Author has written 91 stories for Lord of the Rings, Stargate: SG-1, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Jeremiah, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Pirates of the Caribbean, Supernatural, Castle, Wheel of Time, Vampire Diaries, Fairly Legal, Person of Interest, Avengers, Thor, Captain America, Star Wars Rebels, Arrow, V, 2009, and Frozen. UPDATE!!! As of 2019, I NO LONGER UPDATE TO . I ONLY UPLOAD TO ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN All current (and previous M-rated) fic can be found here: /users/Lizardbeth/works You can also find me at lizardbeths at Tumblr. pics, writing updates, etc. I also take prompts for ficlets there. A LIST OF STORIES IN EACH SERIES MCU: 1. Understanding the Storm, an AU series from the MCU (Thor/Avengers), set after Thor takes Loki home. It focuses on his family's effort to save Loki, and how trouble still finds him.
2. The Ice Demon Series. In 1700, Odin and Frigga told Loki the truth. He left Asgard and went to Midgard where he became a figure of legend in Arendelle: the Ice Demon.
OTHER FANDOMS 1. Distorted Reflections: (coauthored, so under a separate username) (Stargate SG-1) Jack, Daniel, Sam and Teal'c are trapped on an alternate Earth, where civilization fell a long time ago. In this post-apocalypse world, two powers have risen out of the ashes: one looks to the future and hopes to rebuild, while the other looks to the past and their own power. These opposing forces are about to collide, even as a hidden evil builds his own power in the shadows. Caught between, SG-1 are going to have to fight and risk everything, if they hope to find a way home. Features Goa'uld, Tok'ra, battle, torture, prophecy, alternate SG-1 characters (some evil, some not), and some new people (who will be familiar to those who know the series Jeremiah, but that knowledge isn't necessary). Now COMPLETE! If you're interested in a long, plotty Gen Team fic for SG-1 (or a meaty, complex Jeremiah story, if you're a fan of that series), please check out lizardbeth_and_lowri for Distorted Reflections! 2. The Road to Tartarus, a novel-length sequel to my stories Tok'ra Allegiance and Going Home, featuring Asheron, my OC host for the Tok'ra Malek (SG-1). This AU novel features him, Sam Carter, Baal, and the ensemble of S8 and S9 of SG-1, as the Tok'ra near extinction, and their enemies try to rip apart what remains. Now complete. It's a story about survival and love and death and terror. It's not light reading. If you're after light and fluffy romance, this isn't it. 3. Not All That We Are, a Battlestar Galactica AU (in four parts), about Sam Anders and Kara Thrace, Cylons and Humans, war, prophecy, destiny, revelation and the power of love in all its forms. Now complete! Feedback feeds the writing muse! |