![]() Author has written 10 stories for Song of the Lioness. Hey Everyone! Welcome to my profile! I am a HUGE Tamora Pierce fan and love this site! Mostly, I LOVE K/D fics, but I also like D/N, A/G, N/Y, Beka/Rosto, and Raoul/Buri. I go for romance and humor, and tend to avoid the angst- too much despair for me. I have now submitted NINE stories so far, and I plan to write more! (Most likely K/D with other underlying couples...). A/N as of 3-8-11: Given my workload right now at school (I'm graduating come May and have TWO senior projects to do :S. Academic suicide lol. eek!) I will unfortunately not have a lot of time to work on many fics. I will try though as much as possible! Cross your fingers!! Summer cannot come soon enough!! COMPLETED: The ‘Home’ Trilogy: 1. It’s Great To Be Home- My first story. This fic begins the ‘Home’ series. It takes place after the Scanran War, when Third Company returns to Corus. King Jonathan has passed a law allowing men of the Own to marry, and many have taken advantage of it- including our favorite sergeant. He returns to Kel, his wife, and Raoul returns to Buri. Both men then realize how great it is to be home and in the arms of their loved ones. Of course, Neal and Yuki are present also, because what K/D would it be without the Meathead? 2. It’s Wonderful To Be Home- The sequel to “It’s Great To Be Home”. Finding out she’s pregnant while Dom’s away, Kel wonders how she will be able to tell him. When Dom does come home, her plans to tell him go awry, and she keeps putting it off so much that Yuki and a couple of others then take it into their own hands to help her…Meanwhile, Dom also receives some good news from Raoul! 3. No Place Like Home- The last of the ‘Home’ fics. When Dom and Neal start a prank war, Kel and Yuki try to get them to stop when it starts to go on too long. However, when their husbands break their promise to stop, the girls get even by sending them to sleep in the stables, among other things. Will the two cousins be able to get back into their good graces, or will they be getting to know the horses in the stables for the next two weeks? Includes an epilogue for all the ‘Home’ fics, including their children! Six Days At Steadfast- This fic stands alone from my other fics. This fic picks up at the end of Lady Knight, when Kel and Neal ride to Fort Steadfast for Raoul and Buri’s wedding. During their stay, Neal is once again reunited with his ‘Yamani Blossom’, our favorite Tortallan characters get involved in mud wars and water fights, many pranks are pulled, Neal’s room is next to the Stump’s, a huge wedding celebration is held with many of our favorite characters in attendance, and…sparks fly between a certain blue-eyed sergeant and Tortall’s second lady knight! Cold Midwinters & Warm Kisses- A KD Midwinter oneshot collection. It is currently finished. I may add more on next ‘Midwinter’, but I’m not sure right now. They are seven different KD oneshots revolving around Midwinter, and they stand alone. Here are the summaries of each oneshot: 1. "Midwinter, Meathead, & Mistletoe"- Neal informs Dom on the Gallan tradition of Mistletoe, and Dom then decides to use it to his advantage... 2. "All I Want for Midwinter"- For Midwinter, Dom decides to try to get Kel to have fun and relax...and a little fluff isn't too bad either :) 3. "Midwinter & Mistletoe 2"- The sequel to the first oneshot, this also involves a Tobe/Loey pairing, plus K/D. Tobe & Loey finally discover the use of mistletoe. 4. "Late Nights & Snowball Fights"- A wintery oneshot, where Dom and Kel get into a snowball fight the night before Midwinter... 5. “Midwinter Surprises”- Kel & Dom, already sweethearts, are reunited at the palace for Midwinter. What does Dom bring Kel? What will Kel’s reaction be? Read to find out! 6. “Midwinter Matchmaking”- Dom’s hiding from a certain court lady that’s after him. After explaining his troubles, it is suggested that he have someone pretend to be his sweetheart to get the court lady off his back. So how is it that Kel gets chosen? Is it some cruel trick of the gods? Will she be able to remember it’s only for pretend? KD fluff! 7. “Defensive Strategies”- Neal and Dom decide to have a snowball fight. Kel & Yuki join them. Kel and Dom end up in a snowball fight of their own. What do the Tortallans come up with as the best defensive strategies? Catching off-guard of course! And kisses can be very distracting… :D Unwritten Love: Starting in the middle of Squire, Kel and Dom start to notice their feelings for each other. And when they share an unexpected, and equally wonderful, kiss, things become complicated. Kel is with Cleon, but she feels something more for Dom. Following the books, the fic journeys through Squire through the end of Lady Knight, adding a KD twist to the plot. I’ve added what all of us KD lovers wished would have happened between our second lady knight and favorite blue-eyed sergeant! WON FIRST PLACE IN THE SUMMER 2009 FICSHIP COMPETITION. THANK YOU EVERYONE!! The 'Rogue' Fics: 1. A Rogue’s Gamble: Taking place after Bloodhound, we see Rosto’s reaction of hearing news of Beka’s goings on in Port Caynn. The news of her taking up with a certain gambling bank courier is enough to put the Rogue in a foul mood. What happens when she returns to Corus and the angry Rogue? Hinted at Beka/Rosto. 2. A Rogue's Chance: The sequel to A Rogue's Gamble. Beka tries to avoid Rosto's advances after the kiss they shared. Rosto seems to find amusement in her attempts to stay away from him and does his best to fluster her constantly. Meanwhile, a new Deputy Provost has taken over Port Caynn in Sir Lionel's place and now many Port Caynn rats have been invading Corus, making more work for the Dogs. WINNER OF THE 2010 WINTER CIRCLE OF FICSHIP COMPETITION! THANKS YOU!!!! RECENTLY COMPLETED: A Rogue’s Chance: The sequel to A Rogue's Gamble is now completed! Expect the next installment to be coming soon!! NEW STORY: When Paths Cross: An Alanna/Beka Crossover. Alanna and George get transported back in time and meet Beka and Rosto (as well as our other favorite Terrier cast!) A/G and B/R! COMING SOON: The third installment in the 'Rogue' fics! First chapter expected...soon lol. COMMUNITY/FORUMS: Beka and the Rogue- Started by Rowena of Naxen and I, both the community and forum (both with the same title) revolve around Beka and Rosto the Piper. The community highlights different Beka/Rosto themed fanfics while the forum is a place where we can all talk about the couple we all want to see get together in Mastiff. If you have any Beka/Rosto fics you want to see added to the community feel free to message either one of us (we can’t catch all the good ones :D). The same with the forum if you have any topics you want started about Beka/Rosto! Hope to see you there! Here are the links: 'Beka and the Rogue' Community: http://www.fanfiction.ws/community/Beka_and_The_Rogue/71902/ 'Beka and the Rogue' Forum: http://www.fanfiction.ws/forum/Beka_and_the_Rogue/63697/ All Things DOM- Started by Aretina and me, this forum is dedicated to the sergeant we all love! Talk about why you think Kel and Dom should be together, fanfics revolving around the couple, what a modern day Dom would be like, and much more! Including of course, why you love Dom :D Here's the link to the forum 'All Things DOM': http://www.fanfiction.ws/forum/All_Things_DOM/64704/ The Men of Tortall- More affectionally called the M.O.T forum (see the Beka Cooper Series connection? :P) this forum was created by Navigator101 and me as a place to talk about all the men of Tortall. (Watch out we sometimes get off-topic!) Who are your favorite Tortallan men? Visit the forum and let us know! http://forum.fanfiction.ws/forum/The_Men_of_Tortall/65012/ I hope you enjoy yourselves! Have fun! CONTACT: Please PM me with any suggestions or questions regarding anything concerning my fics or anything else that comes to mind! I always try my best to reply to everything I receive. Besides these fics I have other ideas which include songfics for various couples and characters, and a couple of oneshots or short stories...but K/D will always be my main focus...K/D forever!! |