Disclaimer (applies to all chapters): I do not own any characters, places, or objects created by Tamora Pierce. Oh, how I wish I did.

A/N: This fic follows after two others- my other two 'home' fics. I would highly advise you to read those two fics before starting this one…They aren't too long, and they're a fairly fast read. I hope you enjoy them both!

If you have already read those, this prologue takes place about six to seven months after the end of the last one. Yes, that means Kel is about to give birth! I added this prologue in after being prompted by one of my great reviewers. Mrs. Dom Masbolle, this prologue is dedicated to your inspiring ideas! Enjoy!

Prologue: Just in Time

Dom had never traveled faster in his life- and he was a captain in the King's Own. He had recently been called out on duty to report to Port Caynn, and only that morning was he finally relieved by a sympathetic Raoul.

Raoul, after barely arriving in the port city, immediately released his anxious captain, seeing as how restless Dom was. Raoul had then put his arm on his shoulder, and said, "Captain, it would seem as though you were the one giving birth, you're so uneasy. Since I can't have a useless captain hanging around, how about you ride on home?"

Dom quickly said his thanks and swiftly left to gather all of his things together.

Raoul laughed as his captain ran around hurriedly. Wolset, coming up beside his commander, asked, "Finally sending him home, Raoul?"

When Raoul affirmed the corporal's question, Wolset then said, "Good. Maybe when he returns, he'll be his old self. He hasn't even played one trick on us this whole journey!"

Raoul chuckled deeply, "He's just concerned about Kel. Their baby's due any day now. I just came from Corus, and our dear Kel is just as restless as he is- but for different reasons," he added, chuckling. Seeing Wolset's questioning look, he told him, "She's more than ready to have this child- so she can get back in shape and start practicing again."

Wolset laughed along with the big knight. "That sounds like Mother, alright."

Their conversation continued on casually as they watched Dom saddle and mount his horse.

"Have a safe journey and give Kel and the baby our best wishes," Raoul called out to Dom.

Dom turned and smiled at the two men, "I will." Then he kicked his horse into a run.

Watching horse and rider gallop away, Raoul joked, "I think he may set a record for the fastest journey from here to Corus…"

Laughing along with his commander, Wolset added, "With or without his horse…"

On the road, Dom kept his horse on the fastest route to Corus- and Kel. He was called out to Port Caynn a few weeks ago, leaving behind his very pregnant, and slightly frustrated, wife.

He smiled to himself at the memories of her attempts to get out and continue practicing. On more than one occasion, she would try to get up so early so as not to run into anyone that would stop her- since practically everyone scolded her to rest and lie down. However, Dom, aware of the absence of her in bed beside him, would then try to beat her to wherever she was going. More often than not, he would already be there, grinning, when she arrived at her destination with her glaive in hand. She would then sigh and say, "I can't even wake up early enough anymore." Dom would then laugh, take the glaive from her hand, and carry the defeated Kel back to bed, whispering loving words in her ear that Kel always seemed to enjoy.

Dom's thoughts were filled with Kel as he continued on his hasty journey home to Corus. Soon, and hopefully after he arrived, he would be a father

Annoyed, Kel was once again ordered to lay down by Neal. Ever since Dom had left for Port Caynn, Neal considered it his duty to not only look after his seven-month pregnant wife, Yuki, but Kel as well. Kel continuously threatened him with tilting practice, but nevertheless, he still kept after her.

The only person who was able to calm the lady knight and get her to do as advised was Dom. He was so gentle and loving toward her, that Kel couldn't help but smile whenever he would catch her doing something she 'wasn't supposed to be doing'. He would always laugh at her attempts and it wouldn't take him long to charm her back to bed. Kel often thought to herself, Alanna is right. Dom treats me wonderfully and it makes it all worth it, even the not-practicing. Whenever she saw him watching her with so much adoration in his eyes, and a proud smile permanently on his lips, she couldn't help but feel the same way.

However, Dom was not there at the moment, so Kel, snapping out of her daydream, continued to threaten a slightly amused Neal. She was in the middle of warning Neal to hide once she gave birth to her child, when she felt a deep pang in her stomach. Stopping mid-sentence, she clutched her abdomen and looked at Neal with wide eyes.

"Neal," she said calmly and slowly, "I think I'm going into labor."

The amused look on Neal's face soon turned into one of alarm. Rapidly he hustled around, making the bed comfortable for her as he then ran to the infirmary to grab his father and the things he needed. Yuki, who was also in the room, helped Kel to ease her breathing and relax.

"I'm doing fine, Yuki," Kel told her truthfully.

She was quite calm, which didn't surprise the Yamani, who laughed softly and said, "That's more than I can say of my husband."

Kel smiled and soon Neal came back with Duke Baird and Alanna, who also happened to be at the palace.

They expertly checked on the baby and made Kel even more comfortable, advising her coolly on what to do.

As Kel relaxed further, all she wished was that Dom could be there…

A few hours later found Dom dismounting his horse inside the palace walls. It was almost nightfall, and he was hungry, but decided not to eat until he had at least seen Kel.

He was unpacking his mount when Neal ran into the stables. Out of breath, he told him, "I- I just came from- You'll never believe- She's so calm-"

Dom chuckled as he grabbed his cousin by his shoulders. "Neal! What are you trying to say? You're not making any sense!" Then he added, grinning, "Though I should expect that from you…"

Ignoring his cousin's remark, Neal exclaimed, "K- Kel's in labor!"

Dom looked at him, stunned.

"She's been in labor for a couple of hours already!" Neal informed him.

Then, as if the information had just sunk in, Dom dropped his bags and ran out of the stables, Neal following close behind.

When Dom got to their room, he burst inside. He saw Yuki, Alanna, and his uncle turn to face him. Then he saw Kel, covered in a thin layer of sweat, smiling calmly at him.

Instantly he was at her side, taking her hand in his. After kissing her swiftly, he said, "I'm so sorry Kel, Raoul just relieved me this morning, I've been riding all day long to get here."

Kel kept smiling, "It's ok, Dom, I've been in labor for hours…it's really been quite uneventful."

Dom chuckled and kissed the back of her hand.

"But I'm glad you're here," she said softly.

"Me too," said Dom, smiling. "I wouldn't miss this for anything."

Suddenly Kel gripped his hand tightly, "And it looks like you've made it just in time."

Her contractions then started to come quickly, and Neal, Duke Baird, and Alanna began to prepare her for the birth.

When Kel was instructed to start pushing, Dom was right beside her, his large hand being crushed by her smaller, but very strong, one.

About an hour later, Kel and Dom held their baby in their arms, smiling proudly at their healthy boy.

Placing his hand on his son's head, Dom smiled and told Kel, "He has your eyes."

Kel smiled as well, touching her son's small nose, "And he has your nose, Dom."

"A handsome feature, if I do say so myself," commented Neal, grinning.

Everyone in the room laughed, knowing that Neal, Duke Baird, and Dom all shared many of the same family features- their nose being one of them.

Then Kel yawned widely and they all took the cue to let the lady knight get some rest.

Before they left, however, Neal brought them all up a tray of food.

Kel, voraciously eating what was brought to her, caused Dom to laugh. "I need to keep up my strength," she told him.

"My hand seems to think you're doing just fine in that department," he replied, referring to the hand Kel had been clutching throughout the delivery.

Everyone laughed upon seeing the redness of Dom's hand, and Kel smiled.

When everyone then soon left them alone, Dom kissed the top of Kel's head, holding her closely. "It's time for you to get some rest, my love."

Kel grinned, her eyes already closed, "How many times have I told you not to call me those names?"

"Not nearly enough," he replied, smiling.

"Good," Kel said sleepily as she rested her head on his shoulder. Their son was already asleep against her chest.

Soon she was asleep also. Moving carefully, so as not to wake his wife and son, Dom settled himself comfortably on the bed, tightening his arms around Kel holding their baby. Looking at his family, he smiled, thinking as he drifted off to sleep, It's incredible to be home…

A/N: Well, there's the beginning! The next chapter will take a place a few years after this, and it will be up soon! As I wrote before, I hadn't planned on writing about Kel's birth, but I am fairly pleased with what I came up with…hopefully you were too!