Author has written 4 stories for Pokémon, Halo, My Little Pony, and Gears of War. Greetings! Kids still say 'Greetings', right? I am Camolot the Creator. I write things. Write good. Yes. Joking aside, I am pretty decent at writing, a skill honed when I really should've been socializing with my peers, furthering the tired, old stereotype. I am a lover of many things, most intellectual, and a quite active reader/editor of TV Tropes, a comment that will someday come back and take a significant chunk out of my rear. I set up this account a long time ago for something that I don't think ever made it to the site, as I am notorious elsewhere for my lack of dedication and general procrastination and laziness. Seeing as the account was never used for its intended purpose, I decided to give it a new purpose: Pokemon Fanfiction! No, stop screaming. The doors are all sealed anyway, and the vents are all too small to crawl through, I guarantee it. Tested them myself! Ha ha ow. Anyway, I sincerely hope you enjoy my works, or, more likely, despise them or just refuse to write reviews of any kind. Thanks. Cheers! -Camolot the Creator Camolot's FIMfiction account may be found here. UPDATE: SPARTAN and a Huragok CH 2 is now live. All chapters for this work will be relatively short, hovering between one thousand and two thousand words, because it is mostly a little thing that I do to amuse myself between work and hammering out parts of the bigger projects. CURRENT PROJECTS IN THE MAKING -SaTE Chapter 8 -Holding the Line (Halo ODST fic, centered around the events of Halo: Reach & Halo: CE, working title) -Fortunate (MLP:FIM fic, working title) -A SPARTAN and a Huragok Abroad Chapter 3 -Drawing a Blank (MLP:FIM fic, working title) -Ships with Wings CH 2 (MLP:FIM fic) -Council of Four (MLP:FIM fic, one shot) -Other, non-fanfiction writing projects: 3 Yeesh, didn't realize how long that list of works has gotten. If I'm not careful, I could make myself burn out, which would NOT be a good thing. I rely on my creative prowess for my day job: what do you think would happen if I discharged all of it and had to wait for it to restore itself? I don't even want to think about it. |