Intoxicated and addicted, she followed them with a growl that they didn't hear. If they had, they would have seen her spring and attack; the glow of warning in her eyes. Or they would have seen the way she bounced off of Xander, scratching his arm, drawing out crimson liqueur, stuffing it into her mouth.

The tingles built up as the blood was nourishment; food; promise of futures all at once.

It was as if she had anemia, and this was her cure.

Willow scrambled to get up before Buffy slapped her and tripped her. She jumped on top, clenching her hands on Willow's shoulders, bringing her pointed fangs to her jawline, scratching the first layer of skin. Not biting. Just testing. Rolling the thought around her mourning mind. The voice in her mind told her to stop and show mercy.

A voice she ignored before giving into grief. She hugged Willow's neck with her jaw and sunk her teeth into the velvety white flesh and drinking deeply.

No mistake, Buffy was a vampire and there's nothing she can do about it.

In her own wallowing misery, she slit her wrist and dropped the red toxin in Willow's mouth, desperate to revive her after having killed her.

Pain and guilt was written all over Buffy's vampiric face.

Meanwhile, Xander gave a guttural cry as he came across his dead friend.

Buffy had nowhere to go, but to her Master.

He looked up, surprised to see her.

"What brings you to my humble abode?" He asked coyly. He looked over to his right hand man, Luke. "Luke, refreshment please?"

Buffy licked her teeth clean, retracting them in a show of respect to her Master.

"Me master, help me?" She choked out, collapsing to the floor.

The Master sniffed the air. Family. Home. Deaths. Two Bodies. No heartbeat!

He chuckled. "Child, I know I'm not your sire so the question is, who then?" He sniffed at the air again, cleansing his palette.

"You smell like one of mine. Young, fresh and strong."

"It was a nightmare," she blushed. "Some kid named Billy made them come true. The whole Hellmouth's lit with it. In my nightmare, you sired me. I'm yours, even if you don't recognize it." She bowed in reverence to the Master of the Aurelian line and her sire.

The Master was satisfied with this and brought her over to sit on his lap while he messed with her hair.

"You shall replace Darla. Be my favourite sitting by my side." He beamed and considered his new favourite.

"I have a soul, Master. Yet, I feel cold. Empty. A brave new world."

"You will get over it," he smirked.

"I'm afraid my friends won't accept you." She admitted.

"Who cares! You're a Vampire, we don't spare feelings." He responded, fatherly.

Buffy smiled.

"I guess you're right."

The three of them laughed.

Luke threw down the carcass of Willow. "What shall we do with this one?"

Buffy looked down at her undead friend.

"Leave her. I have a plan." A sly grin stretched across her face.

"To reel in Angelus," the Master rose his brow.

"You could say it's live bait," she smirked.