This is the sequel to Mirror Images. After I wrote chapter 17 of that story and then played DA2 the idea for this story really took hold of me. The first few chapters will focus on Alistair, Tristen and Sabrina, however the majority of the story will be focused on Anders and the Champion. I hope you enjoy it and please let me know your thoughts!

Chapter 1

"Glorious euphoria, is my must, erotic shock, is a function of lust
Temporarily blind, dimensions to discover, in time each into the other
Uncontrollable notes, from her snow white throat
Fill a space, in which two bodies float
Operatic by voice, A fanatic by choice,

Aromatic is the flower, she must be moist
Blood sugar baby, she's magik, sex magik, sex magik"
Blood Sugar Sex Magik by Red Hot Chili Peppers

Sabrina looked out the window at the recruits as they trained in the arena below. She would rather be down there working with them but instead she was doing extra paper work that Varel had insisted on before her departure for Kirkwall with Alistair tomorrow.

It had been almost been six years since Anders had left for the Free Marches and during that time he had sporadically sent her letters giving her updates. At first, it sounded as if the change was good for him, he had opened a free clinic to heal the sick, had met and fallen in love with Marcella Hawke, the woman who'd become the Champion of Kirkwall and he'd helped her defeat the Qunari and stop their invasion. His one constant grievance had been the oppressive stronghold that the Templars held over the mages. However, in the past two and half years his letters had taken on a much darker and sinister tone and Sabrina was truly worried about her friend.

About a month ago, she had mentioned to Tristen about heading to Kirkwall to check in on Anders and while she was there she would also investigate Nate's disappearance. Almost two years had passed since he had left for an expedition into the Deep Roads. She had received two reports from him in that time, the last being nine months ago. She knew that being in the Deep Roads didn't give him a lot of access to writing materials, but his sister, Delilah, had also come to her voicing her concerns that she had not heard from her brother.

Tristen had tried to reassure her that nine months wasn't that long, but she had a very uneasy feeling that logic and reason couldn't shake. When Tristen received word that Alistair was making a trip to Kirkwall for a diplomatic visit, he'd sent his brother a request for Sabrina join his entourage on the journey. In typical Alistair fashion, he had quickly replied back that he would be delighted and the more the merrier. Since Tristen hadn't consulted her, much to her dismay, Sabrina had to graciously accept the offer.

Things with Alistair had become a little easier since her marriage to Tristen. It was as if somehow that simple act had helped him come to terms with the fact that their relationship was permanently over. Over the past six years she had only seen Alistair a dozen times, they were always cordial and friendly with each other, but it seemed as if they were trying to force the friendship. For her, it was hard to be around Alistair, she tried to bury the anger and pain that she'd felt over his betrayal, but there were times when she was near him that it boiled just below the surface. She knew this wasn't healthy and that burying her feelings was not best way to handle the situation; but Alistair was now her brother-in-law and she just didn't think that dredging up past hurts would do anyone any good.

However, there were plenty of times that she missed Alistair and their friendship and she longed to have the bond they once shared in the past. She missed his easy going personality, his silly quirky jokes, the way he teased her and his insightful nature. Sadly, she doubted they would ever be that close again. Too much had happened between them, too much pain had been inflicted on each other and even though they both seemed to have moved on to happier lives there was an awareness of the many unspoken words that lay between them. They had never really had the time to resolve their previous issues and once she had married Tristen all of those unresolved problems were just... buried. Needless to say, spending five days trapped aboard a ship with him was not her idea of a good time.

Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't realized she was no longer alone until she felt two strong arms encircle around her waist and pull her back against the chiseled chest of her husband. He licked at her ear and then whispered, "I have arranged for dinner and several bottles of wine to be brought to our rooms, where I plan on getting you very drunk and doing delightfully sinful things to you, my Love."

She turned to face him and slipped her arms around his neck. "Being with you love, is the sweetest sin I know and I'm very good at being a sinner." She feathered kisses from his mouth to his ear and whispered, "You don't have to get me drunk, I can be extremely naughty even when I'm sober."

"Oh, I know you can, but when you've had a few drinks you are much more flexible and can do that bendy, twisty thing that you know drives me insane," he growled.

She smiled mischievously at him. "I do love the way you think, my Lord," she cooed.

His hand slid down, grasped her bottom and gave her that sexy wicked smile of his that drove her wild. "My Lady, tonight I do not plan on treating you anything like a lady. Tonight I am going to make you quiver, shake and scream out my name so loudly that whole Keep will know how very badly we are misbehaving."

"Mmmm, I like the sound of that," she purred just before his lips claimed hers and he hungrily devoured her as if he was a man who had been starved for days and she returned the kiss just as fervently. The ache of her impending departure was temporarily drowned out by the passion and yearning that she felt for this wonderful man. Everything inside of her wanted and needed him; she was so desperately in love with him, she just wanted to get lost in him, to make love to him until she was too weak to move and that is exactly what she did.

The following morning she quietly rode behind Tristen and Alistair as the two of them chatted away. How in sweet Andraste's arse could the man be so lively? They had been up until just before sunrise and both of them had only had three hours of sleep. Sabrina was having trouble remaining upright in her saddle, but Tristen was as energetic as a mabari pup. Damn that man and his ability to have boundless vigor after a night of passionate sex.

Behind her were the Wardens that she had selected to bring with her on this trip. She had brought with her Tess and two recent recruits Ser Bryant and Kaylessa Surana who she had recruited out from under the Knight-Commander at the Circle of Magi.

Tess had been with her for six years now, she had fought beside her countless times and Sabrina trusted her with her life. She enjoyed the young warrior's humor and spirit and the two of them had become instant friends. She was glad she had chosen Tess to come on this trip with them and it put Tristen's mind at ease to know that someone who had already fought beside her would be there.

Gabriel Bryant and Kaylessa Surana had only been Wardens for a year now and Sabrina had only fought beside them when she had taken them down into the Deep Roads for them to collect the darkspawn blood needed for their joining. They had fought admirably and while she wasn't quite comfortable with them yet, she knew that would come in time as they became more experienced as a collective fighting group.

Sabrina had first met Gabriel in Lothering. His devotion and compassion for the refugees had caught her attention, but on a recent trip to Circle his prowess and proficiency in the sparring ring had won her over. When she'd approached him about joining the Wardens he was flattered, but very reluctant. She could tell that he wanted to join but something was holding him back. Over the next several days she observed him closely and through trained eyes she noticed that Gabriel had definitely developed feelings for the beautiful and highly talented elven mage, Kaylessa, and she returned his affection. That was not good; if the Knight-Commander got wind of this the consequences could be devastating. Sabrina approached Gabriel again about joining the Wardens, however this time she also mentioned that she wanted to recruit Kaylessa and as expected Gabriel was much more receptive. He told her that he needed to think about it and he would get back to her. The following day both Gabriel and Kaylessa approached her and said they would like to join the Wardens. As she had anticipated, Knight-Commander Greagoir emphatically denied the request and to this day Sabrina still relished the feeling she'd had of conscripting them right out from underneath him.

Tess trotted up beside her and gave her a knowing grin. "You're very quiet, Commander."

"I just have a lot on my mind," Sabrina replied.

"Oh really, and here I thought it was because Tristen kept you up polishing the one eyed ogre until the break of dawn," Tess said with a sly smirk.

Sabrina heard Tristen begin to choke and saw Alistair's face turn red. "W-what?" She spluttered.

"Well all the moaning, screaming and shouting coming from your room I was just grateful the man's stamina ran out so that I could get a little shut eye before we had to head out," Tess beamed.

Sabrina shot her dirty look and hissed, "You shut your pie hole, woman." Tess just laughed mischievously.

Tristen turned around and winked at her. "I did make you a promise last night."

Sabrina's mouth moved, but no words came out; her mind was a complete blank. Finally she turned to Tess and said, "That's it, when we return we are moving your room to the other end of the Keep."

Alistair turned and grinned at her too. "I don't think that will help. My rooms are already over there and I heard, 'Andraste's Sweet Arse', 'Maker's holy cock', and 'By Andraste's glorious bliss box' several times. You really might want to close your windows if you're going to be that loud so that us poor sods that aren't having loud passionate sex can get some sleep."

"Well, if it helps at all, Commander, I didn't hear a thing. I was too busy polishing my own one eyed ogre," Gabriel said. Sabrina laughed. She knew he was trying to deflect some of the attention from her, but he had just left himself wide open.

"Really? Was this a solo polishing or a shared one?" Tristen asked as he smirked at the templar and the mage.

The group carried on with the same jesting banter the rest of the trip to the Amaranthine Port. Once all of the luggage had been loaded, Tristen grabbed Sabrina by the arm and pulled her behind some crates to give them a little bit of privacy.

Tristen ran his fingers through her hair to the nape of her neck and drew her to him. "I didn't want this day to come. It feels like a piece of me is leaving with you. I know it's not forever, but it feels that way when I don't really know when I'm going to see you again. I love you, Brin," he whispered.

"I love you too," she whispered back. Their eyes locked on each other as they tried to convey to each other the depth of their sadness that this separation was causing them. Gradually the distance between them closed until their mouths met. Sabrina's eyes stung with tears as they spilled out and cascaded down her cheeks. The salty taste infused with their lips as the sorrow of their inevitable separation drew closer. Sabrina deepened the kiss as she tried to drink in and savor the very essence of him to recall at will in the future.

As the bell rang on the ship indicating it was time to depart, Tristen pulled away and gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I love you so much, Mon Soleil and I will see you again very soon."

Sabrina step out of the embrace, she ran hand her lovingly across his cheek. "I love you too and not too far in the future we will be together again. The pain we feel now is miniscule to the joy we will feel when we are reunited."

"You promise?"

"I promise," she cooed.

He grasped her hand and brought it to his lips; he kissed it then turned it over and provocatively kissed her palm. She smiled warmly at him, then she turned and walked up the gang plank. She turned and waved before she disappeared on deck.

That night at dinner she was quiet and subdued. Tess, Gabriel and Kaylessa were getting along wonderfully with Alistair and he of course was being a genial host. She didn't want her mood to bring down the pleasant atmosphere, so shortly after dessert was served she excused herself and went to her state room. She had changed into her nightshirt and had settled into bed to read when a knock came at the door. She threw on a robe before she opened the door.

Alistair smiled sheepishly at her. "I just wanted to come by to check on your accommodations and make sure you don't need anything."

"Thanks Alistair, the state room is lovely and I'm fine," Sabrina replied.

"Well, please don't hesitate to ask if you do need something," he said.

"Thanks again, I will."

He hesitated for a moment as if he was debating with himself then he simply said, "Good night, Bree."

"Good night, Alistair."

Sabrina awoke the following morning with a start. She heard the unmistakable sounds of fighting outside her porthole. They couldn't be under attack. Surely she wouldn't have sleep through the warning bell. She quickly slipped into a pair of trousers, loose blouse and a pair of boots. She grabbed her sword and dagger and headed up the stairs toward the deck.

The sounds of weapons clashing rang out from the main deck and when she rounded the corner, came to a complete halt. Alistair stood in the midst of his guard, training them and testing their skills. She had to smile as she watched him sparring with his men. He hadn't lost a step. He was still the powerful warrior she had met eight years ago.

He saw her watching and signaled for the guard to halt. Alistair gazed at her swords still drawn in her hands.

He pointed at her weapons. "What is that?"

She looked at the sword then at Alistair. "My sword," she said dryly.

"And why are they drawn?" Alistair asked patiently.

"I heard fighting and I thought we were under attack," Sabrina said defensively.

Alistair laughed and she felt the heat rise in her cheeks.

"What is so funny?"

"You, Bree. Don't you think I would have sent someone to wake one of the best blades on the ship if we were under attack."

Sabrina cocked an eye brow. "One of the best blades on the ship; don't you mean the best?"

"Well, don't you think that's a little cocky to assume you are the best? You haven't fought against all the men on this ship," Alistair retorted.

Now he was just adding fuel to the fire. She felt her lips spread into roguish grin. "Have you sparred against all of your men?"

"Yep," he replied.

"And have any of them bested you?"

"Nope," he said proudly.

"Well, that tells me one of two things, either your men aren't good enough to be your guards or they are better than you and are afraid to knock the King on his royal arse. Either way, that makes me the best sword on the ship because if they can't beat you then we know they don't have a prayer of beating me. If they are better than you, but don't have the balls to land their liege on his backside then they aren't truly testing your skills or their own. If they faced me they would hesitate at the wrong moment and I will take them out. So now the question is Alistair, do you think you can take me?" Sabrina asked and before he had a chance to respond she stepped forward and aggressively thrust her sword toward him.

Alistair easily blocked the blow. "Careful Bree, your blade isn't blunted."

Sabrina gave him a mocking pout, "Our blades were never blunted when we sparred during the Blight or has his Majesty gone soft while sitting on his arse in Denerim?"

Alistair's face reddened and she knew she had hit her mark. "We aren't wearing any armor, Sabrina." He never used her full name unless he was angry at her.

She smiled at him wickedly, "I won't draw any blood, your Majesty. I promise." She thrust again and he easily parried it.

"Bree!" He exclaimed and his guardsman began to gather around him.

She continued to grin, lowered her weapon and the guardsmen relaxed. "Yep, gone soft, guess we have the answer to my question."

"I train every day," Alistair said defensively.

"If you say so, I'll have to take your word on that, Sire, but since you won't face me let's just go on the assumption that I can still kick you're arse," Sabrina replied coolly.

She saw the anger flash in his eyes, "You're not as good as you think you are," Alistair grunted as he plunged his sword forward, she effortlessly blocked his attack and took a step back.

Her eyes sparked impishly as she went on the offensive. He barely met her blow for blow and she drove him ruthlessly back against rail. Their swords connected in an arch above them and Sabrina hissed through clinched teeth, "No, Alistair, I'm better."

Alistair used his superior height and weight and pushed against the swords causing her to stumble back a little. "We'll see about that," he jeered as he countered and began to move her back in the direction they came.

Thrust, parry, counter, block on and on the sparring went as they resumed the dance that they both knew so well. As he began to tire she agilely slid by his defenses and her dagger cut into his fine tailored shirt.

Alistair glanced down at the long tear and then he glanced up at her.

She withdrew and coyly smiled, "What? I kept my word. I drew no blood."

"You were lucky," Alistair growled.

This time it was her turn to laugh at him and she watched his face redden even further. "Has all that cheese gone to your head? Have you forgotten the things that you witnessed me do on the battlefield? No, Alistair, I was careful; I chose not to draw your blood."

And just to prove her point she thrust forward so swiftly and nimbly that before he could defend himself her dagger had removed the top three buttons of his shirt. His shirt gaped open revealing the two sculpted muscles of his chest.

The crowd that had gathered laughed and Alistair stared in disbelief. "You haven't fought by my side in years, Alistair. You no longer have any idea what I am capable of," she snarled.

"You think defeating an Archdemon has made you better? I don't think so," Alistair roared as he suddenly thrust and Sabrina narrowly blocked the blow. He thrust again and again as he drove her back across the ship.

As he paused to bring up his sword, she rolled by him and came up behind him. She used the broad side of her swords and with all of her might slammed it into it his back. The force of the impact caused him to stagger forward, but he remained on his feet. She deftly slid up behind him and cooed in his ear, "That could have been me driving my sword between your shoulders, your Majesty."

She skillfully danced out of his reach and then hissed, "Don't you ever dare bring up the Archdemon to me again, Alistair. I have moved passed that betrayal, but forgiveness can only run so deep."

Alistair's face flashed with understanding and he made a gesture to signal for everyone to clear the deck. When there wasn't a soul left he said softly, "I don't believe you have Bree, and that is what this truly is about."

They began to circle each other, both crouched defensively. "No it's not, it's about you not giving credit where credit is due. You know damn well there isn't a man on board this ship that can take me and that includes you…"

"You're wrong Bree. You haven't moved passed the betrayal, you've just bottled it up inside. You've never really forgiven me," Alistair interjected.

Sabrina growled and attacked. She thrust hard and he met her every attack; they rapidly moved in a circle of hard brutal blows. She was quicker than him and was always several steps ahead of him, but his stamina was greater as she continued to push her physical limits, but she refused to let him win. She drew strength from her anger at him for leaving her and from the pain of his disloyalty to her. She matched him blow for blow until her arms ached. She knew the only way out of this was to use a trick Zev had taught her.

She gasped, than halted as she feigned exhaustion as if she was ready to admit defeat.

Alistair truly had forgotten what it was like to fight beside her because he believed her and she watched him relax as a huge grin appeared on his handsome face. He lowered his shield and sword and she took advantage of his defenses being down; moving at lightning speed she thrust and sliced the rest of his buttons off his shirt.

He was stunned as he gazed down at his shirt now in tatters. Then he slowly looked up her, his honey brown eyes burned brilliantly hot, but a slow mischievous smile spread across his face. Possessing speed which she didn't believe him capable of he attacked, he had the edge of her shirt hooked over his blade and with one quick flick of the wrist the fabric had been ripped in two.

His face hardened and his eyes grew cold as he slowly slid the tip of his blade between her breasts. "I believe we are even. In actual battle we would have both killed each other."

He tossed his sword and shield aside and flung his arms open, exposing his bare chest to her. "Will killing me help you get over my betrayal? If so then please do it, please drive the dagger through my heart now and end this Bree, because I can't go on with this pain, anger and hatred that is between us. I have forgiven you, Bree. Please find it in yourself to forgive me, not for me, but for you…so that you can find peace again."

Sabrina looked horrified as she stared at his exposed chest as he laid everything at her feet. She felt her weapons slip out of her hands as she dropped to her knees and cried. He was immediately in front of her, pulling her into his arms which caused her to cry even harder.

"Y-you left me Alistair. You left me to face the Archdemon by myself. I-I wanted to hurt you so b-badly. I w-wanted you to feel at least some of the p-pain that I felt when you turned your back on me, when you deserted me after you told me you would love me forever, when you walked away right after you asked me to be your w-wife…" her voice trailed off as her body shook uncontrollable with sobs.

Alistair just held her as she cried until there were no more tears. He took his shirt off, ripped a piece of the material off and wiped her face with it. He gathered her in his arms and led her back to her room. "I would like to have dinner with you in my private cabin tonight if you are up to it. I believe that we have some things that we need to finish discussing."

She didn't say anything. She just nodded. "Good, then I will see you at seven," Alistair said gently and left her there with a lot to think about before their dinner.

A/N - Hugs and kisses to the betalicious dynamic duo, RandomWittering and Jinx1983. Thank you so much for your help and support with this chapter. You two are the best.