The Fires of Revenge
As the other Honey Lemon and Gogo entered the office, Gogo took a seat next to her friends who all gave her concerned looks. Honey Lemon put a comforting hand on Gogo's shoulder and asked, "Are you ok Gogo?" Gogo nodded and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just figure out a way to get Hiro, stop the Criminal Extermination Act, and get out of this dimension as soon as we can."
Krei stood from his office chair and said, "Very well. Now, where do we start?" The two groups of vigilantes huddled around Krei's desk and prepared their plan of attack. "We could always do an air drop from above and work our way down." Suggested Fred. The other Gogo shook her head and replied, "Too dangerous. Air defenses on the tower are too powerful even for military ships." Honey Lemon then suggested, "How about the sewers, surely they aren't too well guarded." Wasabi gave a look of disgust and asked, "Sewers? Oh, boy." The other Wasabi shared his doppelgangers feelings about the sewers, but he knew it was pointless. "No good either. When the tower was built, sewer lines running under it were closed off and replaced by underground bunkers for high profile projects, which could be where the portal to your dimension might be getting constructed. That's where we need to get you to when you get your version of Hiro back, but we would be walking into a slaughter. Those areas are guarded by the most powerful soldiers they have to offer." He informed.
The room went silent as everyone contemplated better strategies. Gogo suddenly got an idea when she remembered her and her friend's escape through the parking structure. "How about we sneak in through the parking garage? It was barely guarded when we escaped through there." Everyone considered the idea and nodded in agreement, except the other Gogo, who couldn't help but find a hole in the plan. "It's promising, but since your escape, I'm sure our Hiro has tripled security in that area." Once again, the group was left with a failed idea. Krei suddenly perked up in realization. "I know! When I had my meeting with Mr. Hamada, he demanded for me to transport more company resources to him. I can send the supply trucks to the tower and you guys can all hide in the crates." Stated Krei confidently.
Everyone else in the room looked a little surprised, not expecting such a clever idea from Krei considering his history with them. Nonetheless, everyone smiled and agreed to the plan. With a plan of infiltration now confirmed, they all set out to get ready and figure out the details. When the four heroes from the other dimension realized they had no weapons, Wasabi pointed out, "Wait! We don't have our suits anymore, they were damaged when we crashed here. We won't be of too much use without them. Especially with the combat skills you say those guards and soldiers have.". Their other versions looked at one another and then back to the others. "We have a solution for that." Replied the other Fred with a smirk.
At Hamada Industries Tower…
It was raining heavily in the city of San Fransokyo with the clouds covering the entire night sky. On the massive rooftop of the Hamada Industries tower, a company ship landed on a large helipad. On the end of the helipad was a walkway that led to a large steel sliding double-door. It opened and out walked the new monster Mr. Hamada created that night, although now it could be considered a cyborg more than anything. The body was covered with a ripped cloak and hood, covering most of the figure from the knees and up. The heavy metal stomping from its boots was obvious, as well as the heavy breathing that sounded like it was coming from a gas mask with a static-like noise mixed into the sound it made. As the figure approached the ship on the helipad, two soldiers stood at attention on the sides of the ship's entrance, trying not to show emotion even though they had developed a fear for this new monster that Hamada made. As the figure entered the ship, the soldiers entered with it and noticed how they were dwarfed in comparison to the machine. It stood around 7 feet tall from what they could see, and it didn't acknowledge them the soldiers sat on the bolted-on seats inside, while the figure just stood with its face to the entrance. The door closed in front of it as the ship's thrusters powered up and it took off in the direction of Krei-Tech Industries.
Back at Krei-Tech…
Gogo, Honey Lemon, Fred, and Wasabi were dressed up in their original battle suits once more. It was a miracle to them that their other versions had kept these original suits Hiro made for them when they were in college. When the team asked their doppelgangers why they still had them, their reply was simple, "to remember happier times". The team went to separate rooms of the building to change into their armor and came out to meet in the hallway. Gogo, Fred, Wasabi, and Honey lemon walked back to Krei's office where everyone else was waiting for them. The others looked at the entering college students and looked them up and down. The other Fred commented, "Wow, the suits still fit perfectly on them." The other Gogo elbowed Fred and replied, "Of course they do Fred, we were the same size at their age." Fred gave an embarrassed chuckle, "Oh, right."
Wasabi however, was still trying to loosen the pants of his suit behind him as he replied in an uncomfortable voice, "Yup, they fit a little too well. This suit still rides up on me." The others looked away awkwardly when Krei called over to them all, "Excuse me? If you're done discussing superhero fashion, can we maybe start going over the plan's details?" Everyone nodded and headed over to Krei's desk. On the surface was a blue 3d hologram of Hamada Industries tower. Krei looked at the others as he said, "Now, due to the blueprints of the tower being non-public and under intense security, I only have data on the outside of the tower, the route to Hamada's office, and the parking structure. So, once you're inside, It's all on you."
Wasabi looked a little concerned as he asked, "Uh, so we're going in blind then?" Gogo looked at the big guy and replied, "Not really, remember the tour he gave us around the building? It might have been brief, but at least we know where certain areas are. Besides, our real issue is going to be security, they seemed too well trained to be basic guards." The other Gogo then replied, "They aren't. Most of them are former soldiers, genetically enhanced employees, or people trained in advanced martial arts. Ever since Hamada Industries became affiliated with the government, it got funding for intense level security and projects. The place is more heavily guarded than the white house at this point." Wasabi, Fred, Honey, and Gogo looked at her curiously and Honey Lemon asked, "How do you know that?" The other Gogo shrugged and stood up straight as she replied blankly, "I used to work with Hiro for a while before…before…" Seeing her version of Gogo was losing her train of thought due to some emotional buildup, The other Honey Lemon intervened and finished off her sentence, "…Before all of this stuff with the CEA happened." The other Gogo nodded to her version of Honey Lemon gratefully for getting her out of that situation.
The four from the other dimension looked at each other in confusion but decided not to push the issue and take whatever answer they could get. They all looked back at the hologram and the other Wasabi asked, "That only leaves one problem, who's going to drive the truck to get us in there? I don't think Krei-tech employees are going to be too willing to smuggle a bunch of vigilantes into the world's most secure building." The others looked down in though when Krei got up and smiled, "I think I have a solution to that too." Everyone looked at Krei curiously as he walked up to a crate on the other end of the room and opened it, pulling out a purple cloth that glistened with a hexagonal pattern on it. Krei turned to them and said, "Remember this?" They all looked at the cloth knowingly, recognizing it as a cloth that uses the same flexible display technology the buddy-guards, which were flying robots Krei-Tech made for security, used to become invisible.
"So, one of us uses that to disguise our face and drive the truck through security? But who?" asked Wasabi. The other Fred raised his hand excitedly and volunteered, "Oh, I'll do it!"
The others stared at Fred's doppelganger and looked a little unsure. Honey Lemon's doppelganger forced a smile and tried to say nicely, "Um, Freddie, are you sure you want to do this?" The other Fred then calmed down and replied, "Yeah, I mean why not?" She then pointed out, "It's just that, stealth isn't exactly your thing." This didn't bring down Fred, instead he retorted, "No, but I am a people person and that means I can talk my way through anything." Everyone still looked unsure, but they had to admit, Fred was good at talking his way out of Jams, usually ones he got himself into, but regardless it usually worked.
Suddenly, an explosion echoed from outside Krei's office. The building rumbled as the floor shook beneath them and the alarm came to life. The loud blaring and flashing lights of the alarm echoed in the room. "What was that!" asked Krei, his tense position showing his clear fright at the sudden sound in his company headquarters. Gogo's doppelganger looked at the door and narrowed her gaze, "Only one way to find out. Everyone stay behind me." She ordered, heading for the door as she opened it and entered the hallway, looking back and forth before proceeding.
She led the team down the stairway and stopped as she looked outside the large window and down onto the parking lot of Krei Tech. There was a series of large craters and cars that exploded, both with tremendous amounts of scorching hot fire covering them. "Guess we know what the explosion was." Stated Wasabi. Gogo's doppelganger showed no signs of alarm whatsoever. It was as if she wasn't surprised by this attack in the slightest. "Let's keep moving." She said simply. The team kept moving down the stairs and made it to the next floor, which was a big lab that had most of the equipment covered in plastic or missing from their place. The sight saddened Krei. His thoughts drifted back to the days when he was the richest man in San Fransokyo, now he had become Hamada's puppet. Being drained of his company assets to supply Mr. Hamada's inventions that he quoted, "Are to help people", yet all he has done is bring on a possible apocalypse, or robot uprising, who knows really.
Another explosion shook the building, but this one was closer. The fire and smoke could be seen erupting outside just under the group on the floor below. "Whoever this attacker is, he sure is determined." Said Fred. "What could he possibly want? Mr. Krei…Do you have any other important items in the building?" asked Honey Lemon to Krei, who just shrugged and replied, "No. everything major was the first thing to go. Even the computer systems are barely operational." Gogo scratched her chin as she tried to think. "Must be here for another reason. But what?" she asked herself.
The room went silent before a voice could be heard coming from the building's intercom. "How about revenge?!" said a deep robotic voice that sounded like it was coming from someone with a respirator, the heavy breathing obvious when he stopped talking. "What was that?! Show yourself coward!" yelled Fred as he pulled down his suit's mask and looked for someone to defend against.
The voice chuckled lightly as it continued to speak. "Oh, how I look forward to killing you…Well-deserved punishment for what you did to me." Fred looked around and replied to the man on the intercom, "Um…which of us are you talking to? Us or them?" pointing between his team and the team from this dimension. "You are all one in the same. Hamada gave me this opportunity to show you what happens when you destroy someone's life. Just like you all destroyed mine, I will destroy yours. Watching you burn in a pit of your own mistakes." Replied the voice. "If you're so sure you'll beat us, then face us." Demanded Gogo's doppelganger. Krei looked up and saw a camera with the light flashing, it zoomed in on them as Krei realized this attacker was watching them. "Um, guys…" The voice laughed once more as he replied, "With pleasure...If you survive the fall." "What fall?" asked Honey Lemon.
Krei looked at the floor and heard a muffled beeping sound coming from below them. "It's a trap!" warned Krei, but it was too late. The floor exploded below them as a huge hole formed and they fell into it. Honey Lemon acted quickly as she formed a chem ball and threw it below them. It made a bouncy gelatin-like substance that cushioned their fall. They all bounced off it and collided on the ground with a hard impact that was way less than it would have been if Honey Lemon hadn't acted quickly. "Agh! My back, getting old sucks!" Stated Krei as he slowly stood up with his hand on his spine. The others got up as well, but not before noticing the room they were in. It was set aflame with a ton of holes on the walls, exposed wiring hanging from the ceiling, and flickering lights that emitted a dim glow compared to the flames. "Is everyone alright?" asked Wasabi's doppelganger. The others nodded or let out a forced, "Yeah" as they stood straight.
Suddenly, the voice began to emit from the intercom system once again. "Well, I'll be damned! You made it! Impressive, but it just means you'll have to die slower. Now…come find me." Said the stranger, his voice sounding extra deep and threatening as his last words were heard before a loud boom sounded once more, making the intercom turn to static for a few seconds before going silent.
The team was left there in a stunned silence as they took in the revelation of this new villain, hoping he wasn't as powerful as they though he was. Not long had passed before they group had searched the area and eventually made it to the robotics lab, which wasn't in a cheerier condition that any other room. "We have to stop this guy before he destroys my building. I mean it's not much, but it is still mine." Stated Krei, with a hint of sadness in his voice. Fred tried to brighten up the mood as he said, "Don't worry Mr. Krei, if there's one thing I know, it's that villains usually have a lot of money. So, I'm sure any damages will be covered when he is taken to a court that will dish out some financial compensation." Krei looked a little relieved as he asked, "Really?" Gogo then brought his mood down again as she said, "No. It never works that way." Krei then frowned as their group suddenly stopped after hearing a sudden bang. "Stop!" ordered Gogo's doppelganger as the clanking continued.
The doors of the Krei Tech robotics lab suddenly burst open as thick black smoke emerged from the room. The team lifted their arms to cover their faces from the explosion. What they saw next, left them with more questions than answers. They looked at the smoke and a tall hooded figure with eight glowing orange eyes could be seen, four going up vertically on each side of some kind of barely visible mask with a respirator. "What is that?" asked a fearful Honey Lemon. There was an echoing low chuckle coming from the mask as the eyes glowed brighter. Gogo's doppelganger looked closer at the figure that was beginning to get outlined in the smoke. Her eyes widened as it's right arm lifted, and a faint orange glow began to quickly brighten. "Get Down!" she yelled. A massive streak of fire came towards them from the direction of their attacker, as if it was some kind of overpowered flame-thrower. The team jumped to the side as the fire stream shot past them and set the contents on the other side of the room on fire, including the walls and plastic covering the robotics equipment.
Gogo quickly got up and aimed one of her mag-lev disks at the figure before throwing it with all her might. The disk was about to make contact from what she could tell, but as it was about to collide, the glowing eyes disappeared and the disk flew out of sight, clearly not hitting anything. She stood there with confusion in her eyes as she looked back and forth, wondering where the attacker went. "Too slow." Replied the voice from an unknown direction. The smoke began to thicken in the room as the heroes' vision began to get clouded. "Everyone form up back to back! This thing is trying to catch us off guard!" ordered Wasabi's doppelganger." The group did as instructed and formed a circle, their backs facing each other, their weapons ready. Krei looked at their weapons and grabbed a metal pipe off the floor to defend himself, though he looked visibly frightened, unlike the others who were clearly used to this type of conflict. "I have a bad feeling about this." Whispered Wasabi, his plasma swords activated as he coughed a few times because of the smoke. Fred looked back and forth, equally scared and excited at the same time. "Another super villain is stalking us. This is so cool! What do you guys call him?" asked Fred to his other version. Fred's doppelganger looked back at him with not a look of excitement, but a look of fear and confusion as he replied, "Actually…we 've never fought this guy before, so he is going to be as unpredictable as Hiro...uh, OUR Hiro."
"Guys, enough talk, you'll give away our position." Pointed out Honey Lemon, aiming a chem-ball into the smoke, just looking for an excuse to throw it. "Something tells me, he already knows where we are." Replied Wasabi.
From the Mysterious villain's perspective, he looked at the heroes in their circled-up position, his vision tinted a light orange with darker orange and yellow lighted monitors in his mask, telling him his suit's status as well as other system functions. His vision was not heat sensing as that would be irrelevant considering he set stuff on fire, but it instead searched for heartbeats. He didn't see the heroes' outer layers like skin and armor, but instead he saw their hearts beating and the veins containing their blood going throughout their bodies, giving him and idea of their silhouettes. "I see you…I see your hearts, I sense your fear, I feel…your misplaced courage. All except you" he said in a hushed tone, gesturing to Gogo's doppelganger who stood next to her friends and alternate versions, her heartbeat steady and calm unlike the others. She looked into the smoke, replying to the voice in a stern, serious tone. "I've only ever feared two things in my life and you sure as hell aren't one of them."
"We'll see about that." Replied the figure before going silent once more. The team stood vigilant, waiting for something to happen, the smoke in the room blinding which was also the reason none of them tried to run, because HE could be waiting for them. Suddenly, the tool shelves on the side of the room began to fall, the little equipment that was left on them falling to the floor and making loud clanking sounds as the shelves slammed to the floor. The team looked over in the general direction of the shelves and were caught off guard, not expecting the attack that came like a flash. The figure suddenly emerged from the smoke, moving so fast the team couldn't make out the details of his armor. He ran up and grabbed Gogo's doppelganger from her waist, lifting her into the air and throwing her at a table, making it break down the middle from her impact on it. The figure turned and backhanded Wasabi, knocking him back and causing him to roll on the floor to a stop. Before the rest of the group could react, the figure pulled something from its belt and threw it at them, it exploded in a cloud of smoke that added to the already existing cloud in the room, making them even blinder than they were before. Not even the glow of the flames could be seen.
"Gogo, are you alright?" yelled Fred's other version to his fallen comrade. Gogo got up with a pained groan and replied, "I'm fine! We need to get out of here and into somewhere with less smoke!" The team suddenly saw bright flashes and the sound of explosions coming from all around the room. A white light suddenly appeared on one end of the room. Each member of the team headed for it and were shocked to see that it was a massive hole in the wall, the edges of it still glowing orange from the heat given by the recent explosion. Outside they saw the skyscrapers of San Fransokyo, the lights of the buildings glowing brightly in the night with a light rain still pouring. Below them was a somewhat steep slope leading down to a large construction site, equipment and building materials spread all around the surface of a partially built portion of a skyscraper. Beyond that was a portion of the bay that lead out towards the ocean.
As they observed the scene before them, the team heard the deep voice of their mysterious attacker once more, his heavy breathing getting closer behind them. "I think I've teased you fools long enough. It's time to face me…face to face." An unusual shaped grenade bounced towards the group and rolled to a stop next to them. glowing lights suddenly flashed red as the grenade began to beep faster and faster. Fred's doppelganger kicked it away, but it was too late. The grenade exploded and sent the team as well as Krei flying out the hole in the wall. They tumbled down the slope of loose dirt heading to the construction site, eventually stopping when they reached it and started to get up slowly, clearly in pain from the explosion. Their armor scorched and partially cracked in a couple of areas, but still mostly intact.
Krei started to get up and as he stood, he commented, "Ugh! I can't believe you all do this for a living." He suddenly heard the attacker's respirator breathing behind him. His eyes widened as he turned around and was quickly grabbed by the throat and lifted into the air, gazing down at the attacker in fear as he was now able to make out the detail of his armor.
The figure pulled off its cloak and underneath he wore a fireproof black under suit that fit snugly on his body, over that was a dark orange and yellow armor with silver trim that covered his upper torso, forearms, and legs. From the elbow down, his right arm was robotic, the original fleshy one clearly had been amputated. Inside that arm was a compressed gas tank that had a bullet and heatproof exterior with tubes coming from it and up to the palm of the attacker's mechanical hand, an opening clear on the hand where fire had shot out of. Another strange device was on the back of the robotic arm, what it did was still unknown. The upper part of the right arm had no armor or covering it whatsoever and was clearly covered in 2nd and 3rd degree burns. The shoulder pad on the attacker's left arm had 3 of the weird shaped grenades on it, an elbow pad on the same arm had metal spikes protruding from it. Attached to the back of the attacker's armor were two large grenade launchers that could be moved around in different direction using a neurotransmitter. A bronze emblem was welded on his chest in the shape of a sun, along with another matching one that was branded on his burned shoulder. Lastly, the mask looked exactly like the team pictured it. But it was a full-on helmet with eight glowing orange eyes, 4 going up each side of the helmet. A respirator covered the mouth with two air filters on each side of it.
The attacker chuckled lightly as he looked over Krei. "Well, well… Alistair Krei." The attacker looked up at the burning Krei Tech building and then back at the man he had grabbed by the throat. "Still can't build anything that doesn't blow up, can you?" Krei managed to utter out a few words through this attacker's choking grasp. "Who…are…you?" he asked. "No one you need to worry about. Lucky for you, you aren't the one I'm here to kill." Replied the man
The heroes looked over at the attacker as they finally got up. Honey Lemon stood and prepared a chem-ball from her purse as she yelled at the man. "Let him go!" The attacker looked at her, then at the rest of the group before looking back at Krei, "Excuse us, would you?" The attacker then threw Krei to the side, a good distance away from himself and the heroes. The team looked as Krei's body was tossed like a ragdoll into a stack of cement bags that fell as the powder flew everywhere. The team saw that Krei was still alive as he lay there groaning, trying to get up. With confirmation Krei was still alive, they focused their attention back to their attacker as he stepped closer to them. "Now then, where were we?" he asked. Fred looked at this attacker confused and asked, "Uh, dude? An un-named supervillain isn't that exciting to fight. How about we call you Flame-storm or Inferno...oh! how about Scorch!?" yelled Fred excitedly. The attacker put a hand on his hip and gripped his helmet's chin with the other one, pretending like he was giving the suggestion some though, which he surprisingly was. "Hmm. How about…" he stopped, putting his robotic arm to his side. A long blade emerged from the back attachment that was on it. It glowed orange and was coated in fire, a visibly razor-sharp edge running along it. "…Sunfire."
"Eh, not very original. You know there's a comic book character named Sunfire? He was in a Marvel comic once and you're kind of ripping the name off." The others looked at Fred with annoyed and somewhat surprised looks, as if they weren't expecting him to make the situation awkward. "Fred! Are you seriously arguing with the bad guy about names?!" asked Wasabi. Fred stood up straight and lifted a finger to emphasize his upcoming point. "There is always time to name the bad guy."
The attacker, now being referred to as Sunfire, shook his head in disappointment. "Children. Even here you manage to act like fools. You have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy this. Plus, two sets of you means twice the fun." He stated, clenching his fists at his sides as he cracked his neck and prepared himself in a battle stance with his feet placed firmly on the ground. "Now…come at me!" he ordered.
"With pleasure." Replied Gogo's doppelganger. She formed two energy disks on the top of her hands and launched them towards Sunfire, who knocked the projectiles away with his retractable sword. He laughed in amusement. "Hahaha, is that all you've got?" Gogo stepped forward and got into a battle stance. "Trust us buddy, there's a whole lot more where that came from." The rest of the team took out their weapons. Sunfire retracted his sword and replied, "Good, then that means this is going to be interesting. Now then…my turn!" Sunfire grabbed a large metal cement mixer that would normally take a dozen or so men to lift and raised it like it was a paperclip. The heroes looked shocked by the man's inhuman strength but were quickly snapped out of it when he threw the mixer towards them. The team split into two groups as they jumped out of the cement mixer's path. The large construction tool smashing a concrete wall behind them as Sunfire stood ready for their retaliation.
Honey Lemon's doppelganger rolled to a stop and took out her chem-ball launcher, loading in two preset formulas of orbs into it, locking her sights on Sunfire before looking at Fred's other version. "Shall we Freddy?" Fred's doppelganger smirked and replied, "I was hoping you'd ask." He then looked down and twisted the dial on his chest, the symbol changing from a human silhouette to a Kaiju's. The Big Hero 6 members from the other dimension looked on as Fred's doppelganger began to grow taller, his muscle mass increase, his skin becoming dark blue scales, and spiked protrude from his back as he took his Kaiju form. He stood up tall and let out a roar in Sunfire's direction that echoed in the sky. Fred wiped a tear from his eye as he glanced at His other version's transformation. "I'm so happy." He sobbed. Fred's doppelganger then looked down at the other Honey Lemon and bent down, letting her climb onto his back much like Hiro did to Baymax.
"Fredzilla destroy!" yelled the Kaiju as he and Honey Lemon's doppelganger charged at Sunfire Along with their other two fellow teammates. The original Big Hero 6 team followed their example and charged at Sunfire too, felling inspired and combat ready.
Sunfire looked back and forth at the two charging teams of heroes that were trying to flank him and stood there motionless, waiting for his moment to break their spirits. As they got a few yards in front of him, Sunfire grabbed a metal construction beam from a pile that was behind him and swung it 180 degrees in front of him, hitting the heroes so hard that they all flew away from him, even the dinosaur sized Kaiju. "Nice try!" He yelled.
The heroes all landed far from each other with painful sounding thuds. The Kaiju formed Fred landed on his back on a pile of boards, breaking them all in half when he did. He looked up and saw Honey Lemon's doppelganger falling above him and caught her in his giant hand just before she hit the ground. He placed her down gently as she patted his arm and said, "Thanks Freddy." The rest of the team landed all around the construction site. Gogo and Wasabi by a bulldozer, Honey Lemon and Fred on the next level of the unfinished building, Wasabi's doppelganger slammed against a wall and collapsed on his stomach, and lastly Gogo's other version, who was the only one who managed to save herself after Sunfire's attack, backflipping and landing with the disks on her feet. Sunfire focused his attention on her, knowing she was going to give him the most struggle. "Well, aren't you a fast thinker?" he asked.
"You have no idea." She replied, preparing herself for battle once more. She pushed off and started skating towards Sunfire rapidly, who lifted his right arm at the sight of her charge. Sunfire then shot out a powerful streak of flames from his hand towards her. Little did he know that she was faster than he thought. She then got on her side and slid under the flame streak, going under Sunfire's legs and standing up behind him. She punched at him and was shocked when he managed to grab her fist, stopping her attack. He quickly retaliated by kneeing her in the gut, making her hunch over. He let go of her hand and followed up his attack with a powerful uppercut that Ethel blocked by holding her armored forearms up in front of her. Though she blocked the attack and only stumbled back, the strike was so powerful that it shorted out her energy disks and caused them to deactivate.
Sunfire attempted to punch her again, but now that she was more alert, Gogo's doppelganger had a stronger defense. She ducked under his strike and punched his side, making Sunfire groan from the sudden hit. He punched at her again with his other arm. Ethel leaned back as the punch swung right past her face and countered by elbowing Sunfire in his helmet, a strike that made him stumble back and hold his helmet. "Augh! You little bitch!" he yelled, trying to regain his focus. Sunfire lifted his robotic arm and aimed his flame thrower at Ethel. Just as he began to shoot a stream of fire, his arm was yanked to the side by a grappling hook, making the fire shoot to the side along the dirt.
The origin of the grappling hook was none other than Fred, who had shot it from his suit's chest. "I got him! I…" Sunfire cut off Fred when he grabbed the line from the hook and started to pull Fred towards him, chuckling menacingly as Fred's feet dragged along the ground. "Oh no. Not good, not good, not good!" he yelled fearfully, trying his hardest to stop himself.
Sunfire then extended his sword and yanked Fred forward. Fred gasped as he was pulled towards the pyromaniac in front of him, Sunfire's sword readying itself to impale him. Fred covered his face with his arms, waiting for the impaling that never came. Once again, Sunfire's attack was interrupted by another team member. This time it was Wasabi, who had rammed himself into Sunfire and forced him out of the way of Fred's path. Speaking of Fred, he was given a soft landing by one of Honey Lemon's chem-balls that formed into a bouncy surface beneath him. Fred looked down at his makeshift landing pad and sighed in relief while Wasabi faced off against Sunfire.
Wasabi activated his plasma blades and began powerful slashed directed at Sunfire. Sunfire dodged each attack with swift movement and soon activated his sword. The two exchanged blows and blocked each other's strikes until Sunfire got the upper hand. His blade clashed with Wasabi's and was able to resist it thanks to the graphene coating on it inspired by Momakase's old blades. Sunfire then kicked Wasabi's side and grabbed his arm, throwing him in the other direction and causing him to slam into a wall.
Fred was ready once more as he stood up confidently and let out his superhero speech. "Your reign of terror stops now villain! Now face Fredzilla's flame of justice!" he yelled, shooting out a fire stream from his suit's chest. Sunfire countered the blast with his own flame thrower. The two fire streams met each other in the center, forming a blinding white sphere of fire that began to let out a whistling sound that got louder and louder, becoming higher pitched with each passing second. The team became blinded by the light as they covered their faces with their hands. Suddenly, the glowing sphere exploded and sent Fred and Sunfire flying back in opposite directions. While Sunfire smashed through a wall on the other end of the construction site, Fred landed in the back of a dump truck. "I'm ok." He stated in a pained groan. "Fred!" Yelled the team, fearful for their friend's condition.
While Honey Lemon and Wasabi went to help Fred off the dump truck, Sunfire reached out and grabbed the edges of the broken wall he smashed through, pulling himself out as he looked at his opponents. Sunfire's Targeting system locked onto them as he spread his arms and the grenade launchers on his back lifted so they were on his shoulders. Inside his helmet, a male AI voice said, "Sun Bombs activated" A flurry of grenades then shot high into the air in the direction of the team. They looked up with wide eyes at the incoming strike and quickly dashed for cover. "Everyone take cover!" yelled Wasabi. The team managed to avoid the grenades as they struck the ground with explosions that sent dirt flying everywhere, craters being left in their place.
The barrage of explosives stopped shooting as Sunfire retracted his grenade launchers behind him. He chuckled in amusement as he lifted his arm in their direction, extending his sword as he said, "Time to finish this." "Agreed." Retorted Gogo.
Sunfire then began to run towards the team. Fred looked at the charging Sunfire and warned the others quickly. "Uh, guys! We got incoming!" They looked in the direction of Sunfire and prepared their attacks. Gogo's doppelganger narrowed her eyes at Sunfire and said, "Everyone attack together, he can't stop us all at once." The team then let out a battle cry as they charged back at Sunfire. The two opposing sides closed in, both determined to win. However, the team of heroes should have remembered…The bad guy never plays fair. Just as they were about to come into contact, Sunfire jumped over their group and flew past them, landing next to the support beams of the unfinished building. He landed next to Krei as he was crawling out from where he was thrown.
The former billionaire was on his hands and knees beneath Sunfire, not aware of his presence as he was rubbing his aching head in pain before he felt the back of his blazer get grabbed and he was lifted into the air. "Hey! What's going on!?" he questioned in a fearful tone. Sunfire pulled him closer and angrily said, "You want to help these vigilantes so bad…Then die with them!". Sunfire then threw Krei across the construction site towards the team. This time Fred and Wasabi managed to catch him and asked, "Are you alright Mr. Krei?" the man in question replied, "I've been better." After helping Krei to his feet, the team looked back at Sunfire who stood looking around himself and then back at them. Though they could not see it, the heroes knew their attacker was smiling under his helmet as he turned to slice a support beam in half, then the next, and the next. A creaking sound could be heard from the building as it began to sway in their direction. "Should we run?" asked Honey Lemon as her and the others started stepping back cautiously. Wasabi replied, "That would be a good idea."
Sunfire then grabbed metal cables hanging from the bottom of the building, wrapping them around his arms as he began to pull downwards, groaning loudly as the building began to fall slowly. The heroes, realizing what was about to happen, started to run in the other direction towards the Harbor. Sunfire began to yell loudly as he used all his enhanced strength to pull down the towering building, something only seen in comics or movies, something he was actually doing. As the team closed in on the harbor, the building slammed into the ground as dust and rubble began to spread upwards into the air. The shockwave from the crash pushed the team of heroes off the edge of the harbor and into the water of the San Fransokyo bay, screaming before they collided with the water and disappeared beneath the surface.
As the dust cleared, Sunfire walked to the edge of the bay and looked down into the water. He saw bubbles coming up to the surface and growled in frustration as he activated his flamethrower arm and set if to full power, using it to set the water ablaze with whatever combustible liquid had seeped into it during the scuffle. The water became a lake of fire as Sunfire scanned the water with his helmet. The results showed that there were no life signs. Sunfire nodded in satisfaction as he turned and activated the communicator in his helmet. The man who picked up on the other end was Mr. Hamada as he asked his new soldier, "Sato, have you dealt with the vigilantes?" Sunfire replied, "Yes. None of them could have survived. I made sure of it." There was a moment of silence before Sunfire heard Mr. Hamada reply, "Good, now get back to the tower, it's time to begin the next phase and then you will get your reward." He then cut the communication off.
As the sound of police sirens could be heard in the distance, a Hamada Industries transport ship landed in the dust covered construction site. Sunfire boarded it with the two guards who were sent to pick him up. When the ship had risen to head back in the direction of the tower, Sunfire contemplated his own plans, unbeknownst to Hamada and his employees about his secret intentions.
AN: Ok, so I know this chapter is very late from when I promised, but I promise I still intend to finish this story. As you can see this chapter was one of the longer ones I have written and revisions on the others are about 2/3's of the way done. I hope to incorporate more stuff from the show to make this fanfiction feel canonical (Though it obviously isn't). Anyway, I just wanted to thank all my loyal readers who have supported the story an given me good feedback on it. For anyone who is curious, this story is a little more than halfway done too, so you won't have too wait for an entire book of chapters to come either.