Hello readers. As I stated before, I'm restarting my story to make it better and undo some errors I made previously and here's the first chapter.

You know this already, but, as FF rules state, at least I think they do, I have to type the following sentence every time I post a new fic and it's only once: I don't own DC stuff, characters, games, whatever.

Pamela Lilian Isley, better known to all as "Poison Ivy", fluttered her eyelids open. Her vision was blurry and her senses were disoriented and she could barely see even the ground she was on. She still remained on the tower where she performed her last stand.

Her appearance was sickly-looking. Her skin was dark green and yellow streams flowed in her veins, leftovers of Scarecrow's toxin that now flowed in her system. The flowers in her hair looked dead and her hair was no longer in a bun, it was free and tangled.

She was a complete mess.

It took a minute for her vision to fully restore itself back to normal and when it did, she saw that she was alone.

She last remembered Batman cradling her in his arms after she collapsed from absorbing all of Scarecrow's fear toxin into her own body through the giant plant she controlled during the battle for Gotham.

The last thing she said to him was "Nature Always Wins." before everything went black.

And now here she was, still alive and breathing. Batman was nowhere to be seen and Ivy figured that he assumed she had died and moved on with his mission of stopping Scarecrow and possibly that newcomer who resembled Batman and harbored an unknown deep hatred for the Dark Knight.

Just then, an announcement came on one of the city's electronic billboards.

It was Scarecrow.

From what was heard, he was bragging to Batman about Ivy's death and how it just made Batman look more like a bad charm to all who sided with him and that just because his gas cloud was gone would not mean he was done with his work.

Ivy couldn't believe what she heard. She learned that the gas cloud was truly gone, meaning that she and Batman had succeeded. He also believed she was dead.

He was wrong about that last part. The joke was on him.

She tried to stand up, but she was too weak from her ordeal to do that and plopped back on the ground. So she crawled over to the edge of the rooftop and saw what became of Gotham City.

Scarecrow was right in his message. There was no toxin cloud in sight and in its place was pollen raining down everywhere as a result of her plant releasing them prior to her finishing her task.

Below on the streets were bodies, victims of Crane's attack. Some were dead, others were unconscious. If this had happened during the events at Arkham Asylum or Arkham City, Ivy would laugh at the sight of dead people.

Not tonight.

Ivy suddenly realized that she needed to contact Batman and let him know that she was still alive.

Using what little strength she could muster, Ivy crawled over to the video transmitter Batman had given her earlier and picked it up.

She pressed a button and the transmitter's video screen lit up, showing black. Batman's radio was either off or on hold.

Either way, Ivy spoke.

"Batman? Batman, can you hear me?" she asked.

For a moment, nothing happened.

"Batman?" Ivy asked again.

Then the screen received a transmission from its opposite end and showed the cowl-covered face of the Dark Knight.

"Batman!" Ivy exclaimed.

"Ivy? Is that you?" he asked, stunned to see her alive.

"Yes, it's me." said Ivy.

But I thought you died." he said.

"No, I'm still among the living. I'm just severely weakened at this point. I barely regained consciousness in time to hear Scarecrow make another one of his boring rants a few seconds ago. He bragged about my so-called demise." she said.

"I see. Shall I pick you up?" he asked.

"I'd like that very much." she said.

"Alright. Stay where you are and away from enemy eyes until I return. I'm about to apprehend Penguin and then I'll come for you when I'm done." he told her.

"Okay. I'll wait here until then, take your time with your job. It's not like I can go anywhere in my condition anyway." said Ivy.

"Okay." he said and the video went blank.

Ivy put the device down and crawled back to her destroyed plant to rest until Batman came back for her.

She looked at the tree and sighed in sadness. This plant, one that's been around since prehistoric times, the tree that became Ivy's tool of saving Gotham, was dead.

Scarecrow was the cause of this and she vowed to make him pay dearly for what his deathcloud had done to the tree and to her.

While Batman and his fellow crimefighting allies may not share the same care she has for plants as they do for people, but at least he and they were not heartless killers and thieves like the city's supercriminals.

She remembered that she herself was one of them from all the things she had done ever since she became a plant metahuman and, for once in her life after her mutation, she was now beginning to feel remorse for it all. All the people she controlled, killed, mutated in the name of her personal crusade. These were starting to get to her. It seems that the events of tonight had sparked a change in her, a near-death experience.

After thinking, she slumped herself beside the dead tree to wait for Batman to arrive and dozed off.

She later woke up to the sound of a voice calling out to her. It was Batman and he was crouched to her eye level.

"Ivy." he said.

Her eyes fluttered open and closed rapidly.

"Batman?" she asked.

"Yes, it's me. I'm here." he said.

Ivy slumped to the ground on her side, groaning in pain, and Batman held her and when he did, she lightly slapped him across the face.

"Sorry. I needed to check if you were real and not the gas playing tricks on me." she explained.

"I'm real." he said.

"What happened?" she asked.

"You passed out after absorbing all of Crane's toxin. It nearly killed you and I assumed it did until you contacted me." he said.

"How long was it since I last saw you?" she asked.

"About half an hour." he told her.

Ivy tried to sit up, but was too weak to move. She barely was able to crawl to the edge and radio device earlier.

"Easy Ivy." said Batman.

He helped her into a sitting position by placing a hand on her back and gently pushed her upward until she was sitting up.

"Thanks." Ivy said.

She looked around Gotham, amazed at what she had accomplished.

"Funny. Ever since I became a powerful being, I spent every waking moment of my time attempting to get rid of the city's human population to make room for my plants and instead I wind up saving the very species I hated so much from imminent doom from a threat bigger than I ever was." Ivy said.

"You did a good thing, Ivy." said Batman.

"I believe I did and you know something? It actually feels great. I feel proud of my accomplishment. While some look down on nature, others embrace it. Perhaps I was wrong about humankind, after all. Wow, that was something I thought I would never say." she said.

For a moment, the two stayed there watching the city. Not as foes this time, but as two people who put their differences aside to put an end to a devastating chemical attack that affected them both and survived. Who would have thought that Poison Ivy, Gotham's most dangerous and feared metahuman, and Batman, Gotham's most respected yet scary hero, would perform a heroic feat and be standing side by side as allies rather than as enemies?

But it was not over yet. The gas cloud may be gone, but its creator was still around and was probably cooking up a second biological strike wherever he was.

"Like I said earlier, nature always wins." said Ivy.

Batman had to agree with her on that this time. Man may be the dominant species of Earth, but when it came to natural disasters, grave injuries, disease and the like, he would always fall victim to it.

"Well, now that the cloud is no more, I guess you should go and find Crane. I'd help, but after what's happened to me, I need to rest. I don't see any point in going back to my original goal of cleansing the world of man anymore. I realize now that I can't save every plant any more than a single person can save every person, especially you despite your reputation among Gotham and other towns and cities. In other words: I quit." Ivy said.

Batman was glad inside to hear Ivy admit these words. He may have despised her version of saving the environment, but at the same time, he sympathized with her because of her love of nature which was usually ignored by a third of the world and what she said about both of them being unable to halt the harm and deaths of the things they work hard to protect. As harsh as it sounded, it was true.

In war, casualties were unavoidable.

Ivy turned to look at Batman, now with a look of sorrow on her green face. A tear ran down her face.

"It probably sounds impossible Batman, but I hope you can forgive me for all I have done. I'm starting to feel like such a fool for every horrible thing I did in the past. If I had died for real before tonight's invasion, people everywhere would only remember me for the evil I caused and I feel so terrible for killing all for my selfish desires." said Ivy, sounding ashamed for her actions.

"Eradicating Crane's gas is a start on the path to redemption and for the heroic sacrifice you made for Gotham and your retirement from crime, you've already earned my forgiveness and, in time, you can earn the city's too." he told her.

"Thanks, that means so much to me." she said and, feeling touched by his willingness to let bygones be bygones, Ivy did something she had never ever done before out of gratitude for Batman's kindness to her and remorse for her crimes:

She hugged him and cried a little bit into his chest!

The Dark Knight was stunned by this action. Other than Selina Kyle and Talia Al Ghul, Batman had never thought he would be hugged by one of Gotham's most notorious supercriminals.

Rather than shoving her off, Batman allowed it and wrapped one arm around her and patted her back to comfort her. It felt weird to do for him, but Poison Ivy was no longer the vicious plant hybrid she was before. She was a different person now as evidenced by her light sobbing.

After a while, she stopped crying and looked at him. Her eyes were red.

"I am so sorry for everything I did to everyone and to you." she said.

"It's alright, Ivy. You've made up for all of it. Thank you for saving Gotham." he said to her.

"My pleasure. The old me you knew before is now dead and buried for good. I've blossomed into a new person." she said.

They stayed like that for a minute before finally breaking apart.

Ivy wiped her eyes with her right hand.

"Come with me, Ivy. I'll take you back to the GCPD to rest and recover." he said.

"Since the city's hospitals are in ruins, that building is the only place I can be sheltered at for tonight, even if I am to be sharing the same space as a bunch of criminals and cops whom some probably hate me for controlling them before." Ivy replied.

"After what you did for everyone earlier, I'm certain you'll earn their forgiveness in time." said Batman, referring to the police rather than the criminals for reasons that do not need explaining. "Now grab on to me."

Batman carried Ivy to the edge of the rooftop and positioned himself in front of her. She wrapped her arms gently around his neck and shoulders and, using his grappling gun, Batman swung himself, with her attached, down to where the Batmobile was parked.

When they reached the ground, Batman opened the vehicle's backseat passenger chamber and carefully placed Ivy inside. Normally he would force a captured criminal or villain into the seat roughly, but for Ivy, he did it gently.

"Thank you for coming back for me, Batman." Ivy said while taking his hand into hers in comfort.

"You're welcome, Ivy." he said and the seat retracted with Ivy and the door shut itself.

With Ivy retrieved, Batman approached the driver's seat and hopped inside. He started the vehicle and drove away.

While driving, Batman spoke into the car's computer.

"This is Batman calling GCPD." he said.

An image of a man appeared on the screen. It was Aaron Cash.

"Cash here." he said.

"Cash, I've retrieved someone and I'm heading back to the GCPD." said Batman.

"You bringing in another whackjob already? That was fast." Cash asked.

"It's Ivy." he said.

"What? But she's dead! Scarecrow just announced it." he said.

"He's wrong. Turns out she survived the absorption process, but she's now badly weak from the gas and I'm bringing her back to recover from her injuries. She's reformed now and is no longer interested in her mission of plant supremacy, so she won't be a problem to anyone inside the building. I can't say the same for the criminals though." Batman said.

"Whatever you say, Batman. See you later." said Cash and the transmission ended and he returned his focus on the road.

When the Batmobile reached the police station's underground section, Batman hopped out and opened the passenger door.

Ivy appeared to be unconscious. Batman scanned her with his cowl and found a pulse. She was still alive and was just sleeping. She was exhausted and she deserved some rest.

Batman picked her up bridal style and walked into the station.

Four officers who were standing guard saw her and were shocked by the sight.

"Whoa! It's Ivy! Cash wasn't kidding when he said she was still alive!" said one of the officers.

"Is she alright? She looks terrible." said another guard.

"She's fine. She's just weak from the gas and is tired. I'm bringing her here to rest up." said Batman.

"Need help carrying her?" asked the first officer.

"No thanks. I got it." said Batman.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I feel kinda bad for her for sucking up all that fear crap for us all. I guess there was good in her, after all." said the first guard.

"Since Dr. Langstrum is being held in that first isolation chamber she was in earlier, there's another one in the back room you can put her in. We were saving it for that scary alligator guy in case he ever returns, but until then, feel free to use it." said the officer.

"It will do just fine." said Batman.

He walked to the door.

"Here, let me." said the second guard and he opened the door for Batman and he stepped inside.

As he walked in, several cops eyed him and Ivy and they were whispering about her. None of them spoke badly about her, they were rather admiring what she did for them at the cost of her health.

The detained criminals Batman had captured through the night, on the other hand, made wolf whistles and nasty comments about the plant woman.

"Hey 'Bat-Moron'! Are you and Poison Ivy hooking up now? Yeah, hubba-hubba!" said one inmate.

"And we thought 'Plant-Bitch' hated your guts, 'Bat-Chump'! another taunted.

"Poisonous DNA or not, I'd love to get it on with that sexy, green body of hers! I can make my own 'ranch dressing' to go with my salad if you know what I mean!" said another.

That last comment made Batman stop and he turned his head to glare at the man who made that horrid comment. Poison Ivy may have been a villainous person before, but even she didn't deserve such unwanted, rancid treatment like this.

"Uh-oh, I think you went too far, man." said a prisoner inside the same cell as the man.

"Pfft! What's he gonna do? Hang me from a cave or suck my blood like a friggin' vampire? Bleh, bleh, bleh! We're in here and he's over there where he can't touch us!" said the man who laughed it off and turned his back to Batman.

Another pair of officers approached the handle the situation.

"Hey, shut up in there, will ya?" one officer barked.

"Hold her for a moment." Batman told the officers.

"Uh, sure." they said and Batman handed Ivy over to them and they carefully held her by her arms and legs while Batman approached the cell housing the pervert inmate who wasn't paying attention at all as he was busy laughing while the other inmates backed away, afraid of what was about to happen.

When he got close enough, he grabbed him by his uniform's collar to turn him around and strongly slammed his face against the bars of his cell, leaving him screaming in pain and clutching his now-bleeding face with both hands. The result was a broken nose and jaw.

"Oooh, that's gotta hurt!" said one of the officers holding the unconscious Ivy.

"Anyone else have anything smart to say?" Batman asked to which the jailed criminals remained silent and shook their heads, not wanting to face the vigilante's wrath. While Batman may not be a killer, he still scared them with his brute strength.

"Good." Batman said and turned back to the cops to retrieve Ivy whom they immediately handed back over to and he resumed his trek.

When Batman entered the main area where most of Gotham's supercriminals were locked in the large cell in the middle of the room, the rest of the room's officers, former hostages and jailed villains saw how crappy Ivy looked after her ordeal.

The incarcerated criminals were Penguin, Two-Face, Firefly, a firefighter named Raymond Underhill who helped Firefly, Professor Pyg, and Simon Stagg. It would be filled up further later on.

Most of the staff and victims had heard of Ivy's peril and praised her for saving them while the incarcerated villains stared and rolled their eyes over Ivy's change and heroism, which they viewed as treachery and seeing her as a sell-out to their cause. If Ivy had joined them on their quest over domination of Gotham, her powers would have made Batman's mission to stop them nearly impossible and theirs quite easy.

"So Scarecrow was wrong about Dr. Isley being dead. I can already see Crane's reaction when he finds out about this." said Two-Face.

"You an' me both. Knowin' Batman, Scarecrow will be join' us real soon and we'll get ta see what he feels seein' Ivy livin'." said Penguin.

"I'd love to see the plant bitch burn! It will satisfy me very much!" said Firefly.

"You and your hobbies, Flynn." said Two-Face, rolling his eyes.

Says the guy who uses a stupid coin to make his choices for him." Firefly replied.

"Plant lady beautiful. She hurt by toxic gas, but Pyg can help make her beautiful and better than before." said Pyg in a creepy tone.

"Even you disgust me, you Ed Gein wannabe nutcase." said Simon Stagg to Pyg.

Batman ignored them.

Cash was nowhere to be seen. Batman figured he was on a bathroom break or something.

Soon, he was seen walking out and toward his desk.

"So it's true. Ivy's alive and . . . damn, is she in need of a doctor." he said upon seeing Batman carrying the unconscious Poison Ivy in his arms. "Was she like that when you found her?"

"Yes. She absorbed all of Crane's gas and it poisoned her nearly to death. Her appearance is the price she paid for the city." said Batman.

"Must have been painful as hell." said Cash.

"Where's the second chamber?" Batman asked.

"In the back. Follow me." he said.

Batman and Cash walked, with Ivy, to the door leading to the back.

When they arrived, Cash and Batman entered the room containing the second isolation chamber. Cash opened the door and Batman walked inside and gently placed Ivy inside on the chamber's bed.

Batman went to fetch a blanket and placed it over her body to make her more comfortable and warm.

Ivy remained sleeping and unmoving.

"Keep her safe while I resume my mission of stopping Scarecrow." said Batman.

"Will do." said Cash.

The two left and in a few seconds, a female officer came by to guard Ivy despite there not being anyone inside besides the botanist herself.

With not much left to do by herself, the female officer grabbed a chair, whipped out an e-book device and scanned for something to read to pass time until Ivy wakes up or something else happens.

Here's the first chapter of the reboot. Interesting? Ivy was showing hints of her newfound attraction to Batman here and this will evolve later on in the story. If you want to see Batman and Poison Ivy start a relationship with each other, then eat this tray of expired, rotting food . . . without puking. First one to puke loses and must do the macarena dance while barking like a little wiener dog.

*hands over a tray of stinky food. Flies are buzzing around and maggots are crawling on the food.*

Bon apetit people!

*sinister chuckle*