Author's note: Well, I decided on a sequel to my previous fic. I own everyone except the Creeper so they are not to be stolen. I hope that those of you reading, the few that there are, enjoy this and please leave me some feedback. I really don't care if you hated the fic. I just want to know what your reactions are to this. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the ride! Remember there is SLASH and other not so nice stuff in this fic so if two guys doing things creeps you out…GO ELSEWHERE! Alright, I'm done ranting!

Jeepers Creepers 3½: End Game


Daniel and Adrian hit the seats in front of them when Daniel's father slams on the brakes. Looking over the seats, both know exactly WHAT is in the center of the road even though it is concealed in a large overcoat and hat. However, Daniel's parents do not and before they can be warned, they get out of the car and begin yelling at the creature. Daniel makes a quick decision and unbuckles his seatbelt before climbing into the driver's seat and closing his father's still open door. "I hope they rest in peace," he murmurs before gunning the engine pealing off down the exit ramp, "I am NOT dealing with that psychopathic thing…NOT again."

"I thought that man said he was going to SLEEP for twenty-three years," Adrian whispers.

"So did I, babe, so did I. Hold on, I'm not going to chance that thing catching up to the car again. He's NOT going to start stalking us. You're MY boyfriend and no ugly demonic bat is going to touch you intimately," Daniel responds as he swerves around cars ignoring the honking and yelled curses. "When I find out what is responsible for this, I am going to make someone pay…badly," he mutters, "There is NO need for this creature to be awake again. He needs to sleep for twenty-three years. This cannot be good that someone disrupted his sleeping pattern."

"Yeah, and maybe he's changed his mind about what he likes about me. Maybe he WILL start trying to disembowel me."

"Don't get pessimistic, Adrian. We're going to find a way to get out of this mess…somehow."

"You did WHAT?" Samantha exclaims, "Lord, Erica, are you INSANE?"

"No, and don't worry about it. It didn't do anything. There's no such thing as magic and reading one summoning spell isn't going to bring forth a demon. In any event, it was almost two days ago. And anyway, my mom found the book and personally took it to the dump. It'll probably be incinerated by tomorrow anyway."

"Let me get this straight, you STOLE one of Madison's spell books and read a summoning spell meant for demons, and NOW it's going to be incinerated because your mom took it to the dump?"

"Yep, basically," Erica responds.

"Madison is going to KILL you!" Samantha tells her, "You know how much she prizes her spell books!"

"Oh relax already. She doesn't know it was me. She'll blame some other poor sap and it won't be a problem. You are way too uptight, Sam."

"What if it did?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"What if it DID summon a demon?"

"Are you seriously asking me this? Demons DON'T exist!"

"But let's say for insanity's sake, that they do. What are you going to do?"

"Nothing because demons DO NOT exist! You need to stop reading fiction books, Sammy. You're becoming paranoid. Spend more time trying to figure out how to tell Tyrese that you like him."

"That's NOT important right now! You could have endangered a lot of people, Erica, don't you even care?"

"Samantha, you sound like one of the weirdoes who believe in all that voodoo crap. It's not real, Sam. There is no such thing as a demon so chill. Why don't you grab your jacket? We're going to go get something to eat because you obviously need fresh air."

"Okay," Samantha grudgingly agrees though she feels little better about the situation. There was something seriously wrong but obviously Erica is not yet ready to acknowledge that. 'I hope you're right, Erica,' she thinks, 'I really, really, hope you are right.'