Blood Lust

by ChaosChampion and Cyberchao X

Disclaimer: We own nothing but this fic and some of the characters in far- off chapters.

A/N: Cyberchao X here. I was surprised when ChaosChampion asked me to write the first chapter myself. He says that I have superior knowledge of Digimon timelines, although I think that translates to "two magazines and way too many TV channels." ChaosChampion will then be writing the second chapter himself, and after that, we'll be working together on it. Oh, and the P.O.D. (point of diversion) is the end of Episode 36 in Season 1.

Chapter 1: Potential

"It's me you want," Hikari said. "I'm the eighth child. If you'll just stop hurting my friends...I'll go quietly."

"How helpful of you, little girl." replied Phantomon in his thick accent, and started to take Hikari away.

"Don't do it, Hikari!" Yamato shouted. "Oh...Taichi's gonna kill me if he finds out about this!"

Phantomon took off with Hikari in tow. Yamato and Sora tried to give chase, but Tuskmon and Snimon returned to hold them up.


"We have the eighth child, Master Myotismon."

"Very good, Phantomon. This is the correct one, Gatomon?"

Gatomon lied, "No, I've never seen her before!"

"Oh? Then you won't mind if I do this!" He hit Hikari with a Crimson Lightning attack.

"No, Hikari!"

"How do you know her name if you've never seen her before?" He paused. ", you say her name is Hikari? I see...potential, in this girl." He picked Hikari up and sunk his fangs into her neck. "Phantomon! Take this girl back to the Digital World, and take care of her!"

"Why go back to the Digital World, when I can do it now?" He raised his scythe.

"You fool! I didn't mean that you should kill her!" Myotismon said angrily.

"Sorry, Master Myotismon. What did you mean?" Phantomon asked.

"Exactly what I said. Even now her appearance is beginning to change. Soon, she shall become a vampiress."

"And you, Master Myotismon?"

"I shall wait here for about another day or so. By that time, ten years will have passed there. She will be fully grown...exactly how I want her." He licked his violet lips. Then he turned. "And where do you think you're going, Gatomon?"

Gatomon was trying to sneak away. "You don't really need me here any longer, do you?" she asked meekly.

"You're absolutely right. I don't. Your presence will only be a hindrance to me now that I have initiated a new plan. Crimson Lightning!"

"Aaaaah!" Gatomon cried.

"Good, good. Now, to finish the job. Nightmare Claw!" With this, Gatomon burst into data and disappeared.

Phantomon turned to Hikari. "Well, little girl, you certainly are the lucky one. Come along, now, you don't want to be late."

"For what?" she asked nervously.

"Just come along. You truly are lucky not to be dead right now. The master must really like you." Then he took the young vampiress to the Digital World.