Title: Once Upon a Hobby

Summary:Bah, here she was, all wanting and willing for a hot night of sex and all her boyfriend wanted was to paint.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Prompt: The smell of fresh paint.

Rating: M

Comments: I'm stretching myself thin to write these things :( I don't have the time! *cries 5 ever* Anyway, this looked much better in my head XD

Tiredly, Sakura entered the house to see her boyfriend's new toys sprawled all over the hall. Stepping over canvas and paints, Sakura hopped over to the living room that her boyfriend had taken over with his new hobby. As she predicted, Sasuke was splashing the finishing touches of his newest painting, furiously colouring the grass and trees of brilliant shades of green, blue and red.

Sasuke painted with the same determination he fought and oh, how she loved to watch him. Watching Sasuke paint was just about the hottest thing, right after the hot, wild sex they had when he finished a painting, of course.

Taking out her lab coat, Sakura kissed his cheek real quick and ran upstairs to their bedroom.

Sasuke had taken up painting as a hobby now that he had so much free time on his hands. Sakura had no idea how it had come about for Sasuke was the last person she expected to start painting as a hobby but it had happened, nonetheless and he was very, very good at it. Though he only painted landscapes, there were already several of his paintings decorating their home. Her favourite was the one she had hung behind their bed, depicting a beautiful sunset with the moon peeking over.

Untying her hair from the ponytail she had made, Sakura smiled as she thought about her boyfriend painting. There was no doubt, watching him paint was the thing Sakura liked most, that intense look he got when he painted made her all hot and bothered. Hell, she was hot and bothered right now just thinking about it.

Shivering, she made her hands work faster on unbuttoning her shirt. She wanted to take a shower first to clean herself from that hospital smell but she needed to be quick or she'd miss Sasuke painting and the sex that came after he finished a painting wasn't one she wanted to miss, not for anything.

As she struggled out of her skirt, she felt Sasuke's firm hands on her back, unclasping her bra and she had to repress a childish whine of discontent. The painting was already finished for Sasuke wouldn't be here if it wasn't, he never left his projects before he finished them and now there would be no wild sex against the wall…or the canvas…or the floor.

"Thanks." She said as both her skirt and panties fell to the floor. As she stood naked before him, Sakura saw his desire for her evident in his eyes and smiled, maybe they would have hot, wild sex after all.

"Lay down." Sasuek commanded, his rough voice sending shivers of pleasure up her body. Eagerly, she obeyed, laying on her back and waiting for him to join her. Sakura didn't mind postponing her shower for a round of sex with her incredibly hot boyfriend but as she laid on the bed, waiting, she saw Sasuke bend down and retrieve his brush and watercolours. Pouting, she got out the bed to go have her shower. What did he want, if not sex? Did he want her to model for him now? And since when does Sasuke draw people?

Bah, here she was, all wanting and willing for a hot night of sex and all her boyfriend wanted was to paint.

"Sasuke," She whined childishly when he stopped her from going into the bathroom. "I need to shower."

Her boyfriend gave no indication of having heard her, tugging her towards the bed once again. "I want try something." Sakura let him lay her down on the bed and position her as he wished, moving her as if a doll, arranging arms, legs, head. Truly, Sakura felt like a living doll. Once he was satisfied, Sakura found herself lying face down on the pillow with her arms above her head.

"You can shower later." Sasuke said as he gently brushed her hair through his fingers and pulled it aside so that it was all laying over her shoulder, leaving her back bare.

Just as she was beginning to relax and think that maybe he would managed to paint her well, she felt it, something wet splash on her back and then a softness…soft like a brush.

Startled, Sakura whipped her head back to look over her shoulder which made Sasuke curse under his breath and then loudly. "Don't move, damn it!"

"Why?" Sakura asked thoroughly perplexed. Why was he painting on her? What was happening right now? Oh god, she was so confused.

Sasuke continued to paint, seemingly uninterested or simply too focused to care about what she was saying. Her boyfriend got like that sometimes, she recalled as she laid back down on the bed, especially when he's painting.

"Because you're beautiful." Sakura was surprised that he answered her but she smiled nonetheless, Sasuke could be so incredibly sweet when he wanted to.

The paint was sticky and cold against her skin but the brush was soft and Sasuke was so very gentle. With soft but precise strokes, Sasuke made the brush glide against her skin, creating the drawing that was in his head. The fact that he was painting on her naked body made her feel all giddy and wonderful. Sakura soon discovered that she loved the feeling of the brush against her skin but what she loved even more was when Sasuke put his hands on her. From time to time he would rest his hands on her bottom, her thighs, he hips and he would give it a little teasing sqeeze.

Sasuke painted all over her body, the feeling of the wet paint on her ass cheeks was weird but strangely erotic in a way, just thinking about him looking at her, touching her…oh god.

For well over an hour Sakura laid there, unmoving while Sasuke's brush moved all over her body, from her calves to her neck, he painted it all. It was only when she felt his wet lips kiss and nip her neck that she realized she had dozed off and Sasuke had finished.

"I'll help you up." He said while his hands settled on the underside of her hips. Groggily, Sakura let herself be helped up and guided to the bathroom. Sakura placed her with her back towards the mirror and she realized he wanted her to see what he had painted.

Looking over her shoulder, the medic gasped when she saw the wonderful painting he had created with her body as his canvas. Sasuke had drawn a beautiful cherry blossom tree that followed perfectly the shape of her body.

"It's so wonderful." She whispered breathlessly, caressing his hand sweetly. "Now I don't want to shower."

Sakura did not want the painting to come out, it was so beautiful and Sasuke had dedicated so much to it.

Sasuke interlaced their fingers and pulled her towards the bathtub. "I'll wash it off of you so you don't have to feel bad."

"But it's so beautiful," She complained. "I want it to stay forever."

Turning on the tap, Sasuke let the warm water fill the oval tub. "If you liked it so much, I'll draw you another with permanent ink."

Sakura smiled sweetly at him for his thoughtfulness and let herself be guided into the warm water. As relaxing as the paint job she had just gone under had been, it had made her ache badly for Sasuke, the way his hands roamed all over her body and the brush's softness only increased her desired. The warm water soothed her aching muscles and her other aches too.

"Move over." The raspy voice of her boyfriend reached her ears and she opened her eyes to find him hovering over her, as naked as she was. Well, so much for soothing aches, just the sight of his naked body brought it all back.

Moving over, as he asked, Sasuke settled himself behind her, armed with a white sponge. Dipping it in the warm water, he cleaned and massaged her back, slowly but expertly. His arousal was digging into her ass and she shiver out of the sheer raw pleasure that brought her. Unconsciously, she rocked her hips, wiggling her ass against him, making him release a low moan.

Grabbing her hips firmly on his big hands, he stopped her wriggling. "After"

As he cleaned her, Sasuke kissed and nipped on her skin, teasing her so that she was breathless even before anything happened. She just wanted her release.

As he finished, his hands settled on her thighs, tantalizingly close to where she wanted them to be and, just to tease even more, he moved his fingers rhythmically against her skin. Out of sheer frustration, she tugged hard on his hair, making him chuckle.

"I love you." He whispered against her ear. Smiling, she turned to face him and as his lips descended on hers, she couldn't help but think how perfect everything was.