Author has written 2 stories for Big Hero 6.
--= About Me =--
Name: PeanutbutterB0B, Peanut, PB, or Nick
Age: I'm 20 years old
Gender: Pretty sure I'm male but I can double check.
Occupation: Pizza Hut Delivery Driver
Interests: I love technology and cars. Building/repairing computers and cars are an everyday hobby for me.
--= Page Plan =--
Current: A fresh start. Cleaning up my profile and merging my old two stories into one place. I'm gonna completely rewrite then.
Future: Possible Danny Phantom Stuffs
--= Stories =--
HGU - The Beginning (OLD): 4,391 Words - Published Jul 11, 2016 - COMPLETED /s/12045666/1/HGU-The-Beginning-OLD
A new HiroGo Universe. All the info is in the paragraph before the story. This is a preview into my entire Universe I'm creating as well as my FIRST FanFiction.
HGU - Callaghan Returns! (OLD): 12,589 Words - Published Jul 17, 2016 - DEFUNKED /s/12055745/1/HGU-Callaghan-Returns-OLD
The Second Installment of my HGUniverse. Following the events of 'HGU - The Beginning', the team finds themselves fighting an old for, Callaghan! But how did he escape prison, more importantly, why is he after Hiro? Also, Hiro hasn't fully gotten over the death of Tadashi. With his birthday right around the corner, what will the team do with Callaghan lose?