Oh Happy Day! I've updated. Although the chapter isn't as long as I had hoped, I still like how it turned out.
Big thanks to SporadicWriter for beta'ing this for me! And if ya'll haven't already, you should check out her fic Contending with Darkness. It's pretty cool and it's a really awesome original story line.
We're Just Saiyan Updates: We've added a new feature; an open document where you can browse and even add music links of songs that remind you of B & V. They can be songs that inspire you to write or just a tune that fits their crazy love and relationship. All is welcome to join the community (the link is on my profile) and once Mallie_3 comes back, we will be starting up our podcasts (past episodes can be found on youtube, the link is also on my profile page)
Warnings: a little lime… some cursing. Nothing too major.
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!
She found herself dragging her feet getting back to her room. She took her time closing up the lab and doing one more, slow walk, through the make-shift Saiyan village. Even though she desperately wanted to stop Vegeta's stubborn and childish spout of ignoring every living creature, including her, she was all all of the sudden nervous, and scared of what would come of the impending conversation.
She had let her anger take over, more so than ever. And now, in hind-site, throwing an apple at the Saiyan King was probably not the best way to get his attention … but in her defense, she had run out of options.
But now she had to pay the piper—the piper who had major anger issues…
Bulma slowly approached the bedroom door, took a deep breath and opened it. The room was empty, as was the bathroom. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and proceeded to meander back and forth in the large room, wringing her hands as her nerves started to mount again. She needed to do something to keep her mind off of the 'talk' between her and Vegeta, which was going to happen whenever he decided to grace her with his presence.
She turned towards the bathroom. A nice warm, bubble bath sounded like heaven and something that might help calm her nerves before Armageddon.
Vegeta knew he was taking his time coming back to Bulma. Frankly, he wasn't in the mood to hash out his behavior from the past week with her. He was exhausted from the day's excitement and he just wanted to go to bed. He considered sleeping in the gravity room again, but he knew that would only make things worse between him and his new bride. Though, as hard as it was to admit to himself, he knew he was acting like a total ass, and instead of facing his issues, he was running away from them, like a coward. But what made it even worse was what he had decided whilst dragging his feet. He knew once he told Bulma, there would be hell to pay, but he had no other choice.
He trudged his way to Bulma's bedroom, and was surprised to see the lights were off, and the room was empty. He studied the large area until his eyes stopped on the sliver of light peeking through the slightly opened door to the attached bathroom. A light splash could be heard every now and then, indicating that the woman was in the bath. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath to prepare himself and made his way to her.
Her head was completely submersed in the tub. Her eyes closed serenely as her long blue hair floated around her. Her slender fingers gripped the edges of the bath tub and both of her index fingers lightly tapped the porcelain; something she did when working out a hard equation or contemplating something that was exceptionally irksome.
Vegeta crept came to the edge of the tub and squatted, patiently waiting for Bulma to come up for air, and hopefully give her a little fright in the process.
He watched her face through the water as she slowly let out little bubbles through her lips.
Guilt starting to weigh down on him, just as it did when she called him on the carpet, with a rogue apple, about his actions towards her. He started to panic now that they both were in the same room without any buffers to distract him from the issue at hand.
The air bubbles coming from Bulma's lips started to come up faster, causing Vegeta to snap back to attention. She slowly came up for air and blinked the droplets of water away and when she noticed she wasn't alone, eyes widening when she saw him sitting right next to her. She opened her mouth to ask what he was doing but he beat her to it.
"I am angry." His voice was even and low and it didn't frighten her, but it did make her bite her tongue and wait for him to continue.
"I am angry," He repeated. "I am angry at you. I am angry at Cappa and Gia. At Kakarot, at the fucking Council and their leader, Doga. I am angry at the situation we are in and I am angry at myself." His eyes never left hers and his stare seemed to lock her into place. "And I know it's not fair. It's not fair for anybody in this situation and I cannot help but blame you."
His words hit her like a ton of bricks and she felt as if ice water were trickling through her veins. But, she kept quiet. She didn't dare say a word, not wanting him to clam up again and leave for another week.
"I am in unfamiliar territory, Bulma. There is just too much going on at once, and for once in my life I feel as if I have no control over my fate. And what's worse—no control over yours or my planet and all of my peoples' fate…" He looked away, stood up and leant against the white tiled wall. He ran his palm over his face as he thought about his next sentence.
Bulma kept both eyes on him as she repositioned herself in the tub, while trying to cover her naked body. She suddenly felt exposed, and although she had been naked in front of him countless times, felt shy.
"I can't handle this like I know I should… " He sighed heavily.
She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from yelling at him like she wanted. The fact that he had admitted that he was angry at her and even blamed her for this whole thing was making her shake with rage and her eyes sting with guilty tears.
"This … marriage … it needs to be put on hold."
She bit her cheek hard until she couldn't keep her mouth shut any longer.
"You blame me?" she said through gritted teeth. "You blame me for half your planet revolting against you?" She stood up, splashing water all around, her previous shyness forgotten. "I seem to remember a Saiyan King who predicted this very situation, prepared for it and married me anyway. As a matter of fact, we were married just hours after you proposed. You said, and I quote; 'I have chosen a path, a shitty one. But I have chosen, and nothing will get in my way of conquering what lies ahead for me and mine.'" She stood there, stark naked, hands on hips as she repeated what he had told her, word for word.
Vegeta's brows furrowed and his scowl seemed to be deepening by the second as she threw his exact words back in his face.
"I'm sorry, Vegeta, but making me feel guilty and blaming me for what's happened is not fair, the mere fact that you're even blaming me is bullshit! You chose a path, remember? And I know damn well that the Vegeta I know would give up on nothing. So this—" she motioned to him and her "—Is not going to be put on hold. I don't accept anything that you have said in here."
Vegeta's lip curled upwards, showing her his sharp canine. "Woman," he growled. But Bulma was already in front of him, pointer finger jabbing him sharply in the chest.
"Don't 'woman' me, Vegeta. You can scream and yell and get all scary all you want. You're not getting rid of me and I'm not going to let you give up on us. I know this is new to you, but I'm here for you. I'm here to support you … to have your back. I can help you through this if you'd just let me." She glared back at him, and tried not to back away from him when his growling grew louder from his chest. She finally looked at the towel rack behind him and smirked as she slowly reached behind him to grab a fluffy towel, purposefully taking her time as her very naked and very wet body rubbed against him.
He growled as he felt the lower part of his body start to stiffen as she deliberately rubbed up against him.
Her smirk turned devilish as she brought her left arm in between the two of them and snaked its way down to his groin and stroked it lovingly over his loose workout shorts. As predicted, his growl turned into a purr.
"If our marriage was to be put on hold, then these kinds of activities would cease." She continued to tease. He inched towards her, trying to close the small gap between them. He unraveled his arms from his chest, gently clasped the sides of her face to bend down to give her an amorous kiss. She stopped her ministrations and backed away from his grasp.
His brows furrowed in confusion, and he tried to step forward but she backed away again.
Bulma smiled sweetly up at him. "Why don't you go contemplate that and get back to me." She cocked her head to the side, still smiling. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to dry my hair." She stepped back again, out of arms reach, and gave him her sweetest smile, as she wrapped herself in the towel.
He stood there, still as a statue, as he glared down at her. Her little speech hadn't surprised him. As a matter of fact he had predicted she wouldn't be able to keep her big trap shut and scream and yell at him. But as much as he hated to admit to himself, what she said made sense. He knew it, but he was having a hard time accepting it. She was the epicenter of all of his problems, ever since he met her on Namek. And like he had mentioned before, he knew when he laid eyes on her she was going to give him trouble.
"You are pig-headed," he grit out, giving her his most intimidating look, and then left, slamming the door shut for good measure. He stood in the middle of the large bedroom, seething. He scanned the room, not sure what exactly he was looking for, until his eyes landed on the picture of both he and Bulma. The same one that he had stared at while contemplating if he was going to leave and become King, the one where he was caught off guard, looking down into her beautiful blue eyes…He felt content in that picture.
He snarled and lifted his arm, his palm igniting into a flame of blue ki, aiming straight for the framed picture. As he prepared himself to release a ki ball, he grit his teeth and roared. The ki that engulfed his hand and arm disappeared and his outstretched arm fell to his side.
That conversation didn't go as he'd planned. Yes, he knew she'd fight him, but he hadn't expected to let her do much talking or let her refuse to agree to his terms. But, he really should have known better. Bulma was not only an emotional creature, she was also completely devoted to him, which wasn't a bad thing, except for now.
It wasn't like he didn't love her, or didn't want to be married to her anymore, it was just too much right now. Not being married to her would definitely make his life better. Not having to worry about her would be a load off, and he was hoping it would make him less angry at her. But she brought up good points, unfortunately. He knew she was right, and that only made him feel even more out of control than before.
Defeated yet again, he slowly made his way out to the open balcony and took off into the night sky.
"…and he didn't kill you?"
Bulma rolled her eyes at her ex-boyfriend. "Obviously."
Yamcha shook his head. "I know, obviously, it's just, we're talking Vegeta here. I just still find it insane. Any other person would have had their head blasted off." He shrugged his shoulders. "You're the only person who can talk to him like that."
She rolled her eyes again and put her sunglasses back on, settling back into the chase lounge that sat outside. "Anyway … I'm not giving up."
"I kinda got that." He sighed and sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I just don't want to see you hurt again. You were a mess when he left you. I don't want you to go through that again, especially now that you're married to him. More is at stake than a broken heart this time."
Bulma looked at him and nodded slowly. "I know Yamcha," she said irritably, shaking her head at him.
"Are you sure you made the right decision marrying him? I mean, I honestly didn't think Vegeta was marriage material, but are you sure? Do you really think this will last … do you really think the both of you will be happy?"
She grit her teeth and opened her mouth to yell at him, but paused. Yamcha wasn't there to make her feel bad or point out the bad things going on in her life at the moment. He was there as her friend and to make sure she was ok.
Her face softened as she looked at him again. "I am sure we made the right decision." She nodded reassuringly. "I knew this wouldn't be an easy marriage, let alone a normal one."
Yamcha's eyebrow rose at her remark, and he smiled slightly. "No kidding."
"Kami help us when you guys have kids."
They both broke out into fits of giggles until they heard someone clear their throat.
The two of them turned to find Vegeta standing in his usual up-tight stance, eyes fixated on Bulma.
"Oh, hey Vegeta," Yamcha waived sheepishly.
Vegeta slowly took his eyes off of her and turned his glare to him. "Weakling," he grunted.
Yamcha chuckled out of nervousness and fidgeted under his hard stare.
"I'd like to speak to my pig-headed wife. Alone."
Yamcha nodded, almost relieved. "Ya, um, ya. I've things to do anyway. Bulma, call me if you need me."
Bulma smiled up at him, not bothering to stand up. "I will. Thanks for stopping by and visiting."
"No worries, B. Talk to you soon." He looked up at Vegeta and nodded, while side stepping his around to hurriedly leave the area, not wanting to be close to Vegeta any longer than he needed to be.
Bulma kept the smile on her face as she sipped her tea and motioned for Vegeta to take Yamcha's previous spot. Vegeta didn't sit but he did walk over so he could see her face.
"What can I do for you?" she said.
"There is something in the gravity room that needs tending to."
She shrugged. "Ok, I'll get to it later." She went to take another sip of her tea but it was swiped out of her hand before it could meet her lips. "Hey!"
Vegeta smirked as he downed the drink in seconds and tossed the plastic cup over his shoulder.
"That was my tea, ya jerk! I was enjoying that!"
"Tough." He then bent down and tossed her over his shoulder, trying hard not to laugh when she started to pound her fists, flail her arms and scream at him while he walked across the compound towards the old domed ship that housed the GR.
"Put me down!" she yelped, getting the attention of a handful of Saiyans, who were walking the compound. She noticed a group of them staring, some smirking and giggling and some just watching the show. She immediately stopped and gave them an apologetic and embarrassed smile, and waved at them as she hung upside down.
Vegeta, on the other hand, was smiling and got a few nods from the couple of males that watched as their King strode past them with the unknowing female.
When they reached the old spaceship, he opened the hatch, putting her down once they were inside.
Once her feet touched the ground she poked him hard in the chest. "What. The. Hell. Vegeta!"
Vegeta merely looked down at her, his face stone like, except for a mischievous spark in his eyes. "I told you. There's something that needs to be tended to." He rose an eyebrow at her and leaned up against the hatch, blocking her only exit.
She rolled her eyes and huffed, throwing her hands up in the air. "Fine! Since you're holding me hostage." She turned around and walked to the control panel. It was the first place she always looked in the past, since it was the first thing that would get blasted if Vegeta lost temper, which happened a lot. She inspected it; nothing seemed broken. It looked untouched, in fact. She turned the nobs and flipped switches, and everything turned on as it should, lights blinked and the sounds of the motors kicked up as it should. She turned everything off and turned to Vegeta.
"Everything seems to be working just fine. There aren't any breaches in the hull…" She scanned the domed room, making sure she hadn't missed anything.
He nodded. "Correct."
"Then why did you bring me here?" She was agitated. He drank her sweet tea and made a scene bringing her here, for what?
He smirked devilishly, turned around and put in a code on the pad next to the hatch. A loud hiss and crunch echoed throughout the ship. He locked it.
"Why did you just lock the ship down?" She inched towards the key pad nervously.
His smirk widened and caught her arm before she could touch the pad to unlock it. "Are you daft, Woman? I said, something needs to be tended to in the Gravity Room. Not the Gravity Room itself."
She looked at him, thoroughly confused, and took a long step backwards.
He pushed off the wall and stalked towards her, like a predator would its prey. "There were things said last night, and we aren't leaving this room until we are on the same page."
Bulma backpedaled as he continued to walk towards her. "What do you mean?"
He snickered and fazed out of site, causing her to panic and look all over the room frantically. She hated when he did this. It reminded her of a twisted game of hide and seek.
She shrieked when she was grabbed and twirled around, and was graced by a fiery kiss that made her knees buckle.
When they broke from the kiss, Vegeta bent down and whispered, "I hope you didn't make any plans today. We're going to be in here a while…"
Doga stomped through the palace halls. His plans were coming to light. The only thing putting him in such a foul mood was his daughter being missing, and had been for the past 24 hours. They had gotten in an argument about Cooler and had been interrupted when riots started breaking out, outside the palace.
The damn human and the worthless, sad excuse for a Saiyan king were gone, but they had left him with a mess. Hordes of second and third class Saiyans had grown angry at the council. Somehow word had spread that they drove their King and the Human Princess off, and rumors were spreading that the council were trying to bring Cooler in as a member. Nobody knew that information, except for the elders of the council. Which only meant there was a mole in his group.
Even though the groups of rioting men, women and children were smaller than those on his side, they were still causing trouble and gradually they were turning those who were loyal to him against him.
Gia had left in the middle of their argument to help with the riots, and he hadn't seen her since.
"Councilman Doga!" A young soldier came running up to him. He bowed quickly and paused to catch his breath.
"What is it?" he snapped.
"They've disappeared!"
Doga looked at him, confused. "What are you going on about?"
The soldier looked at the older man nervously. "Almost all of the instigators have vanished. They retreated early this morning and now we cannot find them anywhere. The captain sent out a few battalions to raid their homes, but they are empty."
Doga's brows furrowed as he looked down at the ground, deep in thought. Although convenient, the disappearance of over one hundred men, women and children was highly suspect … and eerie. "My daughter. Have you found her yet?"
The soldier shook his head. "No, sir. The captain fears she has gone wherever the others have disappeared to."
Doga growled. "They couldn't have gotten far. It's not like they disappeared into thin air! Comb the outer regions! Check the forest and mountains, search the whole damned planet! Find them! We need to know what they are planning!"
The young man bowed and ran away to tell his captain their new orders. Doga shook his head in disbelief and continued down the corridor. This was not something he needed nor wanted to worry about.
How ridiculous it was that a whole group of people were thought to have just disappeared like a puff of smoke.
His quick steps slowed as realization hit him; the King's friend, Kakarot, the son of Bardock, disappeared right in front of his eyes, along with the human and the others who conspired with Vegeta.
He whipped around and flew in the direction the young soldier ran off to. There was a change of plan. They no longer needed to look on the planet for the missing Saiyans—they needed to start looking on Earth. And he was pretty sure he'd find his daughter there too.
Beta'd by: SporadicWriter
A/N Obviously my updates have been few and far between as of late... Believe it or not, but this chapter was incredibly hard to write. But now that I've jumped this hurdle, I am excited to make more progress. Not only make progress on this, but my other fics as well =)