Bella POV:

There was a sharp beeping noise in the room. I heard a muttered curse as Edward got up and turned my alarm in a matter of seconds. He was instantly at my side.

"Did I wake you?" His golden eyes looked concerned.

"No, I'm fine," I yawned and sat up. I almost fell off the bed, but of course, Edward caught me.

"So what did you want to do today?" he said, amused. "Ms. Soon-to-be-Cullen…"

"I can think of a few ways," I whispered, and snuggled closer to him. The weeks after he proposed to me had been bliss.

"Me, too-" he suddenly cut off.

"What's wrong?"

"They're coming."

I raced to conclusions. They're coming… Victoria and her little posse were dead, so that could only mean… the Volturi. I shuddered.

"Whatever they want, I'll protect you," he pulled me closer, defensively.

I prepared for the worst. The door downstairs slammed open. I could only hope that Charlie was already at work.

"Bella? Edward?" The voice seemed friendly, not menacing. It paused. "Guess what?"

Whoever it was rumbled up the stairs, and I could hear others. They burst into the room.

"We're going to the zoo! We're going to the zoo!" Emmett was bouncing up and down like a five year old. He was followed by Alice, Jasper, and Rosalie.

"Oh my god," I was gasping for air. I laughed so hard that I cried. All the vampires stared at me till I stopped.

"I thought you were the Volturi," I said while I recovered.

They all gave me weird looks and laughed too.

Edward mussed my hair. "You truly are one of a kind, Bella."


"Okay, are we all ready to go?" Alice pulled up to the zoo parking lot. She looked ridiculous driving the humungous Jeep.

"Wait!" I called as they all got out of the car. They sighed and jumped back in. Edward looked at me expectantly.

"Ground rules." They all looked at me.

"Do you not trust us or something?" Rosalie snapped.

"Um, the last time we were out with Emmett, we were banned from nation-wide Wal-marts."

"How was I supposed to know what tampons are?" he muttered. "I didn't know the nice saleslady would be mad when I asked her what size I needed…"

"Point taken," Jasper said, and they all looked at me again. I sighed. This was going to be hard.

"1: No hunting." I waited for all of them to shut up before moving on.

"2: No gift shop until after we see the animals. Don't say anything, Alice. 3: No show of our superpowers. Edward, that means that even if you hear some, erm, unpleasant thoughts from other people, no hitting them. Or gagging."

He gave me a dirty look. "I would never…"

"Oh yes, you would. Alice, can you think of any more?"

Alice grinned evilly. "Emmett, no bears."

"NOOOOOO- owww, Rose, that hurt! PLEASE! Let me see the bears! I live for the bears!" Emmett pleaded with big puppy eyes. "Bears. Bears. Bears! Bears! BEARS! BEARS! BEARS! BEARS!"

"Fine, fine, just shut up!" I half-yelled.

"Bears?" he asked hopefully. I nodded. He started his chant again.

"IF you shut up."


All the Cullens jumped out of the car and started running towards the entrance. This was going to be fun…