Author has written 12 stories for Naruto, and Dragon Ball Z. Be BOLD, Be Italic, never be a regular About me 22/ Solivagant/ Medical student / Aquarius / Hobbies- sleeping and woolgathering / fastidious /Imaginative I sometimes wonder how horrid life would have been without imagination. A message for writers: Hey there, all the writer out there, I want to say you are doing a great job by putting marvelous fanfictions here for us to read. Everyone is different and so do the way they perceive things and so do the ideas they get. It's a noble deed to put your unique works here for others to read when it was easy to keep them in your head or just to yourself. Even if you don't get enough feedback. Believe me, you are doing a great work. Keep it up. A message for readers: Readers are really important. If not for readers this site cannot work as it needs both writers and readers to balance the environment. What I want to say to reader to be someone more than who just reads. Share your thoughts and feelings with everyone as they are valuable. If you read a story, tell if you felt happy, angry and surprised. You have to understand your feedback holds the power to motivate other and give ideas for many more stories to come. As someone who is both a reader and a writer, I felt like I really have to write this. TBC... |
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