Why hello there everybody! Elhini Prime here and this here is a crossover piece I'm doing with Rapidfyrez with the story Another Type of Alien. For Jack (Kal's) reaction to everything that happens in Son of the Stars verse, go visit Rapidfyrez! :) This takes place between Thirst and Evolution. Alright...let's go!

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers: Prime, Man of Steel, or Another Type of Alien

Chapter 1

A Heart That's Unbreakable

Location: Second Earth, Autobot Base

Dusk POV

I analyzed my opponent's attacks a lot easier than normal, dodging easily when he sent a right hook at me, leaving him exposed. I saw an opportunity and I used it, sending him to meet Mr. Floor.

And then it dawned on me.

He was going easy on me!

But why?

I settled into ready position as my opponent, my baby brother, got up to his feet, groaning.

"Stop holding back," I growled.

"I'm not holding back," my little brother replied.

I studied his face.

Yep! Just like Dad, he's a terrible liar.

"Jack," I warned.

"I'm not…keeping back all of my strength…" Jack replied.

"But you are still lying to my face,"

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, trying, and failing, to keep a hold of my temper.

"I'm not made of glass, Jack," I finally ground out.

"No, you're dying," he said.

I let out a deep sigh, boy, you are really testing my nerves right now…

"Ok, you know what?" I started, "Fine! Just forget it, let's get back to training,"

"No," Jack growled.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, eyes narrowing, "Did you just say…"

"No," Jack repeated, "I won't,"

I looked at him.

"You're in a lot of pain right now, you should get some rest," he said, firmly.

"And if I don't want to?"

"Stop acting like a four year old and get some rest,"

"Oho, looks like someone thinks he can tell me what to do!" I snarled, "Listen here, Jack,"

I got closer and put my finger close to his face.

"You might be Dad's real son, but I am still older than you," I growled, "You can't tell me what to do!"

"Again, you sound like a four year old,"

"I'm warning you…"

"Ha! Do your worst!"

"And see how easily he forgets what I can do," I sighed to myself.

"You don't scare me,"

"I should,"

"I'll tell Mom and Dad,"

"Look who the four year old is now !"

"Hey, when you think the battle's lost, bring in the big guns,"

"Stop stealing my line…!"

I stopped, feeling that all too familiar pain in my chest, and I bit down on my teeth to stop from groaning in pain.

"Dusk?" Jack asked, concerned as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Go. Away," I growled, pushing his hand off.


"Leave me alone!" I snarled, storming off.

I came into the main hanger, watching everyone doing their own thing. Magnus and Wheeljack were at it…again, Bulkhead and Jolt were trying to keep the peace between the Commander and the Drifter while their human partners watched eagerly, Raf was showing 'Bee and Smokey something on his computer while Amber took a little nap on Smokey's shoulder. Miranda, Arcee, and Mom were having a conversation over things I have no idea about and Ratchet was working on the computers again.

The only person, er, 'Bot, I didn't see…

Was Dad.

I walked up towards Ratchet, getting ready to ask him where Dad went, when the Hatchet spoke.

"Just the person I needed," he started, "I've detected a strange energy signal in the middle of Kansas, I need someone to go and check it out…"

He turned his green tinted gaze on me.

"I'm really not in the mood, Ratchet," I growled, "Go get Magnus to do it or hey, Amber'd love to do it,"

"That girl is going nowhere near the Groundbridge until I ok it," Ratchet snapped, "You're the only one not doing anything…unless you want Jack to come wi…"

"Not a chance in the Pit," I hissed.

"Language!" I heard 'Bee shout.

I threw a glare at him. It must have been kinda scary, 'cause his doorwings tilted downwards and he shrunk back.

"Well I need someone to go," Ratchet replied irritably.

And I felt Jack coming down the hall.

"On second thought," I amended, "I'll go. Alone ,"

Ratchet snorted and opened the Groundbridge. I walked towards it.

"You sure you want to do this yourself?" Ratchet asked.

"I'm not a fraggin' china doll!" I snarled as I stalked through, "I wish you all would quit treating me like one!"

I didn't even hear his reply.

It was dark on the other side of the 'Bridge. The stars blazed overhead like a million fireflies. I stretched out my feathered wings, relieving the stiffness in my left wing that resulted in the near severing of it by Jack's evil cousin, Draconus. The Predacon.

I shuddered.

I hated the mech. I really did.

"Stupid smooth-talkin', fire-breathing, dragoncon," I growled as I sat down on the ground, picking at the tall grass, "Stupid mother-hen, overprotective, little brother."

I picked up a few rocks and started chucking them as far as I could.

"Stupid prophecy,"


"Stupid overloading spark,"


I picked up a bigger rock and immediately dropped it on my foot.

"OW!" I shrieked, "Fraggin' piece of slag! Ow!"

I sat back down, nursing my poor foot.

"You guys must really, really hate me huh?" I growled, glaring up at the sky, "Don't I have enough problems already?"

Suddenly, a bright blaze of light, not unlike the Groundbridge, burst into being high into the sky.

First thought: 'Cons!

Second thought: If I die, well, sooner than I'm supposed to, Dad's going to kill me.

Third thought: Pretty lights!

Wait…did I just think that? Did that rock somehow hit me on the head instead of my foot? Wow, I've got to lay off the Dew at night.

A shape fell through the glowing portal. It landed about 50 meters away from my position.

Now me, being as smart as I am…I still have my stupid blonde moments.

Like this one.

You know how in the horror/sci-fi movies that when something falls out of the sky…the pretty, ditzy blonde runs over to find out what the frag it is? And how the alien comes out of the crater and eats/maims/kidnaps her?

Apparently I didn't learn from that.

I ran over to the crater, my own gift with fire protecting me from the heat.

Seeing meteors that transformed into 'Cons Pit-bent on trying to kill us? I can deal…

But what I saw in that crater…I most definitely was not expecting.

Because there, in the crater…

Was my baby brother.

"Jack?" I asked, "You ok?"

No answer.

I jumped, landing awkwardly in the crater due to a still stiff wing.

"Dang, you must have fallen hard," I muttered, hooking my arms around him.

I felt something brush against my leg and I looked at…what in the Realm of Cybres was he wearing !?

"Is that…spandex? And a cape !?" I asked, desperately trying not to laugh.

I wonder how Miko and Amber suckered him into wearing that? I grinned to myself.

"Oooo, little brother, when you wake up…I am never going to let you live that down," I chuckled, "Ratchet, I need a 'Bridge,"

"I just sent you through one!" he snapped, "You haven't been gone long enough!"

"Just open the Groundbridge, Hatchet," I replied, rolling my eyes, "And tell Mom that she might want to look at this…By the way…you wouldn't happen to know where my oh so precious baby brother is…would you?"

"Out," Ratchet replied, "Probably to get some cool down time from you and your incessant…"

"Aw, I'll take that as a compliment," I replied, cutting him off as the Groundbridge opened and I walked through, carrying my little brother bridal style.

"What was it you wanted me to…?" Mom froze as she took in who I had in my arms, "Dear Primus, what happened!?"

"I dunno," I shrugged, setting Jack on the med bay and letting Mom work her magic, "Fell out of a Groundbridge from who knows how far up,"

"That makes no sense…" Mom replied, looking at me, "He drove out of Base, Ratchet didn't Groundbridge him…"

"Does it matter?" I asked, "The point is…"

"He's wearing spandex !" Amber laughed, "Dear God, oh Jack why!?"

"And a cape!" Miko snickered, "where'd he get that ?"

"Wait," I frowned, turning towards our resident rockers, "You two didn't force him into it?"

"No," they replied, shaking their heads.

"Then…how did he get into this getup?" I asked.

"Shhh," Mom said, "I'm still working…huh,"

"What?" Jolt asked, "Elita, what happened? Is Jack ok?"

"Jack's fine," Mom replied, turning to face us, "In fact…there's nothing wrong. He's just fine,"

"After a fall like that?" Miranda asked, "Shouldn't he be, well, scraped up a bit?"

"He should…and that's what's got me worried," Mom replied, "Even though Jack and I are Autobots in human skin…we still bleed if we fall and scrape ourselves. Jack should be torn up really bad. And he's not…"

"Maybe it's a part of his Legacy?" Ben asked.

"That only changes what he is…" Mom said, "It doesn't make him invulnerable. Optimus is very nearly indestructible, but he still gets hurt and bleeds as well…"

She turned back to Jack.

"I don't know what it is," she finished, "But it's unnerving me."

"Hey, look!" Smokescreen said, "He's waking up!"

Everyone went still…waiting for the familiar storm blue eyes to open…


"Your timing is terrible!" Amber replied, giving her guardian a light smack upside the head.

"Alright all of you, out," Mom replied, "I'll let you know when he wakes."

Everyone left, grumbling…I hesitated and stood next to Mom, leaning on her shoulder awkwardly because of my height.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" I asked.

"He will, he's got his father's resilience," Mom replied, stroking my hair, "Why don't you wait for him over there?"

I nodded and hopped up on a counter, watching Jack carefully.

A few minutes later, Mom was putting away her medical supplies…and I saw Jack stir.

"Mom," I whispered, "He's waking up."

The storm blue eyes opened…but not with the familiar electric flash that he always had when he opened his eyes after sleep or extended amount of having them closed.

Mom turned to Jack a bright smile lighting up her face.

"Good you're awake, we were afraid you wouldn't wake up," she said softly.

June POV

Jack rubbed his head, blue eyes bleary.

"We? How long was I out? Where am I?" he asked.

"You're in base we were worried about you," I explained.

He looked around, confused at his surroundings. He must have had a nasty knock to the head if he didn't familiarize with the Base.

"Well I'm fine but did it work?" he asked worriedly as his gaze snapped towards me.


"Did what work?" I asked.

"The bomb did it work, did it send Zod and his followers back?"


"I…don't understand," I started, "Jack, who's Zod?"

He narrowed his eyes…and a flash of horror swept across his face. Jack immediately started scooting away in a knee-jerk reaction.

"What the hell are you!?" he yelled as he tried to put his distance between us.

"Language, buster," I warned, "Jack calm down, please,"

I put a comforting hand on my son's shoulder.

And Jack reacted explosively.

He moved faster than I'd ever seen him go, and that was saying something, and he slammed me against the wall causing a racket as he knocked some tools over. His elbow and arm digging into my throat as he held me there his eyes glowing, not the bright electric blue like they used to be when he was angered…but an angry red.

"Don't fragging touch me!" he hissed.

"Don't touch her!" I heard a lower, more musical voice snarl.

Two pale hands grabbed Jack by the shoulders and wrapped around his neck. Dusk leaned backwards, trying to throw my son…or was he...off of me.

Surprised by the sneak attack, the boy stumbled a bit, just enough to let me fall to the floor.

I noticed my daughter's eyes had almost turned completely black. This wasn't good, not good at all. Jack threw Dusk off of him, but Dusk landed on her feet in a crouch, wings flared protectively.

"What the Pit is wrong with you!?" she snarled.

"Who are you? What are you? Better yet what is she?" Jack demanded pointing at me.

"I'm your sister, idiot!" Dusk snapped.

Jack glared at her, seeming confused but not showing it.

"I don't have a sister and even if I did she wouldn't be some mechanical freak in human skin!" he yelled.

Dusk POV

I didn't say anything.

My mind however, was in full overdrive.

Jack…he'd just told me that I wasn't his sister…

Even worse…

He called me something I had long ago strove never to be called again.

My baby brother…had called me a freak.

"Y-you little…" I growled, but my voice couldn't carry the threat that it had before.

"I don't have time to deal with this" Jack said as he turned around "I need to find a way to get home and can't deal with MECH's latest failed experiment."

The words had just rang into the air…

And I blacked out.

Authoress POV

June watched as Dusk's eyes burned pitch black and became speckled with fiery gold embers, face devoid of emotion except for pure undiluted rage.

The Prime's sparkmate backed up closer to the wall. She knew what had happened…and she didn't want any part of that.

A low, feral snarl slipped out of the Halfling's throat, her whole frame vibrated, and something June had never seen before happened.

Bits and pieces of armor began to spread over the girl. Her arms and legs became sheathed in armor, glinting in the light. A battle mask formed over her mouth and her eyes cast an eerie glow. Sunscorcher appeared in her hand.

And she charged.

June POV

"Dusk no!" I screamed as my daughter lunged, sword raised.

She apparently didn't hear me and slashed her blade across Jack's face. Jack's whole upper body whipped backwards from the blow staying there for a moment.

Slowly, Jack stood back up and I let out a small gasp.

He was completely unharmed. No bruise, no cut, nothing.

Quick as a flash Jack rushed forward and wrapped his hand around Dusk's throat lifting her into the air, his eyes radiating red. Her eyes began to dim and flicker weakly as she struggled for breath, and in a single movement Jack slammed her head against the berth he'd been resting on minutes ago. I yelled as pain shot through my own head as Dusk's bounced off the table and she fell to the ground unconscious.

"No..." I whispered, afraid to move.

The sound of heavy footsteps caught my attention and I turned to see Jolt, Ratchet and Smokescreen looking at us.

"Dusk!" Ben shouted, running over to his girlfriend and picking her up, cradling her unconscious form as her armor faded beneath her skin.

Amber turned to Jack.

"Y-you…how could you?" she asked, "Your sister!"

"Jack what are you doing!?" Smokescreen asked confused.

The boy looked from one bot to another.

"Who are you? Where am I?" He asked his voice only slightly quivering with fear.

"You are in the Autobot base," Ratchet stated as if it was obvious.

"Bullshit!" Jack screamed causing the assembled bots and humans to blink in shock.

None of us had ever heard Jack swear. Not even Cybertronian cursing.

"The Autobot base is in a large missile silo, this is a military hangar! Where am I, and who the hell is she!?" Jack demanded pointing an accusing finger at me.

"Jack, she is your mother," Ratchet began "And Outpost Omega was destroyed along with Jasper,"

Jack froze.

"W-what?" he asked quietly.

"The Decepticons destroyed it when they built Darkmount, you know this, you were there to storm the Citadel with Ultra Magnus, Dusk, Jolt, Arcee, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Bulkhead, and your mother," Ratchet explained, "Optimus and Smokescreen joined you after you and Ultra Magnus got captured."

"Y-you're lying!" Jack accused.

Several Autobots opened their mouths to speak but Jack shot off flying through the roof of the base before any of them could speak, leaving a neat hole in the roof.

As soon as he left, Dusk's eyes blinked open and she groaned.

"Are you ok?" Ben asked, "What happened?"

Dusk looked up at the hole in the roof.

"That's not Jack," she whispered.

Jack/Ultimus Prime POV

I'm starting to see what people mean when they say driving is relaxing. Finding out my heritage was probably the best, if not most shocking, thing in my life.

My family, probably the best thing that had happened to me as well.

On the other servo…probably the most stressful thing that's happened to me.

I stopped and transformed, sitting on the ground before reverting to human form.

I have amazing parents, they are both very protective about me but their protectiveness is getting so that I'm being strangled if I move an inch in any direction. I have an uncle and a cousin who both want to rip me limb from limb. An aunt who's protectiveness could rival my parents, both of them. And two elder siblings, both adopted. My brother is a mute and can't speak normally, but it doesn't hold him back, he's probably one of the most fun-loving 'Bots, other than Smokescreen, I've ever met. My sister on the other servo, worries me a little.


Refuses to let me help her, keeps everything to herself, blows up if something goes wrong or if I annoy her just a bit, and from a completely different universe that I hadn't even heard of! All in all, Ben's nickname for her fits perfectly.


And she was dying.

"I wish she'd let me help her," I muttered, "I mean, I might not be able to do much for her, but I can still do what I can…to make her life easier."

Whatever she has left of it.

"You're driving me crazy, big sis," I sighed.

And that's when I felt it.

My head was hit with a strong pain, like someone had slammed it against a metal slab. Hard.

I rubbed my head and froze as I realized what happened.

"Dusk," I whispered.

I grit my teeth.

Who would do that to her!? And why?

I hope they're fast runners…

'Cause when I get my hands on them…

I stood, transformed and shot towards the Base.

June POV

"Uh, guys," Amber started, "Jack just flew…through the roof."

"In human form…" Sean finished, still staring at the hole.

"Something is definitely not right," I agreed.

"You think MECH got him?" Dusk croaked, detangling herself from Ben's arms and standing, "Like the dream I…"

"No, no, Sweetspark," I whispered, brushing her hair away from her forehead, "I just think that maybe he hit his head a lit…you know, I got nothing,"

"What is going on here?"

Everyone's heads/helms snapped up…just in time to see Optimus walk in. He didn't look happy whatsoever.

"Oh nothing really," Dusk grumbled, "I just got my aft handed to me…and I have no idea what the frag I did,"

Amber glared at her friend and Dusk rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, language," the Halfling sighed.

"Jack insulted Dusk…didn't know who either of us were…" I started.

"Called me a mechanical freak and about nailed you to the wall," Dusk spat.

"And then Dusk lost it…she shut down into her 'Berserker Mode'," I finished.

"Ahhh, that's why I don't remember what happened…" Dusk nodded.

"That, and the fact that Jack rammed your head against the berth,"

"Good thing you have such a hard head," Ben teased.

Dusk gave him a gentle smack.

"But why would our son do this?" Optimus murmured, "He has never acted out like this. And he cares too deeply for you and Dusk to hurt you both like that,"

"I told you all, it's not Jack," Dusk sighed.

"I believe Dusk is right," Optimus replied.

"What do you mean Boss 'Bot?" Sean asked.

"Based on what information I am gathering…and the fact that there is a hole in the roof of the Base," Optimus said, "This Jack…is not from our own dimension,"

"Not to mention he was wearing spandex," Amber snickered, "And a cape,"

"But that raises the real questions," Jolt said, "Where is our Jack? And what are we going to do with this imposter? We can't just let him run free…"

"You are correct, Jolt," Optimus nodded, "We must bring the imposter back to Base…and figure out where he came from…and what his intentions are,"

"Optimus," Ratchet called from the terminal, "I'm picking up Decepticon activity,"

"Where?" Smokescreen asked.

"In…In Jasper,"

"But what would the 'Cons be doing there?" Dusk asked, "Jasper is all but destroyed, just shells and ashes are there…what could…oh no,"

Optimus nodded.

"It appears that our Jack imposter is there as well," he said, "Ratchet, activate the Groundbridge."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Dusk protested, "You're going out to let the guy who nearly killed Mom…"

"And you," Ben added, "Into the Base?! Prime, I knew you had some crazy ideas but this is ridiculous!"

"If you are not wanting to come, Dusk, you are welcome to stay here," Optimus replied as he and the others started walking, "Elita, I ask that you come with me on this mission,"

I nodded and got up, transforming and getting that vertigo that accompanied the sudden change in height.

"She's going to stay here anyway, Optimus," Ratchet growled, picking Dusk up by the back of the shirt, much to her protest, and sitting her on a berth, "She could possibly have a concussion, and she is bleeding on top of that,"

"Dad, don't let the Hatchet stick me with needles!" Dusk pleaded, "I know he has a foot long one hidden just for me!"

"And a wrench with your name on it too," I heard Ratchet mutter.

"You will be fine, little one," Optimus replied, softly touching her head before turning to the rest of us, "Autobots, roll out!"

All of us went through the Groundbridge…

But none of us were prepared for what we saw on the other side.

We came out…just in time to see "Jack" beat Starscream with said Decepticon's servo.

"Optimus," I whispered over our bond, "This is not our son,"

"I am starting to believe the same. I have only seen Jack lose his temper once…and that was when Draconus nearly killed Dusk. Ultra Magnus has informed me that Jack also became more ruthless when he thought I had died,"

"But this…Optimus, this , this is brutal," I replied, "This is more Dusk Berserker than anything,"

"Don't ever compare anything to that," Optimus growled, "I have yet to see anything that rivals her brutality in her rage,"

"Whoa…" Smokescreen breathed as we watched this imposter of my son order Starscream to go and the Seeker did.

The boy turned around and looked at all of us, confused and angered and I might have been imagining it, but I could have sworn there was a little piece of fear in his eyes.

His eyes locked onto Optimus and I stiffened.

"Optimus?" he asked.

My mate slowly nodded.

"At least he knows one of us by name," Smokescreen muttered, only to get smacked upside the helm by Jolt.

"Optimus?" the boy repeated, staring at my mate in absolute confusion "What on Earth happened to you?"

"A long story best saved for another time," Optimus answered, "For now we need you to come with us to base,"

The imposter took a hesitant step back

"And why would I do that?" he asked suspiciously.

"Rest assured we have no intention of harming you," Optimus said "We simply wish to know what your intentions in this dimension are,"

"Dimension?" the boy said more to himself.

A look of realization passed over his face.

He looked up at Optimus his calm look completely deteriorating being replaced with a look of complete regret.

"Optimus…I'm sorry so sorry for everything I did," the boy said.

Everyone almost seemed shocked by what he said, but Optimus nodded,

"Then you will accompany us?" he finally asked.

There was a nod.

"I have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?" the boy asked sadly.

Nothing was said as the Groundridge opened behind us and we walked through. The boy slowly followed through back into the new Autobot base. The next few minutes would be painful to say the least.

It seemed that Arcee, Bulkhead and Wheeljack had returned from their scouting trip and were standing around Dusk, who was glaring daggers at Ratchet. While the others glared at the wall behind which the imposter was.

"You know I can see you glaring at me right?" he called out, hiding a smile as both Ben and Amber's faces turned shocked.

Ben's face hardened back into a glare as the imposter came out from behind the wall.

"You have a lot of nerve to…" he started.

"Ben, save it," Dusk muttered at him.

The other boy ignored Ben and cautiously approached Dusk who glared at him with dark sapphire eyes.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," she growled.

"Jack" rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Yeah, I suppose I do, I just wanted to apologize for… Knocking you out," he said, "things back in my dimension were a little bit… hectic, I'm still tense,"

Dusk's glare softened slightly.

"Fine, I forgive you, but I'm going to get you back for that," she warned.

I inwardly cringed, my Jack told my what Dusk had done to him for April Fools day…I was afraid of what she'd do to this boy.

"And I'd deserve it," the boy said before turning to Optimus.

No, no you don't boy. I shook my head as an evil glint of electric blue flashed in Dusk's eyes.

"So what is it you want to know?" the boy asked.

Dusk POV

"How about how you beat the scrap out of Starscream with his own arm?" Smokescreen asked.

The others turned to the other Jack in shock.

"You fought Screamer on your own!?" several asked at once.

Amber sniffed, crossing her arms.

"We know you did too," I murmured softly, "Shhh, I want to hear this,"

She rolled her eyes as the imposter shrugged.

"Not the first time I've used him as my personal punching bag," he admitted.

A lot of our little family looked at him with a mixture of shock and awe.

Dad finally spoke up.

"Perhaps you could explain how you gained your abilities," he suggested.

"Fair enough," the boy said with a shrug.

He flew up to a walkway in order to better see everyone.

"Huh, a lot calmer than his last exit," Ben muttered.

"Like you haven't seen a person fly before," I snorted.

"You're different," Ben said.

"The first thing you have to understand is that despite appearances I am not human," Jack started.

"Our Jack isn't exactly human either," Amber said nonchalantly.

"Amber," I warned from my berth.

My bestie raised her hands in mock surrender before returning to quiet.

"As I was saying," "Jack" continued, watching Amber and then the rest of us, "I'm not human, I'm part of a race called the Kryptonians from, well Krypton,"

He paused for a moment waiting for any possible questions before continuing.

"Even though I was born on Krypton, I actually grew up on Earth raised by my adoptive parents, June and Robert Darby," he said.

Mom and Dad exchanged a look as "Jack" explained himself.

"I didn't know this until I was twelve when my father showed me the ship I arrived in after I saved my school bus when we crashed into a river, after that I tried my best to hide what I could do,"

"What kinda things?" Smokey asked "Oh and the name's Smokescreen by the way,"

And the imposter started listing off his powers.

"Let's see, super strength, X-Ray vision, Heat vision, frost breath, near invulnerability, an accelerated healing factor, super speed, enhanced sight and hearing, as well as flight," he said, and I admit I was impressed by the list of powers.

"I stayed under the radar for several years until I ran into the Autobots," he said quickly explaining how he'd met the 'Bots through Arcee.

My real Mom's counterpart nodded.

"That's how me and Jack met in this dimension too," she said.

The other Jack nodded quickly returning to his story, "After a few adventures with the bots, I eventually confided my secret in Optimus after… an event I'd rather not discuss,"

I saw Amber open her mouth and I clapped a hand over it.

"Don't even ask," I warned, "Bad experiences aren't for the light of heart,"

"After that, I eventually stumbled upon an ancient Kryptonian scout ship buried in the arctic when Miko snuck through the portal to follow the bots," the other Jack said.

Ben snorted, "Yeah that sounds like Miko alright,"

"Hey!" Miko protested quietly.

"Jack" continued his long explanation explaining how he'd learned who he was aboard the ship and his true name as well.

"So what exactly is your name?" Smokescreen asked.

The other Jack turned to him.

"My name is Kal-El and apparently I'm one of the last Kryptonians alive," he said sadly.

"What do you mean?" I asked Kal, I am going to call him that because I know that when I call Jack both will come running.

"Remember how I said I was sent to Earth as an infant?" he asked me.

I nodded.

"It was because my home world Krypton was doomed. I was sent away to help preserve my race because my planet is nothing but a barren asteroid field, the Kryptonian race along with it."

My spark gave a sharp twist and I grit my teeth, trying to fight off the wave of pain and sadness. I can connect with Kal with one thing.

The both of us are alone.

He's from Krypton, I from Cybres…neither of us belong here but here we are.

"Of course I wasn't the only Kryptonian left," Kal said.

Wait, what?

"Turns out a few did survive the planets death. Of course when they came to Earth they immediately held a gun to its head searching for me," Kal elaborated.

"Why?" Mom asked.

"Because their leader, General Zod believed I somehow knew how to restore our race. That's only partly true, I will eventually know how, using a device known as the codex something that contained the genetic code of every unborn Kryptonian. He wanted it to turn Earth into a new Krypton." Kal said.

"Well that's not too bad right?" Amber asked "I mean just a few more people to share Earth with right?"

Kal turned to her.

"No because Kryptons atmosphere is poisonous to humans,"

Sounds like Cybertron's atmosphere and Cybres' prior to my birth.

"If he had succeeded the human race and eventually the Cybertronian's would have died out." Kal continued.

"Why would we have died out?" Bulkhead asked.

"I agree," Magnus added, "I doubt this Zod could have wiped us out,"

Kal turned to the Commander.

"Ultra Magnus right?" he asked and Magnus nodded, "Right, well the entirety of team Prime minus Ratchet went against two Kryptonians in Jasper. It ended with Bulkhead and Bumblebee covered in injuries, Optimus losing a servo, and Arcee nearly losing her leg and life!"

Towards the end there, his voice started to raise.

"You want to know how the two Kryptonians fared? They got away without a single scratch just some damaged armor," Kal said curling his fists.

I looked at him. Dang, these guys are tough.

"So how did you defeat them?" Dad asked.

Kal explained their plan his role in it and how in the end it had likely sent him to our, well, the Autobot's dimension.

So did it work?" Wheeljack asked.

Kal shrugged.

"I think so, it's why I'm here, the only thing I'm worried about is that Zod tried following me through the 'Bridge. If he made it here…" Kal left his sentence unfinished, I don't think he needed to explain what would happen if that man was here.

But what if he did? If one of those…cretins…was able to rip my Mom's counterpart's leg off like a piece of cotton candy on a stick…what would it do to a half-cybernetic like me?

Kal finally turned to Dad.

"I've answered all your questions, do you trust me now?" he asked.

Dad looked at him warily, I could sense the unease over my bond with him…but, was that a hint of smugness I detected there? Before he spoke again.

"It is obvious that your life Jackson has been very difficult from start to finish. Until we find a way to return you to your own dimension I offer our base as sanctuary," Dad finally said.

Kal smiled for the first time all day.

"Thanks Optimus, I promise I won't let you down,"

"I am not the one you must prove yourself to," Dad said "there is another you still owe an apology too,"

Kal's eyes widened as he no doubt remembered his violent meeting with Mom.

"Right, where is… June, I guess?" he asked, unsure of himself.

Mom smirked and walked forward. Kal raised an eyebrow and his jaw practically dropped at what he saw next. Mom's whole form seemed to blur and fade and slowly the figure of June Darby stood there.

I don't know if I should be ashamed or just 'eh' about us as we snickered at Kal's hanging jaw.

"I-I… h-how?" he stuttered.

"My son, our Jack, is a Prime in this universe," Mom explained, "and his Legacy allows him to manipulate the races and forms of himself or anyone else he comes into contact with. I and his father can do this due to our relationship with him,"

Kal eyed her suspiciously before voicing his next question. I could almost guess…

"And who is… 'my' father in this dimension?" Kal asked.

Yes! I'm good! I am so good!

"That would be me," Dad said as his own form blurred and reformed to reveal the man known as Orion Darby.

Dad walked next to Mom and wrapped a loving arm around her waist.

Kal's eyes at this point looked about ready to pop out of his sockets. And once again, we all snickered as he tried finding his completely lost voice as he stared at the two in shock. Eventually he managed to mumble out a few words.

"What was that?" Mom asked cupping a hand to her ear and clearly enjoying this whole situation.

"Mom, you're being evil," I sighed.

She sent a flicker of amusement towards me.

Kal repeated himself though his voice came out quiet.

"Sorry for threatening you," he squeaked.

Amber POV

"Sure told him, Mom," Dusk mumbled softly, eyes bright.

Jack turned to look at June and then Dusk and then back again.

"Mom?" he asked.

"Well, not my real mom," Dusk amended, "June is my adoptive mom, just as Optimus is my adoptive dad."

Kal raised a brow at her.

"Any other surprise siblings I should know about?" he asked.

"Well Bumblebee is also Dad's adopted son," she said, earning another shocked look from Kal.

"That's… not the case in my universe. Heck most of you I didn't even know about until today," he said, "the only organics in the base were Miko, Raf, and I along with my mom, but that was it,"

"Consider that a gift and a curse," Ratchet mumbled inciting a laugh from everyone.

"Hey," I heard Sean whisper, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Suddenly, I had this urge to ask Kal something. It was a matter of life or death here! It had to be asked ! I'm surprised this hasn't come up before!

"Um, guys?" I asked.




I coughed into my hand, earning Kal's attention.

"Okay this has all been said and good but I think we've been missing the important question here," I cried, exasperated.

"And that is?" he asked.

"What's with the S!?" I asked loudly.

Kal let out a loud sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. What? What'd I say? I just asked him a simple question!

"You know what's sad? You're the second person to comment on that," he let go of his nose and looked at me, "Okay it's not an S, it's my family crest, on Krypton it means hope,"

He paused briefly and I opened my mouth to tell him that here it's a…

"and yes I know that here it is an S," he cut me off, how rude! "Miko was quite obvious in pointing that out before I went out to fight the world engine,"

"So why do you wear it then?" some of us asked, me included.

"Because," Kal explained, "it's a gift from my dead father, and it helps amplify my powers. The belt also contains several subspace compartments for me to hold various items,"

"Well apparently your dad didn't keep up with the fashions," I thought.

"Trust me, I don't wear it because it's the latest in fashion," Kal said.

I just laughed at him before the sound of a sports car filled the base…

Uh oh.

This isn't good.

Only one car makes that sound…and it didn't sound very happy.

Jack, our Jack, was coming home.

Everyone looked towards the entrance as the familiar blue, silver and black Ferrari came into the Base.

The sleek sport's car's body broke apart, folding and twisting upwards. And within seconds, the graceful transformation was complete.

And our Jack, Ultimus Prime, stood upright, battlemask engaged.

He didn't look very happy.

Authoress POV

A mech that looked exactly like the Optimus the Kryptonian Jack knew best was left in the car's place. His royal blue optics piercing angrily through the base, finally landing on Dusk. The mech walked over to her, completely oblivious to everyone but the winged girl on berth.

He kneeled down, gently touching the side of her head and turning it, revealing a nasty looking cut that bled blue.

And then he spoke.

"Who did this," he asked softly.

A swift flick of Dusk's eyes was all the mech needed.

He straightened up to his full height and turned…facing the other Jack.

The Kryptonian teen was expecting some emotion of anger on the mech's silver faceplate, which he got. But he wasn't expecting the expression of shock.

"What is going on here?" the mech asked, looking at Optimus, "Is this some Decepticon trick?"

"I am afraid not," Optimus replied.

"Who are you," the blue and silver mech demanded, getting down level with the other Jack, "And don't lie,"

"You first," Kal replied.

"Ultimus Prime, son of Optimus Prime and Elita One," the mech, Ultimus, growled as his battle mask disengaged, "But..."

The Prime's form blurred shrinking and paling until a dark haired, pale skinned young man stood there, his bright royal blue eyes dimming to a deep stormy blue.

"You can call me Jack Darby," he said in a voice that matched Jack's own.

Jack smirked and leapt off the walkway landing with a quiet thud in front of the teen. He extended his hand.

"You can call me Kal-El, son of Jor-el and Lara Lor-Van," he smiled "Also known as Jack Darby,"

Yay! First Chappie's done! Hope you liked, don't forget to drop a review in that little box down there, and PM Rapidfyrez and I for plot ideas and Questions! Oh, Rapidfyrez Jack will be known as Kal in my half, just to avoid confusion. And Dusk's Dream actually I got from WingedWolfAlari's story she based off of Son of the Stars. Check it out if you want to see :)

Anyway, hope you liked it. If you did, please R&R! :)

Qui vállë tóquetë, ván tecë (If no review comes from y'all; no story comes from me)

Máriessë ar mára tecië

Farewell and fair writing

Elhini Prime signing off.