Reviews for Extremely Unrealistic Coincidences
a-potato-forever chapter 28 . 7/12
hahahahaha that middle name though
I liked humor a lot!
kiara thompson chapter 27 . 3/6/2015
kiara thompson chapter 2 . 3/6/2015
seriously?! James is ridiculous! i mean asking Lily out when she is fuming! nice work,Prongs! ;p
Guest chapter 21 . 1/5/2015
Wow James, that outburst was quite sudden! Poor Lily...
SiriusBlackisSiriuslyfunny333 chapter 17 . 9/5/2014
#legally blond references #happen to be my life

Great chappy ;)
Ginevra Annabeth Herondale chapter 28 . 1/14/2013
This was an awesome story! I love Kirsten and Sirius, they're hilarious!
Ginevra Annabeth Herondale chapter 16 . 1/14/2013
I love Kirstens POV! It was hilarious!
kendra 443 chapter 16 . 8/25/2012
im talking to the wall its like talking to myself only slightly less pathetic
Guest chapter 17 . 8/10/2012
My Favorite Quote of All Time:
Stupid is as stupid does.
Die, bitch.
You'd think killing people would make them like you, hut it only makes them dead.
Guest chapter 13 . 8/10/2012
...My daddy fell off of a waterfall on Friday the Thirtheenth, when he was eighteen.
Guest chapter 8 . 8/10/2012
Iiiittttsss... ME! Kidding, really. I prefer Florida's beaches. Even in the middle of summer, the water in Carmel is freezing (somewhere between 50 and 60 degrees I'd say), there are a ton of rocks on the beach, it's overcast, cold, and there's a ton of seaweed, sea lions, sea otters, and most likely sharks. So yeah. Not exactly the prettiest beach in the world. (Although Pebble Beach Lodge is GORGEOUS.)
Guest chapter 5 . 8/10/2012
WOOHOO CARMEL IS CLOSE ENOUGH. You know how pretty it is there? Ridiculously so. Plus, I saw a photo of Zak Bagans in front of this little candy store I go to every time we go to Carmel so every time I hear about Carmel I think of that... :3 Don't judge me, I'm thirteen. i pretty much get a free liscense to obsess about really hot sorta-celebrities.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10/2012
YOO GO CALIFORNIA THATS WHERE I LIVE BABY! *crosses fingers* please be San Francisco, please be San Francisco... Everybody ignores San Francisco and goes strakght to LA. Well guess what? SMOG.
SiriusHadesWinchester chapter 28 . 6/5/2012
I absolutally love this story!
Guest chapter 28 . 4/11/2012
i just realised that ive read this amazing story over a billion times because i loved it so much,

and i never even reviewed!

I'm ashamed! please forgive me!

It's an amazing story!

It made me laught so hard and even cry at some points!

I could say everything i love about this story but im afraid that this review would get WAY too long!

So to sum it all up, AMAZING STORY!

I enjoyed reading it!
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