So this idea popped into my head. I got this idea after reading Path of destruction by Midnight Lost (which i recommend you read aswell as some of his others if you haven't already) and is inspired by it. It's a Winx Club and Star Wars crossover that takes place after the galactic civil war with the occasional flashback and is my version of season 4.

Bloom was apprenticed by Emperor Palpatine in the hope she could dethrone Darth Vader, which she did. After she completed her goal (3 years before the battle of Hoth) she became a feared sith, renowned for her skill with a lightsaber. During the battle on Endor she was on the death star fighting Luke. Despite her winning her master didn't allow her to kill him. Bloom, who felt a disturbance in the Force, decided to leave. Right after she got to her cruiser she saw the destruction of the death star. Fast forward 3 years and she suddenly is in Magix again with the entire 501st at her disposal. How will this change the events of season 4? We'll see.

Something real quick, while 26 years have passed for Bloom, only 3 years have passed for the others. Aisha is the leader of the Winx, they managed to save Domino and Daphne has already been revived. No more talk. On to the story.

On the Vesuvius.

The Vesuvius. A Executor class star Dreadnought famous for it's participation in the battle of Hoth and later the battle of Endor. During the former it dealt most damage to the rebel fleet trying to flee. It had the same armourment and cargo capacity as other Dreadnoughts.

On board was the infamous 501st division. Perhaps better known as Vaders fist. Maybe even better as the dragon division. A division of the most skilled warriors trained to be the best of the best in every situation. Their leaders were really the most skilled military leaders ever. The one during the clone wars was Anakin Skywalker. A powerfull jedi whose arrogance blinded him immensely. The next was Darth Vader. A sith who was immensely powerfull but ultimately died at the hand of the 501sts newest leader who was currently standing on the bridge.

A young girl. She wore a black leather like outfit that hugged her curves. Those who knew her long enough would know her eye and hair colour had changed and that she was more muscular than before. Instead of flame red hair she now had scarlet hair and her eyes turned from cyan blue to yellow, the trademark of the sith. She also had multiple scars but the only visible one was the one over her left eye. She got it while fighting Rahm Kota. No one knew her real name but everyone knows her sith title: Darth Draconis.

She was currently thinking about the moment she was found by Darth Sidious, known by most as Emperor Palpatine. It was the moment it all started for her.

She couldn't belive her luck. She somehow managed to find herself in a different dimension where the time seemingly went faster than in Magix or on Earth.

She landed on a planet called Corusant she thought, where she somehow managed to get herself into a heist without even trying. To make matters worse the group she got stuck with got caught by the guards.

A fight broke out and she didn't know what to do. Then when one guard tried to kill her she somehow managed send him flying without using her magic. This caused the leader of the guards to order his man to kill anyone but her. They did exactly that killing the others, but stunning her.

Now she sat in a cell while being handcuffed. She had no way out and no way of knowing if it was day or night.. But she somehow wasn't scared. Something told her it was going to be alright.

The door suddenly opened. She thought that it would just be the stormtroopers as they called themselves bringing her food but instead it was a cloaked man. He seemed old but in reletively good shape for his age. His eyes were a piercing yellow.

"So you're the Force sensitive girl i was told about.". It wasn't a question it was a statement. The quirked an eyebrow before saying, "If the Force is what i used to send that guard flying than yes."

"I can feel the Force radiating off of you. Your potential is greater than Anakin Skywalkers and he could become the most powerfull Force wielder of all time. You have that potential and more. My apprentice is crippled. I need someone who can replace him. You are the one i choose to be my newest and potentially greatest apprentice.", the cloaked man said.

The girl was a bit hesitant. She could feel this mans dark energy radiating from him. The implication when he said she can 'replace' his apprentice didn't go over her head. She would have to do the unspeakable. She would have to kill his apprentice. On one end she didn't want to have anything to do with this man. But on the other end she felt intriqued by this man. The darker side of her brain begged her to say yes.

"What is your name girl?", the cloaked man asked. She hesitated again before answering. She thought about lying but decided to tell the truth. She didn't know why, but she knew the consequences of lying wouldn't be pretty.

"Bloom, my name is Bloom.", the girl answered. The man smirked. "Bloom eh? A beautyfull name for a beautyfull young lady.", he said making her blush. "Bloom do you accept my offer?", he asked.

This time Bloom didn't hesitate. The dark part of her brain taking control she said, "I gladly accept your offer. What do i call you now?". He suddenly started cackling before calming down and realising her from her binds.

"I go by several names. Sheev Palpatine, the Emperor, Darth Sidious. However you will adress my as either master or my lord understood?", he said. Bloom knelt down. "Yes master.", she said. It felt a bit humiliating calling him master but she knew she would eventually get used to it.

"Just like every sith in our line you will get a title. Henceforth you shall be known as Darth…. Draconis. I can feel you have another power. From now on i forbid you to use it. You will only use what i teach you understood?", Sidious asked. "Yes master.", was all Bloom replied with. She knew it was gonna be a rough journey but she will get through it. Even if it was the last thing she would ever do.

Now here she stood. The last dark lord of the sith alive. For what ever reason she recognized some of the planets. But her soldiers didn't. Where are they? Darth Draconis really was getting annoyed because she knew the planets but couldn't place where she knew them from.

The door to the bridge opened shaking the young sith out of her thoughts and revealing commander Apollo . The young commander was promoted after the battle of Endor and thusfar together with Draconis led the 501st through a difficult period.

They have had several skirmishes with the rebel scum, who now called themselves the new republic, and has come out victorious every time. This mainly because he was great at motivating his men and leading by example. He always fights along side his men to show that he doesn't think of himself as more than his fellow soldiers.

"My lady we discovered something about the surrounding planets. It seems like we are no longer in our galaxy but you already seem to know that. We than searched for the name of the planet closest to our ship. It is called Lynphea. Do you recognise the name?", the young commander said.

The siths eyes widened. That is the name of Flora's homeworld. After all these years she thought she would never come here again. But here she was, back in Magix. She was home.

"Yes i recognise it. We are in a place called Magix. Lynphea is one of many planets here in this dimension. It is also where i originate from.", the sith said. This shocked the commander. No one apart from the Emperor knew where she came from. But now he knows aswell.

"I want to check on something. Wait for my order.", Draconis said. She was met with "Yes my lady." and went to her fighter.

It was a experimental fighter. The TIE Advanced x2, a evolved version of Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1. It was faster, had better shielding all the while having the same amourment for surprisingly the same cost. They used more common but just as durable materials to make the fighter. They also wheighed less so if she wanted she could carry more weaponry but she never felt the need to.

She was flying towards where she knew were the schools lie. She had her hood up so no one would recognise her. She wanted to wait untill she was in the office of a certain headmistress to be identified. "Ready or not Magix, i'm back.".

At Alfea.

Flora was currently unpacking her stuff. It would be their her first year teaching. Her third year with Aisha as her roommate. Her third year without Bloom.

Sure the years after her disappearence weren't miserable. But they weren't quite as energetic as the one year with Bloom. Sure they nearly died but that wasn't Blooms fault. Was it? Nah, it definitely wasn't.

They still achieved insane things. They managed to destroy Darkar, somehow they defeated Valtor and did the impossible by reviving Domino while saving Daphne in the process. It were real triumphs but they didn't feel good at all. Atleast to Flora and Stella.

The two hated the fact Bloom wasn't there to celebrate. It was the mission she started. They merely completed it. I didn't feel fair to celebrate something started by someone who went missing.

When Oritel and Marion heard their daughter went missing without they were devastated. Finally they were freed from their prison, finally they could be reunited with their children. Their hope to be reunited with both was crushed when Daphne told them Bloom went missing and she couldn't sense her essence anymore. Everyone who knew her misses Bloom, but no one was nearly as sad as the King and Queen of Domino.

The door suddenly went open revealing Stella. She two was concerned about Bloom and missed her dearly. But right now it seems like trouble was looming. "Come quick! According to Miss Faragonda there is a unidetified aircraft coming here. It isn't responding to any of the messages given by Saladin. Now we have to go and intercept it with the boys.", she said.

Flora immediatly stopped with what she was doing and followed Stella. The others already were in the courtyard.

In the ship, 5 minutes later.

When they got to the courtyard they were met by the sight of the others and a Red Fountain ship. After a quick briefing they all went into the ship and flew towards the unidetified aircraft. Their orders were simple: if the pilot responded escort him/her towards their destination, if the pilot didn't respond shot him/her out of the sky.

Flora felt a bit uncomfortable with the idea of killing someone. But when she saw what they were up against she was scared for her life. A ship clearly made for battle. Fighter she belived was the term. The fact that Timmy didn't know what type it was concerned everyone.

"Unidentified aircraft, this is Sky of Red Fountain. Follow me and my crew, we will escort you to your destination. Please respond.", Sky said. The pilot gave no response. "I'm warning you only once, if you don't respond we will shoot you.".

"Sky you idiot, let me try it. Unidentified aircraft this is Stella of Alfea. We are here to escort you to your destination. Could you please tell us where you're going?", Stella said. "Alfea", was the response they got. They were surprised the pilot actually responded. But they had their orders to obey so they did exactly that.

When they got to Alfea they landed safely in the courtyard. The Winx and specialists were currently waiting for the Unidentified pilot to exit his/her ship. When she did they were met with the sight of a young woman who couldn't be much older than them and dressed in all black attire. She was muscular enough to rival the physical strength of the boys. She had a hood over her head as if she didn't want to be indentified. The also so a hilt similar to the hilt of their swords. Sky looked at Riven who immediatly went and followed the unspoken command.

The girl knew what he was going to try. When he got close she gave him a rough kick against the knee followed by a knee to the face. Riven went to the floor crying in pain.

Immediatly the other specialists drew their swords (in Timmy's case gun). They charged at her. The girl smirked, drawing her own sword. Immediatly Tecna noticed her sword was different. Instead of made out of metal or some other material it was a laser sword.

The girl easilly parried the specialists their attacks while sometimes getting a hit in herself. The group noticed she was a lot stronger than they thought aswell as faster. Eventually she managed to get into a 1v1 with Brandon. She suddenly changed her fighting style from the defensive style she used untill then to a more agressive style. Brandon noticed the strength in her blows. He couldn't keep up at all. Eventually the girl managed to knock him out cold with a sudden punch to the head with the blunt side of her weapon.

Seeing Brandon go down Sky rushed at her. All she did was nimbly jump over him , followed by a kick against the back. Instead of waiting to regain his balance Sky charged at her again. However before he reached he fell face first on the ground his weapon falling out of his hand. It was clear to Stella that she had changed styles again.

Out off the corner of her eye she could see Riven suddenly charging at her. Instead of panicing she calmly parried his sword. Again he attacked. This time she jumped over him but instead of kicking him she sliced his back with her sword causing him to become unconcious. The girls all were shocked at what she did. Musa looked ready to cry. She just hoped Riven was okay.

Helia now attacked her. Unlike the others he didn't blindly charge her. Instead he allowed her to take the initiative. "Bad call, little boy", the girl thought. She changed style again. This time instead of strength or agility based attacks her attacks were more coordinated, like a fencer almost. This surprised Helia as he expected her to charge at him. His surprise didn't hamper him though. He managed to keep a good defence up untill the girl, after a decent fight, disarmed him.

Timmy then thought it was a bright idea to start shooting her. The girl blocked all shots he fired at her before coming close enough to kill him. However she decided to destroy his blaster instead.

"We have to do something. But i honestly don't know what.", Aisha said. "What about leading her to Faragonda's office?", a voice suddenly said.

When they turned around they saw Saladin, Grizelda, Codatorta, Griffin, Ediltrude and Zarathustra. Saladin was angry at seeing his boys getting defeated by this girl, Grizelda was disapointted the girls didn't help, Codatorta was embarrsed by his boys, Griffin was snickering at the boys while the 'witch sisters from hell' where howling in laughter.

"No offence to your students, but if they can't beat me when i'm not going all out they won't survive for long against the enemies that are likely to follow me here. They really should work harder.", the girl said. Everyone who heard her was shocked. Not only was she openly criticising the best school for heroïcs in Magix but she wasn't even trying when fighting it's top students.

"You destroyed them. How much better can you get?", Aisha asked. "When i augment my speed and strength with the Force i become even better than i am with my natural physique. As my master always told me "Simply doing physical augmentation better is better.". Now bring me to your headmistress please. I'll answer your questions there.", the girl said before someone could ask what the Force was. The Winx girls hesitated a bit before leading the girl towards Faragonda's office.

At Faragonda's office.

It was eerily quite. Faragonda was studying the girl infront of her. Just like the Winx she felt very dark energy coming from this girl. If she was as powerfull as Faragonda thinks she is she better be on their side.

"You have kept your hood up this entire time thusfar. Would you please take it off miss?", Faragonda asked politely. The girl nodded than took her hood off. Everyone apart from Aisha was shocked to see whoes face it was.

"Bloom, is that you?", Stella asked. Bloom smirked saying, "I don't think that question needs answering Stella.".

"You're not Bloom, just someone who looks similar. The real Bloom would never kill somebody.", Musa said with tears in her eyes. Bloom couldn't help but laugh. She knew what Musa was talking about. "Relax. Your little boyfriend is still alive. I promise. I just don't like to get seperated from my lightsaber.", Bloom said seeing the looks on each of the girls faces.

"Before anyone asks yes my weapon is called a lightsaber. It's a weapon used by my order and our fierce rivals the jedi. Mine is a standard lightsaber hilt powered by a red synthetic crystal. The crystal was created by me as my first test under my master."

"You said something about the Force. what is that?", Flora asked. Bloom smirked at the question. Musa, Aisha and Tecna already were afraid of the answer while Flora and Stella were eager the hear it.

"The Force is power. Few can harness it. Those who can usually join one of two sides. The jedi, the so called good guys who use the light side of the Force. Then you have us, the sith. The wielders of the dark side.", Bloom answered. The others talked amongst eachother. Stella, Flora and even Daphne were intriqued with what she told. However you always have those skeptical few.

"The light side are always the good guys. You should….". Aisha stopped talking after Bloom suddenly started cackling. "Of yes, the starters of a galactic conflict are the guys. Such amazing people.", she said. She smirked when she saw and felt the fear of the foolish girl.

"Did you know the jedi had a prison where they did experiments on living prisoners? Of course not, you've never been in that galaxy. During the clone wars the jedi became corrupt. Some accepted offers to join the CIS, a band of warlords. It's leader count Dooku, jedi master. To stop the corruption my master organized a coup. They would kill all jedi and create the galactic empire. But then Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, children off legendary jedi Anakin Skywalker, created the rebel allieance. They would go on to destroy the empire.", Bloom said. This made the three who were intriqued mad at the jedi. How dare calm themselve the good guys.

Of course Bloom gave her own spin to the story. That being the part of Dooku. Yes he used to be a jedi, but he became a dark lord of the sith before he became the leader of the CIS.

"How can Leia be a son of this Skywalker if her surname?", Aisha asked. Bloom chuckled. She loved to mess with her type. Naive, headstrong, skeptical, not used to someone beating her in a argument. But most importantly easy to turn people against. This could be fun. "One word sweetheart ; adoption.

You see my master had another apprentice. This apprentice fought and killed Anakin Skywalker, but got bested by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Because he was crippled my master was looking for a replacement. I was that replacement. Of course if you replace a broken tool with a new one you throw away the old one.". She said that last part with a smirk immediatly they knew what she meant.

"You're a murderer. A filthy Murderer.", Aisha said. "Yes i am. But you would aswell if you fought a war. I was trained to kill. I wasn't always a killing machine. I used to be like you. But my master neede a killer. I killed several of the jedi''s finest. I killed the likes of Rahm Kota, Shaak Ti and many more. 26 years of non stop killing. But i couldn't kill my biggest prey. Luke Skywalker. I had him in my grasp twice. Once he escaped, once i wasn't planning on Killing him. Next time though, next time he is dead."

They could simply hear she went through a lot. However there was one thing Stella didn't quite get. "26 years? But that can't be, you've only been gone for 3 years.". Bloom smirked again. Aisha didn't trust that at all.

"The timezone difference. Here time goes almost 9 times slower than in the other galaxy. That would mean that i might be 43 years old over there, while i'm only 20 years old here.", Bloom explained causing them to "oh" in understanding.

Something else, is there a landing strip? My men and i are in need of supplies and medical assistence.", Bloom said. That surprised them. They where surprised that Bloom possibly took trained soldiers with her.

"How large is your ship?", Faragonda asked. She knew Red Fountain had some landing strips ready. She just needed to know ho long and how wide the ship was.

Bloom showed her a hologram of her ship. It was larger than Faragonda expected. Heck, it was a freaking flagship. "The Vesuvius. A Executor-class star Dreadnought, also refered to as super-class star destroyers. 19.000 meters long. Top atmospheric speed 100 km/h. Titanium reinforced hull. Armed with 5000 turbolasers, ion cannons and concussion missile tubes. A crew of several thousends, some of which need medical treatment. Is there a landing strip for this ship?", Bloom asked.

Faragonda nodded. It will be difficult for her to get Saladin to allow a warship to land at his school but she was very convincing when she tried. "It will take some convincing but Saladin will give you spot.". Bloom nodded and surprised everyone by saying, "You have five minutes. Five minutes before i give my soldiers the order to land."

She turned to leave but stopped before the door. Her next words scared everyone in the room.

"I'll warn you now. Those soldiers have fought worse. If i don't hear anything about my request in five minutes i will order them to land. If Red Fountains students are foolish enough to attack them i won't order them to stand down. Not only have those boys never fought imperial stormtroopers but the Dreadnoughts are some of the most powerfull ships ever build. You don't want a school full of promising students to be destroyed while most of those students die protecting the school now do you?"

Okay here we go. Now before we go i quickly want to go over two names.

Firstly the Vesuvius. This is pretty straight forward. It is the name of the Volcano in Italy close to Naples.

Secondly Blooms sith name Draconis. Basicaly i was searching for a fitting name in Latin. So i decided to go for the Latin word for Dragon because of Blooms powersource the Dragonflame. The Latin word for Dragon is Draconis so Darth Draconis it is.

Hope you all enjoyed it. As always.

Peace, love, have a great day and may the Force be with you… always.