Author has written 14 stories for W.I.T.C.H., Young Dracula, Soul Calibur, Jackie Chan Adventures, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Batman, Digimon, inFAMOUS, Oddworld, Prometheus, 2012, NCIS, and Torchwood. I like lots of dark fics I find them interesting how the characters can become so evil. I also like story's where the characters can become demons and other creatures. also I like them when you combine other story's to put in the fanfics. my favourite fics are things like dark Hermione and harry. I also like it when harry enslaves lots of people and becomes a dark lord. I also like fics where Hermione becomes the dark lady or is Voldemort's daughter. I think harry and Hermione would make a perfect dark couple there least for revenge against those who used them would be assume. I also like story's where the characters become gay or when the darkness wins and all goodness is destroyed and evil rains supreme. I also like dark w.i.t.c.h fics where either Will betrays the guardians or is abandoned by everyone and turns dark for it goes into my darkness she always win category. I also like dark Jade fanfics I like it when she regains her role as the shadow queen and try's to plunge the earth into darkness. I also like vampire willow fics where she becomes a vampire and turns other people into them or is dark and turns buffy and Xander or when buffy is a vampire and she and angelus kill everyone off. I also like evil Willow, Tara, Faith, dawn and Kennedy because the evil they can cause is just assume and when they become demons it makes it even better just like when harry and Hermione are horsemen who cause the apocalypse. I also like fics where harry and Hermione are the dark lord and lady and make people pay and get there revenge on those who used them such as Dumbledore unlike rolling's lame attempt because harry should have found out about Dumbledore and his so called friends betrayal expect for Hermione of cause because everyone besides Hermione and Luna mostly used him for there own gain this is proven at the end of the series where harry and Hermione are slaves to the Wesley's who have all of Harry's money and Hermione is just a slave to Ron to cook his meals. I also Like evil Willow and Faith story's where Xander fails to stop Willow or Willow, Faith, Dawn and Kennedy unite to destroy earth and take control of the plant for there own. I also like evil Susan fics where she joins the White Witch because I think that if Susan had followed Lucy into Narnia she would have sacrificed her family for power and knowledge she would have become a sort of daughter to Jadis. I also like evil or dark Lara fics where Lara will attempt to claim power or becomes a vampire and goes after her enemies feasting off of them. I also like fics where Susan falls in love with Jadis and becomes the White Witch because I think that she hated the fact she was known as the gentle queen when really she sought power and control to claim the world for her own and rule over Narnia herself like Jadis did long ago. I also like final fantasy fanfics where Noctis saves lightning but fails to understand the powers of the goddess that she holds. I also like fanfics where the doppelganger would turn Willow in the library or a connection was formed between them from drinking the blood of her sister which would make her one of the most powerful vampires. I also like kingdom hearts fanfics where Aqua fails to stop Vanitas and gets sacrificed to kingdom hearts or continue assions of the series. I also like dark Aqua because I think that Vanitas could have tempted Aqua with the power of darkness and turned her against her friends just like Xehanort did with Tarra. I also like evil Arial fanfics where she loves Ursula or is her daughter and becomes a cercila and just as evil as Ursula because Arial would have given into darkness because she was so venerable after her father destroyed the stature it would have filled her heart with darkness and evil. I also like fics where evil Aqua is Xehanort's wife or second in command because if they had failed in birth by sleep and Xehanort won he would have had Vanitas remove Aqua's light heart and he could have given her a dark heart remaking her and turning her to darkness because in the game Aqua is to good I'd say that she desired power just as much as Terra did but had too much light in her which blocked her desire off and that's way Eraqus made her a master because he could not feel the darkness within her. I also like fics where Scar wins or Simba is corrupted also I like it when evil Jafar wins and claims Jasmine as his queen and rules over Agrabah without fear. I also like dark Winx story's where the Winx fail to save Bloom from the darkness or Bloom willingly gives into darkness when Sky betrays her for Layla or when Bloom's mother is Cercie or she becomes a Sith lord and aims to conquer the magical dimension along with the rest of the galaxy or When Bloom joins Valtor or Darkar and corrupts all of the Winx or when the Winx fail to save Bloom and she remains Dark Bloom as that would have been a better ending for season 2 with Darkar's victory over the light and the magical dimension though it would council out the other seasons. I also like Fanfics where Bloom is a witch as she and Stella become witch's and join forces with the Trix or when she is Lord Darkar's daughter because the possibility's of that are very strong maybe Bloom becoming a vampire could also make a good dark Winx story but still Midnight lost dark Bloom stories are some of the best as it shows what could and should have happened to Bloom in the series as she was already corrupt and lord Darkar just pushed her and she fell fully to the darkness as I hate the way the series makes perfect villains such as Bloom and the Stella into heroes even Tecna all three have very dark potential and could have become a true threat and conquered the magical dimension. I also like dark Riverside Fanfics as I like it when Veronica becomes a vampire or a terminator as she could surely prove to be a graver threat than Dracula as the Vampironica series has only just began the same with the Terminator series I will just have to wait and see but I hope that they are both very dark stories and that Veronica succeeds in destroying humanity in Vampironica as that would surely be good to prove vampires are the superior spacious just like the master believed in Buffy as Veronica queen of vampires, goddess of night and mistress of Death and destruction will surely prove in the sequel. |