MPP writes Fanfiction
(A/N: May not be suitable for kids under thirteen)

With the help of a magical machine that helps teleporting future items to the past, the marauders had gotten hold of a computer with internet connection and they also had access to all the webpages that would come to exist in the future.
"Ok, what should we search for?" Remus asked. He was the one that typed.
"Search for…marauders" said James.
Remus typed 'marauders' in the searching box at Google and many pages appeared.
"Wow, we're famous" said Remus.
"What's 'fanfiction'?" Sirius asked.
Remus clicked on a link that lead to a fanfiction written by, well, no one they knew obviously.
"Oh look, it appears to be about you guys!" said James. "SiriusXRemus slash. Why am I not there?"
"What's 'slash'?" Remus wondered.
They read the fic, turned green and threw up.
"Who writes these sick things?" Sirius gagged.
"Ok, now I can't ever look you inthe eyes again…" Remus closed the page.
"Jeez, guys, the truth has unfolded! I knew there was something going on because you argue all the time but who knew that that was what you were up to whenever I was at Quidditch Practice…"
"Who knew you could do that many things with a wand" said Sirius, impressed.
"Prongs, that is obviously a made up story by someone with the only purpose to satisfy her own sick fantasies!" said Remus, disgusted. "And I'm not that girly, am I?"
James and Sirius looked away.
"Sure you're not"
"Whatever you say"
Remus glared at them.
"Anyway, let's write our own fic!" Sirius suggested. "And name it…"
"Lily Evans Begs James For A Date" said James and started typing.

Lily Evans Begs James For A Date – By James, Sirius and Remus

Lily Evans, the stunningly beautiful gorgeous hot pretty sexy-

"Maybe I shoul type, or we'll never get anywhere!" said Remus.

-girl sat with her friends in the library, studying. There was no better place than the library, the smell of old dusty spellbooks filled the air with a pleasant-

"Maybe I should write because if Moony writes the readers will fall asleep" said Sirius and continued typing.

-booksmell. Anyway, there was Lily with her hot friends Marlene and Dorcas. Marlene was particulary pretty, she wore a tight very low-cut dress and Dorcas sat in just her lace adorned underwear. "It sure is hot in here" said Dorcas and took off her underp-

"Ok, Padfoot, let's keep it pg, ok? Keep those kind of details in those adult novels your working on" said James and continued typing.

"Dorcas, you must be freezing cold!" said the beautiful Lily and took off her clothes so Dorcas could stay warm.
"But now you're wearing nothing!" said Marlene.
"Oh that's ok, girls, because I'm gonna meet James later and I won't be needing any clothes for that-

Remus pushed James from the typing seat. "Really guys, if we're gonna write a fic we might as well do it well!"

"James is no good for you" said Dorcas and conjured some clothes from her wand that Lily could wear.
"Thank you, Dorcas. Now, we really ought to continue working on our Arithmancy project"
They looked for facts in many books. It was great, skimming from one book to another. Feeling the pages while you browsed through the book, learning all kinds of new things you didn't know. Wherever they turned all they could see was books, books and more bo-

Sirius shot a binding charm at Remus fingers.
"You guys…really. This is how you write an interesting story!"

Marlene came to her senses and set all the books on fire.
"Hooray for Marlene!" Lily and Dorcas cheered.
"Now let's leave this dump and practice kissing in the dorm-

"We'll never get to the part when Lily begs me to date her, will we?" James asked.
"Probably not. Just like in real life" Remus replied.
It was James turn to type again.

In the dormitory.
"Ok, I think we're done practicing now" said Lily and put her clothes on. "Now I'm gonna find James and ask him if he wants to snog me"
"Oh James is sooo hot" said Dorcas dreamingly. "Can I join you guys?"
"Well, it's really up to James but maybe if we ask really nicely-

"I can't believe that this is what goes on in your head!" said Remus.
"I can't believe it's not going on in your head!" said Sirius. "We are young, hormone bulging teenagers! Of course we think dirty things!"
"Could you at least keep it to yourself? You don't see me openly expressing kinky fantasies!"
"That's because your kinky fantasies involves you, the first edition of 'Bilbo', a bottle of wine-"
"Anyway, I don't wanna discuss this any further"
"Of course you don't, book fetish…"
Remus started typing.

Lily left the dormitory looking for James. She found him eventually in a broomcupboard making out with Sirius-

"Dude!" James exclaimed.
"That's for calling me 'book fetish'!"
"Padfoot called you that, don't drag me into this! Make me make out with Lily and Dorcas!"
"Allright, allright!" said Sirius and made Remus scooch over.

"I can't believe you are making out with that gorgeous Sirius!" Lily gasped.
"No we didn't make out, I was just trying to feel his tonsils with my tounge!" James explained.
Lily sighed, relieved.
"Thank god. So you wanna make out with me and Dorcas, James?"
"Sorry, no, I got Quidditch practice. Ask Sirius, he is an excellent kisser-

James punched Sirius in the arm and kept writing.

"I don't want Sirius, that airheaded nitwit! I want you, James! I need you! Badly! Here and now! Right on the floor!"
"Well, allrighty then!"
James and Lily undressed and started-

"Ok, I think that's enough for this time" said Remus and turned off the screen.
"Killjoy" Sirius muttered.

(A/N: Ok, this is unlike everything I've ever written before. I've read kinkier but this is kinky for being me. Just an idea that came to me when it was late. No flames please.)