Hello, everyone! This is an AU prompt someone requested on Tumblr. The prompt gave me so much inspiration, that I'm going to turn this into a multi chaptered story. Not sure how long it'll end up being, but I hope you guys enjoy it and stay along for the ride!

I don't own Naruto.

Sakura couldn't believe this was happening.

It was the first day of the new semester, and apparently everyone and their mother had decided to come to the coffee shop. She should have known better, really. Of course all of the college students and first shift workers would show up. Here she was, packed into the shop like a sardine. The medical student did all she could to suppress a gag at the unpleasant odor coming from the disheveled man in front of her. He looked to be around his early 40s and from what she could tell from his uniform, a construction worker. If his body odor was this bad in the morning, she'd hate to be around him after a days work.

Sakura sighed and stepped forward, hoping that her turn in line would come soon. Thankfully, things seemed to be moving fairly quickly despite the large number of people. All she wanted was a cup of coffee to wake her up and get her through the day, as well as a donut to dunk in it. She smiled at the thought of sinking her teeth into the pastry and drinking a hot cup of coffee. She'd always been appreciative of the little things in life. Suddenly, her irritation at being in the claustrophobia inducing coffee shop disappeared.

"Are you going to sit there and daydream all day?"

The voice broke Sakura out of her thoughts. She quickly looked around for the source of the voice to find that it came from behind her. She looked up to see a raven haired man looking down at her with an annoyed expression. He didn't look much older than her, and he was incredibly attractive. His onyx eyes drew her in despite his hostile expression, and she had to will herself to look away. A blush quickly rose to her cheeks, and she realized that it was her turn in line. She must have looked like a fool, standing in the middle of the coffee shop as if she was in some sort of trance.

"Heh, sorry. I must be out of it today," she said softly.

Sakura stepped forward to place her order, but apparently she hadn't moved fast enough for the impatient man standing behind her. The raven proceeded to brush past her and began placing his own order to the clerk.

"I'll have a black coffee and a plain donut. That'll be all," he said simply.

The clerk was a girl that looked to be no older than eighteen. She nodded at the raven with a bright smile, and entered his order into the computer. Sakura noticed how the young girl looked him up and down, and realized she wasn't the only one who found the raven attractive.

"You're in luck, sir! This is our last donut that we have right now," she said, putting said pastry in a little bag.

Sakura's eyes widened at that. How could a coffee shop have such a low supply of donuts? And during peak hour at that? That donut should have been hers. That jerk had cut in front of her!

"Excuse me, but this man cut in front of me. I was going to order a donut as well. I do believe I should be served first as he cut in line," Sakura said politely, now standing next to the raven at the counter.

The man beside her scoffed and looked at her as if she was a bug he wanted to step on. Sakura didn't like his superior attitude whatsoever. What the hell was his problem?

"You forfeited your place in line the moment you stopped paying attention. I wasn't about to wait on you," he said rudely.

'He's hot, but an asshole. His attractiveness just went down tenfold,' she thought.

Sakura put on the sweetest fake smile she could muster. However, the deceptive smile did nothing to keep the venom from seeping into her voice.

"What happened to ladies first? Have you no manners? It shouldn't take the staff very long to prepare a new batch of donuts," she hissed.

The clerk took this opportunity to chime in. "I didn't see the gentleman cut in front of you. Also, our equipment temporarily stopped working so it'll be up to an hour before everything is reset," she explained.

The raven growled, beyond annoyed at this point. He didn't have time for this nonsense. All he wanted was to get his damn coffee and donut and get out. A pink haired woman, however cute she may be, was not going to keep him from what he wanted.

Wait. Did he just think she was cute?

He pinched the bridge of his nose and eyed the clerk impatiently. "Look. I don't have time for this. Take my money and hurry this up. I've got an 8AM class," he growled.

Sakura rolled her eyes at the man next to her. He acted so entitled, as if his time was more valuable than anyone else's. The urge to give him a piece of her mind was overwhelming. She was going to let loose, and get her damn donut.

"You know, you're a real fucking prick. Who died and made you the king of the coffee shop? I've got an 8AM class as well, but the only reason I'm complaining is due to your complete lack of manners!"

"Will you shut your mouth? I haven't got time for this! I'm taking the last donut, damn it!" he yelled.

The young clerk was obviously shaken up by this point, and wanted to get one or both of the angry customers out the door as quickly as possible. She quickly rang up the order, holding out the coffee and donut for the raven to take.

Suddenly, Sakura slammed some of her own money on the counter before quickly swiping both the coffee and the donut from the clerk. Before anyone could comprehend what had happened, she was out the door and running in the direction of Konoha University.

Back at the coffee shop, the raven stood there with his arm outstretched and his mouth hanging open. Had that seriously just happened? Did that stupid girl have the nerve to swipe his order away? He slowly raised his arms and rubbed his temples, infuriated.

'That damn woman. If I ever see her again, it won't be pretty.'

"Ha! So you swiped it away and ran off with it!?"

Sakura laughed and nodded at her blonde haired friend. "I sure did! I wasn't about to let that prick get the last laugh! I swear, Ino. He probably has a giant stick launched up his ass," she said.

Ino laughed and shook her head in disbelief. "Wow. Just wow. I would have loved to see that. I'll bet the look on his face was priceless!"

The two girls were walking down the halls of Konoha University, on their way to their 8AM class. Ino was a medical student as well, and medical students were required to take a professional ethics class. They had been lucky enough to get seats in the same class, which both were thrilled about. The class was sure to be a bore, but taking it with a friend would make it bearable.

They turned a corner and entered the second room on the left. Konoha University was rather large, and the room was big enough to hold around one hundred and fifty students. Sakura looked around the room and found it to be rather bland. Not that she expected any extravagant décor or anything. It's just that most classrooms at least had posters or something to look at. The room was already about halfway full, and more students were pouring in by the minute. Always wanting to make a good impression, Sakura took a seat in the front row. Ino rolled her eyes at the girl, but sat next to her anyway.

"Look at you, forehead. Always the suck up," the blonde snickered.

Sakura shot Ino a look. "I just want to make a good impression on my professors. Do you think Uchiha-sensei will be tough?"

The blonde shrugged, looking entirely unconcerned. "It's an ethics class. Most of it will be common sense. I doubt we have anything to worry about, whether he's tough or not," she said.

The girls sat and talked for a few minutes as the last of the students filed into the classroom. It was 7:59AM, so Sakura expected the professor to show up at any second. Just as she finished her thought, her eyes widened as an annoyed looking raven entered the classroom. She tapped Ino on the arm frantically, looking away in an attempt to avoid the man seeing her.

"Ino, that's the guy from the coffee shop earlier!" she hissed quietly.

The blonde gaped at her friend, looking between Sakura and the man who had just entered the room. "Are you serious!? He's so hot! But wait… Why isn't he taking a seat?"

Sakura slowly turned her head back toward the front of the room, and her heart sank as she watched the spiky haired man begin writing his name on the board. This was bad. This was very, very bad. She was screwed, to say the least. Based on his attitude at the coffee shop, the man seemed like an asshole. Not only did he seem like an asshole, but she'd be willing to bet he held grudges.

The raven turned to face the class and spotted a mop of pink in the front row. His eyes widened slightly upon realizing that it was the same girl who'd stolen his order from the coffee shop earlier. Of course he'd have the terrible luck of having to teach the damn woman.

Actually, maybe this was a good thing. He had the power over her now. He could make her life in his classroom a living hell. He'd teach her not to mess with him, and she'd learn some damn respect. A smirk stretched across his face, and he nodded lightly to no one in particular. He'd use the situation to his advantage.

He cleared his throat and pointed at the board with newfound resolve.

"Good morning. My name is Sasuke Uchiha, and this is professional ethics. You can call me Uchiha-sensei. I'm not that bad unless you get on my bad side," he said, staring Sakura straight in the eye with a cocky smirk.

The medical student stared at Sasuke like a deer caught in headlights. She gulped, trying her best to appear confident and failing miserably.

"Shall we begin?" he asked, turning away from her to write on the board.

Sakura let out a breath she wasn't aware she'd been holding, sinking down in her seat.

'I'm so screwed.'

How did you guys like chapter one? I wonder how things will turn out for Sasuke and Sakura, hehe. I truly hope you enjoyed. Please leave a review and save this to your favorites!