Author has written 12 stories for Dragon Age, and Doctor Who. I live in Ontario, Canada. I write for the joy of it and to help my wildly vivid imagination to be expressed instead of being always trapped in my mind. I'm always thinking and I'm always coming up with new ideas and strangely enough, I never seem to be short of them. I've met some fantastic people here on Fan Fic and they have all been supportive and made me feel welcome, and I am grateful to them. I hope my stories entertain you as much as I have writing them. Thanks to this site, I have found a great love for writing that I always wanted to do but was never brave enough to follow through with. I really enjoy hearing from everyone, their thoughts on my stories or just to share their own with me. Either way I'm more then happy to chat and get to know the wonderful people on here. I am branching out with my writing some, I've fallen in love with Doctor Who and my main focus at the moment has been on a few ideas I have for stories. I have not forgotten my love of Dragon Age, and will finish the on going stories there. We go where I muse tells us and right now she's stuck in on the Doctor both Ten and Eleven and a wee bit of Nine. Since I'm still new there's a lot of the older stuff I do not know. I'm slowly learning and working my way around this massive cannon. As most of my stories I LOVE a good AU and a wonderfully written OC so anyone can send some fic's my way I would be forever grateful. I also write AU and OC's often, not sure if they are good but I love to write them, so there's that. Feel free to message me when ever, I try and do my best to get back to people. Sometimes I get busy and a few times I've not gotten alerts to messages so if you've messaged in the past with no response I am sorry. AIM: faithpascal MSN/Email/Gtalk: jellybonkerz@ Deviant Art: http:/// Tumblr: http:///blog/the-tardis-lost |
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