Rika, Queen of the South
Epilogue: My Family Is So Weird
Years later, Rika and Renamon have yet to be unseated, and now their legacy may be forever cemented with their heirs.
This mostly uses material from the animes, with bits from the rest of the universe, but if you're like me and only watched the shows, don't worry; I've kept you in mind when writing this.
Rika stretched out on her bed, rubbing her eyes and sitting up...with a quiet huff. After all, even with a decade and a half of experience being a battle-hardened athlete, it wasn't like being six months pregnant made things easier. Looking down at the bump filling out her midsection, her nightgown open to proudly display her accomplishment, she asked, "What, no 'good morning' for your mother?" She smiled a little as her passenger gave her a few taps back. "That's better," she said with a yawn as she got up.
Rolling out of bed to follow her, Renamon asked, "How are you doing, Rika?"
"I'm fine," she replied as she headed to the bathroom, "other than having a few extra pounds on my bladder." Same answer she'd been giving most mornings these days.
The fox nodded as she kept shadowing her wife. "Any nausea? Cravings? Soreness?" she continued.
Rika shook her head, sighing quietly. "I guess I could use a minute of privacy at least while I answer calls of nature," as she motioned for Renamon to turn around, already knowing what kind of answer she'd get.
"Nope," she answered as she obeyed the other request and turned around. "Don't say I didn't warn you when I said I'd be overprotective."
"Oh well," Rika conceded.
With that finished, she clapped to summon the Gazimon servants so a bath could be prepared, but before she could give the order, Renamon held a hand up as one of her ears twitched. "Hold off on that...trouble's coming," she said as she led Rika back to the bedroom, "and I might need backup to deal with it."
They didn't have to wait long before a young girl's shriek reached their ears, and just after that, a ping pong ball-sized fireball flew into the room, fizzling before it could hit anything...and just behind that was a five-year-old girl still in her pajamas, running top speed towards the bed. She was the spitting image of her human mother at that age, just with a single blonde lock in her otherwise red hair and eyes that clearly showed her hybrid nature: Her blue irises were surrounded by black sclera, giving her eye "blacks" instead of eye "whites."
"HiMotherHiMom!" she spat out as she jumped on the bed.
Just in time for a smart-aleky boy's voice from the hall to yell, "Hey, no hidin' behind your moms, Aiko!" as she slid behind the other side of the bed, peeking over it at the door.
"I'm not! Now come 'n get me, Wimpmon!" she shouted back, giggling as her playmate ran in.
"Why, yi youghta!" he complained as another fireball appeared above his finger.
"Renaiko, Impmon, it's too early for this..." Rika said tiredly.
Impmon looked over and grinned at them. "Mornin', yer majesties," he said confidently, adding to Rika, "my, you got a lovely glow about you today," then to Renamon, "and you're hot as ever," before rushing to jump over the bed.
With a whoosh of wind, Renamon rushed forward and caught him by the tail in midair, saying calmly, "I hope you're grateful every day that you're the only Digimon who's not allowed to say that to me but doesn't risk dying for it."
"Hey, yer cheating! You are hidin' behind yer moms!" Impmon complained again to Renaiko as the fireball fizzled out.
"Mooom," Renaiko joined the complaining before calling to the door, "Uncle Mako! Aunt Ai! Moms won't let us play anymore!"
Rika walked over to join them, shaking her head. "You can play later if you're good with your lessons today."
She humphed, but obediently stood back up from behind her former cover as Impmon, still upside-down, snickered. "And here I thought bein' a princess was gonna be Easy Street for her," he remarked.
"Not when her parents are a bit more progressive," Renamon replied, giving the smaller Digimon a weak toss to let him land on the bed.
"And want their kids to grow up to actually be even cooler than they are," Rika finished. "Now come on, we've both got a day to get ready for."
"Okay, Mother," Renaiko said with resigned acceptance as she walked out.
Impmon went to join her, but before Renaiko was out of sight, he raised his finger again and summoned another fireball with a mischievous grin...and before he could throw it, a shard of white light zipped past his head and snuffed it out before disappearing.
With a huff, he looked back at Renamon. "Why couldn't either of you have been the fun mom, so me 'n the others don't have to be the fun uncles and aunt?" he asked.
"Oh, stop acting like you don't like it," the fox answered flatly.
Shrugging, the little demon crossed his arms behind his head and left. Rika chuckled when he was gone, pointing to the bathroom and nodding to the Gazimon who had stood by silently. Understanding the unspoken order, they bowed and went to get her bath ready.
When she couldn't help but laugh again, Renamon looked at her with a questioning smile. "Hahaha, it's just...I have to laugh about it. My family is so weird...which actually still makes us kind of normal..." she said before giving Renamon a hug and kiss, "and I love it."
A/N Continued
Thanks for reading :)
Fun little factoid, Renaiko's name came from my friend Flyingwolf, who first suggested the name Renita but gave me the idea of combining names. I hit on Renaiko - "Renamon" + "Aiko" (something like "love" and "child") - as a result.
Digimon (c) Namco-Bandai.
My copyright policy: "Sharing is caring." Do what you like with this story, not like I can do anything to stop you, in fact I'd be flattered you'd want to share it or save it so you can read it whenever you want. All I ask is that you link back to the original source. A version that can be copied is on my DA page (I'm Evertide there too).