In the years that followed the end of the war, Fire Lord Zuko and Fire Lady Katara began restoration and reparation of the world. With the combined efforts of the Avatar, the greatest Earthbender in the world, and one very sarcastic warrior turned brilliant councilman, they ushered in an era of peace, harmony, and balance.

Sokka, who managed to convince a certain Kyoshi warrior to marry him, eventually assumed role as Chief of the Southern Water Tribe. His father, alternated his time between his horde of grandchildren in the South and a similar army in the Fire Nation (he was also the ambassador, but it was a convenient excuse to visit his only daughter frequently).

The Dragon of the West retired to his teashop in Ba Sing Se, assisted by a foul-mouthed earthbender when she wasn't terrorizing her metalbending students. The Jasmine Dragon became the most famous teashop in the entire world, especially after that same earthbender eloped with the Avatar. The two had a mountain of children and unfortunately for Toph, all but one were airbenders (that one earthbender was just as tough as her mother).

Mai remained in the Fire Nation capital for a few brief year, during which she pinned a few noblewoman to various walls and trained until she was positively lethal. She ran off to join the circus with Ty Lee as a knife thrower, but a nobleman caught her eyes a few years later and they retired to Ember Island together. Ty Lee had a dozen lovers and two beautiful girls who were nothing alike. They both remained friends with the Fire Lady throughout their lives.

The Fire Lord and Lady transformed the Fire Nation. Battleships were abandoned, swords melted down, and they became the most sophisticated nation in the entire world. Although Zuko and Katara never managed to get a monument to their love, they did have a few more children. Their steamy love affair continued well until their children were old enough to be embarrassed (even Azula, after a few years in rehabilitation, found it positively disgusting). Aikka went on to become a master firebender and eventually became the Fire Lady when her parents retired to their estate on Ember Island and became even more embarrassing.

They were all ridiculously happy, even when some idiot composed a bawdy song about the Fire Lord and Lady (it even made Iroh blush).

It became terribly popular and is still sung to this day, though children whisper that if you say recite it three times before a pond in the moonlight the Fire Lady will appear and freeze you in a block of ice (the fact that it actually happened once has been lost to history).

And so it was.

They lived happily and hilariously and not very epically ever after.

[a/n]: Unfortunately, we've reached the end of Zutara Month and the end of this tale. Despite being wildly popular (thanks guys!), it's also the first full-length fic I've finished. Pretty wild, huh?

Given the restraints and lack of time, I will spend the next few months revising and editing A Mountain Divides Them Apart. I'll be sure to let you know when it's completed, but we aren't done with this story yet!

Thank you all for your support, for your likes, reblogs, art, and even anon asks. It's made this process possible and beyond that, enjoyable.

Happy shipping!