Reviews for Eistier
VakamaPrime chapter 29 . 4/6
May I just say...Oh my gosh! That was amazing!

I have no idea where to start!
I lived the premise of the story, I loved how you went into detail and tried to figure out things that would fit in with the time line, that was so amazing to read.

The ending was perfect! I loved how Xavier went back to his sister and bell found the note... that was so beautiful.

This is the first fanfic of BatB where it doesn't get all... erm... sleeping together at the end. It was really refreshing to see! People don't seem to realize you don't need that to write a romance.

The whole Eistier idea was amazing, from the acceptance of it to the renunciation, it was amazing.

The only thing I wished was different was the whole transformering into a beast thing. Personally, I would think that it would have repercussions with him in some way... but the way it turned out was great.

I also liked how you incorporated Christian aspects into it! I rarely get to see a fanfic that goes into that territory and comes out staanding beautifully. I liked how you had one character be very radical and superstitious, and another be just a kind person. The clash worked great. I also liked what you said about writers who ether take "Christians are bad, therefore pagans are good" or the "pagans are good, therefore Christians are bad" perspective of things... I completely agree with you! (Not very often I get to say that! Hehe!)
Thank you for including all that! It makes me feel so hopeful... people can write wholesome Christian things without messing them up.

I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into this, it really shows!

There is so much more I would like to say, but I have no idea how to put it into words!
The was simply one of the best fanfics I have ever read... probably the best.

Thankyourhankyouthankyou for putting so much hard work into this story! It was a compleate and total pleasure to read, and I hope other aspiring writers can learn from you example!

Thank you once again for writing such a beautiful story!
May God bless you and keep you safe!
iaccidentally chapter 29 . 8/25/2019
This is amazing. You're amazing. That is all.

(I hope you keep writing!)
Denz-El chapter 18 . 3/28/2017
Interesting backgroud mythos you've got there! :)

Man, this version of the Enchantress is especially despicable! Even more so than the creepy wicked fairy from Villeneuve's version!

She kind of reminds me of a dementor, what with feeding off of misery and the Patronus-like effect that Places of Worship have on her.

GOD Bless, Keep Up the Good Work, and Keep Moving Forward! Amen! :)
Denz-El chapter 17 . 3/28/2017
Thought-provoking and much appreciated introspection! Thanks for sharing your Individual Portion of Wisdom with us, Samoa! :)

(Yeah, I skipped the majority of the italicized bit...)

GOD Bless, Keep Up the Good Work, and Keep Moving Forward! :D Amen! :D
gisela19wwe chapter 29 . 1/31/2017
I can't describe how awesome this history is , honestly this took my mind away to picture all the romantic moments . I feel sad that people today don't express feelings with poems of simple phrases anymore . Good job !
gisela19wwe chapter 10 . 1/29/2017
Woow just to read how Belle find Xavier outdated is funny , but if I was her I would freak out Lol
gisela19wwe chapter 8 . 1/29/2017
I have to said that your history is one of the most interesting I had read from beauty and the beast. And based on the religious part I think is true how you portrait the attitude of people in the past , even today some people hide in religion to justify some actions . Awesome history so far , I will read until the end
Guest chapter 29 . 12/10/2016
lovely story, also including the sequel followup
Dream-Runaway chapter 29 . 11/9/2016
really enjoyed reading the story even if it did leave me a little wanting for how they came together in the end. however I respect that's the way you wanted to end your story and it's your right to do so. thank you for all the time and effort you put into writing Eistier for others to enjoy
Historian1912 chapter 27 . 9/29/2016
This does seem to be a decent ending even without the epilogues. Very fitting to the tone of the story. Admittedly, I never really thought about what happened to Gaston. I thought he'd died of his wounds or something. There's something seriously wrong with the guy. Just like Frollo, I feel that he hasn't read the Bible either often or in a way that suggests he was paying attention. A major part of being a Christian is supposed to be acknowledging your own sinfulness. Gaston seems to think he's perfect. See his problem?
Historian1912 chapter 26 . 9/29/2016
That was definitely interesting. Good job. I really liked how you brought back some of the stuff referenced in previous chapters that just seemed to be an extra bit of information and is now made plot critical. Again, great job.
Historian1912 chapter 24 . 9/29/2016
Well, Belle lost a slight bit of my respect for use of the word 'close-minded'. Besides my personal experience suggesting that those that love to use that word are the ones the word best describes, it is honestly a word that feels a bit too modern (temporally speaking only, since 'modern' in no way suggests 'better'. To believe otherwise is chronological snobbery. Technology may be a partial exception, but trade-offs have to be considered. What stops a bullet, for example, won't necessarily stop a knife). It just doesn't feel like something that would even come close to being said in conversation in the 19th Century. Speaking of which, why did you set this in 1846? There's another revolution in 1848 that ends the French monarchy altogether, at least until Napoleon III founds the Second Empire.
Historian1912 chapter 16 . 9/28/2016
I've always found magic in stories to be a bit odd when trying to think out their logical implications beyond just being part of the story. You're sorta doing that here. You touch upon in Belle's speculations one of only three real options when you're dealing with theology in this world, and the cast is at least nominally Christian (as honestly any of Disney's worlds with magic in them). From a Christian perspective magical powers can have only one of three ultimate sources. The first is God himself (near equivalent to miracles). The second is demonic forces (Falicier's friends from the other side from The Princess and the Frog would be good candidates for this). The final option is that magic is tapping into something that's been part of Creation from the beginning and being able to do that may or may not require the assistance or at least the consent of the first sources. All of this has to do if humans are the magic wielders. If they aren't then option three is a perfectly viable set-up that requires little to no further details for the story.

Sorry for rambling. I have a habit of trying to figure out the theological implications of various movies and shows if what is shown is true, even in fantasy worlds. This is especially true of Disney films since there a wide variety of them, and there are at least minor nods to religion in many of the films. Its a fun mental exercise, especially when working with purely fictional religions such as that of Avatar the Last Airbender or how the lions in The Lion King see the world.
Historian1912 chapter 8 . 9/28/2016
Out of curiosity, is 'pagan' supposed to be a derogatory word? I've never seen it used explicitly as such but more as a descriptive word.

On a different note I find it painfully ironic that Mr. 'fairy tales are very bad' is trying something that I've seen condemned in many Christian folk tales. For example, in St. George and the Dragon the solution was to kill rather than appease the dragon.

As for your commentary on how people are portrayed, I agree with you to an extent. However, I can see why writers tend to get overly biased towards their group. It boils down to your point about a 'decent human being'. One's beliefs define what a decent human being is supposed to be. If your actions demonstrate your worldview then there will be dramatic differences between people whose worldviews are dramatically different. Just look at Gaston from the movie. He had a very simple, narcissistic worldview, and it showed through with every action he took and word he spoke. This is not to say that people of different faiths (or no faith) can't be regarded by those of a different faith as decent human being; they're just less likely to emulate the opposing religion or philosophy's ideal.
Historian1912 chapter 7 . 9/28/2016
While an interesting spin on things, I personally have to say I have a few issues with this, once again, being part of a BatB story. In my personal experience the most bigoted (as much as I hate to use such an overused to the point of meaninglessness word) people I ever met are largely as you describe with one major difference. The people I've met are completely secular and believe themselves among the most tolerant of people. I have found them to be nothing of the sort.

Also, and I guess this is my biggest reason for taking issue, Gaston, just like Frollo, shows a painful lack of logic, especially from a Christian standpoint. I could write nearly as many words as are in this chapter dismantling how he handles things here. However, this is not the place for a theology lesson. Overall, this is an interesting take on the story.
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