For Richer Or For Poor

Author's note:

The characters does not belong to me only plot is mine.

On the one year anniversary of marriage built on lies , I present you prologue chapter of (For Richer Or For Poor).

Thanks to Starlight So who beta this chapter and help me in this chapter.

First chapter will follow soon so send me your reviews and encouragement .

Also many thanks to all my reviewers who send me reviews for last chapter of marraige built on lies. I love and appreciate all of you.


(In faraway future)

In the beautiful city of Tuscan, among the hundreds of others, lives a respectable family, wealthy yet humble.

Their Huge two storied Mansion can be seen from far and wide. The exterior was something similar to an old villa, solid, strong holding itself to ground with power.

The driveway was spread in four direction, one leading to main entrance while two went towards swimming pool , lawn and last at back entrance.

Magnificent Italian marble fountain in centre is enough to attract anyone attention.

The entire estate is governed by hills that stretched till one's vision allowed before fading into the sky.

The surrounding land is covered by well groom bushes and pine trees.

Today is a beautiful summer day like any. The Sun was smiling upon the earth, the trees, the hills, the water even air carrying fresh scent of something pure and among all this purity an innocent young girl around age of ten ran through driveway making her way towards back of house.

Her sweat Angel like face shines in sunlight as she reached at garage gates.

Her teary doe like eyes quietly stared at her grandfather who was working on his car while his Robot helped along with him.

"Pappie." She sniffed while calling him.

Blue eyes met her teary brown eyes and her grandfather immediately left his work to embrace his granddaughter.

''What happened princess?" a muffled voice came from her so they took a seat on nearby bench.

''There , now tell me why are you crying?" he asked in gentle voice.

''I broke Nona's jewellery box, the one you gave her." She rubbed her eyes which are exact replica of woman he fell in love with so many years ago.

After a while when tears stopped he asked again . ''What did Nona say when she found out? "

At this girl looked nervously at him. "She and mommy are searching for it in her room. I hide it in gardens and lied to them that I don't know but now I feel bad because Nona is crying."

New tears replaced old ones. "She said that it belonged to your mommy and you gave her as present when my mommy was born."

After that she latched to her grandfather's arms and start crying again in earnest. ''I am bad girl Pappie. They will be so angry." He shakes his head and touched her blond hair in kindness.

''Nona won't be angry at you that is impossible princess but she is going to be really sad that you lied."

She stared at her grandfather who had this far away look on his face. ''You know princess lying is really bad thing it has once cost your Pappie to lose everything he held dear." He finally told her granddaughter who was staring at him in wonder.

''Do you want to hear that story? " he asked her to which she eagerly nodded her head. ''Yes Pappie!"

He smiled and patted her head. ''It happened many years ago..." with that he started telling her the story about his lie that almost ruined everything in his life.


Author's note.

So here is prologue to ease your mind. Not long ago my guest reviewer who I used to call detail guest reviewer had wished this moment and that gave me idea for my prologue. So thank you who ever you are and first chapter will continue from where marriage built on lies end so stay tuned and please send me your reviews.