Author has written 11 stories for Vampire Diaries, and Game of Thrones. Amazing Aisha Hi, I am Aisha and reading is my life. I have been reading fanfiction for the past seven years and just fell In love with the idea of writing a story in our own way. my favourite fanfiction is from twilight and vampire diaries and they inspire me to write. To Zara, Zenia, Abeeha and Ayra my strength and my best fan in the world. Love you both just like I love Delana and tvd and Games Of Thrones. Dear readers. I am so happy to complete my first year in fanfiction. Fanfiction not only gave me a platform to write and share my stories but it also gave me great friends like Carol and Sohela who helped me throughout my journey. So THANK YOU fanfiction for existing and helping us writer to groom and share our stories. Please check out my stories: Sire Line ( In Progress) It's My Family ( In Progress) Desires (In Progress) Epic Wedding. ( In Progress ) One Night, On Valentine's Day. ( Complete) Way to Women's Heart ( Complete ) For Richer Or For Poor ( complete) Second Chance (complete ) Marriage Built On Lies ( complete) What Makes You Beautiful (Complete ) Changing Fate ( Complete) Please keep reading my stories and to all writers out there keep writing your stories and complete them. To my Father, M. Arshad Khan, may you live peacefully in Heaven. I pray everyone stays healthy and safe and please take care of yourself and be kind to other people . |