Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter. Never will.
Gryffindor Table, Great Hall
1:11 P.M.
It was safe to say that Issy Harris was speechless.
She could not even utter a sound; she was so stunned with shock.
She knew she had to have some actual evidence before she started to make assumptions, but even the slightest suspicion was enough to make Issy dizzy.
There was no possible way, no absolute way that Sirius was the boy she'd dubbed 'Hickey Boy.' He and Lily just couldn't be a couple, or whatever you wanted to call it.
It just wasn't supposed to happen.
And yet, something had to have happened, because Issy could sense it. The way Lily kept darting her eyes over to Sirius as she pretended to be interested in what James had to say; the way Sirius was trying to avoid looking at her, or even in the direction of her; it was just like the way Issy acted around Hector Davies.
It was like the way you would act around someone when you knew them…intimately.
Issy looked back and forth between them, and suddenly felt the urge to leave the table. She stood up and started to walk towards the exit of the Great Hall when Ella called after her.
"Issy! Where are you going?"
Issy couldn't very well say, "I have to get away from Sirius and Lily." That would seem absolutely suspicious, and James would probably end up strangling Sirius. So Issy racked her brain for an excuse, any excuse, about why she was leaving the Great Hall when she hadn't eaten anything.
"I feel…icky," she finally said. Everyone at that side of the table, including Sirius and Lily, looked at her with a strange expression.
Lily giggled. "Icky?" Sirius looked at her, and she blushed.
Issy then started to actually feel icky.
She must have looked quite odd, because everyone erupted into laughter. Everyone that is, except Sirius and Lily, who were in the middle of an intense eye lock. No one noticed but Issy; everyone else was too busy laughing.
Seeing this intense eye lock made Issy have visions…visions…visions of…
She had to get out of here.
"Um, bye," she said quickly, and scurried to out of the door, running towards the Gryffindor common room.
Ella raised her eyebrows. "She's acting strange, but then again, when does she not?"
"True, true," James agreed. Peter desperately wanted to go after her, but he didn't want to seem too stalkerish. But he still wanted to know what everyone thought was wrong with her.
"What do you think is up with her?" he asked.
Ella sighed and grabbed a ham sandwich. "Who knows? Maybe she's sick or something."
Lily giggled. "Or maybe she's got a boy hiding in the dorm." Sirius had to fight the urge to laugh at Lily's inside joke.
Remus had been sitting there in silence, trying to figure out why Issy would leave so quickly, when it finally hit him.
Lily's little joke had made him think immediately of her and Sirius, and then he realized that maybe he wasn't the only one that had his suspicions about them.
And that explained why Issy had left so suddenly. She probably couldn't stand it, and truthfully, it was making him a little sick himself.
That and the upcoming full moon made him want to leave the Great Hall immediately, so when Peter had suggested that someone went after her, Remus immediately offered to.
"I'll go check on her. I forgot to write a letter to my mother. She wanted to know if I got here safely, you know, with You-Know-Who and all. So I'll go and do that, and see if she's okay too."
Ella frowned. "But you haven't eaten anything, Remus!!" she protested.
"Not too hungry, El." A look of understanding appeared on James, Sirius, and Peter's faces. They obviously knew that the full moon was approaching, as well.
"I'll see you guys soon," and with that, Remus started to head to the Gryffindor common room.
Gryffindor Common Room
1:23 P.M.
When Issy finally reached common room, she hastily gave the password, climbed through the portrait, and collapsed on the couch by the roaring fireplace. She was thankful that it was lunchtime, because otherwise the common room would be clogged with people, and right now all she wanted was some peace and quiet so she could think.
Or rather, not think, because that meant she'd think about Sirius and… She grimaced.
She wished it was yesterday, back when life was relatively normal, and before all of the rumors, suspicions, possibilities, and assumptions.
She could remember the pure joy she had felt when she ran into King's Cross Station, excited to see her best friends and tell them about the new notebook she had gotten.
She didn't think they'd be using it soon, since she couldn't even look at Lily without cringing in pure disgust.
Then again, she had just found out…
Her thoughts were interrupted as someone(s) burst into the common room.
She tumbled off the couch in surprise, desperately hoping that the person(s) that had just come in wasn't Sirius and Lily making out.
She stood up, preparing for the worst, but let out a sigh of relief when she saw that it was only Remus.
"Remy! You scared me!" she shrieked, but couldn't help but grin like an idiot.
He smiled back. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if you were alright. You did kind of leave the Great Hall abruptly…"
"I did, didn't I? Well, I'm fine. You can go back." She paused. "Wait, why'd you come to see if I was alright and not Ella or Lily?"
"Well…I wanted to talk to you."
Issy had a sinking feeling in her stomach. "Talk to me about what?"
Remus sighed. "Well, I believe we are both thinking the same thing…"
Issy bit her lip. He was going to confirm her suspicions. She just knew it. "What are we both thinking about?"
Remus looked at the ground. "Well…you know how Lily was missing? Well, I think that she was with—"
"Sirius," Issy finished for him.
"So we are thinking the same thing."
Remus sat down beside her on the couch. They sat in silence for a few minutes, staring at the flames in the fireplace, both trying to not think about Lily and Sirius.
Issy broke the silence. "I don't know how he could do this to James…they are best friends, and everyone knows how much James fancies Lily. He broke the code…"
"You know, Issy, we might just be way far off. We shouldn't make conclusions when we don't even know if we are right," Remus said. Issy nodded.
"I've been trying to tell myself that. But it just seemed so obvious."
"Yeah, it did to me too. But maybe we are both just loony," Remus smiled.
Issy giggled. "Loony Moony. Bahaha. I'm funny." They both started to laugh, and didn't stop for quite a while.
When the laughing finally subsided, Issy said, "But really, what if we aren't just loony. Loony Moony," She paused to giggle, "As I was saying, maybe we're right."
Remus nodded. "But we should have evidence first. I guess—and I hate myself for saying this—but we are going to have to spy on them. To see if anything happens between them."
Issy's eyes brightened. "You mean we can be secret agents like James Bond?!??! And we can wear big sunglasses, and say our last names first, and hide in bushes?"
Remus raised an eyebrow. "Um…sure. Anyway. So we—"
"We have to catch them kissing right? Ew, disgusting. Why us?" Issy threw her hands in the air and started to wave them around franctically.
Remus laughed. "Well, hopefully just kissing."
Issy put her hands down. "What do you mean 'just kissing'? Do you mean what I think you mean?"
"Yeah, I do."
"Loony Moony, stop being loony. They did not do anything of that sort. Lily wouldn't let him do that."
Remus frowned."I don't think I'm being loony. I saw red hair on his pillow, his shirt was across the room, his curtains were closed, his—"
"No. Lily wouldn't lose it to Sirius! She's waiting for someone special or whatever."
"Maybe he is that special someone."
"Remy! You didn't mean that! He can't be! He's Siri—"
"Did someone just say my name?" Sirius asked as he walked through the door, Lily, James, Ella, and Peter following behind him.
Issy thought quickly. "I was saying my headache was quite serious."
"She's been explaining to me about how serious her headache is," Remus added, frowning to add to the effect.
"That's not good, Issy! You should go to Madam Mullins!" Ella cried, running over to her friend. As Ella hugged her, Issy noticed how Lily hung back with Sirius. She felt queasy again.
"I think I'm just going to lie down. See you later," she said, and ran hastily up the stairs to the 6th year dorm, desperate for an escape. Remus glared after her, realizing her plan and wishing he would have thought of that.
"Sent that letter, Remus?" James asked. Remus felt relieved. He still had means of an escape.
"Not quite. I'm going to head to the Owlery now. Bye!"
Ella frowned as he ran from the room. "Remus is acting a bit odd too, don't you think?" she asked everyone.
They all shrugged, and sat down on the couch and chairs facing the fire, wondering what exactly was up with their two friends.
Gryffindor Table, Great Hall
6:37 P.M.
Issy sat with her arms crossed. She'd been dragged here against her will by Ella, who'd insisted that her headache would go away with a little food in her stomach.
Remus appeared to be in the same mood as Issy. He was slumped in a chair, and he kept sighing. James, Sirius, and Peter thought it was because of his 'furry little problem', which was part of it, but the other part was because of the events that had happened that afternoon.
He knew he couldn't spend his entire life in the Owlery simply 'sending a letter', so after every possible distraction, he (slowly) made his way back to the common room.
When he'd arrived, they'd asked why he spent two hours sending a letter. He'd said he met an old friend and chatted for a while, which wasn't a complete lie. He had talked to some of the owls.
So then he was forced to spend the rest of the afternoon pretending not to notice Lily and Sirius glimpsing at each other, and blushing (in Lily's case) or grinning (in Sirius's case).
It was complete and utter torture.
He wished he would have thought of a better excuse, like Issy had, since she spent the entire afternoon in her room, safe from Lily and Sirius.
He glared at her, but she didn't seem to notice.
He stabbed the steak he was eating with such force that it shook the table. A fifth year, whose robes were now spattered with soup, glared at him.
"Whoa man. You can take that frustration out in many, more productive ways," Sirius said, and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at Ella. Ella blushed furiously, and Remus glared at Sirius, who simply winked in response. Remus could see Lily biting her lip, trying not to laugh. He rolled his eyes, and kicked Issy under the table. She stopped staring at the bowl of mashed potatoes, and scowled at him. He looked over at Sirius and Lily, and she followed his gaze. Lily had given in to the urge to laugh, and Sirius was grinning at her giggling form. Issy rolled her eyes, and went back to staring at the mashed potatoes. Remus went back to piercing his steak with his fork.
His stabbing was interrupted by a kick under the table. He was prepared to glare at Issy, figuring she was just getting him back for when he kicked her, but she mouthed Garret and looked to her left.
Garret was indeed passing by their table, and he was staring at Lily with a pointed look. Lily had appeared to have frozen, her eyes locked with Garret's. Sirius had turned to see what she was staring at, and he froze as well.
Remus looked back to Issy, whose eyebrows were raised in a way that said "What's that about?"
Remus shrugged, and then they both went back to staring/stabbing.
After what seemed like hours, they finally left the Great Hall. Remus was beyond relieved to not be in such close proximity with Lily and Sirius. He walked besides James, waiting for the moment when he'd be able to finally escape again.
He felt someone beside him. He turned and saw Issy, who then slipped something in his hand. "Read it," she whispered, and without another word, she skipped up to where Ella was walking.
He opened his hand and saw a folded letter addressed to 'Loony Moony.' He smiled, and almost as if she sensed the smile, she turned around and grinned at him.
He looked at the letter. Now he really couldn't wait till he could escape.
6th Year Gryffindor Boy's Dormitory
7:49 P.M.
When he finally had the chance to escape, Remus ran up to his dormitory, and sat on his bed. He opened the letter, and began to read.
Time of Message: Saturday, 2:23 P.M.
Since we are supposed to be 'secret agents' I figured we better act like it. We obviously can't talk in the open, because that's extremely unsecret-agenty, so I thought we could talk through letters. Now you may be surprised since I'm not exactly the best witch around, but I figured out how to charm these notes into little airplanes that fly to only who they are addressed to fly to. They appear blank to anyone else who sees it, and they'll bite you on the nose if you are sleeping or something. (Yeah, I know, I'm smart. Compliment me later.) So, these friendly little airplanes with unusually sharp teeth are used for these purposes:
-To tell the other what was observed with Lily and Sirius. (Ahem, said subjects staring in each other's eyes.)
-To tell the other extremely large news. (Ahem, said subjects caught kissing in common room.)
-To simply say hi. (Ahem, hi)
-To tell the other of a mysterious disappearance of said subject. (Ahem, said subject not in bed. Is other said subject sleeping? Are said subjects together?)
-If both said subjects missing, where we think they may be. (Ahem, said subjects may be in common room. Meet me there)
Those, fellow secret agent Remy (Code Name Loony Moony), are the basic things we are to include in the letter. However, they are more like 'guidelines' so naturally, include anything you find remotely important in the letter. These can be sent at any time, generally at the exact time something important happens. (Ahem, don't hesitate. Send whenever.) So, if you have any questions, send an airplane to Issy, (Code Name Silly Billy).
Oh yeah, this one can be reused. Just say Disaparro, and poof, a blank sheet.
Anyway, how are you Loony Moony? Sorry I just left you all alone in the common room, but I really didn't want to throw up over everyone, which was what I felt like doing. I'm sure you'll think of some excuse. You can be smart, Loony Moony, though it is quite a surprise when you are.
Well, Ella is coming up to check on me yet again. (Ahem, I hear footsteps.)
So farewell, fellow agent.
(Send it back for breaking news, news, or questions. Hell, just send one back.)
-Silly Billy
P.S: Yeah, I know I gave this to you, but it really can fly, I tried it. Just say Airflylevitaterio. (Pronounced Air Fly Levi Ta Terio) and it should fly away. But make sure it's addressed to me of course. (Use Code Names!)
Remus stared at the letter with an amused expression on his face. Issy was one strange person.
He smiled, said "Disaparro", and began to write a response.
6th Year Gryffindor Girl's Dormitory
8:07 P.M.
Issy was lying on her bed, pretending to be engrossed in a magazine as Ella and Lily chattered on about something weird. She kind of wanted to be a part of it, but she was still having trouble looking at Lily without feeling the desire to throw up. Plus, their other two roommates were painting their nails on the floor, and Issy wasn't in the mood to try and start a conversation with someone she wasn't at all too fond of.
She was pretending to read an article about how some witch created a spell to make all the dead skin on your feet disappear when something bit her on the nose. She pulled it off, and she saw a mini airplane.
She grinned idiotically and opened it.
Time of Message: Saturday, 8:01 P.M.
Silly Billy,
Erm, hi. I got your letter (You think?) and I think you are quite brilliant. This is a really good way to 'communicate' or whatever spies do, especially when I saw that it flew out the window and not into the common room where there may be a ton of people who would be in awe of a mini airplane zooming around.
So I guess I should talk about what I saw today, even though I don't exactly want to.
First of all, this morning Sirius was sleeping on the floor kind of acting like a decoy, or something. He threw a pillow at me (He does this quite frequently. He enjoys watching it bounce off of our heads, I suppose.) and I saw that it had a red hair that was most definitely Lily's color on it. His curtains were closed as well. When James mentioned that Lily was missing, and that it might be 'his chance' (We all know it's not) Sirius acted quite strange, like he was hiding something. Plus, he stayed behind when James and I went to breakfast.
When we came back, (Lily would have had plenty of time to disappear, or even continue…I won't say anymore, but we were gone for nearly two hours, so that gives you the idea.) Sirius was acting quite odd. (Well, odder than usual.) He was hitting his head against the wall, and quacking. But then again, he does that quite often, so nevermind. But when James asked him if he'd seen Lily (He was the last one to see her before she mysteriously disappeared. That tells you something, too.) his response was short, like he was still hiding something. And then I noticed his clothes were pretty much everywhere, which also gives you an idea.
In the Great Hall, they were acting strange, don't you think? And it continued throughout the day, as you know. The glimpses, the giggles/laughs, the grinning, the blushing, etc.
I do believe something is going on.
Who knows, something might even be happening right now.
Farewell, Agent Silly Billy,
-Loony Moony
Issy wasted no time in writing her reply.
Gryffindor Common Room
8:15 P.M.
Sirius sat at the table playing exploding snap with James and Peter. Whoever lost was replaced with the other, and he'd just lost to James, so he moved off to the side so Peter could take his place.
During the day whenever he was in the presence of James, like right now, he felt utterly guilty.
Guilty for not just one reason, but for many. He felt guilty because he'd kissed/slept with Lily before James. He felt guilty because he lied to James about it. But he felt the most guilty about wanting to kiss Lily all over again.
He'd never exactly felt this way.
Sure, he'd wanted to again with other girls, but he'd never felt this dire need to be with someone again.
And it was bloody freaking him out.
He'd felt it the whole day, ever since Lily had left. And during the times when they were near each other, he didn't know how he had not started to kiss her right in front of everyone.
He'd wanted to. He couldn't explain how badly he'd wanted to, but he couldn't. Not in front of James, or anyone for that matter, because it would get back to James, and he'd be dead.
He'd never had to hide it before. In the past, if he liked a girl, he'd kiss her in the middle of the Great Hall, in the common room, or even in the middle of class. And now he couldn't do that, and it was so weird.
To top it off, he had to spend the whole day in her presence because she was his friend, and friends with his friends. And he had to act like they were just friends.
Gosh, it drove him crazy.
But then there were those little glances, those giggles, that blushing…
And that only made him want, no need her more.
God, he felt like he was 13 again.
"Hey guys, I think I'm going to head up to the dorm," he announced, knowing that he had to get away before something bad happened.
James raised his eyebrows. "It's not even nine yet, mate."
"Yeah, but I still have to unpack and clean everything and stuff like that. I'll be back down though," he said, and went up the stairs to the 6th year dorm.
He knew that he wasn't going to unpack or clean anything, and he wouldn't be back down.
He just had to think, and clear his head.
But that was pretty much impossible.
He walked in and saw Remus reading something.
"What are you reading, mate? A lovey dovey letter from Ella?" Sirius asked, looking over to his bed where Lily had been less than 24 hours ago.
Yeah, this was supposed to help him clear his head.
Remus looked up from the letter he was reading. "Something like that. What are you doing up here so early?"
Sirius sighed. "Gonna unpack and stuff." Looked like he would be going back to his original plan.
"Ah, joy. Have fun," Remus said, and went back to reading his letter. Sirius went over to his pile of stuff, and sighed. It was going to be a long night.
Time of Message: 8:13 P.M.
Secret Agent Loony Moony,
Sirius quacks like a duck quite often? What's wrong with that boy…?
Anyway, nothing would be going on at the current moment because Lily's in here bickering with Ella about something or other. You know how they are. Sigh
I'm glad you replied. I was reading some article about how to remove dead skin on your feet. It was rather boring, and this is becoming embarrassing to me, because I just mentioned that I read articles about dead skin on your feet. Yes, I'm quite the odd duck. (And I'll even quack like Sirius. Quack)
Anyway, we may not have to spy much longer. They aren't exactly hiding it quite well, but then again Jamesie, Petey, and Ella Bo Bella didn't notice a thing. Weirdos.
Well, I guess I shall tell you of my day's events:
When we woke up, Lily wasn't there, and her bed looked perfectly made. We figured that Lily was hungry or something, and that she already went to the Great Hall, but when we got there she wasn't there.
When I thought back on it, I don't remember her even coming to bed, and I stay up pretty late, so that's telling you something. I'd figured then that she was having a prolonged discussion with Garret, or else a make-up snog
But…she could have been snogging said subject (Say said subject from now on. It's more spy-like) or even in his bed. (I would hope not. Please. I hope not.) Speaking of that, did you hear anything suspicious? (Ahem, do I need to explain?)
Anyway, we thought that either:
-She went to bed late, got up early and just wasn't in the Great Hall when we got there.
-She got lost.
-She got attacked by Slytherins and was currently locked up in the dungeons.
-She was with Garret
-At the Astronomy Tower 'thinking things over' possibly with a boy. (She used this excuse, the Astronomy Tower one. Not the boy one.)
-She got taken hostage by the merpeople
We did not, however, think she was with Sirius.
But as the day went on, she just might have been.
When we realized you guys hadn't seen her, we knew something was wrong. When she wasn't in the library, something was really up. (Unless we just kept happening to coincidently miss her.)
But when we asked Garret, he had kind of paused, and asked us questions like 'did she tell you why she wanted to break-up' and crap.
Then I thought he was just being Garret, but now that I think back on it, he may know something. We should interrogate him. (Baha, isn't interrogate a fun word?)
I figured it out when Lily spit out the apple at the sight of Sirius, and when he was avoiding looking at her. Then she kept glancing at him, and they had this eye-lock…and then you know the rest.
Something smells fishy. And I don't think it's the fish in the lake.
Good luck investigating further, fellow agent Loony Moony,
-Agent Silly Billy.
Remus put down the letter, murmured "Disaparro," and began to write his reply, but before he could even write one word, an explosion occurred in the room.
Remus looked wildly around him, trying to see what caused such an explosion. He noticed that everyone's drawers and trunks had been emptied, littering the room with clothes, paper, books, and everything else imaginable. Some stuff even flew out the windows and doors.
He wondered where Sirius went, until he saw Sirius climb out of a pile of clothes.
"Me and household spells don't mix," he muttered.
Remus shook his head, and got up to help put everything away.
6th year Gryffindor Girl's Dormitory
12:31 A.M.
Issy had been staring at the ceiling for at least two hours. Remus still hadn't replied yet, and she was deathly bored.
Everyone else appeared to be sleeping, and she had nothing to do—she'd given up trying to read that stupid magazine—except to think of all the possible ways of why Remus hadn't replied yet.
Either he hadn't wanted to, he had nothing else to say, the airplane had flown to the wrong person, James had found out and had strangled everyone in the room, Sirius realized what the—
Something bit her on the nose, and Issy felt a surge of excitement. She made sure her curtains were closed, and began to read the letter.
Time of Message: Sunday, 12:20 A.M.
Agent Silly Billy,
Sorry for taking so long.
See, Sirius was unpacking, and he decided to use a 'household spell' and to say the least, it backfired on him, sending everything that was in a trunk or drawer in our room practically everywhere. And I mean everywhere. A pair of Sirius's boxers flew into the 4th year Girl Dormitory. We had to fight for them, seeing as they wanted to frame it on the wall or something like that. It was rather embarrassing.
So for the last four hours, we've been finding and picking everything up. (I'm surprised that your dorm wasn't bombarded with pairs of socks. Well, if you find some, they are probably ours. Give them back to us tomorrow.
Anyway, we just finished, and I finally sat down to write down a reply to you.
I must admit, that is quite embarrassing that you read articles on dead skin. But I promise I won't tell anyone. We are, after all, secret agents, so I suppose we keep secrets.
Anyway, I did wonder how Ella, Peter, and James didn't notice anything. It was quite obvious, but maybe they are just loony. Or maybe we are loony. Who knows?
Anyway, no, I did not hear any 'suspicious' noises, but I rarely do. They do tend to use silence charms and all that stuff. The only time they don't is when they are in a hurry, and I do believe that if it was with said subject, he'd take extra care so we wouldn't suspect anything.
I do find that odd that she wasn't there when you went to sleep, and wasn't there when you got up either. I do believe that she didn't come back at all. I don't think she would have gotten lost, or attacked by Slytherins, or taken hostage by merpeople
She could have been with Garret, but I highly doubt that, since they broke up last night.
The other two possibilities would be: our dorm, with said subject, or at the Astronomy Tower, possibly with said subject as well.
Garret might know something, so I suppose we should ask him tomorrow. Or interrogate, as you would say.
Anyway, I must go. They are getting suspicious about why I'm not joining their game of poker. Don't bother to reply unless said subject leaves.
Farewell, Agent Silly Billy
-Agent Loony Moony
Issy giggled. A pair of socks had flown into the room earlier and hit Ella in the head. She'd have to remember to get them out from under Ella's trunk. (Ella had become convinced that they were 'demon socks' and wanted to squish them as much as possible.)
Issy sighed and put down the letter. She fell back onto her pillow, prepared to spend another couple of hours staring aimlessly at the ceiling.
The next thing Issy knew, it was morning.
She rolled over, only to fall straight to the ground and landing with a loud thud.
Ella looked at her from over by the mirror, where she was brushing her hair. "Morning, Issy."
"Ooomph. Jeesh. That hurt." Issy attempted to stand up, but fell right back to floor. She rolled over on her back and laid there for a few moments, rolled back over on her stomach, and successfully stood up.
"Where's Lily?" Issy asked as she stretched.
Ella rolled her eyes. "Look behind you." Issy looked behind her, and saw that her red-headed friend was still sleeping.
"Oh. Are we going to wake her up?"
"Too late," Lily said, sitting up and yawning.
Ella smiled. "Morning Lily!" Lily glared and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door.
Ella sighed. "She's not much of a morning person, is she?"
"Course she isn't. What time is it, anyway?" Issy asked, searching the room for a clock.
"It's nine, you goof, and for further reference, the clock is right there," Ella said pointing to the corner of the room. Issy saw a clock the size of a dinner plate. She blushed.
"I'm apparently not much of a morning person either," Issy said, and fell back down on to her bed. "I'm going to sleep for a bit longer."
Ella frowned. "You aren't going to come to breakfast with us?"
"I'll be down later," Issy said, and then she closed her eyes and fell back into a blissful sleep.
Gryffindor Common Room
9:23 A.M.
Lily didn't exactly want to go to breakfast, but she didn't know what else to do. She couldn't sleep—she hadn't slept the whole night because she'd been too busy thinking of him—she couldn't read, she couldn't even sit and stare at the fire.
Plus, she wanted to see her friends. It was just the trying-to-act-like-nothing-happened when Sirius was around.
It drove her insane.
She followed Ella down the stairs and into the common room. Immediately, Ella ran straight to where Remus was standing with James and Peter and began to kiss him madly.
"Hello to you too, Ella," Peter said and waved. She didn't seem to notice, but James found it hilarious, so he was still chuckling when he said, "Hi Lily. How'd you sleep?"
Horribly, because I was too busy thinking of your best friend and how amazing it is to kiss him.
"Great!" she exclaimed. James grinned in response.
Remus and Ella finally stopped kissing. "So, were you guys heading to breakfast too?" Ella asked. They nodded and everyone started to head to the door, everyone except Lily.
"Coming, Lily?" Remus asked.
Lily shook her head. She realized that it wouldn't be any different even if Sirius wasn't there. She still had to figure some things out.
Ella looked concerned, as did James. "Why ever not?" Ella asked.
Lily thought fast. "Letter. I have to write a letter to my mum. She wants to know if I'm...alive. Because of You-Know-Who and all. You know how they are, don't you Remus?"
Remus nodded, but his eyebrows were still raised.
"Well, bye!" she said, and ran back to where the stairs were for the dormitories. She ran straight into someone and fell to the ground.
The person swore quite loudly, and then said, "Lily?"
Lily looked up, only to see Sirius. He took her hand and pulled her up.
Lily's mind was in overdrive.
"Aren't you going to go with them?" he asked.
Lily shook her head. "I have—have to send a—I couldn't sleep last night."
He looked momentarily confused for a moment, but then a look of understanding passed through his face. "Neither could I."
Lily was struggling not to faint.
He looked as if he was going to say something, but instead he brought his hand up and stroked her cheek ever so softly.
She could hardly breathe.
His grey eyes found her green ones. "I've wanted to do this ever since you left."
Lily was pretty sure her heart had stopped beating.
She attempted to say "I've wanted you to do that ever since I was forced to leave," but it came out like "This feels nice."
He smiled at her, and (finally) kissed her.
Gryffindor Table, Great Hall
10:23 A.M.
Issy had finally rolled out of bed and stumbled into the Great Hall. She scanned the heads at the Gryffindor table, her eyes stopping when she saw Ella's curly blonde hair. She walked over there and sat down.
Ella grinned at her. "Hiya Issy!" Issy grinned back. Beside Ella, Remus appeared to be in quite the grumpy mood. She quirked an eyebrow at him, but then noticed that two people were missing.
"Where's Lily?" she asked for the second time today.
"She went to write a letter. Didn't you see her?" Ella asked.
Issy shook her head, but in response to Remus's death glare, she said, "Oh yeah! I was sleeping at the moment. I do believe she was off to the Owlery when I left." Remus looked relieved. "Speaking of the Owlery, I need to go and say hi to my owl!"
Everyone looked at her strangely, but didn't ask any questions, because after all, she was Issy.
Before she left, she looked at Remus in a way that said, "Follow me."
He sat there for a few moments, thinking of what he should say.
"I just forgot. I need to go and check something in the library. I'll be back soon."
Without waiting for a reply, he ran off to follow Issy. When he finally reached her, he tapped her on the shoulder. She whirled around and pulled out her wand, but when she saw that it was him she shouted, "Loony Moony! Do you think they are…?"
"I don't know, but I guess we should go and, uh, find out."
Her mouth dropped open. "Wait, we have to WALK IN ON THEM?!?!? You can do that, Loony Moony. I don't want to see my best friend doing anything suspicious with my former enemy! Hello, gross?"
"Um, I don't want to do that either."
"So are we gonna flip a coin or something?"
"Issy, let's just see if they are in the common room first. Then we can make a plan, and perhaps flip a coin."
"Sounds like a plan."
Gryffindor Common Room
10:32 A.M.
"They aren't in here Remus. I guess we are going to have to flip that coin."
Remus sighed and fished around in his pocket for a coin. "Well, heads or tails?"
Issy thought for a moment. "Heads."
He flipped the coin. He grinned. "Tails." Issy screamed and threw herself on the ground and began to beat her fists like a little kid.
"I won't! I won't! I won't! I WON'T!"
"Issy, they might not even be in there." She glared at him, and without another word stomped off to the stairs of the boy's dormitories.
She reached the 6th year dorm, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
A/N: I tell you, I enjoy my cliffhangers.
Anywho, I'm sorry that I took forever to update. Again. But I promise (And I really mean it this time.) that the next chapter will be added here pretty quickly, and it will be a lot funnier than this one. (See, I have this brilliant idea...)
Part of the reason I took so long is because I was reading Deathly Hallows like every other obsessor was. And, the good news is, I am planning to write a new story that involves, ahem, a part from Deathly Hallows. It should be added pretty soon, within the next couple of weeks, so keep your eye out for it!
Hope you enjoyed this darling new addition.