyone know if it actually rains in Meifu? Just curious, since I know Meifu has an eternal spring. But then I remembered reading somewhere that Meifu has all four seasons. So now I'm confused. Can someone please explain this to me?
(2)- I'm pretty sure this isn't right. I don't recall ever reading if Hisoka has a favorite type of tea. I'm presuming he likes tea in general though, since it's the only thing he ever seems to drink.
A/N: So there's chapter 1. Please tell me what you think. Remember, reviews are greatly appreciated. Arigatou gozaimasu!