Poor Unfortunate Souls

Written by Chibikan

Summary: An alternate storyline to Disney's The Little Mermaid. What if Ursula had chosen to take a different direction with Ariel? What other direction? Well, what if she had decided to try and get Ariel on her SIDE? Combines elements of both the original movie, the musical, and a little bit of the second movie.


"I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something's starting right now. Watch and you'll see. Someday I'll be part of your world!"

The violet-shaded cicaelia laughed at the sight presented to her by her pet morays. Her young niece was in love. And what made matters even better was… "Oh, I can't stand it! It's so easy, the child is in love with a human." she cackled, "And a prince to boot! When her daddy finds out, she's gonna need someone, someone to help her. Flotsam, Jetsam my pets, keep an eye on the child, and bring her to me at the opportune moment. I'll be ready."

AN: Yes that's all you get to start. I know, I'm mean. But you can already see a change in the works. Sorry for a delay in writing for me in other stories, I've been putting up with a toothache that only The Little Mermaid is helping right now. And dat ain't no lie, mon.
