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Star Wars - Fruits of Betrayal: Prologue



A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

20 BBY


"I need to leave Coruscant immediately. When is the next scheduled flight off planet and where is it's destination?" Ahsoka Tano asked the Toydarian conductor, the being buzzed around her annoyingly reading information from his pad. Ahsoka supressed a growing urge to strike him with the Force, it would be so easy her mind whispered.

"Do it make the insufferable insect pay."

"No," another part of her said. "Unrestrained Violence isn't the Jedi way."

"Why should you care you aren't a Jedi anymore, and never will be again. They abandoned you." The other part of her stated coldly. A tear trickled down Ahsoka's face at the unvarnished truth

"21:00 this evening, destination Corellia system." The Toydarian said. "Would you like to purchase a ticket young lady?"

"Yes," Ahsoka said wiping her eyes.

"Are you alright miss?" The Toydarian asked a note of genuine concern in his voice.

"I recently received some very bad news. My apprenticeship was unexpectedly terminated." Ahsoka said telling a half truth. "Now I have no reason to remain on Coruscant."

"Pity," The Toydarian said shaking his head. "Merchant guilds can often be cutthroat with their reasoning."

"Tell me about it." Ahsoka half joked with a bitter laughed. Ahsoka frowned at her quickly diminishing pile of credit chips, before stuffing them back into her small pouch. She was already running short on resources, and she hadn't got off planet yet.

"You can stay here until departure time, if you want miss?" The Toydarian offered sadness evident in his voice.

With a sickening sensation growing in her stomach Ahsoka sensed he was feeling sorry for her. Imagine that from respected Jedi Padawan to pathetic failure in less than a standard week. Ahsoka felt dead inside. How could this have happened? What had she done wrong? Why had everyone, save perhaps her former master, turned against her so rapidly? Damn the Council and their hypocritical rules. They'd had more faith in Barriss, the true traitor, than they had in her. Barriss of all the people who could have betrayed her in such a fashion Ahsoka would have put Barriss low on the list, near the bottom in fact. At one time she and the Mirialan knight had been inseparable best friends. Why had Barriss picked her of all people as the scapegoat? Ahsoka suspected she'd never learn the reason behind her former friend's horrible deed. Barriss was just another Jedi deceiver.

"Thank you, I'd like that." Ahsoka said forcing a smile.

It would seem this was her life now. What her former comrades the Jedi had reduced her to, drifting from place to place without purpose a charity case dependent upon others for her wellbeing and perhaps her very survival. Although showing a placid exterior inside Ahsoka was seething, her rage was increasing exponentially with each passing moment. Ahsoka tried in vain to release her feelings into the Force as she'd been taught, without success.

"I'll be right back." Ahsoka said after receiving her ticket.

Outside a few minutes later Ahsoka leaned against the station door. She was a roiling cauldron of unfamiliar emotions; anger, fear, disappointment, betrayal and above all else burning hatred. Ahsoka hated the Council, Barriss, the Clones, her friends in the Senate and even Obi-wan for not believing in her innocence.

"Hatred is wrong," part of Ahsoka protested. "Hate is a path to the Dark Side."

"Who cares," another stronger part of Ahsoka contended. "If the Jedi represent the light than dam the light, I don't need it or want it. I should embrace the darkness let it fill me up let it comfort me, it would appear nothing else does now. Ahsoka was appalled by her emotions. Never before had she permitted herself to entertain such blasphemous thoughts.

"And why not the Jedi had proven themselves deeply flawed. Perhaps their teachings on the nature of the Dark Side were also wrong?" No she couldn't, wouldn;t consider that possibility, not yet. "The light had given her nothing but false promise. She should give the dark an equal chance.

"No," the growing ever smaller and weaker part of her protested. "She could not betray the Jedi in such a way. Wait, they'd already betrayed her. Whatever happened from this point onward wasn't her responsibility ultimately it was theirs."

Ahsoka staggered against the onslaught of conflicting impulses. She had no idea what to do or where to turn. Only that she desperately needed guidance. She silently prayed she would find it on Corellia, or at least some sort of peace there.

Office of the Supreme Chancellor

Palpatine sat steepling his fingers a serpentine smile spread across his face. With Skywalker's bothersome apprentice finally gone the youth was one step closer to joining him as a Sith. Soon the Republic would fall and the Jedi Order would be no more. Everything was progressing according to his design. Out of nowhere a vivid vison hit him as if it were riding out of control speeder.

"Grant me vengeance upon the Jedi Order I will do whatever you command." Ahsoka Tano said kneeling before Darth Sidious.

"Good, the Force is strong with you Ahsoka a powerful Sith you shall become. Henceforth you shall be known as Darth Cyrin. Arise Darth Cyrin take your rightful place by my side." Darth Sidious said. "Together we shall visit justice upon the arrogant Jedi Order and bring peace to our war torn galaxy."

"Fascinating," Palpatine puffed between deep breaths his heart rate racing his palms sweaty.

Seldom had Palpatine experience such vivid a premonition. Even in his flustered state Palpatine grasped the enormity of his vision's meaning. Skywalker's former apprentice would soon pledge herself to the Dark Side and then his personal service. Once Tano was converted Palpatine sensed turning Anakin to the Dark Side would be made far easier. Although he'd planned on maintaining the Sith rule of two indefinitely Palpatine now knew he'd have to change with the times as they say. The opportunity of ensnaring not one but two young, powerful apprentices was far too tempting to pass up. Who knows perhaps he'd retain Dooku's and Grievous' services following the Jedi purge, both had their uses after all. Slipping on his Sith robe and into his Sidious persona Palpatine performed a quick check of public transit records then activated his secret holographic communication unit. A miniature flickering blue hologram of General Grievous appeared.

"Lord Sidious," The cyborg greeted bowing at his waist. "What is your bidding my master?"

"General Grievous I have a rather delicate mission that requires your unique expertise." Darth Sidious said.

"Rest assured whatever you desire my lord it shall be done." General Grievous said.

"A public transport, flight number XAX-1179996-C, will be leaving Coruscant bound for Corellia at 21:00 hr local time. Traveling onboard is disgraced Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Intercept the transport and retrieve Tano." Darth Sidious instructed. "Listen carefully I want her unharmed and accorded all possible amenities. Tano is not your formal prisoner nor is she to be treated as such. However do not permit her to leave until reaching your destination, understand General?"

"Yes my lord." General Grievous said. "May I ask why Tano is being afforded such special treatment?"

"Because I have foreseen she'll be a valuable future asset for our war effort." Darth Sidious said.

"Once Tano is in my possession what should I do with her lord?" General Grievous asked.

"Transport Tano to Serenno, she'll then be Count Dooku's responsibility." Darth Sidious said. "Go General do my bidding without delay."

"At once lord Sidious." General Grievous said rising from his kneeling position before the hologram blinked out of existence.

Darth Sidious next wasted no time contacting Count Dooku. "My master," Dooku said kneeling before the greater dark lord.

"My apprentice I am sending you a powerful new tool in our struggle against the Jedi Order and it's Republican lapdogs." Darth Sidious said grinning manically. "A replacement of sorts for your recent lost chief dark acolytes."

"A new trainee," Dooku said uncertainly.

"Yes, lord Tyrannus but much more than that." Darth Sidious said his grin growing broader. "The Dark Side has shown me she is key to the future of our Order. The rule of two is at an end lord Tyrannus, our Order must adapt or perish."

"Who is this exceptional individual my master?" Dooku said uncomfortably.

"You've met her several times, in battle." Darth Sidious said jovially. "Her name is Ahsoka Tano."

"Skywalker's Padawan," Dooku said taken aback.

"The same, you lord Tyrannus will be her initial instructor in the ways of the Sith. Once you've seduced her to the Dark Side train her as a true future Sith, not merely as another dark acolyte. However do not have her undergo the naming ceremony. I insist on reserving that pleasure for when she comes me. Until which time she can remain a Sith in all but name. Do I make myself clear?" Darth Sidious growled.

"Yes my master, however I must p…." Dooku attempted to protest.

"Farewell lord Tyrannus." Darth Sidious said deactivating his hologram unit with a flick of his wrist. Darth Sidious leaned back contentedly in his chair. The Dark Side was indeed generous.

To Be Continued