Well guys, this is it! Hope you have all enjoyed this story :)


*After Many Moons Pass*

As Damon walked through the caverns of the Underworld, to the iron doors that led to his throne room, a once familiar scene greeted him.

His hellhound, Rhal, let out a low gruff of a bark, as the smell of blood hit both their noses.

"At ease," Damon commanded him, and the hound backed off as they approached the archway.

The doors were shut, but opened for their master as he came upon them.

Inside, was a vision to warm his heart, and cause a little concern.

"You've killed your guard. Again," he stated in a disapproving tone, stepping over a dead body, and Elena turned at the sound.

She was as beautiful as the day she had come to him in this very room, wearing a dress of similar fashion that had slits up to her waist; to make fighting easier.

Or in this case, instructing.

"It was voluntary this time," she promised with a grin that shone nearly as bright as the diadem on her head and the Αλυσίδα πάγου around her neck.

"So eager to die, were they?" he arched a brow as he slipped an arm around her waist.

Elena turned her attention across the room, her smile genuine now, "Eager to help train their future Leige Lord. He has become quite handy with your latest gift."

Damon followed her gaze to where their son was practicing swings with a gleaming steel sword.

It was small; proportioned to his six year old body, and he wielded the weapon with as much grace as his mother wielded hers.

"Alright, Theo," Elena called the child's attention, "That is enough for today."

The boy made another lunge, and span into a full swing.

"Theokoles!" Elena stated louder, and he drew up short, blushing a little, "Sorry, Mo-"

He took notice of Damon's presence then, and all sword lessons were forgotten as his blue eyes grew large.

"Father!" he shouted, and dropped the sword as he sprinted across the room.

Damon smiled as his son jumped into his arms, and he lifted the boy, "You're back!"

"And you've been busy in my absence," he appraised, "Keeping your Mother on her toes, are you?"

"We're training," Theo answered, "I killed Indus and two others of the guard all by myself!"

Damon listened to his son explain the strategy he and Elena had been working on, until the goddess in question interrupted, "You did well. But now I think it is time to bring them back, yes? Remember, if you wait too long their bodies will decay."

"Oh, right!" Theo wiggled to get down and Damon let him, following as he sprinted across the throne room to the corpse near the staircase, "Father, will you help me?"

Damon crouched down to his sons level, near the body, "If indeed you need my help...but why don't you give it a try?"

Theo's expression grew serious and his dark hair fell into his eyes as he bent down over the body and placed a hand against the cold skin.

Damon sensed the flickering of the veil approach as his son summoned it, but his hold was fleeting.

Without giving hint of any involvement, he reached out with his own power and helped the little Prince pull the thing forward.

"Good," he praised, as Theo smiled in success, "Now reach out with your mind. Picture Indus in you head. You want to bring the correct soul back."

It was a process, but finally, the boy was able to at least partially resurrect the body.

Damon helped a bit at the end, then with the other two bodies, until everyone was alive and well again.

Elena thanked the guard for assisting as Damon sat on the edge of the staircase with Theo moving back to his lap, "And Mother says once I'm big enough, I can go to the mortal realm and help the warriors in their battles! And I can make their passings easier when they fall in combat, so they don't have to wait in purgatory long."

Damon stroked the child's hair with contentment, "You'll be a fine ruler when the time comes, my son."

"Just like you," the boy beamed and Damon smiled down at him.

"Yes," Elena appeared at his side, her expression mirroring his own, "Just like your father."

Damon sent her a wink, as the iron doors opened once more.

His other hound, Kava, came in first, the three pups from her latest litter trailing in behind, jumping and chewing at each other's exposed rib cages.

"Enough of that," Persephone, who had entered behind them, warned firmly, and the pups settled.

Damon smirked up at his mother, and the bundle in her arms, "I was wondering when you were going to join us."

"Sorry," Persephone greeted, "This one did not care to get dressed after her nap."

The softest of smiles creased Elena's lips as she turned to the bundle, "My darling daughter," she took the young from Persephone's arms, "Alive merely a few months and already such a handful. Thank you so much for looking after her while Theo and I trained."

"My pleasure," Persephone assured her, and glanced back at her son, "You've returned from the meet on Olympus?"

"Until the next waning moon," he nodded, "We will have another council session then, but all holds well thus far. Oh, my sweet," he turned to Elena, "Caroline wanted you to meet her next week for lunch in the Hunter's forest, by the river. She's bringing the twins for a playdate with Theokoles."

"He will enjoy that," she accepted easily, grinning over at their son who had abandoned his father's side to play with Kava and her pups.

"He will," Damon stood up and brushed his hands across his cloak, "And I would enjoy getting to hold my daughter, if you don't mind?"

Elena pretended to consider his request, "Alright. But it will cost you."

"Will it?" he challenged.

"I think a kiss from my husband would be acceptable," she decided and Damon smirked, "That, I am sure I can oblige."

Honoring the compromise, Damon leaned in and pressed his lips against Elena's.

She returned the favor with a passion he loved, the pulled away to surrender their daughter.

"Okay, Princess," she cooed over the newborn, "Time to go see Daddy."

Damon took the girl with careful hands and tucked her close to his chest.

She fit there perfectly, curling into him the moment contact was made.

"She looks more like you each day," he praised, offering his bride another kiss.

"Lucky girl," Persephone winked, making Elena laugh, "Lucky me. Theo is Damon in a smaller body, I'm certain of it! It is only fair that my daughter at least favors me."

As the two discussed the children's genetics, Damon stared down at his daughter.

She was perfect, and looked so like her mother with her brown curls and dark eyes.

He loved her and his son more than anything...well, almost anything.

With an effort, he tore his gaze from that perfect little face, to stare at his Queen.


The love of his existence.

It had been a long day away from her, and suddenly, he needed to have her to himself...for just a while.

"Mother," he cut into their conversation, "If you don't mind, perhaps you could take the children to the gardens before this evening's meal."

Persephone, who loved his children nearly as much as she loved him was always quick to spend time with them when opportunity was presented, and today was no different.

"I think that's a lovely idea," she grinned brightly and reached out for the baby in his arms, "I will have them washed and in the dining hall within a few hours. Why don't the two of you retire for a while. Get some rest before this little sweet has you up all night again."

"I suppose I could use a bath," Elena reasoned, waving to Theo, "If you are certain you do not mind?"

"Not at all," Persephone waved her off, "Take your time, my darlings. I will look after them."

Damon had never appreciated his mother more.

It took five minutes for Theo, Kava, and the pups to follow Persephone from the room, and even less time for Damon to summon a portal and pull his bride through it.

She gave him a scolding look that was quickly forgiving when he kissed her soundly.

They came together, quickly, fully, not wasting a single moment of what was now rare time alone.

And when they had sated their need for physical connection, they eventually drew a bath in the room's large bear-clawed tub.

Elena settled back against his chest, and as the water stilled around them, all felt right in the world.

"I love you," Damon kissed the top of her head.

Elena tilted her face so that she could look at him, and the sleepy smile on her lips made him feel more like a King than any throne ever could, "I love you too, husband."

He pulled her closer and captured her mouth again, thanking all of the heavens above and caverns below that he had an eternity to live this exact moment over and over again.

Life, Death, Love, War...in the end, it was all a balance.

Choices and chance and contract; a big mess of happenstance that led them to the roads of fate.

Maybe they would have forever, maybe they only had now.

All that really mattered was this moment; this perfect moment, where his children were safe and happy and his bride was content in his arms.

It was good.

It was fair.

And all was well.

The End.