Elena watched the closed door. Soon it would open and he would come to her.

Little Joseph Ian Salvatore stirred. She glanced down and smiled. "Don't worry, your daddy will be here soon. He will take us home." Tiny Katherine Crystal Salvatore waved a tiny hand.

The twins had been born, safe and sound and without complications, in their parents' bed in Mystic Falls Hospital. Their father had caught them both in his arms.

Mother and babies had been pronounced fit and healthy by Elena's obstetrician. Elena and the twins had spent the night in the hospital. Now it was time to go home.

Elena crooned to the infants while she gazed in wonder at the hospital room. She had awakened this morning feeling well and alive.

"I love you two," she whispered Joseph and Katherine. "I promise you two I will take good care of both of you."

The door opened.

A man walked into the white, sunlit room.

He smiled at her.

"Damn," Elena said. "Wrong man."

"Hey, hey, hey, Elena. How is the new mother?" Liam Davis bounced cheerfully over to the bed.

He was grinning hugely. In his hand were a large bunch of flowers and a box wrapped in a beautiful gift paper.

She smiled. "Hi, Liam. What have you got there?"

"This?" Liam held up the box. "Just a little present for the kids. Two knit hats and two blankets. One for each."

"Why, thank you, Liam. That was very thoughtful of you."

"Think nothing of it. It is not an expensive gift." He chuckled as he looked down at the infants in her arms. "I got a promotion. You are looking at the new head of the Department of Paediatrics."


"Thank you." Liam leaned forward get a better look at Katherine Crystal. "She is beautiful, just like her mum."

"Little Joseph looks exactly like his dad with his blue eyes," Elena said, smiling.

Liam hesitated. "I'm sorry, Elena."

She looked at him, confused.

He sighed. "I shouldn't have started a relationship with you when I was still married."

"It is okay." She smiled. "Everything turns out to be fine."

The door of the white, sunlit room opened.

Damon came into the room.

He smiled at her.

For an instant time stood still.

"Right man," Elena whispered. "We have been waiting for you."

"Hey, hey, hey." Liam stuck out his hand to Damon. "Congratulations, Mr Salvatore. Kids look just like you."

Damon glowered at Liam but allowed his hand to be shaken. "What are you doing here, Davis?"

"Just came to pay my respects to the new arrivals," Liam said.

"Fine. If you don't mind, I would like to take my family home."

"No problem." Liam sauntered toward the door. "See you all later."

"Not if I can help it." When he left, Damon smiled at Elena. "Ready?"

She cradled Joseph Ian and Katherine Crystal close. "We are all ready."

"The nurse said she would be along in a minute with a wheelchair." Damon touched his son's tiny hand. Quiet amazement warmed his eyes.

"I don't need a wheelchair."

"They won't let you walk out of here under your own steam." Damon grinned as he admired Katherine Crystal. "Incredible, aren't they?"

"Yes, they are. Where are your parents?"

"Waiting outside along with everyone else."

"Good grief, everyone's out there in the waiting room?"

"Just about."

"Oh dear!"

"Relax." Damon met her eyes. "Before we leave, I want to give you this." He held out a package he had brought with him.

"Oh, Damon. Thank you."

Damon picked up Joseph Ian and held him while Elena cradled Katherine Crystal in one arm and removed the brown paper from around the gift with her free hand. She found herself looking down at a volume bound in imitation leather.

"Photo album?" Elena looked up. "Are they yours?"


She slowly opened the album and her gaze went instantly to the faces of her twins when they were first born. She stared at the picture for a long, long time. Her twins. Damon's twins. Their twins.

"Katherine Crystal has your eyes. Take a look at the other one," Damon prompted after a minute. "This photo album will represent the journey of our twins."

"Little Joseph Ian has your hair."

Damon chuckled. "You didn't think it came out of nowhere, did you?"

"Bits and pieces of other people," Elena whispered. Her eyes misted over. "Damon you have given me a wonderful gift."

"It is nothing compared to what you have given me," Damon said. "I love you, Elena."

She looked up at him and saw the sure and certain knowledge in his eyes. "I always knew you would be good at that kind of thing."

"What thing?"

"A good father and a good husband."

"So are you." Damon smiled at her. "A good wife and a good mother."

The door opened at that moment. A smiling nurse entered the room with a wheelchair. She looked at Elena. "Ready to go home?"

"Yes," Elena said. "We are. We are more than ready."