Chapter Eleven

Brothers and Sisters

'Come on, we have to get out of here whilst Circe is distracted,' Annabeth said hurriedly.

'No,' Eve said voice hard. 'Circe may be a manipulative shrew, but she is my sister I cannot let a bunch of murderous pirates' kill her, even if she has it coming!'

Harry scowled feeling that it would be no more than the evil sorceress deserved. But then one look at Eve deflated his darkest sides. Harry knew if he was in her position, he would feel the same. He would do anything to save a sibling no matter how dastardly they may be even if he didn't have any living siblings and with the Oath as it was probably never would do so.

Beside him Percy's eyes were dark, full of pain and grief but also understanding. Obviously thinking of Tyson; the brother he had been embarrassed and angry about. The brother who had possibly sacrificed his life for all of them. It was clear that Percy was going to help Cat save Circe despite what she had done to them.

Harry let out a sigh, 'okay, but don't expect me to be nice,' Harry grumbled a little.

'I'll help,' Percy agreed.

Cat shook her head in disbelief at her best friend, 'you're a better person than I am. If it were my Mum, I would point the pirates in the right direction.'

Clarisse looked smug, 'I'll show that pirate who the lass is.'

Annabeth frowned, 'we have to get out of here. Or are we forgetting about Grover and the Fleece?'

Percy frowned, 'Annabeth, Cat, get to the boats and prepare to leave. We'll rescue C.C. – Circe.'

Annabeth nodded, 'good luck.'

'You should come too,' Annabeth said to Percy.

'But-'Percy began.

'You are the son of the King of the Seas so are the best bet for getting us out of here quickly,' Annabeth said quickly.

'I can't just leave-'Percy began.

'No,' Harry agreed eyes piercing. 'The three of us can handle a couple of pirates. Trust us to handle them and do your job and get us out of here.'

'But what if you get into trouble?' asked Percy.

'We'll send up purple sparks if we need your help,' Eve assured him.

'Which we won't, Prissy,' Clarisse sneered.

Harry, Eve and Clarisse ran down the hillside through the pretty terraces and past the screaming spa workers. The pirates were ransacking the resort for anything of value. Harry felt guilty for letting the pirates out. It wasn't the attendants' fault that their boss was a sadist with a twisted ideology. Hell, if her actions to the girls were anything to go by there was a lot of enchantments and emotional manipulation involved in her little cult.

'We have to stop this,' murmured Percy.

Harry nodded eyes hard, 'yes, we do.'

Eve nodded, 'well then let's stop them.'

'Enough talk,' Clarisse said a growl in her voice.

Eve, however, made her way towards Circe where she was losing a fight against the pirate interlopers with two other girls. Harry noticed that the dozen pirates had been joined by nine of Circe's previous inhabitants. Either angry at Circe for enchanting and controlling them or seeking to protect themselves by throwing themselves in with the pirates.

But things were to change when Harry, Eve and Clarisse charged into the fray. Clarisse had stalked forward spear in hand and fury in her eyes. It was clear that Clarisse was gunning for her half-brother. Clarisse and Blackbeard clashed sword and spear in a terrific display of brute strength that only children of Ares could show.

Harry pulled out his sword slashing at a dark-haired pirate. Harry shouldn't have really been surprised that the sword went straight through the man. Obviously, not all of Blackbeard's crew were demigods.

Harry instead flung him back with a cry of Stupefy. Harry and Eve strode through the field knocking pirates' unconscious carelessly as Clarisse parried with Blackbeard. At some point Circe and her attendants joined the battle. Then with one final, forceful strike to Blackbeard's stomach region the Captain was felled whilst his men lay in varying degrees of unconsciousness.

'So, what are we going to do with them?' asked Eve looking down at the unconscious pirates.

'Kill them,' hissed Circe.

'Shut up your old hag,' Eve snapped.

Circe snarled, 'be quiet, you insolent child.'

Eve rolled her eyes silencing her with a look and maybe with a little bit of magic. Harry was not shocked that Eve had beat the immortal sorceress with her even more powerful magic, but the surrounding girls were. Harry wouldn't be surprised if the cult crowned Eve as their new queen now. Gods don't let that go to the daughter of Hecate's head prayed Harry.

'Now what are we going to do with the pirates?' asked Eve.

'Tie them up and send them out to sea – perfect punishment for a pirate,' Harry said.

Eve looked at Harry, 'you have too much of your father in you.'

'Not a bad idea,' sneered one of the girls.

Eve sighed, 'fine but we're giving them food, water and their weapons.'

Harry was offended, 'of course – we're not going to kill them that would give Dad more work.'

Eve looked at Harry, 'I can't actually tell if your joking or not.'

One of the girls nodded, 'we'll handle them. But what about C.C.?'

'What do you want to do with her?' asked Harry softly.

'She enchanted us,' one girl said sounding angry but confused at once.

'But she protected us,' argued another.

'Only for her own ends,' argued another.

'She took away our free will,' another said.

'But she said-'

'But she did-'

'What happened to my brother?' demanded another.

'And mine?'

Harry and Eve shared a look when the group of girls erupted into argument. One group supporting Circe and what she did feeling she was there protector. The other hating her for what they had done to themselves and their male friends and relatives.

'What do we do?' asked Harry.

At that moment Harry wished that either Hermione or Annabeth were here. They were the smartest people around. If anyone knew a course of action for the girls to take it would be one of the two of them.

Eve frowned then looked at Circe with deepest concentration. Circe promptly turned into a little black fluffy puppy. That Eva promptly placed a collar around and picked up and placed it under her arms.

'I am taking my annoying big sister with me,' Eve announced. 'You are welcome to take your boats and attempt to get back home. But a place like this is needed for those who do end up lost in the Sea of Monsters – Circe's wards will hold if there are demigods present. Just maybe make it an equal and justsociety rather than Circe's own brand of justice or the Mortal world.'

'We will,' the girl Hylla said. 'Will you stay?'

'No,' Harry said firmly. 'We have a quest to complete.'

The girl nodded, 'may the gods be with you.'

Harry snorted, 'I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.'

Hylla smiled, 'take food, nectar and water for your journeys.'

Eve smiled, 'thank you for your help.'

'Now we should get going,' growled Clarisse.

Harry nodded, 'come on.'

The three of them made their way back towards the port where Percy, Cat and Annabeth were on an old sailing vessel with three masts. Harry looked at the ancient sailing vessel which looked workable. Yet, still looked in need of a crew of people who knew how to sail. Not six demigods who had limited sailing experience except Percy was the son of Poseidon.

'Can you get it working?' asked Harry.

Annabeth frowned, 'it will take hours.'

'Yeah, prissy, couldn't you have chosen a better boat,' snapped Clarisse. 'Like that one.'

Clarisse gestured to a gleaming white powered steamer not far from them. But the problem would be the same; they could not operate it. Harry could summon the undead for a time but with Poseidon's territory between him and the Underworld it would be near impossible to sustain it. There were always limits to one's powers even and most especially the children of the Big Three.

Percy meanwhile had closed his eyes then sudden, 'MIZZENMAST!'

'Is that a spell?' asked Cat. 'Since when did you have magic.'

'That's no spell I've heard of,' Eve said.

However, as they watched the air was filled with the sounds of ropes being snapped taut, the canvas unfurling and wooden pulleys creaking. They had to duck as a cable flew over their head and wrapping itself around the wooden pillar. Then the boat lurched away from the dock back into the Sea of Monsters.


They made quick progress through the Sea of Monsters thanks to Percy's natural talent at sailing. Annabeth did not like the quick, rough sailing which was unsurprising given Athena's low tolerance for the God of the Seas. Harry was didn't feel ill or anything, but he had almost fallen overboard about five times. Cat seemed to be walking about the boat in a bad mood most likely because of the ever-present Circe-pup. Clarisse and Eve were probably the best suited to the sea after Percy. Eve seemed to magically never fall and kept everyone's spirit up. And Clarisse apparently knowing the basics of sailing taking the pressure of Percy when he needed rest although she wore a scowl the whole time although that wasn't unusual.

One day Harry, Percy and Cat were taking their turn below deck sleeping whilst Clarisse, Annabeth and Eve kept things running. Harry found himself back in Luke's stateroom aboard the Princess Andromeda. The curtains were open, and it was night outside.

The air swirled with shadows. Harry could hear the voices of the dead whispering around him. Harry knew it was the dead reaching out with him. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened to him, so he wasn't alarmed or scared.

But the content of the voices concerned him. They spoke to him of traps and trickery as Kronos' golden sarcophagus glowed as his grandfather commandeered his dream. He laughed a chilling laugh that Voldemort could only hope to replicate.

'You don't have the courage, young ones. You can't stop me!' warned the King of the Titans.

Then Harry found himself drawing his sword against the impeding threat. But Harry found himself unable to make his feet move despite his need to destroy Kronos. Destroy him before he had a chance to return to his full power where he would destroy them all.

'Well, Seaweed Brain, Death Boy?' an unfamiliar feminine voice spoke to his right.

It was only then did Harry realise he wasn't alone in his dream. It seemed that he and Percy had been called to the same place. But who was responsible Kronos? If so, what did he want? Who else had the power to bring the two of them here?

Harry and Percy stared at the girl beside them who had short, spiky black hair, stormy blue eyes framed with dark eyeliner and wearing punk-style clothes with silver chains on her wrists. She was the kind of girl that Petunia would glare and tut at whilst dragging Harry and Dudley to the opposite side of the road. Then later tell them that she was trouble whilst Uncle Vernon would comment on Harry's similarity to her. Yet, Harry recognised her despite having only seen her in photographs he knew her.


'Well? Are going to stop him or not?' she asked grin sharp enough to cut metal.

Still, Harry found himself unable to move.

'Fine,' the older girl said. 'Leave it to me and Aegis.'

Thalia tapped the silver chains which transformed into a huge shield with the monstrous face of a gorgon glaring at them from the centre. It was emitted a terrible feeling of hopeless and terror which made it and the girl that wielded it almost impossible to beat. Thalia drew her sword and advanced on the sarcophagus. The shadowy ghosts parted for her terrified of the terrible power her shield gave off.

'NO!' Harry shouted.

But Thalia as stubborn as everything Annabeth had ever said she had ignored him and strode up to the sarcophagus and pulled aside the golden lid without straining herself. Thalia stared at it whether it was terror or awe Harry couldn't make out. But then the coffin began to glow.

'No,' Thalia's voice trembled. 'It can't be.'

From the depths of the ocean Kronos laughed so loudly the whole ship trembled. The ghosts had fled as soon as the lid was drawn back. And Thalia engulfed her in a blast of golden light consuming her as she screamed.

Harry bolted up right in his hammock where Eve was shaking him awake. Harry rubbed the sleep out of the eyes as he tried to calm his breath down. He looked over to Percy who didn't seem to be faring much better. Only Cat was still curled sound asleep. Harry was about to ask Percy about their maybe shared dream when he caught sight of Eve and Annabeth's faces.

'What's happened?' Harry demanded a little harsh the weight of his dream still weighing heavily on him.

'Land,' Annabeth said grimly.

Harry doubted that would be a good thing not after the last land they had washed up on. Not in the Sea of Monsters where the worst things you could find congregated. Not for six demigods who attracted dangers.

'Where?' asked Percy.

'We're approaching the Land of the Sirens,' Annabeth said grimly.


Cat watched the island come into view ahead of them. It was just a dark spot in the evening gloom. Nothing about it gave away its dangers but the same could be said about Circe's island although hopefully not anymore.

'I want you to do me a favour,' Annabeth said. 'The Sirens … we'll be in range of their singing soon.'

Cat knew the stories that they had been told about the Sirens that they had been told in Camp Half Blood. They sang so beautifully that their voices enchanted sailors and lured them to their deaths. The Merrow of Scotland and Ireland although did have a habit of dragging Muggle men to the depths they had a treaty with Wizarding Britain.

'No problem,' Eve said. 'We can just stop up our ears. There's a big tub of candle wax below deck –'

'Can't we just use a muffling spell on ourselves?' asked Harry.

Eve snorted, 'it's not that easy. The Siren Song will burn through any low-level protective enchantments. There are Wards which we can do but I do not have the time nor you the experience to perform them. No, it needs to be a physical barrier which they cannot influence.'

'Alright then let's get the wax,' Harry said brightly.

'I want to hear them,' Annabeth said suddenly.

'Are you crazy?' demanded Harry. 'Why?'

'They say the Sirens sing the truth about what you desire. They tell you things about yourself you didn't even realise. That's what's so enchanting. If you survive … you become wiser. I want to hear them. How often will I get the chance?' asked Annabeth.

Harry, Percy and Cat shared a look all agreeing that children of Athena were crazy. Yet, it made sense for a child of wisdom to want more knowledge for its own sake. And from Annabeth's determined look she was going to do it with or without their help.

'Just like a child of Athena,' teased Cat.

'How are you going about it?' asked Harry.

'Tie me up,' ordered Annabeth. 'Don't untie me. No matter what happens or how much I plead. I'll want to go straight over the edge and drown myself.'

'Are you trying to temp me?' Percy asked sarcastically.

'Ha-ha,' Annabeth said equally as sarcastically.

'Well, then give us your knife – and any other weapons you have,' Harry said. 'Once you fall prey to the Sirens Song you will do anything to get to them including cutting yourself free of your ropes and attacking anyone who gets in your way.'

As they went up to the deck and tied Annabeth to a mast. Eve and Clarisse looked at the four of them like they had gone mad which tying your friend to a mast looked like. But it was for well Harry was loath to call it a good reason but there was a reason.

'What are you doing?' asked Eve.

'Annabeth wants to hear what the Sirens have to say,' Harry said shaking his head in bafflement.

'Always knew she was crazy,' Clarisse said gruffly.

'Hey, I am right here,' Annabeth said annoyed. 'And, I need to hear what they say.'

Clarisse as the strongest of them checked that the ropes were secure whilst muttering about crazy children of Athena. The rest of them kneaded the wax into ear plugs and stuffed them into their ears. They would not be hearing anything the Sirens had to say and made sure to keep an eye on Annabeth just in case she managed to get free somehow.

In utter silence they skirted the jagged rocks surrounding the Sirens' island. Harry watched as Annabeth's normal look turned to confusion. Then she began to fight against her ropes desperate to get out now. It was horrible to watch her crying in desperation like that even Clarisse was affected. It reminded Harry of souls being punished in the Underworld except it was so much worse because this was his friend. And Percy seemed even worse effected unable to look away from Annabeth's cries.

That was when Harry saw the wreckages floating on the water. The evidence of many people falling prey to the Sirens' song. But looking at Annabeth's tear struck desperate face Harry understood how it could be.

They kept their ear plugs in until they were well out of reach of the island. Annabeth sat huddled against the mast looking small and sad but no longer fighting her bonds. Harry couldn't help but wonder what she had heard, and had it been worth it.

Eventually she mouthed the word safe. That was the sign that they could all take their ear plugs out. There was nothing but the sound of waves rocking the ship making Harry feel ill. Yet, Annabeth didn't move looking devastated.

'Are you okay?' asked Percy gently.

'I didn't realise,' Annabeth murmured but not looking at anyone. 'How powerful the temptation would be.'

Eve rolled her eyes, 'I could have told you that. Enchantments like that are powerful and almost impossible to resist.'

'So, was it worth it?' asked Harry.

Annabeth hesitated, 'it was … I know more about myself than before.'

Harry couldn't deny he was curious, but he respected her enough to not ask more than she was willing to tell them. Harry could see that whatever it was that she had discovered about herself was not good. She didn't seem angry or scared just sad.

'Do you ever feel that the world is really messed up?' asked Annabeth.

That wasn't a question you needed to ask demigods. Not when demigods were hunted for their power and blood. Not when only Eve had had easy childhoods. Harry had watched his mother murdered when he was just a babe. Percy's stepfather had abused him and his mother. Cat had been shunned for her parentage. Annabeth had run away from the place she did not feel like was home. Harry didn't know much about Clarisse but knew you didn't stay in camp year-round unless it was better than the alternative whether that meant monsters or family Harry did not know.

Harry snorted, 'of course it is.'

'What if we could do it all over from scratch?' asked Annabeth desperately. 'No more war. No more homelessness. No more summer homework.'

Harry frowned, 'that sounds much like what Luke says.'

Annabeth nodded, 'I mean the West represents a lot of the best things that mankind ever did – that's why the fire's still burning. That's why Olympus is still around. But sometimes you just see all the bad stuff, you know? And you start thinking the way Luke does – if I could tear this all down, I would do it better.'

'Maybe,' conceded Percy.

'But not the way that Luke does it,' Harry said quietly. 'If he succeeds in his plan to return our grandfather then nothing will be the same. Kronos will plunge the world back into the stone age.'

'But don't you ever feel like you could do a better job if you ran the world?' Annabeth said desperately.

'Um … no. Me running the world would kind of be a nightmare,' Percy said sheepishly causing everyone to laugh.

'Then you're lucky,' Annabeth said gravely. 'Hubris isn't your Fatal Flaw.'

'That's what the Sirens revealed to you,' understood Percy.

Annabeth nodded, 'yeah.'

'What do you reckon mine is?' asked Percy.

'I don't know, Percy, but every hero has one. If you don't find it and learn to control it … well, they don't call it "fatal" for nothing,' Annabeth said gravely.

'Mine is anger,' Harry admitted. 'If I give into my anger I cannot think. I am incapable of forgiving those who I have perceived to slight me.'

'Like with Percy,' Cat laughed.

'What did I do?' asked Percy face turning stormy.

'Not you,' Cat said not unkindly.

'Someone we know from school,' Harry said darkly. 'Who refused to believe me that there was an enemy in our midst,'

Clarisse nodded in agreement, 'well he seems like an idiot. I wouldn't forget that slight either.' Clarisse seemed like she was going to say more but thought better of it.

Then up ahead was another blotch of land. It was saddle and looked like everyone's image of a tropical paradise. Between its long white beaches which turned into sloping green meadows which turned into forested hills.

'Guys,' Harry said. 'We're here.'