![]() Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, and Twilight. I might as well start with what I look like. Here's my profile: Hair: Yes Eyes: Yes Height: Yes Age: Yes Weight: Yes I live in the middle of nowhere, but I'm not stupid enough to say where, but let's say I love the Barbeque over here and I hate the baseball team because it sucks. http:///iwantyoursoul/?i_am=psychotic me http:///user13/06/06_10016332303.gif I recently acquired a new theme song. Here's the link: http:///video/whitenerdy The lyrics are here: http:///archives/2006/september/lyricswhite So far, I've almost memorized the theme song.. It's sad, I know. I've played softball for two years now, and I still suck. I play catcher and first base. Well, I guess I should start with the story I've written: The Story of My Death Oneshot. Hermione hears screams in the hall, and goes to investigate. Was written on a sugar high. Warning: Character Death. Completed. No longer living. Dead. Six feet under. Buried. ~98 percent of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, copy & paste this in your profile.~ Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929,SweetNCrazieSugarmuffin,The Komodo Dragon Phoenix,Bust_A_Groover, Tecna, Triggonseed, The Only Innocent Writer Here-Yumi, Kikyouhater118, Konoha-Salad, Exclamation mark and co.,kage-youkai girl, Kane the Big Red Machine, Psychotic Me ninety two percent of american teenagers would die if Abercrombie and Fitch told them it was uncool to breath, if you would be one of the eight percent laughing their asses off at the others, copy this into your profile. Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know what to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this into your profile. This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination. SUPPORT THE BUNNY! If you know someone who should be run over by a bus, copy this to your profile. If you have ever tried to fly without a plane or any other flying machine/type thing, and SUCCEEDED, copy and paste this into your profile If you've ever fallen asleep in a class, paste this to your profile If YOU get a kick out of explosions, copy and paste this to your profile Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this into your profile! If you and/or your best friend is insane, copy and paste this into your profile. If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy this on your profile. If you are aware that so many people nowadays pretend to be someone they're not, copy this on your profile. If you have ever forgotten your name while introducing yourself, copy this into your profile. I solemly swear that anyone who flames my stories will get a flame back. FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE! BEAT OUT THE FLAMES! If you agree (or hate flamers), copy this into your profile. If you ever tripped over your own feet, copy this into your profile If you hate those obnoxious snobby people, PLEASE copy this into your profile. If there are times when you wanna annoy people just for the heck of it, copy this into your profile.If you think that those stupid kids should just give that God-forsaken Trix rabbit some Trix, copy this into your profile. If you have ever pushed on a door that said "Pull" copy this into your profile. If you have ever had a mad laughing fit for absolutely no reason, copy and paste this into your profile If you have ever laughed maniacally, choked and/or gagged from lack of oxygen, and then fainted dramatically, copy and paste this onto onto your profile If you love Lord of the Rings, copy this into your profile. If you have ever fallen up the stairs copy this into your profile. If you have ever tripped over air, copy this into your profile. If you have ever run into a door, copy this into your profile. If you have ever run into a tree, copy this to your profile! If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever stayed up for over 40 hours continuously just because you could, copy this into your profile. If you think that losers hate/don't get Harry Potter copy this into your profile. If you ever felt like just running somewhere, copy this into your profile. If you're one of those people who get excited when you see just two reviews, paste this into your profile. If you have an odd sort of love/hate relationship with your computer, copy and paste this into your profile. If you refer to yourself in the third person, copy and paste this into your profile. My best friend is insane! If you agree, or if you have an insane friend, then copy this to your profile. If, for no warning, you have laughed during a movie part that wasn't funny, put this in your profile. Only crazy people can understand the brilliance of crazy things. If you are crazy and proud of it, copy and paste this into your profile! The Aztecs valued chocolate so highly it was worth more than a bar of gold to them. If you are a complete chocoholic, copy and paste this into your profile! If you have ever laughed while drinking (or eating) and snorted you drink or food out your nose, copy and paste this into your profile! If you don't use Myspace and are proud enough to make it public, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have a very wide range of interests, copy and paste this into your profile. If you are on fanfiction.net for some other reason than writing pure romance fics or totally rearranging the original story because some slash romance story didn't happen, copy this and paste it onto your profile. If you think you have too many of these "copy and paste this into your profile" thingies, but have no intention of stopping now, copy and paste this into your profile. 98 percent of fanfiction on is shit. Put this in your profile if your stories are part of that 98 percent and you really wish somebody had told you earlier. If you're tired of copying and pasting stuff into your profile, copy this and paste it into your profile! I AM IN SIRIUS DENIAL! SIRIUS IS NOT DEAD! AND I WILL NOT LET YOU SAY OTHERWISE! If you too are in Sirius denial then copy and paste this into your profile. Because Denial is not just a river in Egypt! JK ROWLING KILLED HIM, I KNOW ... BUT HIS LEGACY LIVES ON IN ALL THE MARAUDER FICS ON THIS SITE!! If one by one, the penguins steal your sanity, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever copy and pasted one of those things where you're supposed to add your penname into your profile, then promptly forgot to add your penname, copy and paste this into your profile and add your penname (I'm evil, aren't I?) to the list. Psychotic me If you have ever burst out laughing in a quiet room, copy this into your profile. If you think that people who call Ginny Weasley a Mary Sue are just being ridiculous, copy this into your profile. If you've ever wondered if you were adopted because of your sibling, copy this into your profile. Just because we eat animals for food, doesn't mean we can cut them up for clothing! If you are against fur coats, clothing, boots, ect, copy this onto your profile. If you are obsessed with fanfiction copy this into your profile. If you are Harry Potter obsessed, copy this into you profile and add your name: Ga Nat Nat, Evil Older Sister, Frozenfan, The Choco-Holic, Jade Snape-Holloway, psychotic me If you ever forgotten what you were talking about in a conversation copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile If you've ever read started to read a chapter in a fanfiction, got side-tracked, and forgot to review and realized it after the author posted another chapter, copy and paste this on your profile. f you've ever asked a really stupid, obvious question, copy and paste this one your profile. If your profile is long, copy and paste this on it to make it even longer. you ran up a down escalator copy and paste this into your profile. If you hate those irritating mosquitoes giving you mosquito bites copy and past this into your profle. If you like chocolate as much as I do copy this in your profile. If you've ever wondered what you are like in another dimension, copy and paste this in your profile. There's nothing wrong with arguing with yourself. It's when you argue with yourself and LOSE when it's weird. If you agree, copy this and put it in your profile. I'm bored...If you're bored then paste this in your profile and let the world know you have nothing to do... If, for no warning, you have laughed during a movie part that wasn't funny, put this in your profile. If you have ever zoned out for more than five consecutive minutes, copy this into your profile. If you have your own little world, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever forgotten what you were going to say, right before you say it, copy this into your profile. If yoo cant spel too sav yoor lyfe then putt thes in yoor profiele If you think the semi-colon is completely usless, stupid, annoying and plotting to destroy the English language as we know it, put this in your profile! If you are the kind of person that gets really excited when you get like two reviews, copy this into your profile. f u think rock paper scissors solves everything then put this in ur pro! if you've ever tripped where there is a WATCH YOUR STEP SIGN copy this into your pro if you've ever walked into a wall b4 copy this into your pro if you ever fell off a chair backwards copy this into your pro If you have ever been pushed into an ice-cold pool copy and paste this into your profile If you're crazy, copy this onto your profile and add something crazy you've done to the list! died my hair purple for school, If at one time you misspelled or forgot how to spell a word less than four letters, copy and paste this onto your profile If keyboards hate you copy and paste this into your profile! (Especially the FREAKING CAPS LOCK!!) The electric chair was invented by a dentist. If you are scared now more than ever of dentists by learning this fact, put this on your profile. If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this onto your profile. If you've had at least two friends move away from you...copy and paste this onto your profile. If you don’t dance to avoid injury to yourself and those around you, copy this into your profile. If you think the human identification thing when you log in to fan fiction is annoying, copy and past this into your profile. If you have ever missed your mouth when trying to take a sip of water, copy and paste this into your profile If people think you are mentally insane...copy and paste this onto your profile. If your hair can be considered a weapon, copy and paste this into your profile If you know someone who should be swept up by a dart, copy this to your profile. If you ever felt like just running somewhere, copy this into your profile. If you realize that copying and pasting things into your profile is pointless, yet you do it anyways, copy and paste this into your profile. If you believe that preps travel in packs then place this on your profile. If you don't watch Laguna Beach or the O.C. or The Hills religiously, never have, never will, and are proud of it, copy and paste this into your profile. Come join the dark side. (We have cookies) Add your name to the list if you have joined the dark side purely for cookies. psychotic me ._.s_s _ If you're a girl and you've ever If you're against animal cruelty (horse slaughter, bear bating, dolphin hunting, chimp slavery etc.) then copy this into your profile! RANDOM QUOTES OF RANDOMNESS!! 'Never mess around in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.' -bumper sticker. 'May be harmful if swallowed.' - Warning on a shippment of hammers. 'We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language.' -Bumper sticker 'Bad president! No Banana.' -Other bumper sticker 'Preserve nature: Pickle a squirrel.' -Bumper sticker 'There's three kinds of people: The kind who can count and the kind who can't." -Bumper sticker 'ASSHOLE: Not just a word, a lifestyle.' -Bumper sticker "NUUUUUUU!! THE LESBIAN RAINBOW LEPRECHAUNS ARE GOING TO RAPE ME!!" Sara 4 our of 3 people have trouble with fractions.'- Bumper sticker 'MEN: Can't live with 'em, Can't shoot 'em'- Bumper sticker 'I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.'- Bumper sticker '100 Genuine American Bitch'-Bumper sticker 'Constipated people don't give a shit.' -Bumper sticker "Omg! I AM GODZILLA!!" Aly |