Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Some things about me: My name is Claire. I am now 16 years old (Sweet 16!) and live in Pennsylvania. I'm a Taurus (making Tuesdays the worst days ever. I hate Tuesdays!) Books- Guardians of Time trilogy, Old Magic, East, all Harry Potter books, Time Travelers Series, Hero's Song, Fire Arrow, Once Upon a Marigold, the Mediator Series, Avalon High, Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code, Twilight series, Uglies trilogy, Sarah Dessen books (especially The Truth About Forever), Airborn, Skybreaker, Pride and Prejudice, and any other good book. Movies- Moulin Rouge, Ever After, Rent, She's the Man ("screw you guys, I hate high school!"), Wimbledon, Timeline, Tristan+Isolde (James Franco is yummy), iRobot, the X-Men movies, A Knight's Tale, Armageddon, Spider-man movies, Batman movies, Casino Royale, and any action/romance flick. Activities/hobbies- I love sports! I play tennis, I dance (ballet, tap, and jazz), and I perform in musicals. I also love reading, writing (duh), singing, and acting. My friends are crazy, but so am I, so it works out! I love to have fun and I am an extreme daredevil (but my mom won't let me do anything dangerous (including bungee jumping)). I am the biggest Steeler fan in PA (I'm actually watching the game right now!). GO STEELERS! Music: I love the Red Hot Chili Peppers! They're awesome! And the Police! They're awesome too. And Aerosmith, Cheap Trick, The Fray, Journey, The Beatles, Stevie Wonder, John Mayer, The Killers, Los Lonely Boys, Queen, Rascal Flatts, Taylor Swift, and many others. Shows: House M.D., Bones, Boston Legal, Smallville, Boy Meets World, Numbers, Scrubs (Banana Hammock!), How I Met Your Mother, The Office, That's 70's Show, Psych, Standoff, Entourage, Flight of the Conchords (hilarious!!), Chuck, Pushing Daisies, and, of course, Hannah Montana! I am obsessed (with good reason) with Andy Roddick. He's gorgeous and he's is a great tennis player (okay, so he kinda sucks...), but I love him! I live for chocolate. It is my life. I never really finish what I start, but I'll try just for you! Weird quotes from my friends that you might enjoy: "I'm not good at putting together things!" -Casey Bee "I love being cold. It's so warm." -Julia "I don't get it! Without electricity, we would be watching tv by candle-light. It makes perfect sense!" -Casey Bee "I wrote on my leg yesterday 'cause I was bored. Now it won't come off!" Two days later "I drew on my hand last night and now it won't come off!" -Kirsten (princesskiri14) "In my family, I was the first daughter, granddaughter, niece, nephew, girl cousin...wait a sec!" -Dannielle (who is a girl). "Love me! Love me! Say that you love me!" -Logan (my strange older brother quoting an Office episode). "You didn't win. I just lost." -Logan (again) "I wonder where poop goes to once it's flushed down the toilet. Probably to the Poop Foundation of America...the PFA. Or the SFA..." -Afhton Five seconds later "Wait, what does the S stand for?" -Bayleigh "Her freaky eyebrows are creeping me out." -Me! (I saw Dreamgirls the other day, and Beyonce's eyebrows were really weird. They scared me) "This is a strange problem. I want to pop bubble wrap, but I don't want it to make any noise..." -Rebecca (she's a crazy one) "WHY IS EVERYONE SMILING AT ME?!" -Kirsten (she was having a hard time in english) "I chew ice cream. Do you chew ice cream?" -Kirsten (just wonder, what's the proper response to that??) "I worked 15 hard years to get this stomach!" -Casey Bee (don't ask) "Once, in fifth grade, I accidentally skipped math class." -Kirsten (who was very upset about this) "I went back in time once. I went to Arizona." -Ally (we were talking about the time differences. It actually makes sense, if you think about it. (singing the Lion King) "Everybody look left!" -Danni, who promptly turned right. (sits down with about 5 packs of gum) "Hey, Maggie, can I have a piece of gum?" (hurriedly hides all of her gum) "What gum?" -Maggie (I was the only one at my lunch table that thought this was hilarious) "A wise man once said, 'The human spirit can overcome any obstacle.' That man had obviously never run a triathlon." -JD from Scrubs (the greatest show on tv). "Man, I really wish I had four fingers!" -Kirsten while playing Guitar Hero (she was having a very hard time with her pinkie) "It's come to my attention that my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard." -Christine (being weird) "Man vs. Wild? Puh-lease! It's more like Man And Camera Crew vs. Wild. With GUNS!" -Me (that show's lame. Survivorman is the way to go!) "Fear me 'cause I'm awesome!" -Katy "Screw the black!" -Meagan (okay, I know this sounds bad, but that's why it's funny. I was standing outside a classroom on some black tile. Meagan was standing on the white. I was all, "You're not good enough to stand on the black tile." And then she shouted, "Screw the black!" extremely loudly into the hallway. It was fun-ny! I wouldn't be surprised if she disappears one day...) "Try to be less of a creeper." -Jessie (that's her word, creeper) "Dude, put your fries in your frostie!" -Ally talking to Casey "I don't have any fries." -Casey "Dude, put my fries in your frostie!"-Ally "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!" -me! Yeah, good times with my friends. |