Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Hello, My name is Katie and I live in Northwest Indiana. Now if you wish, you can go threw the millions of people in my state in the Northwest territory with the name Katie, Trust me, there are many of us. And also, my real name is not Katie, so this may make it a bit more difficult. I am 16 years old for any of you who wish to know. I will be turning 17 in a couple of months. I am a Junior at my local High School and I am on my school Newspaper staff and have been for the last year. I am still waiting my adviser decision on who will be second in command editor and I am hopping he will grant this to me. (You must be a senior to be Editor-In-cheif) I love to read so if you need any suggestions on books, you should ask me. I love the Harry Potter series and this is why I am on Fanfiction. I feel the 6th book was rushed and wasn't JKR's best book. I feel she is getting tired of the books and signed on for more than she could handle. She changed the charters too much to fit her plot line. She also did a lot of things out of nowhere, but I will faithfully read them until the end for I have read them since the beginning. I am a loyal Harry and Hermione and always be no matter how JKR pairs people in her books. Hermione is Harry's ying and Harry is Herman's yang. They are each others equals. Ron is a childish-prat and does not deserve Hermione. She is to smart for him and he is too ill-witted for her. He doesn't care about anything but quittich and competing with his Brothers and Harry. Even in the 6th book, he was like this. No matter how much JKR changes him, he will always be this way.And in the 5th book, with the house elf clothes,Ron would have just shove it in Hermione's face that only Dobby would clean the common room, but Harry didn't want to tell her because he didn't want to hurt Hermione's feelings.Harry needs Hermione, she keeps him sain, she keeps him on task. Harry needs her satiability and her in general. She is the only girl who liked him for him, and not his name or scar. Ginny liked him because he was the-boy-who-lived, and no matter what the reason she started to like him was for that. And she will always like him for this, even if she likes him for him also. More or less, She said it herself in the 6th book. Hermionehas always been there for Harry no matter what, even if it puts her life in danger. Like in the 5th book, where she wanted to go with him to the ministry. Harry was okay with Ron going even though Hermione was more skilled. He doesn't care if Ron dies but he would do anything to protect Hermione. Okay, I only have one story posted, and that is Harry Potter and the Rise of the Gray Lord and it is NOT MINE! I have taken over the story for OldNick. I plan and hope to post at least every 2 weeks. But I may not meet this deadline because my life is hectic lately. But I am going to try to keep to this. I love reviews, and story idea's. I like putting things in the story that the fans want to happen. I am on yahoo messenger all the time, ask me for it in the review and I will give it to you. I will not post it on this story for the fact I have done this before and people abuse it. So, just ask I will give it to you. Also, My best friend is in Iraq and will be there until December that makes his regiment station over there for over a year. (Longest time any troop has been there yet)If you guys can, please say a prayer for him and his troops over there. They are over there t help and protect the US and help the Iraq people. I DO NOT SUPPORT THE WAR, But I support my friend and he is over there and he loves his job. I just want him to come home safely. So, I ask for your prays to do just that. Thank you for those of you who do. CHARACTE PROFILES CREATED BY OLDNICK I will keep this because it is important to the story that I have taken over for him. I do not own these Idea's but I argree with almost all of them! SinceOldNick has had some questions on howhe had portrayed the characters in this story, he thoughthe should outline how he percieves them so you can better understand where he is coming from. If you have a question or a comment onany of hisinterpretations, please feel free to tell me either in a review or through email(no flames, since this isn't the story. I will only accept civilized discoursein this matter.) Hermione- Hermione is bossy and, yes, a know-it all. She also cares deeply about Harry and seems to be willing to do what is necessary to protect him (such as when he got the Firebolt, following him into the Department of Mysteries even though she knew it was a trap, etc). I think that Hermione will try to be more assertative after the incident in the DoM since I would guess that there is a part of her that thinks that if she had tried a little harder, she might have been able to stop Harry from going. As such, I will be portraying her as more, i suppose 'confrontational' now when dealing with Harry and less likely to back down (now be honest, how often has Hermione been wrong? And she knows it). Harry- Harry, by now, should have learned his lesson: knowledge = survival. He was introduced to the concept in PoA (having to listen to Sirius to get the whole story, how jumping to conclusions didn't get him anywhere) and it was reinforced in GoF ( He found he actually had to study spells and such instead of blowing his time on quiditch and other useless endeavors to get through the tournament). In OotP, the fact that he is lacking in skills and knowledgehad pretty much beat him in the face (once again he rushed off into a dangerous situation, though it was not entirely his fault, he also found that teaching and learning new defensice spells was actaully satisfying). I don't think quiditch will bea big part of his life (I could be wrong). Yes he does love it, butwe have shown that he can live without it, and that other things can and will take precedent over it. I know I made him more secretive in my story, but in my story, having Dumbledore reveal things to his friends and such had made him try to hold onto whatever secrets he has. He is not used to being open with others, except when he is angry and then he spouts off whatever is on his mind. I think he may also fall into the trap of keeping things from his friends if only to protect them. Like Hermione, Harry has shown that he will do whatever is necessary if he thinks his friends are in trouble. Ron- Yeah, I don't know about him. I see one of two things happening to him after OotP: 1) He realizes that he has made friends with enemy #1 of Voldemort and as such he will have to grow up or get out of the way (grow up as in he can't skiv off studying to ge fly his broom at. Also has to realize that he is a mediocre quiditch player.) or 2) He doesn't change. My problem with Ron is that he is, to put it bluntly, a slacker. He complains about how he doesn't have anything to distinguish himself from his brothers yet he seems to have absolutely no drive to do anything about it. Of the three primary characters, he is the one that I just can't understand (he is a sports nut, is irresponsible, and generally far too side-kickish for my likeings). That said, he is, for the most part, loyal to Harry (we can chalk up the events in GoF to being immature and not truly realizing the cost of being Harry, which is something that I think will probably have hit him after what happened in OotP.). Dumbledore- Okay, he is an old guy that really means well, but lets face it: he has been around for a long time and is no doubt slightly manipulative, even if he has the best intentions. Its that or he is going senile. For being a powerful wizard, he had Voldemort practically working for him in PS, had incompetent teachers in CoS, had a fake Moody in GoF for the whole year, and then the whole prophecy stuff and lack of understanding in both Sirius's and Harry's case. Then there is the whole Snape thing (how can he not see the blatan animosity that Snape feels towards Harry) and the keeping him at Privet Drive (what kind of man drops off a child at a place where they hate the very thing that he is. Lets also not forget that he apparently didn't check up on Harry or, if he did, didn'tcare that he was being neglected. Right now in my fic I have Harry being amicable towards him, but that shouldn't last long. Like I stated, he does mean well, but we all knowwhat the road to hell is paved with. |
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