![]() Author has written 39 stories for Harry Potter, Protector of the Small Quartet, Cat Returns, Transformers/Beast Wars, Transformers, Strange Magic, Dragon Age, Star Wars, and Les Misérables. 'Sup, I'm Ro, more commonly known as Rowena Bensel, sometimes known as Rowena BaronErikandSnapeLover or Rowena Arum (old screennames I've used before). Not much to say about me. I'm a writer, with both original and fanfiction ideas sprouting out of my brain. My current obsessions are Transformers, The Cat Returns, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, though I only have fic published for the first four fandoms currently. I currently have one ongoing story (The AllSpark Changed My Life), which updates every Friday. I also routinely participate in TCR fandom events, the TCR Birthday Bash in July, and the Secret Santa Exchange at Christmas. I greatly enjoy getting comments and reviews on my stories, as I, like most authors, survive on the faint praise of people I've never met. Even comments telling me "I think [example A] stinks/is weird/doesn't work because [reason B]" are welcome, for how can I improve without critique. I usually try to respond as soon as possible, and take suggestions into account for later fics/chapters. I can't think of anything else to say, so I shall sign off for now. Hope to see you hanging around my fics sometime. LINKS My Tumblr - (AllSpark tag) /tagged/the-allSpark-changed-my-life My AO3 - Rowena_Bensel Stand Alone Stories A Sea of Stars -- The Cat Returns (One-Shot) -- Baron's quiet contemplation draws the attention of his kidnapper. Baron does not consider this to be a bad thing. [Written for the TCR Birthday Bash 2019 Days 1 & 2 prompts: Space & Pirates] The AllSpark Changed My Life -- Transformers Bayverse/Tyran (Novel) -- When I woke up with a chihuahua barking in my face, I knew things were not as they should be, but waking up in the place of Sam Witwicky at the start of the Transformers movie? Completely insane. But, I'm here, and I know the bad route things will take if I stick to the canon. So let's see if I can change things for the better with some help from a certain magical cube. Amileah Trevelyan One-Shots -- Dragon Age Inquisition (One-Shot Collection) -- Short glimpses into the life and adventures of Amileah Trevelyan, Inquisitor of the Inquisition. Also an archer, rogue, estranged daughter, Red Jenny, lover of high places, trashy romances, and a certain ex-Templar commander. Arrival of the Elite -- Transformers Prime (Novel) -- While on Cybertron to get Optimus's memories, Arcee and Jack run into an old comrade. But as she adapts to live on Team Prime, she remains haunted by her time as warden of a dead planet. Only the support of her friends and the love of her life can help her move past, but will she even realize there is something wrong? [ Indefinite hiatus/Dead ] As Beautiful -- Transformers Prime (One-Shot) -- When Smokescreen's sire comes to save him, a long awaited reunion happens. [ HTTYD AU ] Assumptions -- Transformers Prime (One-Shot) -- In another world, all humans are born with two names on their wrists; their soulmate and their worst enemy. There is no way to know who is who until you meet them, and for some, they only realize it too late. June assumed she knew exactly who was her worst enemy and who was her soulmate. But assumptions can be very wrong. [Soulmate AU] Brother Angel, Sister Devil -- The Cat Returns (One-Shot) -- So what were the odds of getting a shoulder angel and devil that were siblings? [Written for the TCR Birthday Bash Day 3 prompt: Angels & Demons] Come To Me -- Harry Potter (One-Shot) -- Lily is gravely injured and taken to St Mugro's. Her death is imminent, but Severus has one last promise for her. [ Song Fic: "Come To Me" from Les Miserables. ] Come What May -- The Cat Returns (One-Shot) -- A rescue mission goes awry, and Haru is enchanted. Could Baron possibly stop it before midnight makes the spell permanent? [Written for the TCR Birthday Bash Day 5 prompt: Crossover] First Dance -- Tamora Pierce (One-Shot) -- Kel is ordered to attend a singles ball, where she meets up with Dom. The Hardest Decision -- Dragon Age 2 (One-Shot) -- The hardest decision Mikoto Hawke ever had to make was what to do with Anders after he blew up the Chantry. He was one of her best friends, with whom she'd shared confidences, debating points of his manifesto, helped him heal in his clinic. But at the same time, he was a murderer, had used her to aid him in this, and has sparked devastation to which she saw no end. How Justin Bieber and Voldemort Die (One-Shot) -- Harry Potter -- Voldie ends up at a Justin Bieber concert. What happens? Written by Rheas Arum, my little brother. [ Written by my brother when he was 10, contains character death, JB fans be warned. Don't like, don't read. No flames. ] How Voldemort Was Killed by the Severus Snape Fangirls -- Harry Potter (One-Shot) -- Fan Sequel to the "How Lord Voldie Died" series by RuneWitchSakura. Voldemort climbs out of the resurrection cauldron again to come face to face with what should be his worst nightmare... angry fangirls. I'm Coming Home -- The Cat Returns (One-Shot) -- Haru has everything a girl could want, fame, fortune and a great relationship with her band's lead singer. But it's all fake, and she is tired of putting on a face for the world. She just wants to go home. Jealousy & Fisticuffs -- The Cat Returns (One-Shot) -- Baron has emotional constipation. Can seeing Haru on a date with someone else give him the kick in the pants needed to make a move? [Written for the TCR Birthday Bash 2018 Day 4 prompt: Jealousy/Fistcuffs] Just Relax -- Transformers Prime (One-Shot) -- Knockout takes Starscream to a human club to help him relax for once. [ Exchange with SweetTeaholic on Tumblr/AO3 ] Over You -- The Cat Returns (One Shot) -- Baron sits in the Bureau think over Haru, the happy times he spent with her. But now she's out of his reach and he's never going to get over her. [Songfic: "Over You" by Miranda Lambert] Revealed -- Transformers: Prime (One Shot) -- Bluefire faces his deactivation at the hands of MECH Girl, but before he gives up, he has to tell her who he is. The Six Cats - Fairytale Version -- The Cat Returns (One Shot) -- A curse has turned Haru's true love and friends into cats and only she can break the spell by making six shirts while in total silence for six years. However, when she catches the eye of a prince who wishes to marry her, will she finish the shirts in time to save her friends and herself? So... You Summoned the Ghosts of Your Ancestors... -- The Cat Returns (One-Shot) -- Hiromi's best friend is a paranormal investigator, but she never really believed in ghosts and such. When she and her fiance find a ritual to summon their ancestors, they figure it wouldn't hurt to try it out. After all, there's no such thing as ghosts, right? [ Secret Santa gift for QueenHeadphones, TCR SS 2019 ] Starlight -- The Cat Returns (One-Shot) -- After several assassination attempts on herself and her sister, Senator Haru Yoshioka of Naboo gets sent to Naboo with Jedi Knight Baron von Gikkingen for a protector. One evening, they decide to go stargazing. [ Secret Santa gift for Misku-nimfa/Stargazer898 for the TCR SS 2017 ] Strange Clients -- The Cat Returns/Strange Magic Crossover (One-Shot) -- Haru had experienced lots of odd and interesting things when visiting the Cat Bureau. Being nearly knocked off her feet by a short haired blonde who was... flying? That was a new one. Things She Said While She Thought He Was Asleep -- Transformers: Prime (One-Shot) -- June watches Optimus sleep and has some things to say. [ Written for a drabble prompt on Tumblr, Human Optimus ] This is Me -- The Cat Returns (One-Shot) -- Haru's singing at a contest, but she feels she can't finish the song. Will someone help her out? Toyshop Creations -- The Cat Returns (One-Shot) -- New toys come to the Miyazaki Toy Shop, meaning Haru and Hiromi lead the welcoming party for them. What a surprise that the new toys are just like them. [ Secret Santa gift for W.Y. Traveller, TCR SS 2018 ] Watch The Queens Conquer -- Transformers Prime (Novel) -- After three years of silence, the Decepticons resurface on Earth to continue their fight with the Autobots over the planet's supply of energon, led by Megtrona. After Mikoto Nakadai and two others fall into the crossfire, Optima Prime decides to bring the children under Autobot protection. Little did she know how this decision would affect not only her team, but the entire War. [ Genderbend AU ] What Are Your Thoughts On Cooking? -- Strange Magic (One-Shot) -- Marianne asks Bog a question and learns a bit about Goblin traditions. [ Written for Fictober 2017 ] White Liar -- The Cat Returns (One-Shot) -- It's Haru's wedding day, but she knows that her groom has been cheating. Will she have the courage to break the engagement and find her true love. [ Song Fic: "White Liar" by Miranda Lambert. ] Series THE HIGH AND NOBLE HOUSES OF CYBERTRON -- Transformers Royalty/Peace AU (Mix of Prime, Animated and G1) -- Life on Cybertron returns to normal after the Decepticon Insurrection was put down. Optimus Prime of the High and Royal House of Iacon rules Cybertron with his Consort Nightingale One at his side. But as the High and Noble Houses have their games, both political and non, another threat creeps ever closer to the horizon, ready to catch them all unaware. LEXI AU -- Transformers Humanized AU THE TALES OF FANTASIA -- Multi-Fandom Fantasy AU -- For as long as anyone can remember, the land of Fantasia has been home to a multitude of fantastic creatures. But no matter their customs, one tradition is upheld by all kingdoms and institutes: the yearly Tribute Festival, where all cities, villages, and towns open their gates to the creatures and offer them gifts of crafts, foods and drinks. Many beliefs say it is to thank the creatures for their ancestors helping humanity fend off great evil long ago, Unicron or Abeloth, or the Forgotten Ones, depending on who you asked. Others simply say it is to try and promote unity among the many species of the land. This collection of tales might not all start at a Tribute Festival, or even end at one, but the Festival always has a part to play, no matter how small. My OCs Alison Witwicky Roselight The Mind Palace In my mind, if you enter it, you see a large estate. In this estate is a mansion. The front looks like your stereotypical Regency/Victorian era manor house (a la Pride and Prejudice) of white colored stone and brick. However, to the left side, you can see buildings that look more in place with Japan, with red roofs and tan and dark walls. To the right is a hanger that wouldn't be unexpected on a military base. Entering, you find a large hall with marble stairs at the back (like the ones from Beauty and the Beast) and doors on either side leading to other rooms. The white colors from outside continues here. Suddenly, sliding down one of the banisters comes a girl, no more than sixteen. She has dark brown hair, with part of her bangs and a side pigtail dyed a light pink, fair skin and bright green eyes, as well as a large smile. She wears a pink and black Classic Lolita dress, with a pink and black bow on her head, light pink tights and black Mary Janes, as well as black wrist cuffs with pink lace, a pink bow at her neck and a silver pendant resting on her chest, an oval with a book on it. The most notable thing, however, is the cat ears and tail she has, both being mostly the same brown as her hair except for the tip of the tail, which has a ring of black and a pink tip, and the insides of the ears, which are black with pink fur tufts. As she reaches the bottom, she notices you and bounces over. "Hi! Are you visiting? Welcome to the Mind Palace! I'm Rowena." "Rowena!" a voice calls and you look to see a woman coming down the stairs towards the two of you. She is around 22, with lighter brown hair that only has the front bangs dyed magenta and pulled into a long ponytail. Her skin was a little more tanned and her eyes hazel, set behind metallic blue glasses. She wore a white tunic top with an olive green sweater over top, brown carpi leggings and tan heeled sandals. She also had a silver pendant, this one with a quill. She hurries over to you. "I'm sorry," she says. "Rowena gets excited sometimes. I'm Ashlyn Jones, and this is Rowena Arum. We help Ro come up with her stories, along with the characters who live here. "Of course, they're not all hers," Rowena says. "The fanfiction ones come and go as they please. But the originals, they have rooms in the house, some even have two, depending on who they're close to in their stories. Or what they are." "Some of the characters are unknown to anyone who hasn't talked to Ro about them, but she still loves them all the same and works to finish their stories so she can share them with the world," Ashlyn said "Just watch out. Sometimes you'll run into a character and think you know them, but they're displaying a different side than usual," Rowena warns. "Like Copper and her facets." "Or you'll run into two people and they are actually the same person, just at different points in their story's timeline," Ashlyn says. "Rea is the worse offender for that." "It's Ro's fault!" You look and see a black haired 17 year old girl standing at the top of the stairs that she'd hollered down. She came down and made for a door on the underside of the staircase. "I'm going to see Starscream at the turtle-duck pond." "You kicked Neeki out again, didn't you." Ashlyn states more than asks. "Yup. I like that pond, so she better deal!" With that, the girl left, the door swinging shut behind her. Ashlyn turns back to you. "That was Rea, at least her young self. She has an alternate who is older, married and a mother, so you might see her around sometime." "And there's lots more. What was the last count, 48?" Rowena asks. "More. That was all of us who could fit in the game. Well, we hope you enjoy your visit," Ashlyn says to you. "If you get lost, don't worry, someone will help you out. Except maybe Mayra, but we rarely see her out and about. Feel free to tell Ro what you think of the place and characters, she always wants opinions and to discuss and brag." "Toodles!" Rowena grabbed Ashlyn's arm and the two disappear with a poof of light smoke and some sparkles and glitter, leaving you to either come inside and see, or to turn back and flee. Other accounts: |