Poll: Would you be willing to read a story that because of the eventual uptick in rating, you would eventually have to read on another site to finish? I have several stories on the go that will eventually involve explicit scenes (ie smut) but because of this site's policy about no M stories there are some pieces I can't post on here at all or at least in full. Vote Now!
Author has written 31 stories for Once Upon a Time, Teen Wolf, 100, Arrow, Avatar: Last Airbender, Timeless, and Merlin. 2014 - Everything's a little bit dusty considering it's been almost ten years since I set foot here. Will be refurbishing, uploading new content and cleaning house. Uploading as we speak although it looks like I'm only going to be able to put up my tamer stuff since quite a few of my multi-chapter fics contain 'mature themes and violence'. Your loss . If any IS interested the stories I won't be posting here due to the limitations thanks to the ratings guidelines and 's prudish nature, please check out my A03 profile under the same username. You WILL need an AO3 account to read them though. Also if you think I've dropped a fic because it hasn't been updated in a while that is not the case. Everything will be finished eventually. If you're wondering when a fic will be updated I work on a rotation schedule. Whichever unfinished fic was updated the longest ago will be updated next. All you need to do is check the list. |