Author has written 26 stories for Power Rangers, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and X-overs. I am a helpless fan. I can't help it, when I find a tv show or book I enjoy, I can't wait to see what happens next. I especially love Power Rangers, a series that although intended for an ever younger age group, has grown up over the last ten years. Conquest of Evil is the title of the first fanfic series I ever attempted way back in 1998. The first version was a spin off of Ellen Brand's Personality Conflicts and was banned by Cynthia Harrell, who ran the main fanfic archive at the time. Cynthia had a rule that Rangers could never be willingly evil, something later proven wrong by the show. The series has changed then and has rebooted 5 or 6 times. The current version is archived here, while previous versions form a part of the COE Multiverse and can be found on my website.Shadow Ranger Fanfiction Although different to the original, my current series maintains the name. This is primarily a Power Rangers fanfiction, but it does incorporate features from other shows. For example, the rules relating to the use of magic come partially from the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling, while the makeup of the universe is from a combination of reading too many Marvel, DC and Ultraverse comics when I was younger. As this is mainly a Power Ranger fic, most of the activity surrounds the Rangers and I do not go out of my way to give guest characters a backstory. Where they will play an important role though I have written a set of related stories that will be posted as and when needed. And finally, even though this series is posted on, please visit the Conquest of Evil homepage. There you will find the most up-to-date chapters I have written along with the series database and a few extras. Updates can be found at or feel free to sign up to my wordpress blog at Shadow Ranger's Blog. Reading order for Conquest of Evil 1 In the Beginning |
Ace Venom (12) Cmdr Crayfish (2) Corwalch (15) | goofball44306 (1) Higuchimon (979) Ryuranger (26) | Zarius (463) |