"We must find the Architect and Seranni."

They were all covered in bruises, bone weary from their trials in the Dragonbone Wastes. They were barely on the road back to Vigil's Keep when Velanna began to demand that they turn around and continue the search for the Architect within the ruins of Drake's Fall. Lhiannon sighed to herself; it was not the Architect Velanna wanted to find, but Seranni; the Architect was her justification. Part of Lhiannon could hardly blame Velanna, but Seranni was likely long gone by now, both physically and mentally. The creature they saw in the tower may have looked like Seranni, but it was clear that the corruption had quickly taken hold of her faculties, turning her into an elven disciple of sorts, bent on seeing the will of the Architect done with little regard for anything else.

The taint had quieted considerably, and quickly, since the death of the Mother; the Architect was likely retreating into the Deep Roads with his subjects, bringing further calm to the taint and the Thaw following the Blight. Lhiannon knew that they would eventually need to search for the Architect, most likely beginning in the Wending Wood where they had been taken captive by the creature months ago. They also had to investigate where the archdemon Urthemiel emerged on the surface and seal whatever breach remained. If they could find and seal that breach, the tide of darkspawn would abate considerably. It was possible that the Architect had fled in that direction as well, as the breach was likely a magnet for the fleeing darkspawn. It was time to take the Thaw Hunt to the darkspawn and seal the breach.

"Velanna," Lhiannon began, her voice betraying her weariness. "Seranni is gone, and I am so very sorry you had to witness that. She chose to remain with the Architect. You saw her; she's been corrupted, twisted into little more than a sentient darkspawn and disciple by the Architect."

Velanna's gaze narrowed at Lhiannon. "You will take that back, Commander. Seranni is still herself," she growled, her staff coming to bear menacingly in front of her as she removed it from the rigging on her back. Loghain's eyes narrowed as heard Velanna draw her staff; he made no move to turn just yet, but opted to wait and listen.

Sigrun rushed forward, her hand clamping around the end of Velanna's staff and pulling it down and away. "Whoa, hey Velanna. Don't get all hasty. The Commander is right; that's not your sister anymore."

"The Architect's plan will stop the Blights!" Velanna protested, stopping in her tracks and jerking her staff out of Sigrun's hand. The dwarf stumbled slightly at the force of Velanna's motion. "Isn't that what we Grey Wardens do? Stop the Blights? If his plan can to that, we must consider it!"

Whirling about, Loghain took several quick steps toward Velanna and stopped before her, his icy gaze boring into Velanna's as he loomed over her. "And do you realize what 'stopping the Blights' means to such a creature? He means to spread the taint among all creatures, not just the humans. Are you prepared to see all the creatures in Thedas tainted? Humans, dwarves, and elves? Are you prepared to have the blood of millions on your hands as they die screeching, painful deaths from the taint?"

Lhiannon watched as Velanna's eyes narrowed even further, glaring at Loghain with murderous intent. She began to protest once again before Loghain made a slashing gesture in the air, silencing her words.

"You may not think much beyond your own selfish demands," Loghain continued, acid dripping in his voice. "But I assure you, the Architect's plan would eventually result in the extinction of all races in Thedas. That would stop the Blights, but only because there would be nothing left. Tainted creatures, ourselves included, have difficulty procreating. The chances of tainted creatures bearing children are infinitesimal. Eventually, the world will be all but devoid of humanoid creatures and overrun by the darkspawn that the broodmothers would continuously breed." Loghain paused a moment, waiting for his words to try and sink in to Velanna's mind. "Who is to say that the darkspawn, who would now be sentient, would not try to take blighted females and force them into becoming broodmothers in order to bolster their ranks?"

"Would you want that, Velanna, for any female?" Sigrun asked quietly, stepping forward to stand beside Loghain and Lhiannon. "You saw the Mother. Can you see someone you know becoming one of those? Even Seranni? If the darkspawn become sentient, they will want to further their own cause. They will likely want to come out of the Deep Roads; there are few thaigs left down there and none are in livable condition. They will likely want a place to call their own: their own homeland. They will want to procreate themselves and they only way they can do that is by using broodmothers."

"You don't know that," Velanna sputtered angrily, her strange elven eyes darting between Loghain, Lhiannon, and Sigrun. "That's all the more reason to go after her now! Maybe if we cooperate with the Architect he will free Seranni and not attempt to turn her into a broodmother. We can free her and the rest of his subjects!"

Sighing heavily, Lhiannon pinched the bridge of her nose. "And where would the Architect's blighted subjects go, Velanna, where they would not be feared and despised? Their corruption is plain to see. They would be hunted and killed for what they are, especially if they can spread their corruption."

Velanna took a step back, looking at the three Grey Wardens before her with contempt. "Are you all cowards, then, not to go after the Architect? If none of you are brave enough, I shall do so on my own!"

"Absolutely not!" Loghain spat at Velanna, slashing his hand through the air. "No one goes after the Architect alone, least of all you."

Lhiannon stepped forward, placing a hand on Velanna's forearm. "We will search for the Architect in due time," she began quietly, trying to bring calm to the increasingly volatile situation. "He has fled back into the Deep Roads; can you not feel the quiet in the taint now? We will search for him, but we also need to search for Urthemiel's breach and seal it to cut off the darkspawn's route to the surface. This is something we must plan for, not charge into blindly and ill prepared. That gets people killed. Most urgent now is the fate of Amaranthine; making sure the corruption does not take hold there and beginning the rebuilding efforts, if we can. That is where our immediate focus lies."

Velanna jerked her arm away, snarling at Lhiannon as she did so. "I need no preparations, Commander. I will go myself."

"Do you speak the King's tongue, Velanna?" Loghain snarled, earning a confused and wary glance from the elf. Her brows furrowed and she tilted her head slightly before Loghain continued. "I ask because I specifically remember stating that no one goes after the Architect alone. I also remember specifically hearing the Commander state that Amaranthine is the immediate concern." Loghain brought an armored hand up, pointing a finger at her in emphasis as he spoke. "You will return to Vigil's Keep, Warden, and you will do what either the Commander or myself order you to do. Is that in any way unclear?"

Bright red splotches of color bloomed high on Velanna's cheeks, betraying the anger that the iron clad grip on her staff did not. Lhiannon could see her staff vibrating slightly, the depth of the elf's anger apparent to see.

"Come on, Velanna," Sigrun said quietly, moving to stand in front of Velanna and looking up at her. "Let's go home. We're all beat up and tired. We could all use some rest, a hot meal, and a warm bed. Me? I'd like a big nug steak and a mug of ale, but I'll settle for some venison stew and some cider."

Velanna glared at the other Grey Wardens, her mind spinning in a thousand directions. Even if the other Grey Wardens gave up on Seranni, she would not. Despite the corruption and her strangely different attitude when they saw her in the Dragonbone Wastes, Velanna knew that the real Seranni was still within the corrupted creature and she was determined to find her and bring her home. There had to be a way to bring her out from under the Architect's influence. This isn't over yet, Commander. I won't give up on you, Seranni!

"Very well," Velanna growled, returning her staff to the rigging on her back. She could be patient when the situation demanded it. Difficult for her at times, perhaps, but she could do it.

In the shadows of the barren landscape, a small figure darted between the rocks, watching as the Grey Wardens eventually left the rugged landscape of the Dragonbone Wastes behind, following the trail left by the fleeing darkspawn back in the direction of Vigil's Keep.

Lhiannon insisted on traveling to Amaranthine the day after they returned from the Dragonbone Wastes. Loghain could see the anguish and exhaustion on her face, and he had tried in vain to convince her to put off the trip for a few days. "Lhiannon, I can see that you are exhausted, physically and mentally," Loghain said as Lhiannon paced her office. "Amaranthine can wait a day or two while you recuperate. Let me or one of the other Wardens go to Amaranthine in your stead."

"No, Loghain," she insisted, turning from where she had stopped at the window to regard him. She had been watching the bustling repair activity in the Vigil's courtyard as Loghain spoke. "I need to see it." She paused, her eyes downcast and her voice barely above a whisper. "I need to see what I have done."

Loghain quickly strode to her, closing the distance between them in only a few strides. "Commander, Lhiannon, you did what you had to do. Amaranthine was all but lost when we arrived; you know this...you saw it yourself. It was far kinder to burn the city than to let the darkspawn have it."

Lhiannon shrugged, gesturing in supplication with her hands. "I can't help but feel that I didn't do enough, that I should have done more," she sighed. "I feel like I let the city and its people down. I have to go there, Loghain. I have to see it and the sooner, the better. We need to assess the damages and start rebuilding. If we can."

Loghain nodded slowly, knowing that talking Lhiannon out of traveling to Amaranthine would be a lesson in futility. She could be as stubborn as a mabari when her mind was set on something. "Very well then, but I will accompany you. You shall not make this trip on your own."

Lhiannon felt her heart sink as she looked at the largest city in her arling, the city the very arling itself was named after. It was almost unfathomable that this was a bustling city a mere ten days ago. Constable Aidan led her and Loghain through the city, showing them the aftermath. The city gates had been all but torn off their hinges, blown aside by the force of whatever creature managed to breach them. Numerous buildings were burned shells, still smoldering in some places, the tendrils of smoke wafting lazily upward. The Chantry still stood, but the walls had been scorched by flames from the buildings that had burned nearby. The Grey Wardens would need to carefully inspect the city and cleanse any corruption they found. In the meantime, the citizens would not be allowed within the city until the Grey Wardens deemed it safe.

Most of the central part of the city was destroyed. The Crown and Lion was little more than smoking rubble, massive piles of wood and stone had collapsed into what had been the tunnels underneath the structure. The buildings adjacent to the tavern were heavily damaged; the walls closest to the wreckage blackened by heat and soot. Those buildings would likely have to be demolished and rebuilt after they had been examined for any remnants of corruption. With all the dark soot on the buildings, it would be a tedious process.

Aidan continued to show Lhiannon and Loghain through the city. Lhiannon grew even quieter as they walked the streets, her eyes wide as she witnessed the devastation. Loghain could feel her despair, heartbreak, and guilt through their shared taint. He felt his own heart fill with despair, not only for the devastation around him and what it had done to this part of his beloved Ferelden, but also for her. She was beating herself up, questioning her own authority and ability to lead. She was questioning her decision to burn the city, wondering if there was more she could have done, wondering if she should have stayed behind to fight the Mother's army here rather than at Vigil's keep. Loghain understood her doubts; he had the same ones many times over the years. Where he was able to hide them behind a taciturn, cold exterior, Lhiannon could not. She wore her emotions plain for all to see; it was part of why Loghain loved her. She cared for her people and wanted to do right by them.

Lhiannon, however, felt like a failure.

As they exited the city through a breach in the wall, Aidan showed them a bare patch of earth, freshly smoothed and devoid of snow. "This is where the other end of the smugglers' tunnel lay," Aidan explained. Lhiannon and Loghain both nodded, remembering where the shack once stood and all the trouble it represented. Lhiannon looked about at the small buildings and houses just outside the walls of the city. As she rounded the corner of a severely damaged house, she saw a mound of earth just beyond the homes with a large area of scorched ground nearby. Loghain heard her sharp intake of breath as she recognized what exactly it was.

The mound was a grave; a large grave with the remnants of a large pyre next to it.

Loghain watched as Lhiannon slowly walked to the pyre, crouching down and reaching out with her hand, her riding leathers squeaking as she moved. She gingerly touched the edge of the pyre, dropping her head and closing her eyes. Loghain watched as her shoulders moved in a great sigh, the sound of her exhale clear in the silence around them. He came up behind her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder, lending her his quiet strength and support. She remained crouched down for a moment before standing, her leather glove held in a hand as she brushed at her eyes. She turned and gave Loghain a small, wan smile that quickly fell from her face.

"Constable," Lhiannon began, her voice hoarse, "The King and Queen have promised help to rebuild Amaranthine. I have accepted that help, but we cannot wait for it to arrive. I will open the coffers of Vigil's Keep, as well as donate my own funds, to begin the rebuilding."

Aidan nodded, a small smile crossing his face as he gave Lhiannon a crisp bow. "Their help will be most appreciated, as will yours and that of the Grey Wardens."

"I suggest repairing the breaches in the walls and the city gate first, in case any small bands of darkspawn remain nearby," Loghain began, gesturing toward those said walls with his hand.

"What of the remaining citizens?" Lhiannon asked the Constable. "Do they have shelter? Food?"

Aidan shrugged. "Many people are sheltering with relatives or in the Chantry. Food is not plentiful, but it is not scarce as of yet. There are still many animals in the surrounding area—especially away from where the darkspawn initially approached the city—and we do have some people fishing in the bay. There is just enough for everyone."

"I'll send what extra supplies we can spare from Vigil's Keep. If anyone would like to come to stay there, they most certainly can," Lhiannon said, her eyes casting about once again. Though she could see the devastation before her, it was still unbelievable, unfathomable.

"Commander," Loghain said, looking toward the sky; Lhiannon saw that he was using his hand to estimate how much daylight was left. "If you wish to return to Vigil's Keep today, we should be on our way very soon."

"Very well," Lhiannon agreed quietly, turning once again toward Aidan. "Constable, I shall send aid and supplies immediately when we return to the Vigil."

Aidan saluted, nodding gratefully. "Thank you, Commander. We will welcome whatever aid you can send."

Lhiannon and Loghain turned toward where their horses were tied as Aidan walked back toward the city. They mounted their horses, setting off toward Vigil's Keep, hoping to arrive before darkness fell.

Light snow began to fall once again as Lhiannon and Loghain neared Vigil's Keep. The snow muffled the sounds around them and coated the ground in a pristine blanket of white. Lhiannon barely felt the cold, her mind numb from the destruction of Amaranthine. Loghain nudged his horse up to walk beside Lhiannon, his gaze one of concern. He reached out and brushed her leg with his hand. She looked down at his hand before turning her gaze to his. Loghain saw a profound sadness in them; his heart ached to see it.

"We are nearly home," he said quietly, reaching out to brush a wayward lock of hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear. She smiled wanly at his gentle touch.

"I shall be glad to get there," she sighed, reaching up to capture his hand briefly in hers. She felt him squeeze her hand gently before pulling away. She fell silent and melancholy again as they continued on.

Loghain looked ahead, seeing the form of Vigil's Keep emerge from the falling snow off in the distance. He sighed, wanting desperately to lift her flagging spirits. They had all had a difficult time in the last few days with fighting off the Mother, her armies, and the Architect; no one, however, had as difficult a time as she had. The order she gave regarding Amaranthine weighed on her heavily.

"I shall brief Varel when we arrive, let him know to prepare any extra supplies and coin to go to Amaranthine," Lhiannon said as they drew closer to the Vigil. "Would you please brief the other Wardens?"

"Of course," Loghain replied. They entered the walls of the fortress not long after, stable boys taking their horses. Loghain took both of their small packs, heading in one direction to brief the Wardens as Lhiannon went to brief Varel. Loghain made one stop before meeting the Wardens, asking the servants about two orders he had given them earlier that day. Nodding in approval at what they said, he asked that they finish their orders before Lhiannon returned to their chambers.

An hour or so later, Lhiannon returned to their chambers, bone weary and wanting nothing more than to collapse into bed after perhaps downing a bottle of West Hill brandy to dull her pain and sorrow. Her heart was heavy after witnessing Amaranthine's near destruction. I should have done more was a constant mantra in her head, the thought coming unbidden throughout the last few days.

Slipping her key into the lock, she entered their chambers, bolting the door behind her and beginning to unfasten the straps of her riding leathers. The room was dark, only a single wall sconce lit, which suited her just fine. The darkness in the room suited her mood. Her brows furrowed at movement out of the corner of her eye; she saw Loghain emerge from the shadows of the next room, his riding leathers replaced by his longshirt and leather trousers. He drew closer and as he did, Lhiannon saw that his hair was damp and free of its braids. He gently brushed her hands away from the straps of her riding leathers, taking over the task himself after leading her into their living quarters; she saw that only a couple of sconces were lit there as well. She smiled when she saw he had brought a meal from the kitchens, the tantalizing aroma filling her nostrils; for the first time in days, her stomach rumbled in hunger.

"Tonight," he began, his voice firm yet gentle, "you will relax. Even if I must order you."

Lhiannon scoffed lightly. "I'm the Commander here, or have you forgotten?"

"Not here, and not tonight," he stated firmly, pulling the last of her riding leathers off and setting it aside. "And as an Arlessa, I outrank you. So, come with me." Loghain took her hand, leading her to their small dining table. He had brought her one of her favorite meals: a shepherd's pie filled with meat and vegetables, topped by mashed potatoes made smooth with real cream, a luxury within the Vigil. An apple cobbler sat nearby, still warm from the ovens and no doubt made with apples picked not long before from the nearby orchards. Lhiannon looked at him, a smile on her face as she took a forkful of the pie; it was warm and heavenly. She sighed in delight.

"How were you able to get this prepared so fast?" she asked, taking the cup of wine he had poured and held out to her.

Loghain chuckled lightly, spooning a helping of the pie onto his own plate. "I asked the kitchen to prepare this before we left for Amaranthine." He watched as Lhiannon took another bite of the shepherd's pie, her eyes closing in bliss and a small smile crossing her features. He could feel some of the sadness and weight fall away from her as she ate. After another bite, she set her fork down and reached across the table, taking his hand in hers. She squeezed it gently and he reciprocated.

"This is one of the kindest things you have done for me," she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. Loghain saw a deep love and appreciation in her eyes as she locked her gaze onto his.

A small smile crossed Loghain's face as he gently squeezed her hand again. "You deserved and needed it. I know I do not do such things as often as I perhaps should. Much has weighed heavily on you in recent days and I wished to lift this weight from you, if only for one evening."

Lhiannon nodded her thanks, turning her attention back to the shepherd's pie. She seriously considered scraping the remaining mashed potatoes off the top of the pie and eating those by themselves. Comfort food. Potatoes, in all their varieties, were one of her favorite foods. Loghain watched with satisfaction as she ate.

After they finished off the pie, they turned their attention to the apple cobbler. Lhiannon felt the warmth fill her as she swallowed the first bite, tasting the hints of cinnamon and nutmeg; she sighed, content.

Loghain swallowed the bite of cobbler he had just taken. "Cobbler, especially apple, has always brought a smile to my face. I hoped it would do so with you as well."

"Oh?" Lhiannon asked, her brow lifting in curiosity. She took another bite of the warm cobbler, watching Loghain with interest.

"Apple cobbler was my mother and father's favorite," he explained, pointing at the remaining cobbler with his fork as he spoke. "My mother made it every time the first apples of fall came in. She would always have to make a double batch because my father could eat one by himself." Lhiannon watched as Loghain's face became wistful. "My mother used to chastise him for eating so much of it, leaving just a small sliver for her and myself. Finally, she just gave up and began making double."

Lhiannon grinned as she finished her cobbler, a small smile that made Loghain grin in return. He placed his fork on the table and wiped his mouth with a napkin before rising and walking to Lhiannon's side. He took her hand and guided her from her chair, pulling her close. He held her gently, feeling her relax against him with a heavy sigh. He pulled back slightly after a moment, raising her chin with his hand and gazing into her dark eyes.

"Have I told you that you are beautiful?" he asked, lowering his lips to hers in a soft kiss. He felt her hum and her mouth curve into a smile beneath his lips. "If I didn't know you better," she grinned once they parted, her voice dropping low, "I would think you were trying to seduce me to make me forget my worries."

Loghain held her chin with his thumb and forefinger. "I trust it is working?"

She closed her eyes and scoffed, grinning. "Perhaps it is."

Loghain ran his hands down her arms, grasping her hands in his and pulling her into their bedchambers. Only a couple of sconces were lit here as well, but the fire in the fireplace lent a cheery glow and warmth to the room. Loghain drew her toward the stone tub, which Lhiannon saw was full of fresh water. She could smell fragrant oil in the water: lilacs, her favorite flower. She raised her eyes to his. "Now I know you're trying to seduce me," she said, wagging a finger at him, one side of her mouth tilted upward in a smirk.

"I have little doubt of success," Loghain said, his voice low and husky, kissing her skin as he removed her longshirt, trousers, and smalls, maneuvering her into the tub when he was finished.

"Oh, am I so easy then?" she grinned, slowly lowering herself into the warm water. Loghain scoffed as he maneuvered to the end of the tub near her head, pulling the tie from her hair to free it.

"No, I'm simply that good."

She focused a fire spell at the water, heating it gently as she settled into the water with a heavy sigh. Loghain first washed her hair with soap infused with lilac oil, smiling at the little sighs of content that Lhiannon gave him as he massaged her scalp with his fingers. She settled deeper into the tub when he finished rinsing her hair, her head resting on the lip. He helped her wash with more lilac scented soap, massaging it into her skin to loosen her tight muscles.

When they had finished Lhiannon's bath, Loghain helped her to stand, guiding her out of the tub and wrapping a bath sheet around her. He began rubbing the towel along her body to dry it before lowering his face to her skin, inhaling the lilac scent that lingered there. Her hands lightly caressed the skin of his face, causing the bath sheet to fall away. Loghain's eyes took in her naked form as she stood before him, continuing to run her fingers lightly over him. He was amazed again that this strong and beautiful woman was his, promised to him of her own free will. He lightly traced the scar on her hip with his fingers, grateful for her steadfast bravery on that day, standing over him and fighting off those that threatened them. He traced the scar at her eye with gentle lips, remembering how he had to finally admit to himself that he loved her at the time she received it. An unlikely pairing they may be, but there was no one else in the whole of Thedas that he wanted to spend the remainder of his days with. "I love you," he breathed, moving his lips from her eye to ghost along the skin near where her ear met her jaw.

Lhiannon gently pulled Loghain's shirt over his head, dropping it to the floor as her lips lightly traveled his skin. Her fingers traced his scars, the touch feather light over his chest. He was her strength when she felt hers flag, the rock that she depended on for support. He was her betrothed, the man she promised herself to, willingly and happily. There was nothing she would not do for him. "I love you," she breathed, rising onto her toes to brush his lips with hers as he pushed his trousers and smalls away. He slowly led her to their bed, gently lowering her to the soft mattress before molding his body to hers and kissing her languidly and deeply.

They were a formidable duo, strong in their faith and love of the other. They had a formidable core of Grey Wardens, ready to turn back the darkspawn threat at any time. They had strong soldiers and fighters, ready to defend the arling, the Vigil, and each other at any cost. As she snuggled into Loghain's chest after their lovemaking, she entwined her limbs within his and smiled against his skin. They had much work ahead of them, but with the two of them standing together, she knew in her very soul that there was nothing they could not accomplish.


I thought the title to this chapter was fitting for more than one reason. First, the madness of the Mother has ended, but Lhiannon and Loghain still need to deal with the Architect and the issues with the conspiracy against her. Second, I thought it a fitting end for RA and a nice lead in to Retribution.

Checklist for thank you time…Diet Coke, check. A box of Kleenex that will be completely used by the time I'm done with this, check. So much for me being a tough hockey chick. ;)

First off, thanks to all of you who have taken time out of your days to follow Lhiannon and Loghain's story. Thanks to everyone who took the time to review the story all along the way (especially the reviewers from the last chapter, TG2000, Shakespira, Dante Alighieri, Aura of Darkness Night, Arsinoe, and sleepyowlet). Please know that I have very much appreciated all of them! Also thanks to everyone who alerted the story and set either it or myself as a favorite. It means the world to me that I have been able to entertain you with my tale. I may not have mentioned you by name, but you know who you are, and you have my heartfelt appreciation.

Some special thank you's to some very special authors and friends:

Icey cold: Trovommi Amor was the spark that lit the fire for RA. Your talent and story have been an inspiration. You've been there from the very beginning and took a noob under your wing and helped me to learn how to fly. Thank you so much for all your support and the massive amounts of giggles you have given me.

Gene Dark: You have been there for RA since day one! I greatly appreciate all the support, ideas, and feedback that you have given me. I'm sure I'll be in your inbox soon looking to idea bounce once again. Long live the Eamon haters! Thank you!

Arsinoe de Blassenville: your reviews and conspiracy theories have given me much to think about, both with the flow of the story and with ideas themselves. You also have stuck it out with RA for a long time, and I appreciate it! I still love "blood mages under Denerim"!

Lastly, but not least, I come to you, Shakespira. I don't even know where to begin. There were times the self doubt demon nearly won and more than once I was ready to give up on RA. Your encouragement, support, and occasional gentle kick in the britches have meant the world to me. You helped me become more comfortable in my writing skin and I think it's finally starting to show! From the bottom of my heart, and with much love, thank you.

Now everyone…your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to join me in "Retribution." I hope to see you all there! Chapter one will be posted very soon; most likely before the weekend is over.