None of these characters belong to me and I apologize for any OOC moments.

It was around 9:30 PM and Hiro was busy helping Aunt Cass clean up the shop, she stood on top of a chair as Hiro handed her plates and bowls to put in the cupboard.

"Hey Aunt Cass, I have something to ask you," Hiro said a little nervously.

"Hm, what is it sweetie?" she asked as Baymax waddled into the room.

"I was wondering about…." He stopped and rubbed the back of his neck, "Uh, about…"

Aunt Cass eyed him curiously, "What is it Hiro?"

"I was wondering about dating."

She gave him a surprised expression at first but then soon smiled and hopped off the chair, "Oh really? Who- I mean why?"

"Well because there's this girl and-"

"Do I know her?"

He nodded, "Yeah, you see her a lot."

She leaned against the counter and looked up at the ceiling, pretending to be deep in thought, "Well I have my guesses on who it is…."

"Dating," Hiro said with a sigh.

"Oh right!" she snapped as she clapped her hands together, "I think since you're going to be 15 soon you'd should be able to date who ever you'd like, as long as they aren't a bad example on you."

He sighed, "Right Aunt Cass," such typical guardian parenting stuff.

"And be careful with that teenage lust of yours."

"Aunt Cass!" Hiro yelped as his body stiffened.

"What is 'teenage lust'?" Baymax questioned cocking his head. "Shall I research it?"

"NO!" Hiro shouted as Aunt Cass chuckled.

"There's no need Baymax, Hiro won't be doing any of that. Right Hiro?" she questioned with a stern look.

He shrugged, "Yeah, I guess."

"Good, now go up and head to bed you've got school tomorrow."

He nodded and went up to his room with Baymax waddling behind him. He got changed into his PJ's and brushed his teeth before turning off the lights. He saw Baymax waddle over to his charger and step into it.

"Hiro, what is love?"

Hiro looked at him curiously and thought about how he would explain it to him, "Love is when you have an intense feeling of deep attraction for someone, or to put it in simpler terms, it's when you deeply care for someone."

Baymax cocked his head, "But don't you feel like that towards your Aunt and friends?"

He shrugged, "Y-Yeah, but one of them I have a different love for."

"What is the difference?"

Hiro frowned, "I'll explain it to you in the morning, goodnight Baymax."

"Good night Hiro."

Hiro laid flat on his back and stared up at the ceiling. He's had this feeling for a while now, the feeling of love, lust, it was driving him insane. He was hoping she felt the same way towards him; she had to have felt something. She looked so jealous in the garage when the neighbor waved to him; she had to have felt something, right? He sighed and rolled onto his side, even if she did have feelings for him he would have to gain the courage to tell Gogo how he felt about her.

I hope you enjoyed it, sorry if the chapter was really short I'll try and make them a little longer ^^. Comments are always helpful and thanks for reading.:)