A/N: Please forgive any errors. Thanks so much for reading my story.

BioWare owns most.

Chapter 28

Alistair and Frankie were laying in bed with the sun peeking through their bedroom window. They both dreaded the idea of getting up, so they talked about the Landsmeet until the last possible moment before they absolutely had to get out of bed.

"You know I would love nothing more than to walk into the grand hall alongside you, love. But Zevran has a lead that we should follow up on." she said, running her fingers in circles over his chest.

"I know. I just hate the idea of you wanting to chase down a lead with Zevran, while I smile and wave at the nobles of Ferelden alongside Eamon. I don't like being separated from you." Alistair pouted.

"We'll be back before the official debate starts, I promise. It won't take long, and I'll hurry back to your side. Leliana, Dyson and Wynne can accompany you to the Landsmeet after breakfast. I'll ask Tessa to join Zev and me. Does that sound a bit better?" Frankie asked.

No, but I guess we don't have much choice. Just promise me you will be careful. I can't lose you." he said.

"I promise. I won't do anything reckless." she responded. "Now let's get our asses out of bed, my king. We have a big day ahead of us." she hesitated. "You do realize that we'll be seeing Loghain today?"

"Don't remind me." he replied dryly, as they both got up.

"I'm not trying to piss on your parade, love. I just need you to promise me that you won't let your anger and hate drive you to do something you'll regret later."

"I won't do anything to him, love. He is a Grey Warden, and I know he would have taken the final blow if Abby hadn't stopped him. I will always hate him and never call him brother but, I realize that he has lost his daughter, and he'll be facing his calling soon enough. I have learned from the past, and I won't let anything or anyone jeopardize our future." he stated.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. You certainly are going to be a wise king, my love." she smiled and hugged him tightly.

"Just keep it between us. I like my ability to just shrug and act stupid on occasion. Wise kings can't have any fun." he smiled back.

"My lips are sealed." she chuckled.

They helped each other get dressed in their armor, swords and shields in place. Hand in hand they went out to have breakfast. Their companions soon joined them, and they discussed the events of the day. Frankie had asked Tessa to join her and Zev in tracking the informant that possibly had information to share. Dyson was as unhappy about that arrangement as Alistair was, but neither Frankie or Tessa could be swayed, and Zevran promised to keep them safe. Which was also something that Alistair and Dyson worried about. Zevran alone with two women, was never safe.

After everyone had finished their last bite, they split into two groups and went in separate their destinations. Frankie had to admit that she was excited about investigating a lead again. It was one of the things she missed about being a cop. It was part of her, and getting to the truth of an unjust or unlawful situation was something she strived for. She knew that Alistair would have wanted her to take Dyson or Wynne along with her, but they she felt that they wouldn't be in danger, so it wasn't necessary for a big group to go, and having three rogues would be best because they could all use stealth if needed.

They made their way through the allies toward the docks. Zevran kept looking behind him every so often, and Frankie wondered if he and Tessa also had a weird feeling that they were being followed.

"What is it Zev?" Frankie asked.

"I hope nothing, but we have to make sure." Zevran said.

"Aye, I agree. I have a feelin' something is no' right." Tessa responded.

They ducked into an alleyway quickly, hoping to evade any pursuers that were following. They split up into different directions, agreeing to just retrace their steps separately, from different directions to determine if anything was out of the ordinary before proceeding to the informant's location.

Frankie weaved her way through the allies, leaning around corners, trying to be as fast and silent as possible. She thought the coast was clear and started to move when she felt a blade being held against her throat.

"We've been waiting to get our hands on you for quite some time. Your pretty prince is not with you? That is a shame, but we'll get him once we're finished with you. Thank you for making it so easy for us to dispose of you, Lady Francesca." the voice behind her said.

"So I suppose you're behind the murder of Queen Anora as well?" she asked, trying to think of the best way to maneuver herself free.

"Not only behind it. I drove my dagger into her myself." the man responded with an evil laugh.

"Well, you must feel really manly for killing an unarmed woman in her bed. Did your mommy not love you enough or are you going for the seventy two virgins in paradise sorta deal?" Frankie inquired.

Before getting an answer or slit throat from her attacker, Frankie gripped his arm with both hands, swiftly pulled him closer to her, bent slightly, used her shoulder and arms to flip him over onto his back in front of her. She unsheathed her blades, held them to his neck as she towered above him. She felt a burning sting, blood trickling down her neck, but forced herself to focus on the attacker. She was about to start questioning him when she got knocked clear across the alley by something that felt like a huge hammer or a ton of bricks. That was definitely what it felt like. Frankie was lying on her side, as she saw four men approach her with weapons drawn. All four were laughing as they drew closer and their friend who she had almost defused, got up and joined them.

She gripped her blades in her hands and got up slowly, while they circled her from every angle. As they attacked, she blocked, struck back and attacked every chance she got. Frustration started to sink in with the pain she was in. She couldn't believe she had been caught off guard, not only once but twice. She started to doubt herself and her ability to fight five opponents at once. Slowly, Frankie fell back into her routine. Willing herself to focus. She starting singing to herself, getting her rhythm set, trying hard not to concentrate on her wounds. A wicked grin formed on her lips as she jumped into action.

Keeping blades moving in a fluid motion, she started to dance her way through her opponents. Dodging their attacks, blocking, swinging. It felt like she was spinning in a deadly circle, as she fought her way through them. Another attack came from behind, she quickly turned both blades around toward the approaching rogue, forcing both into his body before his daggers reached her. She pulled her blades free just in time as another attack came from the front. She danced out of reach, and pivoted into a roundhouse kick, knocking the man to the floor with his sword sliding out of reach. It was easy to dodge the great sword attacks that kept coming at her. His movements were slow and easy to anticipate. She just had to make sure she was fast enough to get out of reach. He swung at her, she dodged, spun around and drove her blade through his midsection, while using the other blade to remove his head.

Frankie was locked in a fight with her last two opponents, four more emerged from the rooftops, jumping down into the brawl. Her wounds were beginning to take their toll, starting to slow her movements when she saw Zev and Tessa joining the fray. Together the three of them stood back to back, waiting for the perfect moment to attack. An assassin struck at Frankie, she blocked while Tessa skillfully took his head clean off his body. While Tessa blocked her opponent, Zevran sliced his dagger through the man's throat. They worked in unison until the last body slumped to the ground in a loud thud.

Frankie was just about to collapse before she saw an archer firing an arrow straight at Tessa. She dove in front of the approaching arrow, and it went straight through her armor hitting her in the shoulder, right above her breast. Tessa leaped over Frankie as she fell to the floor, charging at the archer. She jumped forward and drove her daggers into his chest, killing him instantly as they dropped to the floor.

Frankie's felt herself slip into unconsciousness, and tried to stay alert, as Zevran slid under her, holding her up. Tessa came running back, retrieving a vial of potion from her pocket. She held it to Frankie's mouth. Frankie drank it. Slowly she started to focus once more.

"Why did ye do that, ye crazy woman?" Tessa asked in aspiration.

"I couldn't let you die. That arrow would have pierced your heart. It only hit my shoulder. I will be okay. Just help me get it out, please." Frankie said, wincing in pain.

Zevran and Tessa dragged her into a sitting position against a wall. Tessa examined her wounds. Luckily the arrow hadn't punctured her lung as far as they could tell. Her armor took a beating though, and the cut on her neck kept bleeding. They needed to pull the arrow out, to make sure it wasn't poisoned. Zevran placed his foot on her other shoulder and pulled the arrow out swiftly, she screamed in pain.

"We need to find evidence. Search them. They might have something we can use." Frankie said, breathing slowly, trying to stay conscious and focused.

"No, Mio Caro. We need to get you to a healer immediately." Zevran refused.

"Zev, please. I'll be okay. We need to find out who is behind this. The first attacker called me Lady Francesca. The last person who called me that was Arl Eamon. We need to find a clue, any clue...some evidence to work with. I won't risk Alistair's life by just letting it go." she pressed.

"Come on Zevran. The quicker we look, the quicker we can get her tae Dyson and Wynne." Tessa responded and quickly started going through the attackers pockets and satchels.

They found a few money pouches that were filled to the brim with sovereigns, a sealed letter, and a booklet that contained the payments towards the assassins who were hired to kill Anora. Zevran smiled when he read the content of the sealed letter. He rolled it up, placed it in his pocket, along with the notebook. Handed the money pouches to Tessa, before picking Frankie up and carrying her back toward the palace.

It felt like they were moving through the streets at blistering speed. Zevran raced to the palace with her in his arms. She started getting cold, shivering against him as Tessa screamed at the guards of the grand hall to open the doors. They ran into the great hall searching the room for Dyson and Alistair. Their loud entrance made the entire Landsmeet come to a screeching halt as nobles gasped at their less than glamorous entrance. Alistair came running down the dais toward them, with Dyson and Wynne following close behind. She could feel Alistair grabbing her out of Zevran's arms, as Wynne and Dyson started to heal her. Eamon and Fergus were both standing at the top of the dais. Eamon tried to call the Landsmeet to order, and failed miserably at it. The crowd of nobles gathered in a circle around them. She held onto Alistair, as her body slowly regained some sense of life. Frankie looked at him through the haze of healing magic that was surrounding her.

"I'm sorry I wasn't quick enough, love. I almost missed the party." Frankie said as she tried to smile.

"How did this happen? Who did this to you?" Alistair asked with worry etched on his face.

"She made sure we brought back evidence for you, my friend. But I think it's best that we get her healed first, and in a safe location." Zevran injected.

"No, I'm staying right here. Please ask the Landsmeet to excuse my current state, but I am not going anywhere until we have brought the man behind Anora's murder to justice." Frankie protested. She looked over at Wynne and whispered. "Is the baby okay?"

Wynne scanned her body as Dyson continued to heal her. Wordlessly Wynne smiled and nodded her head. Frankie let out a sigh of relief.

"Angelo, please. You have been seriously injured…" Alistair started to protest as Frankie shook her head.

"I am not leaving. I will be okay. Just help me stand, please, love." Frankie responded. Alistair nodded wordlessly.

Wynne gave her a health potion to drink, and Alistair helped her up. They loosened her breastplate slightly so that Wynne could place healing poultices on her neck and shoulder wounds. Frankie quietly asked Zevran to give the notebook and the sealed note to Fergus, which he did, as Alistair carefully helped her to walk to the front of the grand hall.

When they reached the bottom of the dais, Eamon addressed her from above. "Are you quite done causing a scene Lady Francesca, or would you allow us to continue the Landsmeet debates now?"

"That's Your Highness, Princess Francesca of Antiva to you, Eamon. And no, I am far from finished. I was attacked and almost killed in an order given by you, while I was pursuing a lead to find the person responsible for the death of Queen Anora." she stated, forcing herself to stand on her own.

"How dare you accuse me like that! I gave no such order. What proof do you have to support your accusation?" He fumed at her.

She looked at Fergus. "Teyrn Cousland. Would you please look at the notebook as well as the sealed letter which was just given to you by my companion?"

Fergus read the letter, and the content of the notebook. With shock written on his face, he ordered the guard to arrest Eamon, then turned to address the Landsmeet. "Lords and Ladies. Hold here in my hand, a letter from Arl Eamon dictating an order for the Antivan Crows to assassinate both Princess Francesca and the heir to the throne of Ferelden, Alistair Theirin, son of King Maric." The crowd gasped, and started voicing their shock and disapproval. Fergus lifted his hand to silence them before continuing. "I also hold a notebook containing written evidence of payment to the assassins who were responsible for the death of our late Queen Anora." he turned to face Eamon who was trying to free himself from the guards grip. "Arl Eamon. This is damning evidence against you. Do you have anything to say in your defense?"

"A letter and a notebook proves nothing. They could easily be forged to make me look guilty of this crime. I just spent hours proving to all of these nobles that Alistair should be king of Ferelden. Why would I do that if I was plotting to murder him?" Eamon retorted.

"Oh, maybe because you thought you'd be named my heir in the event of my death. Wasn't that the deal you wanted me to agree to for your support?" Alistair responded.

Once again the nobles voiced their displeasure at Eamon's betrayal. Fergus raised his hand and silenced them once more. A small female voice came through the crowd from the back of the great hall.

"Excuse me, mi'lord. I may be able to assist in this matter." the young girl said as she stepped closer.

"Who are you, my lady? Do you have anything to add in this regard?" Fergus asked.

"My name is Angie, sir. I am a handmaiden in Arl Eamon's estate. I was working at his castle at Redcliffe when he had a meeting with a guest from Orlais. I overheard the Arl requesting that the man contact the Antivan Crows to assassinate Queen Anora, sir. I swear it before the Maker and his bride, Andraste." the young girl testified.

"Thank you for your assistance, my lady. Please come over to the court scribe, so that he may take your statement into evidence." Fergus requested. The young girl nodded and walked to the scribe's desk.

Fergus addressed the Landsmeet. "My Lords and Ladies. We have already agreed that Alistair, Son of Maric will be king of Ferelden. I will now ask him to join me, so that he may pass his verdict for the crimes committed by Arl Eamon of Redcliffe."

Alistair squeezed Frankie's hand before letting go, and walking up to the top of the dais. He looked at Eamon with rage and disappointment written across his face. While holding his gaze, he spoke. "Arl Eamon, I hereby sentence you to be executed, tomorrow morning at first light. I feel it is only fitting, as you are directly responsible for Queen Anora's death. You will be locked up under heavy guard in Fort Drakon until then. May the Maker have mercy on your soul."

The guards took Eamon away, as Alistair turned to address the Landsmeet. "My fellow Fereldens. I am honored to take my place as your king. I had just hoped that it would have been under less traumatic circumstances. I would hereby like to declare Teyrn Fergus Cousland as an advisor to my throne, Dyson Resse as my high chancellor, and Zevran Arainai as chief of security. I would also like to thank, Her Highness Princess Francesca along with Zevran Arainai, Tessa McIver and the rest of their companions for finding the person responsible for the late queen's death. I believe Ferelden would be a much safer place with them in it. My friends, I owe you a huge debt for your services and determination." The hall erupted in thunderous applause, as Alistair waved at the crowd. Frankie smiled at him. He would finally take his rightful place in the world.

Fergus stepped up, and officially closed the Landsmeet. "Thank you for your patience throughout this emergency Landsmeet, Ladies and Gentlemen. Our future king's first order of business would be to tend to the funeral of our late queen, which will take place in two days. His coronation will take place the week after that. The crown thanks you very much for your support during this time." The nobles went in their separate directions. Speaking casually with one another, and waiting for their opportunity to talk with Alistair. He walked down to Frankie first.

She leaned closer to him and whispered. "I think your adoring public are waiting to have a chat with you, love."

"They can wait until I've made sure, you are okay. We need to get you out of that armor, and have your wounds properly cleaned and bandaged." Alistair responded.

"You're needed here. I'll ask Tessa to help me, and as you can see, Dyson is already tapping his foot at me from over there." Frankie pointed.

"Tessa can go get you some clothes from our room, while I help you get out of your armor. The nobles can survive a few minutes without me." Alistair reasoned.

"Okay then. As my king wishes." she smiled wickedly.

Alistair picked her up and carried her. Together with Dyson and Tessa, they were lead to a guest room, where they were able to privately tend to her wounds. Once she was on her own feet once more, Frankie stepped behind the screen and allowed Alistair to help her get out of her armor. She winced as he pulled her breastplate free, the rest of her armor came off effortlessly. Tessa handed Alistair a shirt and trousers, which she had in her backpack.

"Why exactly do you have spare clothes in your backpack? I'm curious." Frankie asked from behind the screen.

"Since I found ye naked in the countryside. I canna thought it might be a good idea tae carry a spare set of clothes with me, just in case. Ye never know if any more naked people might be trudging through Ferelden." Tessa snickered quite happily.

Frankie laughed, and immediately regretted it, as she held onto her aching shoulder which started twinging in pain once more. Alistair helped her out of her bloody clothing. She heard a disapproving groan escape his lips when he saw the damage inflicted on her body as he cleaned all the blood off with a wet cloth, and helped her into a fresh set of clothes. She knew her wounds were deep, but she was thankful that Dyson and Wynne could stop the bleeding as swiftly as they did. Most of her pain was gone, apart from her shoulder. She stepped out into the room, and Alistair led her to the bed for Dyson to tend to her injuries.

"Thank you for helping me, love." She said as she looked up at him while laying back on the bed slowly.

"You could have been killed. I begged you not to go, I begged you to be careful and not do anything reckless..." Alistair pressed with worry and pain etched on his face.

Tessa injected. "She saved me life, Mudd. I understand that yer upset and worried. But she did what she felt was right. It was reckless, yes, but not thoughtless. It was her first fight without Abby's assistance, of course she would get a little rattled. She will improve in time, and then she will be unstoppable."

"I don't want her to be unstoppable. I want her and our child to be safe." Alistair fumed.

"Ye can't protect her from everything, Mudd. Her name was on that assassination order, alongside yours. She is always going tae be in danger, no matter how ye try tae pretend it is not so. "

Frankie stopped them both before things got out of hand. "Tessa, I appreciate that you're defending me, and love, I understand and I'm sorry. Can we please just not fight now?" she pleaded, reached over slightly and took his hand. "I know you want to go ballistic right now, but please don't. We both know what you want to say, just as we both know what I will say in return. It's not that I don't respect your feelings, I do. I just don't want to fight. I love you, and everything I did, I did for you. So please, can't we just discuss it later when we're both relaxed?"

Alistair nodded reluctantly. "Okay. I'll go cool off a bit, and have a talk with the nobles who wished to see me. We can talk about it tonight." he said softly and turned to Tessa. "Could you please arrange with the palace to go collect our belongings from the tavern and have them prepare the guest rooms for everyone?"

"Aye, I can do that for ye." Tessa nodded.

Alistair turned to Dyson, who was already healing Frankie's shoulder, and giving her a potion to drink. "Dyson, please make sure my future wife is perfectly healed and happy. I would like her to join me in the grand hall as soon as possible."

"You want me to join you dressed in a simple shirt and pants, in front of every noble in Ferelden?" Frankie asked as she raise an eyebrow.

"Angelo, you can meet them in any attire you choose too. If they have anything negative to say about it, I'll have them locked up." he smiled.

She shook her head and smiled, he leaned down, kissed her and left the room with Tessa following close behind to go make arrangements for them. Dyson healed her wounds so spectacularly that there was only a small mark where the arrow pierced her skin, and her neck wound was very light in color. It looked as if she had been in that fight years ago, not mere hours before. Dyson truly was a very gifted healer.

Frankie cleaned the blood off her armor and decided it would be best to put the suit back on before joining Alistair once more. The breastplate would definitely need to be repaired, but at least she wouldn't face the nobles looking like she was completely disregarding or disrespecting their customs.

She joined Alistair in the grand hall, and spent time getting to know a few of the nobles. Fergus had departed before she returned. He was seeing to the final arrangements of the Landsmeet decisions and making sure all of Anora's personal effects were packed up and sent back to Gwaren. Frankie wondered in which rooms of the palace they would be staying. She knew that Alistair would obviously sleep in the king's apartments, but under Chantry law and Ferelden custom, she would probably have to sleep in one of the guest quarters until they were married. Thankfully, Alistair had not brought their betrothal up in the Landsmeet. Some of the nobles knew they were engaged, but she was grateful that little to no focus was spent on that topic while they were conversing with the various Arls, Bann's and Lords of Ferelden. Frankie found the whole idea of being the next queen of Ferelden, and giving birth to the next heir, spectacularly weird. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined the life she was now leading.

She was drawn out of her thoughts as an unfamiliar Grey Warden tingle coursed through her body. She turned around, only to look straight into the face of Loghain.

"Excuse me, Your Highness. I am Loghain of the Ferelden Grey Wardens. May I have a word with you perhaps?" he asked.

"I know exactly who you are, Loghain. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." she greeted with a smile.

"My past certainly has a way of catching up with me, unfortunately." he replied.

"We all suffer that same problem." she stated.

"I owe you a debt, Your Highness. Nothing can bring my daughter back, but you made sure the person responsible was brought to justice. Is there anything I can do to relay my gratitude?" he asked.

"I had my own reasons for finding out who was behind the murder, but I'm happy that I could help. I might need your assistance on a personal matter and will come see you at the warden compound sometime, if that suits you."

"That would suit me just fine, Your Highness." he replied, as he bowed. "Till we meet again. Farewell."

"Same to you, Loghain." she nodded with a smile.

Frankie wasn't sure if Loghain had been able to feel her presence, or if he merely thought it was Alistair. She had to find a way to verify her Grey Warden status somehow. She couldn't just claim to be one. It would make her and Alistair's life difficult if Weisshaupt ever came calling. Not that she would give them reason to, but still. It was better to be safe than sorry.

As the day drew to a close, they all had dinner in the palace dining room, before they were shown to their sleeping quarters. Frankie was quite astonished when she entered her rooms. She knew Alistair tried every way he could to get her sleeping beside him in his chambers, but Dyson and Wynne convinced him to try and play by the rules until they were married. They had put her in the most exquisite suite in the palace, apart from the king and queen's chambers of course, but Frankie thought it was impressive beyond words. She had her own private sitting room, study, bathing chamber, dressing room and bedroom. It was like her own apartment inside the palace.

She wasn't very happy with the thought of sleeping alone either, but she would find a way to sneak into Alistair's room if she really couldn't handle it anymore. Until then, she would try her best to stick to the rules too. Luckily, Shadow was there, so she wouldn't be completely alone. Frankie was quite surprised when she was asked how many handmaidens she required. She wasn't aware that she needed any, but she couldn't just say none, so she plainly stated that Tessa could choose the appropriate number of handmaidens, and also handpick them herself. The thought of Tessa giving all the maids nicknames made Frankie laugh.

She took a bath, got into a simple night shirt that still smelled like Alistair, and crawled into her very spacious bed. She kept tossing and turning, not able to fall asleep. Shadow lifted her head, and let out a low growl, as the door to her bedroom opened softly. She sat up in her bed, but was unable to make out the figure in the dark. She quickly grabbed her sword, which she had placed beside her bed, and pointed it at the figure as she slowly got out of bed. Frankie heard something being knocked over and the figure in the dark let out a yelp as they fell to the floor. She knew that voice, and started to chuckle as she put the sword down, and walked over to Alistair who was still laying on the floor, with Shadow bouncing around him playfully.

"Did you trip over a table or something, love?" she asked, still giggling mercilessly.

Alistair got up, and found his way to her in the dark. "Yes, I did, and it offended me so much that I will have it removed and burned tomorrow." he joked, as he scooped her into his arms. "I missed you too much to stay away and this sleeping arrangement is not working for me."

"How did you get here? Aren't there guards stationed at your door?" she asked, smiling happily.

"Yes, but they're taking a well-deserved nap at the moment." he replied.

"Did you knock them out, or did they magically fall asleep on their own?" she questioned.

"I did have a little help from this mage I know. Dyson gave me a sleeping draught to help me sleep, and I slipped it into a celebratory nightcap which I offered my guards." he admitted.

She covered her mouth with her hand as she laughed. "You sneaky bugger. I love you so much."

Locked in a passionate kiss, she led him back to her bed. Refusing to let go for the briefest of seconds, they got lost in each other, spending the rest of the evening loving every inch of one another, until they fell asleep tangled up as one.

The following morning brought about a new dramatical experience. The entire palace was awoken to the sound of guards running through the halls, urgently searching for the future king. The guards were under the impression that someone had drugged the guards and kidnapped the future king from his bedchamber.

Alistair quickly jumped out of bed, kissed Frankie and ran out of the room, to try and sneak his way into his study. He was caught red handed by Tessa and Dyson. They called off the alarm, and informed the guards that Alistair had been looking for some cheese and got lost on his way back to his quarters. The unconscious guards woke up, but could not explain how they fell asleep at their post. Alistair took the blame for them and said that he had forgotten about the sleeping potion which was mixed into his nightcap.

One thing both Frankie and Alistair realized… They would need to find a better way to successfully sleep in the same room.

*Huge hugs to Lilacgirl*